The pics have been re-sized for the blog, just lick and save.
Drunk Rob for the win! He's been working nonstop for months!Exhaustion + alcohol = quick drunk and lots of fun :) He deserves it...
Photo Credit - INF Daily
MANY more after the cut... enjoy Rob's many faces.
Photo Credit - INF Daily
Ahhh poor Robs after party photos always look like he's about to take a nose dive to the ground....
i saw a short vid there were like million of flashlights from the paps
no wonder he needed a helping hand lol
I take it back. I said earlier he didn't look drunk in these pictures, but the close ups are really awful. He does look three sheets to the wind. Maybe they are just bad pictures. There are only about two where his eyes even seem to focus. I hope he is just tired. We don't need to lose another ultra talented actor like Heath Ledger and particularly not this one. For any of you that are more in the know, is he okay?
My work computer was struggling to process the big pics of ThePretty. My screen froze on his chest hair, so it's all good. My computer knows me well. ;-)
It does look like he is being led by the security people away from the papps, but also like Rob may have enjoyed himself (as he should) and had a pint or two.
I'm sure he's fine ShariG...he'd been up working since 6 am, then did the premier & after party where I'm sure he had a couple of brews...he was probably exhausted, and with all the cameras & flash bulbs I'm surprised he could focus at all!
With all the love in the world,
he doesn't look drunk, he looks stoned. he must take some time off.
I don't like any of these pictures from the after party... It's the first time I'm allowing myself to make a judgement on Rob's life... This is not an example to give or show... You can be tired because working too much, then you just don't go out, Premiere or not... Then you don't drink till you nearly cannot walk alone... We only see this side of the picture and I cannot imagine the flashes in the face... However, not a nice image of him last night... and I never thought I'd write anything like this about him one day... We've lost too many talented guys because of alcohol and drugs...
These pics had me LMFAO!!!!!
He did say he'd been up since 6 AM, but I would have to say this is a drunk face.
Don't think there's any need to be concerned. If I were in his shoes, I would have gotten drunk off my a** too, after the day he must have had.
Poor guy needs a break!!!! I love seeing your movies Rob, but please take care of ur self!!!
Yeah, the video does look totally different and it´s obvious that he is exhausted...
Poor thing...
I don´t like these pics, he looks WASTED on them
Robs British and we Brits like a drink or two, or three, or's very much a part of our culture. I think it's great he's getting a chance to let loose and have a bit of fun. Go drunk Rob!!!
Oh I love these pics, so funny. A well deserved rest for our lovely and adorable man, all work and no play makes a dull dude and he aint no dull!
I love the way his eyes are so bloodshot and his gangly legs are all over the shot, oooooh what he could do with those legs with me....why does everything with Rob have to turn into a rude thought with me.
....... T H U D....AGAIN!!!
I believe he said on the red carpet that he had been up since 6 AM working, then add the stress of the premier, and probably not a lot to eat then add alcohol and yes he will be drunk. At least he is home and seems more relaxed and confident in himself.
"Remember Me" is an excellent film, and he is astounding as Tyler Hawkins. It just drives me nuts though that some of the critics are giving it crappy reviews. I wonder if they have even seen it, or are just making sh*t up.
@ShariG, yes I'm afraid too. Maybe he was exhausted and hungry and some beers harms too soon.
But please Rob! You don't need drink too much. You said won't go any afterparty in an interview 'cause you were tired. And You've gone. Ok, go, than don't drink too much. Be safe for our sake, please don't make the general mistake of young stars. We are very selfish women, want to see Your movies, your pictures for a long time. (For my entire life.... ha-ha, I have a same age son like you, and I'm Robsessed)
Are you guys really trying to compare him to a druggie or a drunk? He just had a premiere in his home city for his first big movie that's not Twilight, he had been working since 6AM and he a some drinks. It's okay, he's 23, he should be allowed to drink at a party. I know we all (myself included) act like he is perfect, but he is human, and he can go out and enjoy himself at a party in his honor, if he wants to. Chill out people.
I don't think anyone has the right to make judgement on what he does or does not do...
He's 23, works his fucking ass off..and is a britt! Good for him!
Can imagine trying to walk through a crowd of people, flashes going off, been up for god knows how many hours, had a few pints and then get photos snapped? I doubt anyone would look as good as he does.
He handles all of this CRAZY with grace.
ITA!!! Like I said, I'd do the same as him after the day he had!
Its okay people, lets not project bad energy his way by thinking he will end up like some others.
Awww poor baby! Yeah he looks totally faded but geez he needs some sleep! I'm sure all the flashes isn't helping his coordination either. They should give him a weekend off and let him get some rest before he totally crashes. If he keeps this up he's going to be totally burnt out by the time he's 25 and no I don't mean the drinking I mean the trying to do too much and be in too many places in such little time.
I don't think he's wasted, the first time I saw these pics, it said he left the party at 8:51 pm. He said he didn't want to go, but I think he was expected to make an appearance at the after party. He looked exhausted not drunk.
OMR (Oh My Rob)
He is not like anybody else. He is Robert Pattinson. He is unique, HUMAN. He deserves to have fun after a hard day of work. Let give him a break. He is not irresponsible. He has a present family and friends that take care of him. They are very close.
I love you Rob!! Have fun!
hey girls drinking is not an healthy thing but can we say to him do it or dont do it he should be careful about himself thats right but he has a stressful job you know he has to deal with many things so if its a way to get relax for him he can drink without harm himself
@modestypatch nobody is projecting bad energy, we are just commenting...
sure, he had his fun and it´s great, i was so proud of him yesterday and how he handled press and all... We all know he has his head on his shoulders....
But.... I prefer not seeing these pics
I bet Rob had a hard time getting up to go shoot on Bel Ami this morning. Wonder what he thinks if he sees pictures of him when he is wasted. Do you think it bothers him for his fans?
@RPG and CL Hey I agree with both of you I'm sorry if I was coming off as judgmental, that was not my intent.
Hell he's probably been work 12 and 14 hour days with little time to wind down.
wen CL RPG & MP -
ITA!! if anyone deserves to have fun it is Rob. Just look what he did for all the fans that were there! (feeling slightly jealous we were robbed by the papz of our ROB time in NY)
He ROCKS! HARD! and should get to party hard, too!
Hey Rob, do not bother. Anyone who works hard , fly round about the world, and then all this media crap. You can drink so much as you can.. But take care of yourself.
Incidentally, I have already drunk half a bottle of wine.
I have think over the last days. What if Kate, the Cat and Gozde have created this page, no longer want?
I'm going to die ..............
@angie hahah agree with you honey and probably CL too if he is having fun with this come rob we can drink together lol
RPG - I wish I could get to your blog from work, because I need to comment on something. Not the normal NB comment, something else. I am sure you can figure out what I mean.
@ModestyPatch - waving hello from across the pond. How are you?
Sorry for the Kat
My Pc does not like me today
Don't know if he's the type of person who gets drunk after only three beers, but I sincerely hope he knows what he's doing. These kind of pictures always arouse a mixture of amusement and concern in me.
It's funny, though, I know so many people who have claimed not to be able to live without alcohol, who drink probably more than Rob does, yet he's the one I worry about. It's just that he's an actor and they seem to be so prone to overdoses and addiction in that business.. I just can't help it.
I'm pretty sure we don't have to worry about Rob going the ways of other actors...
He's a British, 23 year old... it's part of our culture. We're not drunks, but we do like a tipple or two. Especially in celebration - a movie premiere - I'd consider that a celebration.
Tipsy Rob rocks... I'm happy to see he's out having fun in the midst of his heavy work schedule.
I'm doing great, just happy and Robsessed. I've seen RM 3 times and love it more each time. Can't believe you got to smell the pretty!
PS: I think Im on the same side of the pond as you. Im in Dallas.
@ Kat I'm glad you said that!
by the way he had fun as all you can see so it cant be that bad ha
Thanks Kat for that comment. :)
@Kat - THANK YOU! (shouty caps on purpose)
Seriously, stop judging ThePretty!
@Modestypatch - Really? I thought you were in the UK for some reason. Well, I am then waving from the Midwest.
@Kat honey thanks for the comment I am totally agree with you
Wow girls, would you like to let your husbands or sons drink like you let Rob ?
And if I had a chance to invite him to a drink if he wasn't tired, exhausted...why not? But if he was... take him to bed.
I only dream about being in the UK right now. Instead Im sitting in my house here in Big D wishing I could see, smell, & touch "the pretty". :(
He is so thin and can not tolerate much alcohol. Rob you have to eat more. When can I invite you for dinner. I can cook very well. I have very good ideas for the dessert.
@twmmy girl inviting him to bed omg I saw this from all the comment well I would do it luckly I dont have an husband or boyfriend
Email me...
Hi everyone......
*fighting jetlag and could crash any moment but just can't help myself*
CL and Angie:
Love the name extention LOL!!!
Loving your avi ;))
RobAmi is such a rogue....
Come on girls don't put him down for having a drink or two you all know how hard he works to keep us happy.
Dessert hi honey
Oh dear, the mother in me is concerned about Rob - I do hope he is okay today.... he really does look in a bit of a state.
What's even more alarming is how stressed the people are who are looking after him. They are struggling, aren't they ...
Imagine having to live your life in those circumstances - I know I could not have done that when I was 23 years old.
Take care Rob x
I do have a husband, but I would still invite Rob too. My husband and I have an agreement when it comes to celebrity infatuations. You know like on Friends...our top five who it's okay to....
I know this has nothing to do with this but is he Catholic? I thought I remembered him saying that awhile ago??
I love that he has his Adidas on in those pix - who's job is it to carry those puppies around whilst he's in dress shoes? LOL.
I love him, he's beautiful. But he needs to eat something. He's too thin. Miss the beanie - nice to see it again.
@modes hahah I am the youngest one I guess but I need to make an agreement with my family about this like this mum dad if one day I meet with rob and if he comes here you will live us alone lol father asks: what you will do alone??
@RobsessiveRobsbond.... Ok, I give you the chance, I don't know what would my husband said if I had Rob in our bed. It is enough for him to see me Robsessed every evening. I'M feeling a bit parched myself..LOL ;)
I think he was tired, and there were many flashlights. I hope for him.
@twmmy lol your husband ha in our contry it wouldnt be good what would happen to you
well if my father sees us in bed I would tell that we love each other and we both want it but hhe would get mad as much as he had never have before
Desserts is back!!!!
How the hell are you? Please e-mail me and let me know all about your fab trip. Can you believe ThePretty was there yesterday?
@MP - Big D! I always loved that nickname. I still can't believe I smelled him...One of our (Angie and I) favorite moments in life.
@RPG - E-mailed you.
i think he looks good--he's celebrating--i never have and probl never will go to my movie premier--DEFINETLY think it is something to celebrate with friends and loved ones
he seems to have a good head on his shoulders and his feet firmly on the ground
it's all good
@RobsessiveRobsbond where are you from ? I think if I found my daughter in bed with Rob, I went more angry than your father found you with Rob in bed.
And now, I'm going to bed,tell tale for my little son ang go to sleep without Rob. Nite-nite.
Dogma got ran over by his Karma???
hi dessert--glad you're back
@wens hi hon where are you
@twmmy no I dont think so honey I didnt tell what he would do lol Turkey and you??
Rob certainly deserves a good night out. He has earned it and I hope he thoroughly enjoyed himself. I'd toss a few back with ya, Rob!!! Any day!!!
hi girls--is there a video or something that proves he's drunk? because he doesn't look drunk to me. looks tired and like he wasn't expecting all the attention leaving the party. his security people are hanging on to him because there are fans six inches away getting in his face! everyone relax about his supposed alcoholism...I trust our Rob.
RobsessiveRobsbond...I can imagine him. I'm from Hungary.If you have heard about my town Eger..and the bottle here in 1552 between our people. Maybe in summer I'll go to Istambul. I hope. Nite !
@twmmy really omg I can see you in here I havent heard about eger but I know that you can imagine it lol
Hi Robsessive ;))
Hi CL: I kept a jounal of my trip and I plan to make a word document and just e-mail it. It will cut down on the writers cramp LOL! I have pics of "The Robs" on the cruise boat cabin window with the nile in the background and one of them on the Hotel balcony in Cairo with the pyramids in the background! Just as proof that they made it...
To all those who don't know me I am a total nutcase for all things Rob and couldn't even go away for ten days without taking just alittle of him with me LMArseO!!
Hi wens.... twitter is set up but I can't change the avi!!!
@dessert girl where were you
OK - so I commented on the first set of afterparty photos that he couldn't be too drunk to walk - I take it back now I've seen these!
He looks completely rat-arsed in these photos!
Don't stress ladies, he's 23 FGS, and has been working very hard. He's not LiLo yet!
Maybe it's because I'm Scottish and therefore by definition a little more "tolerant" of drunken behaviour, but I don't see the problem.
Love BeanieRob but reckon the beanie needs to go in the washing machine. I may be a drunken Scotswoman but I have my standards :)
Hope he didn't feel too crap this morning - I have some great hangover cures...
@Des. Welcome back girl we missed you. How was it? I hope you had the time of your life.
Are we gonna do anything for his bithday?
I went on holiday fro ten days...
Only got back this afternoon! I got up at 4.30am (Egyiptain time) flew for nearly 5 hours and so tired...
If I go quiet it means I've fallen asleep at the computer!!
Hi dina
You missed me!!!!
I had a wonderful time - so much to see and not enough time.
Wow, a lot of judgement here from people who were not there with him, so how do you know exactly what state he was in? He tried to leave by the back door presumeably to spare all those who can't cope with such sights. F'ing paps were waiting...
BTW I think we agreed a date for the international Rob day but didn't go into what to do!
@dessert lol hoow was your holiday
@ Dessert
Hope you enjoyed Egypt! Not surprised you're a little tired, it's not the laziest of holidays is it?
Not a relaxing one no!
Up at the crack of dawn because it's too hot to walk around in the afternoon.... Lost count of all the temples we saw and Cairo was an experiance to behold!!! LOL!!!
If anyone has been they'll know why I said that!
sorry, just alittle tired, didn't mean to ignore you.
It was a wonderful experiance and I enjoyed it very much
Enough with all the Negative comments about Rob ~ who in NO way seems like a Party Monster or a Junkie ~ (seriously makes me really glad no one's ever had a camera in my face when I was trying to make my way home after a "few" too many :) I think the pictures were funny and shows he's just a regular guy ... I LOVE to have a few drinks with him myself!! Let him enjoy himself once in a while!
Welcome back Dessert!!! Hope you had an amazing time :)
Rob is British... it's just a part of their culture to have a drink or two :) He once said something along the lines of "In England, if you want to look tough, you go out and get drunk. In America, if you have more than one drink, everybody's like 'Do you have a drinking problem?' I don't get it."
It's a lose-lose situation for Rob if you think about it. If he goes out and has a little bit of fun (celebrating for a very good reason(s) at that), it concerns some people and they wish he wouldn't do it, start throwing around the word 'alcoholic' and comparing him to other actors. If you never saw pictures of Rob having some fun and having a beer or two, I'll bet those same people would be commenting on how he never has any fun and that he deserves/should go out and have a little fun!
Rob knows himself better than any of us do. He's responsible when he needs to be -- he knows what his work schedule is like and can gauge how much alcohol he should have considering what's required of him the next day.
I know, I know, everyone says your judgement becomes a bit impaired while drinking, but Rob's not stupid, he can take care of himself.
Give him a little credit and let The Pretty have some fun :)
According to fans who were in the cinema at the premiere, he left the cinema at 8.30 and these pics were taken at about 8.50, that means he was at the afterparty for 20 minutes, so he can't have been drunk, just tired from a long day's work.
Hey, Dessert! Missed you!
I commented on the post above, first, so I suppose I could qualify my response, here. Yes, he looks a little red-eyed and unsteady on his feet.
The man was up for over 18 hours straight, probably didn't eat before the red carpet, and was papped on his way out of a restaurant where I can imagine they serve a different wine with each canape. I wouldn't know, because I don't suppose I have enough class to wash the dishes there!
It's very easy for us to sit comfortably in front of our computers and make assumptions based on our own individual morality and culture, but we have to accept that he does what he does without looking to us at all. Let's build a bridge and get over ourselves, shall we, ladies?
BTW it's his life!! I'm sure he knows how to handle it!
Hi dessert, welcome back!
Annie and Lemonless
Hope you're still here!!
I am just about.....
Lets just let Rob be Rob and love him for it! If he is tired or drunk or both let him be. Look at all the faces in the photos and enjoy!!
@Dessert,Yes LET HIM BE!!
ITA Dessert. Isn't there a song about that?
Rob's just tired. He had a long eventful day! Smiling for the cameras, talking with people, giving interviews and signing authographs! Flashbulbs in his face,screaming fans, not to mention being "manhandled" by his attentive bodyguards! (Where can I sign up for that job? There's alot of groping there!) If you've seen previous pictures of him drunk, you'd be able to tell the difference. He turns red! He's a happy drunk! The face gets more contorted.
Presenting Drunk Rob
just sent an e-mail to you!
I don't know I'm jetlagged - not sure what I'm saying LOL!!
Looks like Dessert is failing to stay awake so I'll see you all tomorrow and I promise to be my normal (????) self.
Sweet Robert dreams everyone
@dessert move up hon
Welcome back! How did the suitcase hold up???
I like to nom nom me some tipsy Rob!!! Adorable. So glad he can enjoy himself. Well deserved!
NO JUDGING!!!!! HE'S YOUNG. WORKS HARD AND LONG HOURS!! He can have some fun! Too bad it's not with me!!!
Welcome back Dessert!!!!!!! Has was the trip? Did you look at those Rob pics every night before bed?
I DO NOT like that blonde now. :)
You know in that Joan Crawford movie where she says "No more wire hangers EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well, this one pic with the Twilight book kind of reminds me of that line.
You remember the Joan Crawford movie where she says "NO more wire hangers ever!!!!!"
This one pic of the Twilight book and his look reminds me of that.
Rob: "NO more Twilight books for me to sign EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I about to bust out this old school rhyme. Ok, here it go.
*in a sing song hip hop voice*
Ain't no party like a DRUNK ROB party. Because a DRUNK ROB party don't stop.
Ain't no party like a DRUNK ROB party. Because a DRUNK ROB party don't stop.
Ain't no party like a DRUNK ROB party. Because a DRUNK ROB party don't stop. etc... LOL
But for real Rob probably was just exhausted. He knows when to give up the ghost and take his butt home.
I meant to say "I'm" not "I'. Geez, I can't type.
I bet that boy had one doosey of a hangover this morning!
Does anyone know who the blond girl is sitting next to Rob in the vehicle?
Seems like some of you took that trip to Egypt with Dessert First and enjoyed swimming in the river there! Rob is drunk and probably got that way quicker because of his exhaustion. The only reason he didn't fall on his face is because he had a posse holding him up. Would he still have looked so hawt to y'all if he did?? I don't judge the beloved's behavior at all because I, for one, and many I know would have done the EXACT same thing. You think you can handle it and then boom you're wasted and there's no going back. The diff is that I nor my friends would have our drunken faces photographed and plastered all over the internet. Rob may not mind (up for debate) but what about his mother and his sisters??
I do judge those who think it's cute and funny, that he was just having a well deserved good time. This was way past the buzz of having a good time, it was the get me the hell outta here and on a bed ASAP. I hope it was early enough that he is spared a hangover in the AM. Don't waste your words defending him here, you'll have plenty of opportunity tomorrow when the worst of the photos hit Perez and other blogs feeding the Rob bashers.
Oh, Tracy, I live in America but my family is from Britain, too, well at least half. My mother was born in Sheffield. The other half is Irish, County Donegal to be exact, so I know a thing or two about a few pints. I'm not judging Rob. I'm just worried about him. He seemed completely wasted after the New York premier, too. I don't want anything bad to happen to him. That's all. I certainly wouldn't encorage him to get bombed at every opening. There are other ways to celebrate that are a bit better for your health. I guess for me it would be Go Coherent Rob! But like rpattzgirl said, he is probably fine. I really hope so. It is hard to know from these pictures. It was chaos and he is tired. Cullenlover7, I certainly am not saying he is a druggie or an alcoholic. I am merely saying I hope he's.
VampLovingNancy, the blonde works for him or for his manager. She has been seen at other events clearly not a girlfriend.
@ShariG, don't apologize for your care for Rob and you're POV. You say you know a thing or two about a few pints. I do too and it ain't pretty. My grandparents all came over from England and the drinking culture followed them here and has resulted in a very soggy legacy.
I know he said he wasn't even going to an after party. I read either here or somewhere else that he and Emilie did not attend the movie itself. They left after the introduction.
Eli, don't know what part of America you are familiar with, but that certainly isn't the case where I live in Chicago that one drink and you are accused of being an alcoholic. This is not the first time he looks to be drunk. I was not concerned after the New York premier when it looked like his handlers (by the way I hate that term. Sounds like he's in a zoo. Which I am sure he feels like he is sometimes,too) were holding him upright. I figured it was snowy and slippery and there were flashbulbs everywhere and they were rushing him into a car. So I didn't think too much of it. But these pictures once again look like he can hardly stand up and it doesn't look like the streets are slippeery. Please ladies don't attack any of us for worrying about him. We are all Rob fans. I don't think anyone on here is passing judgment. We are just concerned. I think anyone who encourages him to get wasted or thinks he is cute when he is bombed will not feel so good if they read he has overdosed on something or that some other accident has happened that has caused him harm because he was drunk. I have sons in their 20's. I know what 20 year olds can do. When you are in your 20s, like Tyler says, drinking is new and exciting and everyone does it. Just use some sense and stay well and healthy.
Thanks, lallib. I hope no one thinks I am less of a Rob fan because I don't want him harmed even by himself. Maybe I'm just tired and over reacting. I am so happy for him that the premier in London was so successful. It had to be a wonderful night for him. He always amazes me how he handles all of this craziness around him.
Shari, yes he is very special for so many reasons and that's why we CARE. It not just the jaw, the eyes, the fingers, the wonky walk, etc, etc. It's the whole package of the human being we see, though will never know for sure. But, to my point: You have 2 sons in their 20's?? Wow, I don't but could have. You're my new BFF, if you allow me to be :)
If you watched the other videos of the red carpet - you may have noticed he was coughing a lot and just looked tired. He's probably not feeling too well..........his eyes look really really red in those last ones which can indicate a little bit of the weed but also, it could be sinus trouble and allergy problems that effect the eyes.
And we all know he has allergies!!!!!!! lol
Femroc, you swam in that river too? But yes, agree, could be another contributing factor to Rob's wasted look: over-tired, hadn't eaten, allergies acting up or a cold starting, throw back a few drinks = disasterous photos of weakened state Rob. No cause for celebration. Poor baby!
@ShariG I'm sorry if I offended you, that's not what I was trying to say about the alcoholic thing at all. I don't think the word 'alcoholic' should be taken lightly and it takes an extreme case to be considered an alcoholic. Rob is DEFINITELY not one of those :)
I was just trying to make a point that Rob can't please everyone, people will accuse him of being an alcoholic when he goes out to drink often, and if he doesn't go out very much, people will say he doesn't have enough fun.
I'm not sure if you saw but a lot of people were judging Rob based on these pictures. I was just trying to say that Rob knows his work schedule and he knows what he's doing. He totally deserves to have a little fun!
Of course it is natural for us fans to worry about him because we all care about The Pretty :) Like lallieb said, he's special for so many reasons.
Thank you ShariG for finally answering my question about the blonde. I have asked that all day & could never get an answer. Still Robsten all the way!!!
This thread seems dead, but can someone please tell me if Rob's usual bodyguard, who we all know, is Drew or Dean?? I have been calling him Drew, which I might have mashed in my head.
Peace my sister Robaholics. I know we all want to be happy for him when he is happy and actually just want the best for him. There is so much love on this website for Rob he surely must feel it. Thank you for your last post Eli. And lallieb, I already consider you a BFF from other posts you have made on this website. Femroc, I noticed that too. He was sneezing and sniffling on the redcarpet, too. If he left early as has been posted, maybe he was able to get some sleep feeling great about the opening night in London. I hope so. Anyway, I love this website. I love the people on it that are so in Rob's corner. And I love that there are people from really all over here that all feel the same way about him. This is the first place I check in the morning and the last place I check at night to just share the beauty that is Rob Pattinson. Thanks to all of you for being here and even putting up with this somewhat paranoid fan.
Vamplovingnana, absolutely. Robsten all the way!
Rob's bodyguard is Dean. I just watched Today show 20008 again where Rob said his name, and so sorry that I have called him Drew. He is Dean! And BTW, where were you DEAN protecting Rob here?
Thanks Shari, going to bed now with nice thoughts in my head about Rob and the amazing people here.
Rob looks mostly tired in these photos like he's burning the candle at both ends. Hope he's eating well and taking lots of vitamins. The combination of being dead tired and drinking.
Really hate the beanie. I want his hair... so much. Its so gorgeous. Need to put my fingers in it, but now its lost into the beanie..... I hate it.
Ok, he's drunk but so am I... on Red wine. Canei Lambrusco.
Love you Rob.
Hi ladies, sorry but I was talking to Rob earlier.
Meeting up with High Anxiety co-author soon. She is so great. We'
ve been chatting by phone. Really lookin forward to it.
She's like 8 miles away from me... -smirk-- will try to get her here and make an NB like us... ----total smile---- Her name on FF is Suzy402. She comes here daily to view the pics but doesn't go into the comments.
These are such great red carpet photos... he looks smart, handsome, in short, perfect... so what happened in the short time from these photos to the after-party shots? I feel so sorry for him today, he must be feeling terrible about this now. I really have to lay some blame for these horrible photos on those around him who are responsible for keeping him away from this. Hopefully, he will escape the cameras before he gets into this shape again; I really do feel so bad for him especially after he's done so much work to make sure that his new film is taken seriously.
First of all I dont think he's eating properly looks thinner to me.He probably hadnt eaten that day either we all know alcohol and an empty stomach dont go together. So cut him some slack people! Besides he's 23 who didnt get legless at 23! Its all part of growing up...........
First of all if he left at 8:51, I doubt he got drunk off his asss. Secondly, what I don't get is the glee and sheer happiness some of you are expressing over a guy you perceive to be wobbly drunk. The pictures are not flattering, be it tiredness, drink,a funny grimace or smoke-filled rooms causing it - so why would fans get all gleeful and breathless when seeing unflattering pics and assuming he's fall on his ass drunk. I swear the haters not only don't want him to have a gf, or a life, but they also want him ridiculed and wrapping his car around a tree -- I suppose then you'd blame it on Kristen. LOLOL Pathetic. I see why I don't come to this jealous bizarre cesspool of a site.
OMG!! thats hilarious!! IMAGINE partying with ROb!! I'll lay flat on the ground and he can land on me anytime..since thats the only shot in hell I have of having him on top of me hehe..ROund of shots for everyone!!
This guy earned it--I love that he's getting his drink on. Party on Rob..
Oh and that those thin comments?? he STILL has to pass for 17. Breaking Dawn is around the corner. He gains weight in his face quick more in and out *shakes head and focuses*--um burger,in the future ..uh..yeah :)
There is a difference in making a "condemning" judgement on the basis of morality, and being concerned about potentially harmful behavior.
I'm glad Rob got to have fun, but if he really was as WASTED as he looks in these picture, I can't help but worry. I agree with sissidelyon, I don't like Rob smoking and drinking to excess because it is DAMAGING to his beautiful self. (Not to mention, it does set a bad example for young ones who idolize him.)
Geeze, I hate to be a "buzz kill" but I've seen too many vibrant, handsome men waste away and die too soon because of bad habits like this...
I LOVE Rob and I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER want to read a Heath Ledger, Patrick Swayze or Michael Landon story about him.
Just google stars who died too soon... or died from smoking or drug/ alcohol related causes. Shocking and sad.
first of all I'm sure he's tired.
2nd ...even if he isn't all tired in these shots so what? it's obviously only for a few hours he will feel this way and we do have reports don't we of him reporting for work the next day dont' we?
3rdly Nancy? you TALKED TO ROB? Did you mean to say that or mis-type a thought out loud?
He is english and all the Brits from the Isle of have said it many times...lets imagine shall we? We're on the plane, we look out we see all the crowds standing screaming our name and we've just woke up from a little snooze...We rub our eyes and think to ourselves, 'oh bloody! they do look demanding! I wondah how many I will actually please today. How many will pass judment and how many truly do love me?' I mean he is just a boy when you get right down to it and all that implies. And alllllll that goes with it. He is polite and sweet and warm and a true gentleman. He gets soused because he can and it's okay if he does every now and again. And truly ...he probably does as often as we see him at premieres...we just don't see all the times he's been at pubs here and there and across the pond. No I don't want to read in the net one day that he's gone and it was all due to too much drink and wrapping his car around a phone pole or what have you...but then again I don't think he would do the irresponsible thing that would lead to that end. I truly think he's enjoying his life too much to put himself in that mindset. And to date he is doing everything in his power to please us and in doing so he is pleasing himself. Actors seem to want to do that above all else.
I love Rob period and yes, it's not good and unfortunate that these photos get taken in the first place, but it's all part of his life and we should glance at these photos and not give them so much regard as you would a movie of his say. Just a polite glance and then look away or don't scrutinize these for so long that you over think a mere second in time...a barely there fraction of a second of his life on the bigger picture. The last bunch of him in the cab do seem to get better of him and his eyes seem to have cleared up...and on a different note...who is the bloke sitting facing Rob? Bobby Long? I think I see a Bobby beard from the side view but can't be sure.
Is that Bobby sitting there in the cab with him and the blonde?
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