Look how happy the Beanie Twins are!
Thanks to Ani for the tip :)
P.S.: We had a 5 minute email convo on how to post these. I gotta say they were funny emails :))
Source because Amber and Heather think we are not being good bloggers. HERE. Go nuts....
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 338 Newer› Newest»And it's official, I am dead!
Thank you for posting this one and not the others - way cool of you guys!
Flutter, flutter, flutter - my heart, my heart!
This is one of the reasons this is the only site frequent--that you won't post anything intrusive, that you treat Rob (and I think the rest of us) with respect.
awwww the Bromance...this one is TRES cute and thanks Gözde for not posting the REALLY intrusive ones..I don't need to see those.
awww they are both wearing a beanie, how cute! it's good to see them smiling.
i am really happy to see this one of rob and tom...they look happy to just be hanging out!
I am surprised he has no mustache now; Georges definitely had one in the book. I hope they are not going to have to paste a fake mustache on the poor boy!
London really is a better place for Rob, isn't it?
Great day for new pix! Thanks Goz!!
Is that a new denim jacket I spy? ;)
The beard really is gone :( .....
but he looks amazing and I'm so happy to be seeing him.....
wasn't Kristen wearing a jean jacket the other day at jury duty? and they have the same Adidas too. does Rob like dressing like the people he loves?
Ahhhhh TomStu! Is it wrong that I'm just as excited about seeing him as seeing Rob?! They look happy, definitely a nicer pic than the others. It's amazing he's gone so many months without pap pics - London is def better for that. Or maybe it's just cos the beard is gone!
Yes" The Bromance returns!! Thanks Goz for being so respectful of Rob,we love ya for that (&we love ya 4 everything) Quoting you..."The Beard is gone...Long live the Jaw", I agree!!! Rob looks SO happy to be walking around freely and enjoy time with Tom doing "normal" things!! I'm happy when he's happy.It's SO good to see him looking SO SEXY as usual!
Is Tomstu sporting a sympathy beard? The beardie beanie twins strike again. BBT.... FTW!
Awww, aren't they cute together :-)
Is it Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one? So many gorgeous Rob pics. Thank you so much!!!
I'm so happy! Happy, happy, happy!!! :))))))
"From the dark end of the street, to the bright side of the road!" Idk why that came into my head! :D
He's happy with his friends!!! Nikes!!! :)))))
FILTM and FILMLB!!!!!!
ok, so first thing first...am I crazy for missing the beard? :S
second...TomStu is rocking those sneakers since 2007-2008 LOVE HIM! blue shoelaces included LOL :D
third...it's comforting to know the boys aren't fighting over the 1 beanie! each one has his own! :D
definitely the best Monday ever!!!
thank you gozde, kate and kat... i really love your blog!! but could you please let us see the other photos??
thanks in advance
from Quito-Ecuador!!
LMFAO beanie twins.. oh tom and rob u two are much too cute together
Sorry, I m lost. I m not a regular here and I need someone to tell me, Is Rob with Kstew or with this guy ? why are you talking about " Bromance", did I miss something ??? I thought this guy was his best friend ?
Definitely is a great day !!!!
I am very happy to see Rob and Tom, happy, doing shopping, walking in the streets, talking and smiling like normal people without anyone bothering them.
I love Rob and Tom.
Gözde: Feel better and thanks a lot!!!
Beanie babies. :-D
Stephan-- they are good friends. Bromance, I THINK< is when guys who are straight love each other like brothers.
Stephan, Rob isn't gay. Please don't believe other bloggers who say so. It's nonsense. I understand a bromance as being a brotherly friendship between guys.
thanks Gozde!
this is turning out to be a fabulous ROBsessed day!!!
@solas - I'm afraid this does mean a fake mustache in Bel Ami - Georges has to have mustache
loving htis site more every day!
um, this...cant' type. I have Rob-brain
Can I add that I love that he still shops at M&S and HMV and eats at Nandos!! Even with all the money, can only be a good thing.
thanks Gozde for taking so much consideration on how to respect Rob!!! That's why we keep coming back cause we love to see him everyday but we also hate those papz!!!
Thank you thank you thank you for sharing his life in such a respectful way with us!!!
LOL Yes the 5 min convo was very funny and believe me you don't want to see the other pics so don't ask we're not gonna link to them.
wow he looks happy and relaxed, I love that.
Yay another "sighting"! Aw so cute, I love the beanie, Robert looks great in almost anything.
is that my B fucking I... girlfriend..been too long...:)
T and R sitting in a tree...
I love seeing Rob happy and looks pretty carefree :) *warms the heart*
Marks & Spencer bags. LOL! I buy my undies there. I'd be so gobsmacked if I'd run into him there. I so love this dude!!!!
Thanks to Ani who tipped off Goz. Love Love this pic. Best friends for life. And the Bromance lives on.
Amen for not posting the intrusive one... ^^
and I'm dead... definitively...!
Sensory overload today.....
Puddle, drool, splat, thud, died.....
And solas you're right!! London it's most safest place for rob.. bii =( i miss him a lot!! but i'm also very happy to see that he is happy without being bothered!! seriously the best monday ever!! jejeje
to me, it's the best picture of the day!
it's robert, not a character, not tyler or edward, and he's smiling and happy with a true friend, his best friend! ;)
thanks godze
if finally smiles Rob, that's great, thanks for the photo
where are the rest of the "intrusive photos?"
Gotta love the thought of Rob in Marks & Spencers :D
Sweet picture :D
what other pics
and why are they not postable
I really want to see them, can anybody send me a link to´em
To Solas and Jmm4832, thanks to the explanation...
My son would say " it s so UNFAIR !!!" you can see the others pictures and we cant... are you sure we don t want to see them....
I cant even imagine a picture of Rob you couldn t post....
Give us a tip...
@Fae - Van Morrison, how totally appropriate!!
I love that all you (us) ladies just like to see him looking so happy! *feels good*
My brains are mush...epic day of hot rob outtakes polished off by a happy rob out with his friend having fun...I'm sooo happy right now I could bust!
On this site, where we respect Rob, we don't want people posting lnks to intrusive photos, to garbage rags with repulsive stories, etc.
Awww, how cute, matching beanies & stubble. I bet they're wearing each other's clothes too LOL
I think I have a soft spot for Tom Stu since I watched the boat that rocked.
Big up for not posting invasive piccys.
It's so good to see Rob enjoying a normal funny day with his best friend. I ADORE TomStu, he's so freaking cute :)
Gozde and Kate, you are two classy ladies. That's why I love your blog so much.
That's the Rob I would like to know. It wont ever happen but that's what I'm talken about
goz - you are so nice :) i saw the others before you posted on this site. i was like what the hell, cant he even go shopping. love the one that you did post.
Solas, how do you know they are "intrusive". Have you seen them?
Could anyone explain what they understand with "intrusive"? I feel like Im in kindergarden. "Ive seen something but I wont show yoooou. na na na na"
Posting private pictures from his friends facebook pages and about his New Years is not intrusive but him around town suddenly is? I dont get it. Really I dont.
Please someone, enlight me.
Ahh Rob in M&S, it's two of my favourite things! My Mum works in M&S in the food hall (sadly not in London)...Oh how I'd love him to just walk in there one day...*sigh*
thx for all the respect u show :):)
I swear this day needs to go down as one of the all time best Robsessed days.....
Seriously....we have nothing for weeks, and then BAM!
Love ya Gozde...
I agree with others on here.... I think posting pics from a friend's facebook account is WAYYY more intrusive and disprespectful than photos of Rob and TomStu shopping in London....
I love this website and you ladies, but I got to say...this seems a little hypocritical!
Aww... thank you so much, Gözde!
I needed to see his lovely face ~ and smile. He looks happy at home.
Muah! :x
pandora--if kate and Gozde think they are intrusive, that is enough. Intrusive means, photographing whilst they are trying to eat like human beings, not animals at feeding time at the zoo; intrusive could mean following them to the loo; intrusive is when a person asks no more photos and the photographer continues anyway; intrusive is sticking a camera in the face when the face is turned toward the wall and obviously doesn't want to be photographed, etc.
I love how he is living a relatively normal life in LondonTown.
Long live the BroMance.
I have missed that face.. that smile.. my heart is flutterying like a hummingbird! I'm so screwed!
I understand not wanting to post the
"intrusive" pics but why not name the source? So no one else gets to be able to see what you've seen? That's a bit hypocritical. Also, whenever you post someone else's pics it's common courtesy to site the source.
You step away for a hour and look what you get when you return!
This has been one of the best Monday's ever!!
Thanks for the Bromance pic! And thanks for not linking to the others.
Miss the beard, but love the jaw and how relaxed he looks.
Why am I not in London???
I agree with some of the others it is a little weird that your not posting the others when I have seen pictures on here that look way more "intrusive" I don't mean to sound mean or anything but it really is weird that you will post ones that shouldn't be and wont post ones that are ok to post.
Is this recent???
so..no funny looking mustache in Bel Ami??? (finger crossed)
and yes,he does look really happy ...he is home with friends and about to film a new movie
Life Is Good
Pandora: what is intrusive? We usually go with our gut. If he is posing for the pix or if they are in public places etc we usually post.
In this case, he is in a restaurant, eating a burger and someone took a picture of him with a zoom lens. THAT is intrusive to us.
Tomorrow we may make another decision on a totally different photo. We don't have RULES, we just go with our gut.
Thanks for the vote of confidence guys, thanks Solas :)
I so agree. This is the only one respectable enough to post. I love that you did not post or link the others.
Awwww they look so relaxed and happy. Maybe the producers of BA decided not to cover up the pretty? I wouldn't mind if they didn't follow that part of the story to a tee, and left the jaw bare!
anytime Gozde--feel better soon--and I have some nice chicken soup over here if you want to stop by .:-) It will make you all better!
Oh my God. We are not the bible. We just go with our gut. I'm sorry you think it's unfair that we post some and not others, we wouldn't feel good about ourselves if we posted these.
We never went "pap free" etc. I'm sorry, I'm sure someone will post them.
@jules, where can the rest of us see these so called "intrusive" photos?
Can't win for losing...
If others have seen the photos, that means they are out there; google and you will find. No one is forbidding you from seeing them or even deciding for you; they ARE deciding what goes on THEIR site.
they have already been posted elsewhere and I still agree that we don't need to see piccys like that really
I loooove seeing relaxed, happy Rob having a normal day with his best friend!! Just being out and about, having fun like a normal 23yo guy!!
I wonder if the woman with the pink jacket has even realised who walks in front of her!
@Gozde, I miss your posts girl!! I rarely leave a comment but I visit this blog every single day since last September! You all do an amazing job and it feels like home here! Thank you! Feel better soon!! :)
he's shaved
he's shaved
@Purple83 I must be crazy then, I kinda miss the beard too.
After viewing this picture for the hundredth time, I think I may be developing a wee crush on Tom as well. He is a cutie.
I understand why you aren't putting them up because of some reason but can you at least explain the reason why your not...I mean seriously you have seen them. I don't want to be mean but it really isn't that nice to get to see something and then hide it from people who visit this site all the time. What are you four? I visit this site almost everyday and I really don't understand how you can post some of the pics you do but not these. I'm sorry.
"Calm down, calm down!" BREAKING NEWS: My Mum has just confirmed that those two M&S bags are in fact clothes bags...hmmm....I wonder what they've been buying?!
@Pandora - we chose not to post them, as Gozde said, we go with our gut feeling.
Don't worry. It's the internet, they will be all over within the next 24 hours I'm sure. Then you can judge for yourself.
Missmod-- plaid shirts, no doubt.
I have just seen them and as you rightly point out they will be everywhere in the next 10 mins so you can take your pick from where you view them
The issue isn't them not posting the pics. It's their site...they can post what they want. The issue is not citing the source. I post pics from here on another site quite frequently and I always, ALWAYS, credit Robsessed. It's rude to not pay the same courtesy to others.
To me any picture that shows Rob looking down, frowning, or turning his body away from the cameras is intrusive, but it's up to Godze to decide what's appropriate for her site and I support her. Thanks again for all the pics!
Lauryl: it was either post 1 or post none. We thought people would appreciate the 1 but I guess we were wrong.
I love you guys for not posting the others...I feel dirty and sick when I come by them by accident...I can't help it...the look of discomfort just breaks my heart...I don't even want to believe they exist really!I have soo much respect for this decision...the one you posted was cheerful and non-intrusive and I don't want the happy smiling image to be tainted by others of a different nature!
Thanks girls...I'm sure Rob would appreciate the effort!
Thanks for explaining the content of the pictures. Before that I didnt had a clue what it was therefore I couldnt judge the whole thing and Im someone who would rather judge for themselves as letting others do it :) But if you feel they are too bad to post. Fine.
And they will apear somewhere else thats for sure.
I understand you not wanting to post the pics if you feel they shouldn't be posted because that is really nice of you I just wanted to see them to see if they were actually "intrusive" like you are saying.
You know the thing about it is if we posted them we would have been slated! Like Goz said you can't win! And believe me Goz, Kat and myself debated over what we should do and our gut feeling said no to the others!
Helllllo Tenneil!! Seeing new pics of Rob have made my day.
ok here we go http://robpattinson.blogspot.com/2010/02/rob-and-tom-spotted-in-london-6-pics.html#more
@LaurylK- you are free to go find the rest of the pics if you need to see them so badly. I mean, it IS their blog. They get to post what they want. So who's acting 4? Just sayin....wink wink
Wow Heather, really? It's common courtesy?
We are one of the sites that source religiously and we are not sourced a LOT of the times. Have you ever seen me bitch about it?
It's grossly unfair that you are pulling that card out of spite for us not posting the pictures. They are posted else where, you can go and check them out.
And if you see us not sourcing
@solas You're probably right! There's a fine variety of plaid clothing in M&S so they will have been spolit for choice lol! Anyway I'm off now, g'night all!
I've seen more "intrusive" photos of Rob before.
Thank you Divinesally, we couldn't have done that....
Good night y'all :)) Have a nice night...
Goz, you ALWAYS WIN in my book! Why? Because you have integrity and you RESPECT Rob.. Always.
I am convinced there are people (and LOTS of them) in this fandom that just like to bitch for the sake of bitching.
; )
Ahhh...love seeing the two boys together. Rob really does look happy and relaxed in his hometown with his friends. Wouldn't any of us be the same way? I LOVE London Rob and TomStu....yep the Bromance does live on! It's so cute how they copy eachother...hehe!
*Spoilt, see, I'm that tired and mesmerised by Rob that I can't spell lol! Well, I think sleep is the best thing now - night!
Jesus! For those who want to see the other pictures, go to another site. ROBsessed does not own the pictures. Gozde, Kate and Kat run this site and if they decide not to post or link to a picture then that's their choice.
There's this thing called the Internet, and on it you can find all kinds of pictures if you want to.
simmer down everyone it ain't that serious. this is why we all have google, no?
it's cool Goz, thanks for all that you do.
OMG I am so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am for everything I said. I hope you can forgive me because I saw the pics you were talking about and I understand now. I mean who would post pics like that. Seriously who would take a picture of that stuff. OMG that was so rude of the person taking the picture and that was really rude of me. Those pics should not be posted on the internet. I am so sorry and you are an amazing person for not posting those.
Oh and there were more intrusive ones of him eating I guess they found it intrusive as well..
And they sourced pattinsonlife? That's not the source of the pictures...
Gozde--those of us enjoying this site regularly appreciate your work and your taste and judgment.
@divinesally: sorry but you are bypassing the authors of the blog ...
i think it is wrong of you to do so.
sorry gozde, in my first comment i wrote your name wrong
Wow, really? someone posted a link to the pic, when Goz expressed her wish to not show them?
:scratches head:
how disrespectful to Goz, who provides this place for EVERYONE'S enjoyment.
I don't understand... truly
pure cotton undies and socks FTW!!!
I'm not an amazing person at all, that wasn't what we were trying to say.
We do post pap pictures.
Okay this was a really cute photo, I'm sorry the discussion came to this point...
Seriously, you're fucked no matter what you do or don't do...
Back the fuck down folks... You don't like the decisions the blog owners make then go fucking somewhere else....
It's her decsion, her right and her fucking blog....
Back to our program now...
He & Tom look lovely & happy...
not someone, I posted A link. if y'all don't like it oh well. Gozde delete my post. couldn't care less actually...
I haven't read ALL of the comments, so please forgive me if I'm repeating anything already said... Kudos to Goz, Kat and Kate for not posting the other pics here. I'm sure they will be plastered all over other sites; so if anyone wants to see them I'm sure they wont be hard to find. Thank you,again, for NOT posting them here.
Sorry DS, but you were out of line there.
: (
RPG, yes they really do!
Suz, I was going to use the words 'obnoxious' and 'immature', but 'disrespectful' works well, too. Thanks.
I am just saying, the OWNER of this blog expressed a desire to NOT post those pics...
You are a GUEST on HER blog..
That's all I'm saying.
Stay classy.
; )
I don't delete comments.
Cherri: I don't know what you're talking about. Noone is not wanted here.
I should have never responded :)
peace out! Cute RobStu picture :)
rpg-- yes, they look happy. :-) so nice to see. :-)
wow, Oh my god no she didn't! two snaps and an eye roll... lol...I'm such a bitch.
Thank you again Gozde! THIS IS NOT AN INTRUSIVE PICTURE. And I admire you for even considering whether you should post or not. If anyone else wants the rest of the pap pix Im sure you can find the link without calling anyone a hypocrite when all this site does is making sure were happy. Thanks for sharing a very respectable picture. Keep up the good work Gozde and Kate by sharing this wonderful man with us!
Seriously, I don't delete them until you tell someone else to fuck off.
What's your problem ?
I love the fact that you didn't post those pics or the place you saw them. I know what I said earlier but after seeing those I take it back. I love your blog and I look at it almost everyday. KEEP NOT POSTING PICS LIKE THAT!! :)
Wow, your comments speak for themselves Sally and there's nothing divine about them...
Thank you Lauryl :)
@Solas-Here here! Well said.
Beanie babies....hehe. ;)
@Angie K-LOL!
@CullenLuvr-LOL! Best Mondays eva indeed. Great posts! The bromance to end all bromaces lives on....;)
Gozde-Keep going with your gut BB. You guys did nothing wrong in posting that pic. They will be all over in 24 or less it's true. You are a true fan, and keep that kind of integrity to the site. You def respect Rob to the best of your ability on here, and I respect that. Can't please everyone. Stay true to yourself and your instincts. ;)
like I said, couldn't care less.
some peeps act like they are holier than thou...
I love you...
I'm glad you "religiously" site your sources. I find it odd that you chose not to in THIS case.
And I didn't pull out any card on you for not posting the pics. Didn't you read what i wrote?? I said it was your site and you could post what you want. It would just be nice if the pic was sourced, especially for someone who "religiously" does so....
Heather: It was a gossip site that had intrusive pictures I didn't want to link to!
Thumbs up ladies for not posting ugly papz pics. Don't let unfair, unpleasant comments deter you. And always go with your guts. We love you!
OMG they are so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anytime....just ignore these other stupid peoples comment. I mean seriously you have one of the best Robert Pattinson blogs I have ever seen and I will keep loving your site. I hope you ignore what they are saying and still don't post them. Well g2g but I just wanted to tell you good job. I hope to see different pics from anything but the ones I just saw maybe like new Eclipse pics that would be awesome. Anyway bye bye now keep the good website going.
I just got home and haven't looked at any other posts or comments yet, but just have to say Thank You Robsessed for not posting any pics that you consider intrusive. You guys are great.
Where do you think the pictures came from?
Goz, Kat and Kate work very hard on this site, and do US the favor by keeping it going and updated. At their expense, expense of time and money. They do it simply for US, fellow Robsessors, and for the LOVE of Rob. I'm not feeling a lot of love here right now. This WAS a good post day, until this nonsense. It's time like this that make me ashamed to be a Robsessor. I mean really.
Goz, Kat, and Kate-Keep up the good work. You guys are great, and do great work on this site. I might also add this is still the definitive Rob site. Make no mistake. So anyone who doesn't like it, can quietly leave, and not come on here anymore. It's THAT SIMPLE!
yes my comments are horrible, off with my head!!! ROTFLMAO
I think if you don't "care" you can move along Divinesally...move along...
Wow, I walk away for 20 minutes & come back to another war of who can post what.
I totally support Gozde, Kate, & Kat as to what they want to post or acknowledge, & even if I didn't, THIS ISN'T MY BLOG. I don't understand how people can come here & try to dictate what the blog owner can post. It's like going to somebody's house & telling them how to decorate. Really rude.
well now I find this quite entertaining actually.
@RPattz-AMEN! Some people should STFU. I can't abide cussing as a rule, but this is making me mad.
@Goz- OMG! Don't cry. This is so messed up. I'm so sorry Gozde.
Saw the pics online. I agree they are too intrusive to post. I applaud you for refusing to post those. However, you do need to cite your source. Just remember there are other ways to cite rather than place the link on your site. That way you can give credit where credit is due, but you still keep your dignity and respect to Rob. Thanks! P.S. I'm a religious visitor of this site-THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!
Rob's blue sweater sighting 25/26 January on Tom Sturridge:
~ 25 Jan at the press after party "Three Sisters"
~ 26 Jan at the Critics’ Circle Theatre Awards 2010, receiving award "Most Promising Newcomer" (Punk Rock), London/the Prince of Wales theater
There is absolutly no reason to pull out the F-word here.
Personally I just wanted to see it for myself and judge it then. Call it morbid curiosity. Im not going to deny it, but that is no reason to start insulting others.
I guess what makes this different to other pics is that both had apparently no clue that they where being photographed. That is certainly intrusive.
About the issue of posting them or not. Well, thats a decission every site owner has to make for themselves.
And this is the internet. They will turn up everywhere.
DS-Are you on your period or something?!? What is up with you?!?
I saw just some of the pics
Robert buying underwear
It is so emberrassing for him
Who wants to see that kind of pics of himself? Nobody
I am thinking about watching the other pics, I am just to curious.
I can´t find them either ^^
PPP (The Pretty, The Precious The Pattz) holding a bundle hilarious:) hi Rob! had chicken at Nando dubai this week end!
@Pandora-THANK YOU! Well said.
what Amber said!
also, i certainly wasn't "attacking" anyone.
Seriously Divinesally why don't you just leave them alone. If you don't like that they didn't post the rude pictures go to a different website. You don't have to be mean to them. There are plenty other Robert Pattinson websites out there. This is one of the best in my mind but unless your comp only lets you visit this one which I am guessing it doesn't you have no need to be talking here. The pics are already up on a different one. The person who took them was very rude and for the fact that they didn't post it on Robsessed it shows that they are true fans and don't want to go showing off the rude pictures. Stop being a bitch and move on.
I looked at the pics. Rob is buying underware. Yes, he wears briefs...so what. So do alot of men. Didn't he say once in an interview that he's always running out of underware and has to buy them all the time? I remember that. Ya, kinda intrusive and shouldn't be posted, but hey, I had to look...it's ROB! I'm interested in anything he does!
Thanks for the happy pic of Rob, don't need to see him eating his lunch. Poor baby,can't eat in peace...There is lots of pics here. No need to go some where else :D
Nice that he is with his friend and doing normal things for a change.
And the fake mustache, why? His mustache is so nice...
*SIGHS* All this is so rediculous. I'm outie....:O
I love Rob to death but I don't need to see him eat or buy underwear (although I am glad he got some new ones). Thanks for not posting the rest of those pics.
Gozde- thank you for the cute pic. I admire your thoughtfulness where Rob is concerned. You always try to do your bestby him.
Thanks Kat,Kate and Gozde for all the hard work you put into this site.Many of us do appreciate it.
Gozde, just want to let you know that I am a Robsessed woman too and visit your site all the time because I respect and admire your "gut." Yours is the only site I come to (many times a day!!) and I also love the regulars (solas, you brighten and reaffirm my faith in the world with your caring and thoughtful comments; rpg, you make me laugh with your raucous ways and total dedication to Rob; many others, I really love you gals...)
Thanks so much for all the work you Kate and Kat do and please don't let the people who don't understand get you down. I agree that it is so easy for others to simply google if they want to find pictures you don't deem appropriate to post. Or do like you did and start their own blog!
@Rob Nice to see your lovely happy face, it comforts me seeing you cheerful! Enough for brighten my day! FILY!
@Annie FILLR- Fuck I love London Rob???
Like I tell my 2 yo. "Someone needs to take a time out and find their manners."
Then getcha own blog.
Adorable pics of the "beanie bros"
Thanks Goz.
*fingers crossed for pics of Rob in his underwear walking down the street.
Is that WRONG?
Wow, just read all the comments. What a dust-up. Definitely agree that this site belongs to Gozde, Kate & Kat. They can do what they want. We're just visiting. If you don't like it, you can go elsewhere.
Hugs, Goz, Kate & Kat! This is why this blog is The Best Ever. Love Rob, with respect. ; )
AWWWWWWWW....the bromance lives!!!!! They are both so freakin' cute with their matching beanies!!!!
Maybe this is just me but I went back to Robsessed and I saw that you posted the website it came from. I think you had the right to not say the place you saw the picture but I clicked on HERE and I got confused looking at the site. That may just be me but you had the right to not post it. Those two are just stuck up and should find a different website.
P.S. I will always visit your website no matter what.. You have an awesome blog
Geeze, pics of Robert buying undies and everyone else's get into a wad..LOL
Sorry ROBsessed team that you had to post the source, some ppl just do not have any respect I guess. This is YOUR blog, YOU DECIDE what is on here...not everyone else. I wonder how many of those demanding to see these pics were outraged over these horrible stalkerazzi pics we saw of Rob in LA when the anti pap campaign got started?
Sexy as always!(:....Ppl! The place the pics is a site where we get vids here. a site named what he would like to be named!(; haha...
Sexy as always!(:....Ppl! The place the pics is a site where we get vids here. a site named what he would like to be named!(; haha...
Sexy as always!(:....Ppl! The place the pics is a site where we get vids here. a site named what he would like to be named!(; haha...
Robert, "They're just pure cotton slips~!" *whistles innocently* "I didn't do nuffin~!" ^^
I saw the photos-I didnt think they were bad.I agree that its your site and you can do WHATEVER you see fit. What I DONT get is WHY Rob facing the cameras if he doesnt want to be papped eating in a booth(couldnt he sit on the other side)?? And the things hes shopping for-Im pretty sure he knew those guys were there. He couldve asked his friend to go over and pick them up for him.He can pay him later. I know I know-he shouldnt HAVE to. But lets be realistic-he knew the paps were there and they were snapping away. Great site guys!
"Source because Amber and Heather think we are not being good bloggers"
Wow. Real mature.
I agree that you can post whatever damn pics you want on YOUR OWN blog. All I said was a source would be nice. You obviously agree or you wouldn't have sourced it (like you regularly do).
No need to get nasty. I wasn't one of the ones attacking you. I was just pointing something out.
Bottom line, Gozde & Kate & Kat, it is YOUR blog. Post what YOU think is appropriate. Not like the seekers cannot find the others elsewhere. Good call, girls. And thanks for the RobStu Reunited Pic Love!
And does anyone think the elderly lady in the hot pink coat is checking out TomStu's skinny behind? Just sayin. Those moody boys attract the ladies of ALL ages.
Now if Rob was buying porn?? THAT would be embarrissing..how bout a fleet enema?..Maybe its cause Im a nurse. I dont see things the way other people do. Great Job guys-I love this site. I went to another place to find the pics. No biggie, I understand.
I would just like to say that Gozde and the gang you guys are so right in not posting the pics. And anyone who wants to see them should just have gone to other sites, not start being rude. Some people just don't appriciate what you guys do.
I think any picture that isnt of Rob at some sort of event is intrusive, but its also hypocritical for me to complain meanwhile i am one of those ppl who wait for the rob drought to be over. in my eyes i am just as guilty as the paps. i may not be the one snapping the photos, but i do view them and comment them. so in actuality we are all technically being intrusive.
What ass???..LOL
Robert's got a death-grip on that bag... "Don't touch my bi-annual new undies and socks, Man~!!!"
LOL@ Skorpia. Buying Fleet enema & porn?That's what Nick and Steph are for.
I saw that lady! I think she cant resist that casting a sly one that way. Hey were they checking out the games? I wonder if Rob plays-theyre sooo addicting! we wont see to much of him for a while! oh I guess that would explain the beard :)
OMG all those comments!
Maybe I'll get the answer in them but do you know whether it's a new picture?
Rob's beard is ... well I was about to say shorter but it's indeed not there anymore; just a 3 day beard, just the way I like it.
"The beard is gone...long live the jaw" ...Oh Gozde, your are some funny woman!
And as for RobStu....how on earth can one picture warm my heart up like fire? ....I´m officially happy right now!!!
Ahhh well now I look bad on the front page. Bummer. I was just trying to help. I guess sometimes it's just safer to not say anything at all. Nonetheless, Rob is looking delicious, and I wish I was the lady in pink.
Skorpa--I am not looking at the photos, but is t possible that a telescope lense (is that what they are called?) was used, and that he didn't know anyone was photographing him at that point?
Rhonda--yes, to the lady's eye focus location.
Umm, Gozde, I know you don't typically delete comments, but it said that my comment (at 4:11) was deleted by the administrator. What did I do? All the comment said was that I saw the pics and I agreed with you for not posting them. I'm confused.
Nope, I have no respect, I'm classless and my crassness is disgusting. how dare I. who do I think I am!!?? the nerve...lol
and no I don't have my period. can you imagine if I did, it would be unfathomable.
I don't post often, but I had to let you know that I truly repect your decision to not post the other pics. I loved the one you did post, and I admit I'm curious about the other pics, but you know what? I'm not going to look for them. In fact, I'm going to stay as far from them as I can get. Too much the voyeur in these pics it sounds like. Totally <3 you for sticking to your guns. Sorry you felt like you had to put up a link even. I don't think that curtesy was needed.
And there will always people who disagree with you or who are rude, but trust your gut. It seems to be working for a lot of people. Me included.
This is a cute one of the two guys. They both look relaxed and happy. I don't need nor want to see "intrusive" pictures. I didn't even bother to read all the comments asking where the pictures were posted. Kudos to Goz, Kate & Kat for integrity. Shame on those of you who need to pry.
Go get 'em, solas.
Skorpia=re games= remember the video of Rob trying to play the Guitar Hero game? and losing abysmally to Shannon Doherty? Knowing his competitive nature and need to win as we do after his gym contest in preparing for New MOon, (and the interview where he squeals like a 5 yr old when he wins a contest) perhaps he wants to sharpen his skills.
Who knew a day out shopping with a friend could cause this... seriously.. I wonder if when Rob met up with Tom he said.. let's go stir the shit pot... come on folks.. some of these comments are out of line really...
What are people thinking? Seriously.. what are you thinking?
We wait weeks and weeks and weeks for a sighting.. Goz has a postable picture and she shares it.. and he's grinning,... He looks beautiful.. and happy...and I am actually so extatic to JUST SEE HIM!...and what? You aren't happy with that? Pull your heads out of your A$$e$ people... jeesh...
Goz, Kate, Kat.. as always your class is an example...
as for some commenters here,... sometimes an opinon stated simply is easier understood when it's not followed with a round of crap falling from your fingertips all over your keyboard...
Just saying
I thought bromance is MORE than brotherly affection,like they spend all day and night together doing guy stuff.Anyone seen -I love you man? That movie pretty much sums it up and let me tell you my own teen has several friends that practically live here in my crib, they love his room, xbox live, and theres sure to be some bros here at all times. Its a cave of testosterone.
Gozde....thank you for all you do for us, the Robsessed. We truly appreciate all the hardwork that goes into it. It's your blog and you should be able to run it as you see fit without being made to cry. You let us know the other pics were out there so we could look for them jourselves if we chose to. It's not that hard to do, dozens of other Rob-sites to search. Guess some just didn't want to work that hard...you've spoiled us! I think your blog is the best hands down...chin up and stand firm!
I saw that one of him trying to play Guitar Hero. He looked absolutely lost.Too funny! One time my teen was playing xbox live and this guy with an accent sounded EXACTLY like ROb. In fact when he asked him the guy laughed. I shyte! He's like " ahh .,..no" But you should have heard THAT VOICE in those surround sound speakers-I almost dropped his dinner plate.
Skorpia--I first heard the word 'bromance' with regards to Dr. HOuse and DR. Wilson. I think it is just totally straight men who love each other like brothers, best friends, etc.
What do you mean by living in a crib? Isn't a crib a cot? I know my English isn't always good, but I have been using it all day today. Please explain.
@Fae yes, Fuck I love London Rob ;)
He is just like anyone else in street,relax but still looking at the camera.
Come to think of it, is there a female version of bromance, or is this cultural in that it is acceptable for straight girls to be best friends and bond forever, but not, in all cultures, for straight men to do so>?
I am not familiar with xbox live or dead. Did the voice you hear come over from someone else playing it live elsewhere? If so, perhaps it really WAS Rob playing agaisnt your son. ;-)
CW/IA Update alert!
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