Robert Pattinson on the cover of Atrevida Magazine
Two covers available for this Brazilian magazine... how can I possibly choose which one I like the best? Oh, yeah... right, the other cover is one of the Jonas Brothers... I think I'll take Rob.

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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 446 Newer› Newest»There's just no other choice but super seductive Rob!
Hes wearing a purple shirt??!??!
Rob...and only Rob!!!
No contest...DUR! ;)
Seriously is there any question? is this a trick question or something? ROB of course...duh LOL
that's obvious isn't it???
Uh... Now let me think... **snort**
As if I had to really consider which for more than one millisecond... Rob, hands down. Or he can put them up on me. **wink**
yay i'm brazilian and no doubt what cover i will take !!
Rob is ALWAYS my choice, ALWAYS.
Duh!! There's no contest no chioce. Rob of coarse.
Choosing between Rob and a Jonas brother is like choosing between anal and oral sex.... ;o)
!!!!! I don't understand the meaning of this post ;)Can anyone else be on the cover but Rob?
Oh yum....
There is not another man I would choose over Rob....EVER!
no certainly not :) Rob all the way
I seriously snorted my water at your comment.....
Uh...let me think, wait a minute, hold on a sec, hmmmm~~~~~~THE FIRST COVER OF COURSE...DUH!! Anyway, my eyes won't even focus clearly on that second cover!!
I mean, really - the impregnating stare versus squinty eyes.
@annieRobPornPusher here in Brazil some maganizes [ always in the birthday edition] can have more than one cover, it is up to you to choose what you want.
In the other you could choose btwn Rob, Tay and Ks and i choose Rob aswell.
"The return of our ROBERT"
The one and only ROBERT PATTINSON!!!!
Love you Rob!!!!
Remember Me - Brazil - march 12
This is like choosing between Zeus and Beeker on The Muppet Show.
Yummy, yummy Rob
I love Beeker though.
is that jona guy trying to look dangerous?
I'm so happy you all passed with flying colours... your reward, a date with the dude on the second cover.... ;-)
No contest
Robert's sexy stare could make your knickers drop at twenty yards!
annieRPP: How's the vid going? Still driving you mad!
@Kat--ha, ha--nick is cute and pretty good singer/song writer but he is a little too young--and he's not Rob
Hi Wesdazzled
There is only one answer
Wensdazzled: I got so over come at the thought of holding my knickers I typed your name wrong!!!
hi dessert--how is your evening going? has IG calmed down from yesterday or is she revving up again? LOL
(LOL) Nobody can replace Rob. No way.
wensdazzled: had a scary moment in the other blog down but I went away and read some AW and all is calm.
But now your here I guess she'll be bugging me soon LOL!
@dessert--which one--the really long one? i stopped reading that too. i just don't understand-are they/aren't they--i just hope they are happy with whatever it is they are. there were some other heavy subjects too--i just like things a little more care free--
did you get some sleep today?
There are two there? I only see one..Robert. LOL
You've got to be kidding me!
I'm a Brazilian, this is a teen mag... I would choose Rob in a sec, but i don't know what the kids have in their minds this days... I have a 9 year old and she loves the JB... LOL I use to read this like ten years ago... I had my daughter at do the math !!! :))
@ Martini...I love Beeker, too.
Actually, I'm lying, he always gave me massive anxiety as a child. :) The Muppets were all hyperactive...Sha Na Na was more my style. :) And Dukes of Hazzard.
??Beeker??--i know what he is but what does that have to do with Rob?? LOL
wensdazzled: I signed off about 2am (UK) last night. Times zones do my head in but you know what I'm on about! Got to sleep more or less straight away as I sneeked of and got ready earlier. Did have a scary moment about 5am when I woke up with my heart racing and just an odd flicker of a B... yeah you know who in my head. This man is seriously messing with my head and Annie the pusher isn't helping LOL!
It's probably my age but I find something extremely offputting about the Jonas Brothers.
And I'm sorry, but the editor of the magazine was having a laugh pitting the putti against Mr Sex on Legs, particularly using a shot from that photoshoot.
Hi, all!
@dessert--LOL flickering B...-hmm :) FILBR don't you? LOL
what time did you have to work? you must have been exhausted-
@lemon--hi! i agree about the jonas b. my daughter loves them but---rob doesn't belong on teen mags--more Details please LOL
wensdazzled: If I go to bed early I don't sleep anyway, with or without Rob in my head. RL stuff! So don't worry about my lack of sleep. Get up at 7.15am out the door for 9 but only work mornings so not so bad.
Hi Lemonless
Wens: Oh, yes, I love me some Details! Well, one or two of them are burned onto my retinas. The others? meh. Tried the thing with the scarves once: ended up with a felted tongue. Furballs are NOT sexy. Ever.
@dessert--how long are you around tonight? i have to RL in 15min for about an hour. will you still be online? if so we can talk more Bond--:)
@lemonless--LOL felted doesn't sound too fun-
Hey, Dessert! I thought I'd be able to Robsess nice and long tonight, but blow me down, I've got commitments tomorrow morning at 9 bloody o'clock. Talk about frustrating. Local, though, so I might push the envelope a bit and crash out tomorrow afternoon, all to satisfy my robfix.
Has Annie finished the bond clip? For me there is only one Bond song to go with it...
wensdazzled: I said I'd try and stay up with you all tonight so I'll give it a try as I don't work weekends. I'll get my pj on as it's 11.30pm here.
Don't blame me if IG goes totaly of her head though, I got a feeling she does want to play LOL!
Lemonless: why oh why can't Robsessed be RL! Nice thought eh?
@dessert--hope to see you later
Rob is so great, he does not fit entirely on the photo of this teen magazine. Do you see it? By the way Purple looks good, but black looks hot
Oooh! How much does a mod job pay? Somehow I'm thinking that Gozde Kat & Kate do it more for love of the Pretty than the cash. Ya think?
Ah...the "forbidden" photo shoot.............sigh
And there was another cover?? Sorry I don't see anything but The Pretty...
RobxD: I agree, black and purple are great; lilac not so much.
are there other photos of rob in that outfit--its quite yummy
LesleyHeartsRob: I'm still not sure I managed to get all of those pics. Is there still an embargo on them, or can anyone direct me to a comprehensive cache of the goodies? (I'm obviously in an alliterative mood tonight, so I apologise in advance.)
wensdazzled: don't panic you know I'm going to be here!
Lemonless: quick not about last night, not sure if you saw or not.
I chose unpipped because I didn't want to be picking pips out my teeth LOL!
Wens: I'm not a fan of men showing their underpants, usually, but that side-on shot... nom, nom, nom! It's all to do with holding his hands just so, and that look. Well, it's mostly the look and the little shelf that is the join between his lower back and his butt... nom, nom, nom!
Oh...and btw....I'm now pregnant......there's gonna be a Rob army pretty soon...
Dessert: Oh yes, I saw your comment last night, but I'm still wary of letting rip! BTW, the marmite could be for him. Just saying ;-))
Lemonless: IG just sat up and took notice of your last comment, she's looking at me very strangly!
I know some people saved them when they got posted for the 2 seconds that they did...someone might could send them to you... and me...
*gives big puppy dog eyes*
LeslieHeartsRob: congrats. Robert if it's a boy?
Oh, is this lilac ?
Sorry I am colorblind .You see what happens when you sit at the computer too much LOL
@wen,I have a few on my photobucket.
I can do puppy dog eyes and the bottom lip quiver if it helps LOL!
LesleyHeartsRob: Do you do Dr Who? If you caught the storyline last Christmas, you might begin to see the image I have of an army of Rob clones in my head. It's not all bad, though (I like John Sim who played The Master very much).
annieRPP: feed my adition PLEASE!!!
LOL~Congrats! Have you been impregnated by the "eye-maculate" conception! beeker...welcome to the random world of robsessed, my dear. Yeah, I've technically been here for Rob for the past year (and then some!) but the random stuff from some of these great, crazy ladies is the reason I stay! :)
annieRobPornPusher (love the new name!)! You've been holding out on us! Please can we have the photos? Pretty please! Look, my hands are all shaking and fluttery. I gotta have my fix! I gotta have it now!
jc, that was a shocker!
Veils & Wens: I so get it (I was a little turned on by Beeker: it's the eyebrows, of course)!
I'm still chuckling over your felted tongue!!!
Be back in 15 RL calls.
jc: Believe.
And it tasted of camphor.
@Dessert soon my dear soon ;)
@wen Look here
Hell Yes!! Damn him and the impregnating stare!!
If I keep looking I'm gonna end up with freakin' multiples.......yeah, I went there...
@Lemonless, I have only 1/3 of my pics at photobucket ;) I posted the link,just click and lick.
Probably one of those once in a lifetime experiences, eh!!
Well, the more the merrier!!
Annie - you are a wicked, wicked, wonderful woman! hehehe
LHR and Lemonless, I have all the pics from that group that were posted. I'll share. Need email addys.
annie! How do I link? How do I link? I know nothing!!
Oh, so much Pretty!
Oh, thank you so much.
@Martini Gal
LOL~with emphasis on wicked! Annie, you are awesome, girl!
OH, Lick. Stupid me, in my excitement I seem to have forgotten how to read.
what a shame, I'll have to go back to Annie's treasure trove and look through them all again!
ok I'm back!
Don't make me choose, cause it will be him, it's always been him! :D
Annie: On mature reflection, I consider page 4 to be pure win, because you have grouped most of my favorites right there, and most of the best on the first and second lines. That's so considerate of you, thank you! Mwuah!
I do take exception, however, Annie, with covering the first proper soulful one I saw of him with a network of all the others. Most distracting! But in a good way...
What have I just missed?
Ah, doncha just want to dip him in chocolate? *sigh*
Hey...Rob and KS at maybe??
I LOVE YOU ADM!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Hmmm: Chocolate Martini? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Hey, Dessert, is your "amuse bouche" in bed now?
Annie just gifted us some hot hot robporn (Oh,the fingers gif!) Otherise known as access to her Robstash. Well worth it!
Why yes Lemonless! A chocolate martini.....heheheheheheheh
Lemonless: PJ's on make-up off and already for an alnighter LOL!!!
However I think the eye make-up was keeping my eyes open they're having trouble focusing..... LOLA!!!
Another pic of them at airport.
Gals, I made a stupid twitter, now how can I follow CL and Angie???
Dessert: that's a very good compromise that I might just follow myself. Lucky I have an easily accessible plug by my bed and a very loud alarm.
licking and sticking all that lot will take me all night!
lemonless: I can take the laptop upstairs but but done that yet. I came back and there was licking and sticking going on and it distracted me!
Shamefully I have most of them already. Shame? NO! I raise my head high: I am Robsessed and proud of it! *She whispers*
Dessert: Where to lick, and where to stick? Always a dilemma.
Lemonless: Too many Robs... I know you can never have too many but please - this time of night for me is too much. That Annie IS evil but I don't know what I'd do without her!!
@Dessert wait just a little bit more!
LHR, check your email.
Dessert (although it's almost like it's just we two): Every one a winner. And all different. Even when he's trying to pull the same face for the publicity ones, they all come out different. Thank God for character, I say!
fae: too many photos, eyeballs failing, which to lick and stick...
@Fae - you need their names and you need to send them a friend request or something like that.
Lemonless: Rob knows how to make love to the camera LOL!
@Martini what are their names?
I'm pretty sure that one is
but I'm not sure what angie's is. Does anyone know??
pics of them already leaked
Bon voyage and nice flight
Martini Gal: I think it may be on the other blog - the one with the wallpapers.
just logging in for the night...i'll be on/off for the rest of the evening.
lovesrob - saw the pics can't see rob but you know that is him, duh who else would she be traveling with LOL. i do wonder if his friends will be going to this premiere like NM.
CL & Angie - aren't you excited, he is on his way to see you guys in NY :))
Thanks Martini!
Thanks, bb!!
@Lemonless, Hope you enjoy the pics ;) Don't lick too much!!!
Dessert: How do I become a camera?
congrats LHR--when are you due?
Lemonless: I wouldn't be able to take pics if I was the camera LOL!
@Lemonless, Hope you enjoy the pics ;) Don't lick too much!!!
@Fae, did you fix your twitter???
Hi wensdazzled: I am still here but eyes are sore (I think my make-up was holding them open either that or I got cleanser in my eyes!)
If I start typing gibberish you know why LOL!
annieRPP: I can't lick and stick all that this time of night (1.10am)
True evil genius LOL!
@annierpp--thank you--now wonder you faint on a daily basis--LOL
love the photos
@Annie, yes just because of this :), but I'll delete it afterwards!
annie: tongue burn!
Where are my manners? congrats LHR!
CG & angie-K: Snow shoes.
Dessert: If I were the camera that Rob was - *ahem* the pictures would all be in my head. "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr Pattinson." (see what I did there?)
@Dessert you have, their be gone tomorrow *evil laugh* ;)
Lemonless: right there with you!
@Fae,do you have angies too?
Below is a review of Remember Me - only the part about the sex, however.
Looks good to me.
Now on to the important stuff…
The sex scenes
Yes, there were sex scenes in the movie. In fact, there were three.
The first sex scene was about 1-2 minutes long. Most of it are close ups of them together having sex…naked…moaning…and groaning. We do see skin!!!
The second sex scene is what I’m assuming is the next day after they have sex (or it could be a couple hours after the first sex session). They are both naked in bed laying side by side. It was kind of weird and awkward as they both started gyrating under the cover and started to make weird sex faces.
The last sex scene was hot! Although, during the discussion group people felt that this scene was unnecessary and confusing. The scene takes place after he comes back from storming into his dads board meeting and confronts his dad for not showing up to Caroline’s art show. He comes back to his apartment (he and Ally had gotten into an argument before he confronts his dad) so they are both frustrated and angry. He storms in and is an emotional wreck. Ally tries to comfort him..which leads into hot, angry, frustrating sex. He’s pushing her up against the wall and they have nice wall sex together.
I'm not really pregnant...I was just commenting on the stare...just wanted to make sure everyone got that...;)
better get picking, licking and sticking then LOL!
@LHR,everyone is pregnant here ;)
@Annie I can't find neither of them! LOL
2 photos, Kris and Rob at Heatrow
Rob's the blurry guy in hat
Aw, LHR, you big tease!
@femroc--yes up against the wall--i've been waiting for one of those--LOL--3--how could we be so lucky
annieRPP: where is the stare photo? The one on the magazine cover?
@LHR--LOL--i think we all are from the stare
fae,CL is the same as her screen name here. angei,idk yet.they have to accept your request first.
is it just me or does that shirt Rob has on look like a really hot sci-fi shirt he should be wearing in something called 'He CAME from out space' LOL! sorry couldn't resist...god is he f*ckhawte or what in this look at him ! Look at his eyes looking at the camera! You know he does that to ...oh you know who! see that's how I reconcile not having him in real life...if we were to have a boyfriend like this and he's an actor, every f*ckhot look he gave the camera would be the one he gave you in private. And Rob can't lie...she said it herself...the looks he gives the camera to get us all to buy tickets are most likely, his super hot come get me looks he gives her in private! I mean a person can only hide so much of their personal private lives and then a bit of it comes leaking out onto the big screen.'s best he's not my boyfriend...*whimpers pathetically and slinks into the mental corner of torment and loneliness that's always lurking whenever she blogs about Robert*
But yeah, duuhhhh! I can never understand how anyone else can allow themselves to be put side by side with our beautiful man. I mean as a guy, wouldn't you have to say, 'Hell no! Not just NO! , but helllll no! You are not putting me next to the vampire in this magazine or billboard or whatever! LOL!@ if it were me I'd be like, man who told you to put me next to RPattz? I mean really I've seen him on the cover of magazines along side some of hollywoods old timers elite and new professionals and there just is no comparison. Rob is da man!
@annie--so the pictures will be gone tomorrow and i need to save them now-is that what i read?
wensdazzled; get picking, licking and sticking before they're gone!
my tongue is going to get sore-:)
wensdazzled: RM is going to be all I thought it would be and then some!!
Rob Flesh!!!
(IG is bouncing up and down in her chair for RM)
@wen, I'm just teasing ;)the pics are going to be there tomorrow.
Truly evil, were you sent here just to tease us LOL!
Good evening for those in the US, Good morning for those across the pond!
So many comments.
I saw the Robsten pic. KStew in front and Rob behind her (so many NB thoughts...).
@RobPornPusher - Can you request to follow me again, b/c it didn't show up, but I am now following you.
@Fae - My Twitt name is the same as my screen name. Angie isn't tweeting, I am for both of us.
Hi Wens, LHR, Martini, Dessert and Lemonless!
Hi CullenLover07
It's 1.40am for me. What can I say I'm just ROBsessed!
@dessert--OMG i will be in heaven--all that rob flesh--LOL
@annierpp--ok, thanks LOL--i got a little excited with all the licking i was doing. those are wonderful sexy photos
@Cl good morning :) I fix it right away.
**waves to CL**
@CL--are you just crazy excited?? is your bag packed and waiting by the door next to the wheelbarrow
@CL I sent you request I'm AngiePixie
CL07! Hey there! Did you pack your snow shoes? You can take them off and use them to bat away the pesky security.
Just had a quick moment seeing Rob dressed up as Nanook in a dog sled. OK, now I wanna see his face surrounded by a furry hood. Is that so wrong?
@CL done!!!
wensdazzled: You get to see the flesh before me ( not fare!) I have to wait for April 2nd
IG NOT happy with that, she looks likes she's going to throw something at me !!!
@dessert--i could try smuggle my camera in and take just 3 pictures--well maybe 4 we'd need the wall shot too--i can turn the flash off--tee hee
IG likes the sound of that she putting down the vase she was thinking of thowing!
Wensdazzled: I truly am dreaming. Now I've got a vision of the 'forbidden' shoot Rob in the trackie bottoms, hands up against a wall like he's being busted. Oh, my!
So how long are the over-the-ponders staying up tonight? I just poured my self a big 'ole glass of wine, so I am good for a while.
@RobPornPusher - Got it!
@Fae - Did you request, because I don't recognize the name. Just wondering.
@Wens - Bags packed, itinerary tucked away, my clean Details mag secured, two cameras, extra BlackBerry battery, two sharpies, Uggs (even though Rob doesn't like them) big warm coat and most importantly....CLEAN PANTIES!!!
@cl--better bring extra panties in case they *poof*
@dessert--the wall has always been a fantaxy of mine--throw Rob in and ohh it just became much better--:)
I said I would try and stay up as long as I can, no work tomorow so I'll be snoozing all day to recover.
Are you sure you packed everything?
@lemoless - LOL @ the dogsled! Hadn't thought of that as a mode of transport. If the wheelbarrow or the snowmobile don't work...have to research dogsled in NYC.
@wens - EXACTLY! Be **POOF** prepared!
@Fae - Got it! I am now following you as well.
wensdazzled: I did wonder why you'd want a pic of the wall, that's why I was laughing!
@CL tell me later when you're leaving for NY.
Wens: Right there with you!
CL07: Well this over-the-ponder should really be asleep, but she just doesn't care that she'll do a crappy job tomorrow.
Fae/Martini--will you update since you are following CL? i don't twitter--yet
@CL LOL you don't have to follow me cause I made twitter just for this and will probalby delete it afterwards! :)
@dessert--him against the wall--silly
@lemonless--i know--that is going to be hot
CL,I don't know how long I'm staying.Doing the final cuts on my vid :)
Lemonless; be warned you'll have the panda eyes and the vamp look about you!
@Fae,check message if you're awake.
Fae, that's genius. I'm so wary of anything 'twit'-ish!
I don't tweet acutally. I am relying on the "kindness of strangers" **southern accent with the back of my hand to my forehead**
@Wens - just sign up for Twitter. It's easy.
@Lemonsless - Productivity is over rated.
@RobPornPusher - Sending you an e-mail shortly.
Um, have you guys seen this?? The ladies from The View...
so how hard is it to set up twitter? i'm techno challenged--do you need a blackbery/smart phone
wensdazzled; when you said four pics I thought you ment three love scenes and apic of the wall where the deed took place, it made me laugh!!!
Dessert: too late! Panda Lemon made an appearance around 11:00 and will probably hang around all weekend.
@Wens - Nope just a computer unless you want to tweet on-the-road, so to speak.
Come on, you know you want to...
@dessert--that was exactly what i meant--but he would be on the wall
@wens you don't have to worry about hte updates, we'll all update! :D
@CL--i think i'll try set it up tomorrow--you are CullenLover07 right? i'll be wensdazzled whenever i what try to friend you?
That's so unfair! They should have put a double-Rob cover! =)
What a nice view to see before going to bed...
wensdazzled: have stopped laughing now! Thought you had a thing or blank brick walls LOLA!
@CL,mail ;D
@wens - *evil grin on my face, rubbing my palms together* yes, I have taken another to the dark side.
For real, this will be my first time doing this, so don't expect too much more than OMFG! ROB IS F-ING GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! - in 140 characters or less.
CL07: I followed your link. Okaay, now I'm ... yeah. Definitely with the snow shoes. You could probably get four twi-teens in one swipe.
@fae answer the message ;)
I don't know if you know this but Perez just gave the end of Remember me on his website.... Not cool at all! What a stupid jerk...
@CL Imagine you see him and think "Oh, he's not that pretty!" LOL
Dessert: I'm with Wensdazzled about the walls. It's all in the pointing. :-p
CullenLover07: have you got ear plugs packed?
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