Do you want to find out how to go from this
Hee hee I couldn't help it
To This
Read on to find out how!
‘For The Twilight Saga: New Moon we wanted the vampires to look like supermodels and the werewolves to look brawny and rugged,’ says Nathan Mellalieu, the Canadian personal trainer who got Robert Pattinson (possibly the world's most lusted after actor), burly newcomer Taylor Lautner, and most of the other actors ready to play their supernatural roles in the film. Anyone who’s seen New Moon will know Mellalieu certainly achieved that goal, but how did he do it?
'When they came to Vancouver – where New Moon was filmed – some of the actors were fitter than others,' says Mellalieu. 'Kellan Lutz, who plays one of the most ripped vampires in the film, was already in good shape, but a few needed more attention. Everyone had a tailored routine that would keep them motivated and develop the parts of their body that needed work.
'My team only had a few weeks to get the cast ready before shooting began so we put them through three to four intense workouts per week. We tried to stick to this during the shoot so that each actor's look would be consistent throughout the film, but it was tricky because everyone had different shooting schedules.
'With Robert Pattinson we did lots of boxing drills, (Kate:Oh God the boxing talk again!) which helped created the lean, muscled look he has in New Moon. He has great hand speed and footwork and seemed to really enjoy the sessions. (Kate: Rob seriously you can't have any doubt in your mind that I love you but I can't help but giggle when I read about your footwork. I wonder why? Oh ya it might have something to do with THIS)
We also had all the actors doing functional exercises using little or no weight so they weren't bogged down with too much bulk and could move athletically when filming a stunt.'
If you want to get the ripped look of one of the vampires from the film, try these two quick workouts Mellalieu regularly did with those playing the undead. Do Workout A one day, Workout B the next, rest the following day, then repeat. That's one week of New Moon training. One session should comprise three rounds of each workout. Perform each round as quickly as possible, with a two-minute break between each one.
Workout A:
100 barbell jump squats (25 per cent of your one-rep max)
100 barbell shoulder presses (25 per cent of your one-rep max)
100 crunches
Workout B:
20 burpees (third move down on the link page) (Kate: Ok now I've got visions of Rob going around Burping 20 times. Sorry I don't have a clue what a burpee is but now I have the giggles again)
30 reverse crunches
40 jumping lunges
50 squats
Source Men's Fitness with thanks to Gossip_Dance
Damn you, Kate. The zygote? Not nice. Not. Nice. At. All.
LMAO sorry I'm in a giggly humour tonight! Hee hee
It's okay, you redeemed your self with the happy trail...
I can forgive the zygote...the 2nd pic is wonderful brain bleach....and boxing rob images are giving me palpitations...he has great handspeed...*gulp*
He is tring to KILL me!!!
When that dude mentioned Rob's 'hand speed' I thought...'don't go there Nik. It's still too damn early in the day. Okay. It's 1:30 in the afternoon, but still.
And I just had a thought...
Do you think it's possible that those turned in feet are actually an indication of shyness? I was always under the impression that this was body language indicitive (sp) of that?
Just curious.
I am going to ignore the zygote pic and picture Rob boxing.
I know and I made it all big for ye too! :-))
Kate.... how could you. But yes, thank you for the second pic. Plus talk of boxing Rob gets me all hyper and giddy!
Can't even read what you wrote, just looking at "grown-up" Rob and my favorite place on his body, the delicious treasure trail.
How come I'm the only one that doesn't have a problem with 'baby Rob?'
I mean, okay, he once was a boy and now he's a man. If he still looked like that top photo and I was coming here on a daily basis to make an ass of myself over him, then yes, I could see how one might construe, that I had a problem.
But if it's the man in the second photo that the boy has grown to be, that I come here to make an ass of myself over (and oh boy, do I) then...I got no problem (and there's not a court in the land that would convict me).
Nope. Looking at 'baby Rob' doesn't give me the squicks at all. 'Cause he's not that baby no more.
Jump Squats
Everytime I see that zygote photo I think, 'That poor child!'
Makes sense his foot-work and handwork would be good in fixed or small place. Get him to walk and move with that, though!
Nik--no--he definitely has issues with gross motor skills, and eye/hand coordination in gross motor skills. Shyness may add to some awkwardness, but the turning in at the thigh is somethign else.
Can anyone tell me WTF burpees are?? Seriously it has me giggling!
Oh--and we all know from Twilight what a problem he had with squats and lunges. Good to hear he got proper training from a proper trainer this time.
kate--it is sort of like a squat jumping jack; it is part of fitness exercises where you quickly go from one position to another, but on lower to floor exercises rather than upward like jumping jacks..
OMFG! Foot work with his wonky feet? That is hsyterical...
Damn I would love to see him float like a butterfly & sting like a bee.
Kate - Check this out for Burpees.
Just imagine Rob doing this 20 times ;)
"How to get Robert Pattinson" would suit me infinitely much better...
°ignoring the zygote; drooling at grown-up Rob°
Aww, Beloved, what a body! I need it. Now.
100 of these would definitely kill me.
Aah ok but I still think Rob would prefer my version of it. LOL
Oops where are my manners Thank you ladies! ;-)
Oh Sweet Jesus!!!! BoxingRob...........
My God...I can`t concentrate enough to comment on anything else......
"He has great hand speed"
Oh my
Do you have any boys that follow this blog???? Please!!!! ROB of course! duuuuuh
@ Leslie - If FILTM = F'ing In Love Too Much, then I totally agree with u... I am in love too much with Rob Pattinson myself!!
Kate, you're not just in a giggly mood. Ye be in a naughty mood too. ;o)
Very Hot! The second picture definitely the second.
@carolinega FILTM is Fuck, I love this man! :D
sorry I mean sweetcarolinega :)
For those of you reading MoTU, there an interview with IceDragon, the author. Not sure if someone already posted this:
Haven't gotten to any of the words yet....still staring at grown up Rob.......
I'm with ADM...boxing Rob mmmmmm:)
I would seriously pay some good money to have Rob perform some burpees......on me! In slow mo.
Why on earth is he holding up his pants? He's covering up a truly delicious set of muscles.
Of course we have boys, Fae you are the one aren't you?LOL
Please please what is zygote sounds greek to me.
Burpees are an evil exercise. lol
Its the combination of the external and internal obliques the transversus abdominis (which is what I was talking about) and the rectus abdominis, that makes up the 6pac
@Dina –noun Biology.
the cell produced by the union of two gametes, before it undergoes cleavage.
The single cell that results from fertilization of an ovum by a sperm. After dividing several times, it implants in the uterus. It continues to divide, producing more cells and passing through the stages of embryo and fetus.
Now I'm sorry for sharing. I'll be leaving now. Have a nice night ladies.
@Cullen thanks a
"...(possibly the world's most lusted after actor)...". Possibly? Are they joking? Proven fact. ; )
Of course, the zygote (NO!) pix isn't helping Gwen at the moment. Just. No. God, no.
Gwen, focus on the treasure trail. Just focus.
Long, lean, lanky, but nice shoulders and happy trail...there he is, the vision of a young god. Who would think zygote Rob could transform into Adonis.
BAD KATE!!! BAD BAD BAD!!!! That pic is banned almost everywhere and for very good reason. No I have to go bleach my eyes again.
Now, the pretty with the RobHipDips and the scrumptious VNess and abbbbbbbbbbssssssssssss is lovely.
But that was decidedly evil, woman!
The zygote one is all wrong.
Loooove the happy trail one though... of course! *grin*
I swear I can smell him from here! Damn good...
Rob's got an amazing REAL GUY's body! None of that shaved chest fake pumped up sausage stuff going on, he's real in every aspect even his body type, and he's quite delicious as is. For those salivating over Kelan's shaved ass or Taylor sausage abs and biceps well the second pic beats all that top pic is just adorable 14? year old Rob lol cute but can't help but notice the little baby fat on the tummy...glad our little boy grew up to be quite the hunk in all departments...yummo Rob! *drools*
@Jules - I love MotU and I used your link to read the interview. Thank you for posting it. The interview was great, too short, but great.
Have you read The Training?
The thing is...
I don't want to get a body 'like' Robert Pattinson's. I want that EXACT body.
At my house.
At midnight.
In my bedroom.
Nuff said.
Yup, what Nik said;) I love Rob's body, it's leanly muscled and natural looking. He doesn't look like he spends hours in the gym, obsessed with his body. I love his body hair; that waxed thing on men? don't like it, at all. I want to feel a little extra friction with all the body action;)...ok, enough with the NB thoughts, gotta go play sainted teacher.
"he has great handspeed" *naughty, naughty thoughts*
good "foot work"?!:D *snorts and looks at wonky legs*
@ Gwen "...(possibly the world's most lusted after actor)...". Possibly? Are they joking? Proven fact. ; ) *resounding "hell, yeah!*
The second picture has to be THE best photo of Rob EVER. EVER!!!
Body temp just rose a few degrees, eyes glazed over, heart rate went up, bodily fluids secreted, breathing shallow, eyes rolled back in head
_____________ DEAD!!!
One last look...... DEAD!!!
The second picture has to be THE best photo of Rob EVER. EVER!!!
Body temp just rose a few degrees, eyes glazed over, heart rate went up, bodily fluids secreted, breathing shallow, eyes rolled back in head
_____________ DEAD!!!
One last look...... DEAD!!!
The second picture has to be THE best photo of Rob EVER. EVER!!!
Body temp just rose a few degrees, eyes glazed over, heart rate went up, bodily fluids secreted, breathing shallow, eyes rolled back in head
_____________ DEAD!!!
One last look...... DEAD!!!
@Dina of course I am, you already know who am I! ;)
Rob mentioned in the article about Canadian fitness trainer Harley Pasternak: "The Hollywood machine kicked into gear. He appeared on Oprah. Orlando Bloom called. So did Jessica Simpson. Brendan Fraser wanted in, as did Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl, Robert Pattinson, Hilary Duff, and Miley Cyrus."
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