Well here's your chance through the "Remember Me" Facebook Page
Here's how:
"Ask Rob" Facebook Exclusive!! Rob Pattinson wants your questions for REMEMBER ME! Exclusive to the Facebook page, Rob will answer select questions from you via video. Submit your question about his upcoming romantic drama REMEMBER ME in the comments on the "Remember Me" Facebook Page. Questions will only be accepted by fans of the REMEMBER ME Facebook page.
While you are at it add US- ROBsessed on facebook as well :)
Here's how:
"Ask Rob" Facebook Exclusive!! Rob Pattinson wants your questions for REMEMBER ME! Exclusive to the Facebook page, Rob will answer select questions from you via video. Submit your question about his upcoming romantic drama REMEMBER ME in the comments on the "Remember Me" Facebook Page. Questions will only be accepted by fans of the REMEMBER ME Facebook page.
While you are at it add US- ROBsessed on facebook as well :)
Am I the only one who still doesn't have (and doesn't want) a facebook account??
He wouldn't answer my question anyway... will you marry me Rob? LOL
"Will you marry me?" is the question I would ask if we were both 'regular people' in their 20's...
"How are you doing?" would be my regular question to an actor like him...
"What is it with the buttons?" would be my Robfan question...
@ Babs: No, you're not the only one. Good to know that at least some other people also keep their data to themselves.
@ crazy vamp: Didn't some girl ask him this already on the Kimmel show? She wanted to know if his mismatching the buttons was a fashion statement. He wasn't aware he was doing it, and I doubt it that he'll do it again. At least not very soon, he's too conscious about the buttons now.
OK they ask us to ask about Remember Me but still I see lotsa Twilight questions on there..pfffff lol
I'm not on Facebook or any of the social networks, I most definitely don't need the entire world in my business. I guess it probably doesn't matter in this case, because "will you have hot monkey sex with me?" probably isn't a question he'll answer.
@ Phosphoreszenz Ihre E-Mail-zeigt und dass alle eins braucht, ist:)
I use to have one..but I deleted it along time ago :(..seems like a lot of fun too.
I don't have a facebook account either.... :(
@ Maryann, i also think there are going to be lots of twilight questions...of course they won't be answered...
I don't know what to ask... i don't think i have enough Remember Me "material"... and he already talked a lot about the craziness while filming...
But i will love to see him answering anything !!!
I don't do FaceBook or MySpace either, but I do have a question should anyone choose to ASK IT FOR ME and I believe it's suppose to be questions pertaining to the film. C'mon. Anyone can ask the silly questions about marrying them and his buttons. He's been asked those. Let's ask him something he might not have heard before. They might actually get answered...
Do you have any concerns about the potential exploitive nature of this story? Meaning, if this story and your character do not capture the hearts of the audience, if at the end, we don't care, are you worried there could be a firestorm of outrage?
Would anyone dare ask that of him? I would. But I just can't bring myself to join up to these social networks. Not knocking others for it, but it's just not me.
And I don't believe that question gave anything away. And in consideration for those who do not wish to know the nature of that story, I think we need to be careful what we post concerning it.
Here's another one...
You had a hand in the casting of the film? What was it that made Emile de Raven stand out for you?
Oh. And congradulations on scoring the great Chris Cooper.
**high five**
One more (then I'll shut up)...
You said Jenny Lumet worked on dialogue to make Tyler sound more like you, like Rob. Was that something you wanted and if so, why?
i'm so so happy to see that i'm not the only one who doesn't want to be in social networks!!! i was starting to think that i was alone...
my question for Rob would be "are you happy?" i know it has to be about Remember me but i'm not going to join up to Facebook so...
your question are really interesting and i am kinda on the edge to make an account on facebook just to ask them haha
For those of you who do not use these social networks, if you have a SERIOUS question pertaining to the film, then ask it here. Maybe someone will go over there and ask it for you.
And I say serious because he gets the silly shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Ask him something to provoke his thought process and you just might get an answer.
Here is the question I posted...
How do you feel New Yorkers will respond to the movie? It is clear, even from the previews, that the City will serve as a character in the film. Were you able to connect with and enjoy aspects of New York in order to enhance your character development despite all the fan insanity/attention surrounding the filming? All of your fans are looking forward to seeing your work in this film!
Lame or worthy of a Rob video response?
Thank you. If you want to do that and pose some of my questions, that would be great. And please, sign your own name. I don't care who asks him what. I'd just really like to know some the answers.
Hey. Maybe we could sign them from the ROBsessed blog? Think about it...
If he got enough INTELLIGENT questions from this blog, maybe just maybe, Goz, Dani, Kate could score an interview with him one day. Why not? Others have. And God knows they've worked hard enough to deserve one.
Just a thought.
@ phosphorus, ooh nooo!...
I miss every tiny detail of messy Rob... :)
I did not see this interview. I'll check it, thanks!
i think that is a pretty good idea
and well if i make an account would use my username twirocks as well and just paste your nick under it :)
well, I'm a little ashamed to admit it,... but I don't even know how to get in facebook, twitter, or whatever.
I turn on my computer and check on Robsessed, then I check my email, check on Robsessed, do some work stuff, check on Robsessed, work again, Robsess again, check email, and, at last, Robsessed...
And ends my day... that is fun! :)
crazy vamp
sounds good to me hahha
Okay TwiRocks...
But, if you can only ask one question. Ask the first one. THAT'S the one that has concerned me from the moment I finished reading that script.
On second thought...if you're gonna do this, ask which ever one you want.
On third thought...he might not want to go near a question like that with a ten foot pole. Well...he might, but Summit could put the kibosh on it.
Ask whatever you want hon. And thanks.
Twi, it really is... ;-)
i am on making an account i will ask the first question cause i find it very original and maybe if we got lucky we will get an answer to that one
Here is the question I asked:
Hi Robert! I am a huge fan. My question is; did you feel guilt on the set of "Remember Me" for "bringing" all the paparazzis with you? And, was it difficult to act when all the paparazzis were taking pictures of you? Thank you very much! Good luck with your career. :)
I am curious about this because I would definetly feel guilty and embarassed. And I'm a taurus like Rob... so yeah.
My second question...
You are an executive producer on the film. What elements of the film were you able influence given this role in production? Do you have any interest in continuing "behind the camera work" (producing, directing) on future films?
Okay TwiRocks...
Go with the first one. Even if he isn't allowed to answer, I'm pretty sure it will get him to thinking. It's a damn good question if I do say so myself.
Thanks again.
yes i did post it no need to thank and there are a lot lol hahah
i am with all you ladies who dont have a facebook, myspace or twitter, i think i am just like crazy vamp...email and robsessed and a couple of other sites.
my thought is how do you REALLY know that rob is actually going to answer these questions???
second, i agree maybe goz, dani or kate can get an interview with him, this isn't a twilight site but a rob site so maybe for remember me, i hope they do :))
This is the question I posted.
We have all read that you are the baby in your family and have two older sisters. What was it like to play an older brother to Ruby Jerins? Did you ever wish you had a younger sibling growing up?
Any idea if you will be notified if you questions is chosen?? Thanks!
dayamn!! my question has nothing to do with the movie! I just want to know what time he was born....I want to know what his rising sign is. Ah well...My other would be(again nothing to do with the movie) do you wear jewlery?? I see them in photo shoots but -what about everyday??
Nik-those were some fantastic questions..now I wish u would make a facebook account just to ask them..LOL..and crazy vamp..sounds like good days to me..also, I would LOVE Gozde to have an interview with Robert..that would be so precious :)
Dearest Rob,
Why do I get pregnant every time I look at your picture?
Hey Rob,
How do I sign up for your upcoming seminar 'Five classy ways to break up with your chick.' ?
Thanks man,
Brad Pitt
LMFAO @ Veils :)
and @Babs....no, you are not the only one left to cross the threshold of the Facebook holy grail. Never have, Never will.
Dear ADM,
What are your three wishes and I'll be your genie for Christmas.
-another thing Im wondering is WHEN is he answering the questions?? before or after the movie premieres?? I would want to know what aside from acting in the movie-what specifically did he do as producer (since he got cred for it). What attracted him to the movie? what aspects? If he could do it over-what would he add or subtract from the final cut.What does he love about New York and Hate? Would he consider living there?
I didnt read the script so I cant think of any questions directly pertaining to the movie. I agree those New Moon questions were ridiculous and the interviewers should have been the actual fans of the books...ignoramous idiots
Veils, my three wishes...hm, let me think...
Robert Pattinson
Go to work Christmas genie! LOL
Dear VeilsofLight,
Your Wit has me totally besotted, I have sent and included a perfectly-sized sparkly peen, along with chocolate in a bright red stocking.
P.S. batteries not included.
Ok, I put up several questions.
I asked what he liked the best in working with Chis, Pierce & Emilie..
Nik, I asked your question about working on the script with Jenny, and why Emilie was the one who landed the role.
I set facebook up a long time ago to keep connected with my family outside of Oregon, and I never log into it. Ive tried to keep that the one place that has nothing to do with Rob...but there's no point since I never use it....so...just one more place to Rob obsess!
a friend just told me what its about-I dont know if I can stand it. Bring a box of tissues!!
@Kimberly Dawn............Oh I HOPE he doesn't decide to work behind the scenes.......that would be so sad ........for us!!
I would ask.........How do you get to be an Executive Producer? Do you consider yourself a control freak? Did being the EP help with that? What are you the most proud of with this project?
You have to ask questions that don't require a yes/no answer but more elaboration.
I don't do any of those social networking sites either. I do not want to be found (long lost frenemies!), friended, or as Kristen would say, "twatted".
four questions most on facebook...
Thank you rpattzgirl. If I wasn't such a paranoid freak, I could go do it myself.
And thank you Kemberly. BTW...you, Veils and ADM are killing me here. So funny. In fact your silliness has inspired a silly question from me too...
Rob darling,
With this recession dragging on, a few of us enterprising ladies have decided to open up a sex shop (well, we haven't yet. but I'll bet when you guys hear my idea...) Our only item of sale will be a little item we affectionally call...'The Sparkling Peen.' (in fact, that's the name of the store 'The Sparking Peen'...I know. clever, huh?) Yes darling, it is an idea based on the many fantasies inspired by your iconic character in the Twilight Saga. But we figure if Summit can humiliate you by selling jewelry boxes and lip gloss with your gorgeous, little mug all over them (not to mention a fucking Barbie doll), why can't we sell pretty dildos? An no darling, we won't put your face on them, but if we can figure out how, we'll be sure to get diamonds (okay. cubic zirconias...remember, were in a recession here) to shoot out in a rainbow of everlasting love. And as I have no doubt we'd sell enough of the little suckers to make enough mooola to probably end the recession outright (not to mention feeding a third world country or two), we'd be willing to give you a cut.
So then my darling, my question is...
Would you have any objection to such an endeavor?
Give it some thought. A little more humilation for you perhaps (although at this point, what's a little more humilation?),
but think of the greater good.
Thank you darling,
Hugs and kisses,
Your Nik
Well, I'm trying not to hear/see much about the movie before it's released, because I like the surprise, but of course a few things have emerged publicly, so I don't think the question I asked should give out any real spoilers:
"You strike me as a person who is not prone to letting his emotions get the better of him, in real life, while as far as I understand, Tyler seems to be quite the "angry young man". If that is the case, was it difficult for you to let yourself "lash out" and did you do anything in particular to prepare yourself in order to do that?"
I do have a Facebook account to keep in touch with my family and friends back in Italy, know what they're up to :). And because I like the silly little games!
ADM, in case you're still here...about your comment on the other thread-see, this is why I need a no-spoiler buddy!:) thanks for reminding me of the pact, my friend-I WILL NOT CAVE!
*fist in the air*
LMAO @Nik OMG I just spewed drink out my nose.
BRB - gotta clean the laptop screen.
Nik, we will make a fortune!
I wonder...think we can get him to do a plaster cast. You know...for the real effect. LMAO
seriously just spit out my fucking wine!!!
The way you phrased it, how could he possibly object??
Maybe he'd be willing to even come in and do some one on one coaching or role playing!!!
Oh, MoTu updated!!!! Yes!!
I love your question!!!
thanks for the heads up on MoTU rpattzgirl. I just got caught up on University of Edward Masen and finally have time to read Dark Side of the Moon. Then I am going to read Escape and La Canzone della Bella Cigna. I can't believe I am keeping these ff's straight.
LMAO, RPL, it will not be easy, but we will stand strong together!
P.S. AND just so ur not reduced to tooth-paste and ur tooth-brush to keep that perfect everlasting sparkle..for a limited time..we're going to throw in a $5 off coupon for the All Jewelry Cleaning Kit (4 piece set) from Target :)
kate, i saw rob's video on robsessed facebook page. He was so relaxed with the paps at the moment, he smiled and even answered their questions.now all we can see is his sad face everytime the paps around
LOL@Nik-we could soo do this and make a fortune.
This is a good facebook page about Rob to check out.
motu killed me, dammit....
Is there something I don't know about FB...I have caught up with so many old friends and family. I don't post myself alot but respond to many. The games are fun too + I like seeing photos of all my old elementary, middle school, high school friends.
3 part Question for Mr. Pattinson: Mr. Pattinson would you ever consider playing Fitzwilliam Darcy in an updated, modern version of Pride and Prejudice and if so, would you do a nude version of the lake scene and if so, can I please "assist" you in that scene.
Kemberly, VeilsOfLight, ADM and Nicola all I have to say to you is
... LOL
Now onto another subject, I don't have facebook or twitter and I'm young (in my 20s). I always thought it was a waste of time. So don’t worry my fellow twitterless/facebookless peeps! you are not alone, lol.
Now about this topic, I would have normally been excited about something like this, but not now.I mean will they have someone sitting next to him to monitor what he says? Will they be the ones hand picking the questions for him?
I mean what are we allowed to ask him? Are we even allowed to ask him about himself?
It just feels too controlled and not as natural and open as Robert’s older interviews. However who knows they might pleasantly surprise us by letting him be, I will keep the hope lol.
OMG rpattzgirl, MoTU update was so good. I loved the a/n so true. She asked for it.
Yanno girls...
I really think were on to something here. And not only should that little shit endorse the damn thing, by god, he ought to put up the seed money. Get it? 'Seed' money? I am fucking hysterical!!! Whatever Nik.
I had something serious I wanted to say, but I got distracted by my brainstorm. Lemme go think.
EP update alert.
I don't have a facebook account either and I refuse to get one, not even for having the opportunity to ask Robert something, he won't answer me anyways. lol
Still trying to think of that serious thing I want to say, but all I can think of is...
Rob coming in for some hand applied plaster.
Now the next question is...
Who's gonna apply the plaster?
And just so you all know...I'm horny, I'm possesive and I got a great big fucking baseball bat. However...
You feed my chocolate? I'm willing to negotiate.
LMFAO @Nik...seed money...Bwahahaha
Nik, I will be happy to allow you to apply the plaster. However, he will still have a...hm...problem...once the plaster is removed. I will assist with said problem. hehe
This is lame, someone else will pick the questions for Rob and that same person or maybe someone else, will tell him what to answer. He's not as genuine as last year, can't blame him though. Remember the nazi from Ryan Seacrest? Some of the questions here are awesome and funny.
Yea, uh Nik, think I need to be the one to apply the
plaster..someone has to do it, and I'm very selfless!
ep too???? Omg, good times...
I so much wanted to ask him some very private questions... hum... cannot write them here (remember Gozde's border line? Some teens might be around...damn it).
But, seriously, there is a lot of stuff I dreeeeam to know about him and it doesn't have anything to do with how he 'buttons his buttons'-- my very-well-behaved-fangirl question (so not me...:)
Hey RPG! Loved your idea of Rob buying a 'fuck me' island! We would meet a lot of Robsessed girls there at last! :)
Get in line, girls...
G'night y'all, 12:30 am here...
Good night crazy vamp.
awwww and the guilt parade cometh..ok I'll delete my last two comments :(
Nighty night CV!
Geeezzzuuussss EP!!! Holy shit on the ending!!!
I love how every other word out of Edwards mouth is fuck and tesero...
@Nikola6, you've really piqued my curiosity here. You've read the script (how does one do that?), but "exploitive nature of story" WTF has Summit done? Your question really has me concerned. He's actually given credit as an EP? Doesn't that mean he put up money for the film?
A dialogue coach to make Tyler sound like Rob? That is impossible. Rob has a beautiful British accent and an American accent (which he does SO well) is so not Rob, that's his genuine acting.
@Skorpia and @marcoski, good questions.
Back to Nik, the wine is definitely flowing (here too) with your sex shop suggestion! LMFAO.
submitted my question. As much as I'd love to ask about his personal life, I actually followed the guidelines and asked about the movie and not him...
Okay. Gonna crawl outta da gutter for a minute 'cause I remembered that other thing I wanted to say.
Someone asked about Rob working behind the scenes? Here's my take on that...
Yeah, I think he's gonna. He's already stated that he's writing scripts, he's interested in directing one day and that he'd like his own production company before he's 30. Because he is such a 'creative' talent, I believe that one day, Robert Pattinson is going to be an actual filmmaker and not just a gun for hire by the studios (think Warren Beatty who started his career behind the camera when he produced Bonnie and Clyde at 29). Rob wants to make his own too and he doesn't want to do it within the Hollywood system which is strictly fueled by money. I think he once said that he wants to make small films with budgets of no more than 5 million. As for his executive producer credit on Remember Me...
I think Summit is grooming him. He may have even made his deal with them when it comes time to form that production company. He absolutely had a hand in casting RM and does anyone recall the real reason he was sent to Cannes?
It wasn't for just a photo op. Hell, Summit could have stuck him on any street corner in America and gotten loads of pics of him. They didn't have to fly him clear to the south of France. He was sent there to help nail down the distribution rights for this film.
THAT'S why he got an executive producer credit.
He's on his way.
Not sure I'll make it back into the gutter tonight. Got 3 phone calls to make and a chapter to finish. But it's sure been fun. I need to get silly more often. Thanks guys.
just logging back on...still thinking of a really good question????
RPG - i just got done reading both updates...WOW both of them were great. MOU - that was really harsh, she did ask for it, but that was a painful way to prove a point. EP - she left us hanging in hell, i cant wait for the next update.
Kemberly...no...say what you want (unless its about me). ;-)
if anyone is reading When Fiction Becomes Reality it just posted an update.
Btw....will use "erotica" instead of smut when describing the smut, oops I mean erotica on Fan Fic..for you K
I'd be happy to talk to you about this film, but not here on the blog.
My e-mail (set up for this blog and some fan fic sites only) is...
I'll get back to you soon as I can.
I absolutely agree, and Rob has said many times he wants his own production company within 10 years..and that was a year ago.
He's an artist, and very creative. He doesn't want to be on snl, he wants to write skits..
And Summit is totally grooming him and that is WHY he was sent to Cannes and treated like a king ( or Bond)!
He us very smart and knows exactly what he wants..
Not many actors get a hand in writing the dialogue in the scripts.. and he & Jenny worked on that together.
I've read the script too and understand Niks question, but by explaining it, it would spoil it for others who have not read it...
It will, undoubtably cause some controversy.. and possibly negative feedback.
It's a beautiful, sad emotional story and not at all about the way it's being marketed...
It is NOT a teenage love story, or about a troublesome teenager... Could nit be further from that.
Sorry for the long rant...
And yes, Ep left us hanging!!!
Sorry for the typos... my iPhone hates me
Dear Rob,
Why is your Sex on Fire?
Naughty Kisses,
awwww thanks Sparkle ;)..maybe we should make up a name just for the smutty..I mean erotic FF ;P..I know..I get carried away sometimes with my comments and I forget there may be teens reading them..but I just couldn't stop the image of Robert standing there, naked, splattered with plaster, and something resembling the purple cup I'm drinking out of over his peen..LMAO
uh, yea i'd like him to answer that as well...
why do you make grown ass women giggle, squee,
ready to give up everything & be your sex slave?
What do you have to say for yourself??
Kem-how about clit-lit?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA..Sparkle I believe we have a winner~!!!<333
cool...that works for us both. read chap 50 of MU....is there more somewhere? going to search for, here it comes, first official use of the term: some clit-lit. Wish me luck sessers.
The minute I stepped onto the treadmill at the gym today, I looked up at one of the movie tv's and saw 'Summit Entertainment' on the screen. Shit! I practically ran to the front desk to bum a set of borrowed headphones only to be interrupted by another over-zealous woman with the same intentions, saying " Do you guys have any headphones??? TWILIGHT is on!!"
There we were, a roomful of grown women on our treadmills and Elipticals, breathing heavily with mouths agape and eyes glazed over starring fixedly at Robward and his damn sparkly self.
This is a disease.
Yep, I'm off to lie down..for a couple of hours of clit-lick..SHYTE..I mean clit-lit..before I fall asleep..LMAO
If Rob could see only one thread this year, I think tonight's would be it. :) Tell me he wouldn't laugh his ass off. Or be really creeped out, one of the two. ;) :)
Thanks for the humor tonight guys, off to blanket bay.
I WISH I COULD MEET HIM!!!!!!! DOES HE LIKE DRAG RACING?!?! Lol, I'll go with him!(:
I'm off to read some more la canzone..it's gettin good... Check in later with you horny ladies...
night RPG I am off to bed as well. As always you ladies Rock and keep me entertained.
NIKOLA6: Nikola gracias por la info Rob, ignoró el objetivo principal del viaje a Cannes... THANK YOU VERY MUCH...I'M HAPPY FOR ROB ;)
LALLIEB: THANK YOU MY QUESTIONS doubted if were good or bad
ALL greetings and thanks for making me laugh with his crazy...
hey gals! I don't know which question to ask , I'll give you some of the ones I thought up and you can choose which sounds good to ask.
How is Tyler's character more like yourself in reality?
How did it feel to be big brother?
Did you enjoy doing the argument scene? The one in the alley.
What did you find unique about tylers character? Or what did you find unique about tyler's character that stood out to you?
What scene was difficult for you to do, and why?
Those are the ones I came up with. If you can help me out, I much appreciate it.
This is off topic a bit, but I just realized that this Rob drought we're in may turn out to be almost permanent. I didn't think about it until I was reading the Socialite Life story about the pap law that's going into effect in California this January. This is part of it:
"Arnold Schwarzenegger is laying down the law and has already signed a bill that will fine photographers and media outlets up to $50,000 if they are caught taking or selling photos of a celebrity in "personal or familial activity."
Familial activity? What does that even mean? (It's fine, I didn't know either). Well, if a celebrity is having a Sunday BBQ at their house, for example, and kids are running around, music is blaring and drinks are being downed like candy, a paparazzi (and media outlets like Socialite Life's website) would get fined if any photo is taken or bought from an event for the purpose of profit if the law is enforced."
I'm all for people having their privacy, but I suddenly realized that as long as Rob is in California, (is he buying a house here?) we won't be seeing any pictures of him unless they catch him on a set or at an industry event. We are going to be very lonely :-(
hey guys, I have a facebook , but I rarely use it just to connect with my brother abroad and strictly for business friends. But I broke my own rule since I want to ask rob questions about RM, I join the RM facebook and sumit my questions. The things Rob has made me do...
If anyone wants me to ask Rob something related to RM on Facebook and do not feel comfortable getting a facebook account please let me know via maryovino@yahoo.no and put Rob question in subject line. Also give me the name you want credited so I can get back to you asap if he DOES pick your question. But please keep it REMEMBER ME related. I won't ask him Twilight questions sorry. I play by the rules, they ask for Remember Me questions directed to him so that is what I am doing. Also no hints of "private questions" either please.
Dear Rob,
There's been talk of you being a shy person yet you're in a line of work that requires you to be the very opposite of shy. How do you do it? How do you overcome the shyness and let yourself "out" when you're in front of the camera?
And... How does it feel to be in love?
ROFL... Veils, you're hilarious. That's all i have to say, and yeah no offense to anyone or FB (like i care..) but I won't be submitting anything. Besides I'm happy to see there are enough (a handful) of decent good questions submitted so that i don't feel any responsibility to try to come up with one other than "omg robward, marry me"
Now if they will get picked is another question. Who knows who will do the picking.. But apparently we will be getting a video interview.
That law doesn't seem like it is really doing anything drastic or new. Just "personal and familial activity" so basically no intrusive pictures like someone hangin out in half naked in their backyard.
Doesn't really apply to our Rob (thankfully, for him) because every time we've seen him he's been out in public.
It's basically a law that should be of COMMON SENSE to everyone. You don't chase someone and their friends to a garage and surround them to try to get one shot of a guy who is probably just tired and wants to hang out with his friends... ugh.
@Sarah, I think "personal" activity can include anything not job related, in fact, I'm not sure that job related (like being on set) might not be included. Personal & familial means going to dinner, or the grocery store, or walking down the street, they're all "personal".
Good! I'm thrilled that the gov is going to sign this into law. About damn time. Jesus Christ! Something's got to be done because it's gotten completely out of hand. Doesn't anyone remember that Diana Spencer was driven to her death by paparazzi chasing her...IN A FUCKING CAR???
And who else has been chased in a car this year? At least three times by my count.
1) in the green porche which he allegedly crashed while being chased (why the hell didn't he report that? I think he actually brushed it off with a laugh)
2) with Chris, Kristen and Taylor being chased into LAX (with Chris getting out and going ballistic on them. well hell. he had two teenagers in that van. one of them...A MINOR!)
3) just last week with his buddies here in LA (wasn't Bobby laughing about it or something?)
You stupid ass kids. IT'S NOT FUNNY! Especially with you all drinking like fish.
The thing is guys, his private life is not a movie to be played out for our entertainment. It's his and only he should be able to decide just how much of it he wants to share with us. I'm gonna tell you something. If this shit keeps up beyond Twilight (and he'll put up with it till it's over because he is contractually bound to do so), but if it doesn't let up, he's gonna disappear on us...for a year or two; no movies, no magazines, no interviews, no photos, no nothing. I mean he's gonna go get completely lost. Frankly, it'd be the smartest thing he could do. Go crawl under a rock somewhere (or go find another London rooftop) and let all of this insanity die down. Then when it has (and it will), then come back and resume your career. You think a handful of months is a drought. How'd ya like a couple of years? It could happen. He's twenty fucking three years old and he shouldn't have to spend the majority of his waking hours in HIDING! That's just wrong.
As for that $50,000 dollar fine...
I don't think that's going to deteur them where Rob and Kristen are concerned. You kidding me? What's a piddling fine, when the 'money shot' of them, would go for millions?
Look, I love him too and yeah, it's fun to peek in on his life. But it is not my right to do so. There is an immorality about all of this. Laws need to be enacted to protect people, or else...
Were gonna have another tragedy. What we've got here is a boiling pot under a lid. It's gonna blow. And I don't want my boy hurt.
Is his safety really worth it?
(Whenever I take off on something, I always feel stupid about it afterwards. Not on this one. It's wrong -to THIS degree anyway- and deep down, we all know it)
not sure if someone's said this already, but be careful if scroll down the comments/questions on Facebook, there are some VERY big spoilers over there.
"This is a disease."
Oh hell yes he'd be laughing his ass off. 'Cause it's the truth. I'm not kidding when I say that in any given moment, I don't know whether I want to throw my arms around him or punch him in the face. I'm telling ya...he's the goddamn devil.
And rpattzgirl...
I think they may be marketing this film in this way for a reason. Because of the leaked script, the ending is out there and I think they want to 'deflect' away from that. Also, the ending is a 'twist', so...they don't want to give that up in the 'official' promotion. Just a guess.
And with that, I bid you all a goodnight. It's been a blast.
Robert Pattinson professedly has his eyes on one particular X-Men character, Magneto. The leading man of the "Twilight Saga" series has, according to Comic Book Movie, uttered his interest on playing the powerful mutant, which ability is to generate and control electromagnetic forces, in a recent interview.
Presented with a question whether he has thought about taking a part as a superhero in the future, the 23-year-old responded, "Well yeah [laughs], I think everyone wonders about that sometimes." He went on to tell interviewer Frank Boyle, "My little cousin tells me I look like Magneto so I guess thats who I should probably play."
It's totally off topic but I just wanted to get it out here.
And now I am off trying to think of intelligent questions even though I can't ever make sense of my mind whenever it involves Rob.. in a good way, of course.
@Nik-I didn't know Robert crashed because of papz..maybe I missed something on the blog..which I pass things up all the time without even realizing it..I found this interview tho in which he doesn't say anything about papz making him crash....
But again, I don't know..I wasn't there.
hmmm... what to ask him ... did you ever had a moment while doing a scene that you felt that it was you and not Tyler doing that scene and that you got carried away ? and what was that scene ?
no... i probably ask him if he go out to dinner with me and later if i can have him for dessert.yum!!! he can be on top all the time :)
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