@KatieSue617 is it just me or does it look like somthing is wrong with Rob's left nipple in the clocktower scene?
I didn't notice it, I was looking "somewhere else" in that scene :) But apparently a lot of people noticed Robward's "wonky" mipple (mipple = man nipple). While twitter peeps were discussing this very important "Left Mipple Gate" issue we got another tweet:
RT @PepperMonster He has a tear in his shirt over his left peck & when he takes his shirt off his left nipple has a scar around it
Since we never shy away from investigating crap like this (or looking at shirtless Robward pictures) we dug into our HQ files. Let's look at Robward when he walks into the Volturi lair:
The shirt is ripped on the left mipple side:
Let's look at Robward when he is taking his shirt off:
Let's look closer:
*stares dreamily*.....*keeps staring*....*comes down to earth*
Oh! Yep there is definitely something "wonky" about the mipple. Feel free to stare at it to make sure :) I think I'm going to have to see the movie for the 3rd time to REALLY make sure...
My explanation for the "bite mark" was: Some horny woman jumped him while he was away moping for Bella and she tried to bite his mipple :)
When we thought we solved it with the crazy horny lady theory: "@bucaticadinmine: am I the only one who thinks this doesn't makes sense? nothing harms vampires so what caused that scar?"
I was shame faced at not thinking of that but @TweetsALittle and lroy6 had the answer: Vampire bites/venom can cause scars on other vamps! Remember Jasper has lots of them from battle!
Great! So he got into fights with some vamps and they bit his mipple! Naughty naughty vamps! But still, what if the wonky mipple belongs to Robert Pattinson and not Robward Cullenson? Oh the horror!
Well for that we had to dig really deep into the pictures from Italy, the unedited ones:
Yep, the mipple is just perfect and it's always been perfect:
We can all sigh in relief now that Left Mipple Gate" is solved :)
Thanks to PepperMonster, i_heart_the_doc, TweetsALittle, dancn_stacy09, @MyraMcEntire, KatieSue617,MeggsT, bucaticadinmine and lroy6 for their invaluable input in this very important discussion.
Is it just me? I think he actually looks better in the pick below before the movie edited it or whatever they do.
See? THIS is what we fans want to know.
They should have you interview Rob, so we could find out the answers to the REALLY important questions, like who sews his clothes.
I wonder now, though, why does the nipple look wonky in that shot? I noticed it the second time I watched the movie, but then I saw during the fight scene that his nipple is perfectly normal. So why did it look that way? Maybe Tay-Tay was jealous and got into the editing room?
You are very welcome! I'm glad you got to the bottom of this. At least we know Rob is perfect...but I still wonder what is wrong with his "mipple" in the movie...maybe someone will explain it in the director's commentary....yeah, not likely ))
"Maybe Tay-Tay was jealous and got into the editing room?"
Really funny!
Congratulations who had this "incredible idea" and post this!
I love the nipple of Rob and the "path of destruction" right below... If you know what I mean :p
oh gawd..did we really have to be shown and pointed to his lil boy mipple?..I feel uber creeped out now..LOL
Thank you for clearing this up. I swear, it has eaten up my entire afternoon... combing through my many Rob archives. Not that I am complaining to have an excuse to check out shirtless pictures of Rob. (It was all for research... I keep telling hubs that anyways)
Maybe there is some back story to this that we are not aware of? How did that rip get in his shirt? Was there an altercation before we saw him? More reasons to continue my quest in the picture archives. ;)
what if this picture is Reversed and they are using the scarf/tie thingy to cover the mutant nip
Oh, please, I can´t stop laughing!! You, ladies, rock!! *tears running through my cheeks yet now*
Gozde, those things are the ones that make your blog the BEST!! HAHAHA, I can´t stop, LOL
Good week everyone!! =))
Pss: and thank U for teaching me some new words in English_mipple, hahaha.
oh my goodness, we've really hit another level of obsession haven't we? Starring at his mipple... I feel so pervy! Fantabulous post!
Gozde! That's just why I love this website... nothing like you amazing sense of humour to put me in a great mood!
Keep it up~
I think, it's a love bite (hickey) from Kristen Stewart
This one is very close to the "Sleeping bag" post..lmao! Love this stuff..yep I would pay GOOD MONEY to see you ladies interview Rob..(preferrably intoxicated doing so..lmao).
LMFAO @ Left MippleGate
I have a theory, perhaps a certain female co-star was facinated with the Mipple between takes and she oops!, got her lipstick on it, LOL
it's not Ashley Greene's colour.
I really appreciate your detective work girls. I'm going to print this off into a power point presentation:-) You have to get hold of Chris W and ask him.
Just something else to throw into the mix...... I'm surprised they let him on the plane looking so disheveled and torn....??
I think the person (woman!) responsible for the airbrushing wasn't able to stop her hands from trembling so the paint kinda got put on a little too heavy in that one area. She didn't bother to correct it as she knew it would take a while for us to notice as our eyes would be looking elsewhere........
Ah. Just one touch. That's all I need, just one touch........
I think the person (woman!) responsible for the airbrushing wasn't able to stop her hands from trembling so the paint kinda got put on a little too heavy in that one area. She didn't bother to correct it as she knew it would take a while for us to notice as our eyes would be looking elsewhere........
Ah. Just one touch. That's all I need, just one touch........
LMAO @ Mipple Gate
And WHEW, glad it's still perfect!!
Thank you for all your investigative work!! I was worried for a bit! Cuz I thought the same thing when I watched the movie!
of course then there's the question could there have been a mipple stand in? LMAO
Where's the nipple? I can only see the happy trail *looks around*
OMG, I am laughing my ass off, here...great investgative journalism, Goz!
I can always rely on you for the truth!
Love you babes!
you forget....in Twilight during his time away(Midnight Sun version) he was in Alaska with Tayna. maybe she made her move......I'm just sayen.
Ya know, you have to appreciate the depth and the trouble we will all go to find the truth on any given subject because "inquiring minds need to know."
I think it is hair! He got jumped on by Kristen several times during the filming. Dang lucky girl, and it is possible his hair there got a bit ruffled and matted in the process.
I am such a selfless soul that I would offer, at my great personal expense to be there to comb that chest hair out for every take. I would even bring my own blow comb and UK plug in to take of that for him.
I know, I am so generous and thoughtful. Don't mention it, I am just that way. --Cough, cough--
Omg thank you for this excellent detective work!!!
His mipple does look funny in nm... But of course he is perfect!!!
Off to see nm for the 3rd time so I can see it again gor myself...
I loved it even more the 2nd time I saw the movie!
I agree with patty_hariri I think is a hickey too!!! I don't know if it was Kristen but I still believe is a hickey it looks like one ;) . Gozde this stuff in your blog is the best, I mean no one has done stuff like this the way you do, you rock!!! =)
This is why I love you ladies. Always going the extra mile to ensure the Robsessed are up to speed on all Rob's privates. And I can only hope Chris Weitz will address the reason for the torn shirt and the scarred mipple in the DVD extras. And maybe explain that he dropped acid on the day they shot the future scenes and the day he approved the granny Jasper wig. Then all will be right with the world.
I am soooo happy u gals figured this out. Its been bugging me since Friday! Good job! Im so relieved it's Edward's problem and not Rob's!!!!!!!!!!
oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot stop laughing!!!! LMAO
I have noticed it too and thanks for clarification that our boy is perfect!!!
OH. MY. GOSH.!!!!!
Why did they make him look so bad in the final edit? I knew I wasn't imagining things!
As much as I'd love to feed the Robsten dream, it can't be Kristen that jumped him and bit his mipple since it's perfectly untouched in the unedited pictures :)) It was added there later on :)
LMFAO! This post is hilarious!
Gozde you rock! We love you (and the perfect mipple of course)!
I love his chest hair, his skin, his happy trail...
God, I think I won't sleep tonight.
DH will have a good time... and he won't have a clue why IT happened that way...
Oh my!... :)))
You girls crack me up!
You are nuts! You keep looking at such detail with THIS happy trail out???
Best post ever. I laughed so hard! Great work investigating the mipple gate!
I noticed it at the theater and I am glad to see the mipple was only altered for the movie :)
So ridiculously happy that you guys settled this. It drove me nuts both times I saw the movie. And especially glad to know that my Rob isn't mipple-ly challenged.
Also, I agree that he looks better BEFORE the makeup/cg weirdness.
I've just spat wine all over my computer, LMAO, holy mipple
I thought I was the only one who though it looked weird when we got our first look at those pictures... maybe it's just more hairy than the other one ;P
I'm so glad I asked the question that started all this! :) I think that should mean I get to go along for the interview about this! ;)
Al'right, I admit it! I sucked his nipple to death!!
i just came back from seeing New Moon for the second time and I made it a point to look at his nipple at that part (i saw the first tweet on the subject earlier) and the only thing i noticed was that he has a lot of hair around that one nipple. maybe thats what it is, just the hair casting a kind of shadow?
LMAO @ MippleGate!!!!
I didn't notice during the movie because I was also looking south.
I'm going again tomorrow night I'll have to have a look
I noticed it the first time. And the second. And the third. Because I notice things like this. Perhaps the deleted scenes on the DVD will help clear this matter up? I swear if ever I get the chance to meet him in person (if only...) I will just have to ask him about the wonky nipple and what the crazy backstory is. Although I like your idea of a crazed fan biting it, lol. Not that I would do anything like that myself, of course... ;)
WOW now I don't feel so ridiculous. I noticed that the first time I saw the pic. I was like what is wrong with Rob's left nipple but noticing someting like that isn't really something you can just share LOL.
lmfao this is the funniest thing i've ever read. bc my and my friends were like wtf is wrong with his nipple? thanks 4 the clarification. idk what in the world i would do without this blog. it's like my bible
oh i didnt notice the nipple. i was looking further down. the "V" looks so inviting. makes me want to lick it and bite. yum!!! :)
LMFAO, Oh my goodness I have a splitting headache from laughing so much at this post & the comments. Seriously how did you girls even notice that? My focus was trying not to drool in public at the abs, the perfect V & the lovely happy trail...ung.
Lol but thanks for clearing up the mipple gate scandal - roflol
I will have a better look when I go & see it the 3rd time tomorrow *grin*
Girls, you amuse me...
Come on,... it looks just a little hairier than the other one. And also, there is some shadow there.
awwwww!!the long waiting is killing me!!need to remind...4 more days!!!can't wait for the movie...all I'm reading is mixed reviews form the fans??WTF??people saying is so bad...other is really good..critics giving a hard time to rob...I don't care all I wanna see is shirtless rob hope is worthed
gozde how many times have u seen NM???
.. but you do see some weird shadow-ish thing in the unedited pic too. You youst have to squeeze your eyes a bit more. Just sayin'. haha ;p
and while im on it.. what on earth does 'idk' mean?
I was in Montepulciano, at 5 or 6 meters from Rob for this scene and I CAN TELL YOU HIS 2 MIPPLES ARE PERFECTLY NORMAL... I could have look at him during hours so...
I know that a part of this scene has been shot in USA, anyway next time I'll see him, I'll ask him.
I love the urban legends about Rob, Gozde you're great ! ;)
idk = i don't know. :)
RHONDA, I'm still laughing out loud. You are so right on about CW dropping acid that day! OMG, he does have some explaining to do, whether he will or not will be interesting. I love the guy, but puhleeze, why, why, why? I had forgotten about the mipple until I read this and I DID indeed notice it yesterday, 1st time seeing it. There was major make-up and air brushing done to Rob's chest as no one should be surprised to find out.
This was the second thing to make my day today.
I felt kinda weird staring into Robward's wonky left mipple. But I quickly got over the awkward thought ;D
Oh Sweet Jesus, "Left Mipple Gate" has made my day! Gozde....your journalistic snark is the best!
My interpretation of the mipple is pure and simple.
It's just hair.
Rob's a hairy beast. The growth pattern around that particular mipple is just showing up a bit darker than the angle on the other side.
No need to worry. Rob is in perfect condition. Just a hairy mipple pattern *smiles*
Kate...I think you should be able to inspect the mipple personally!
Sure and you'll give the poor lad yet another complex!
Well, my two cents: cut in the shirt + scar on the left side of the chest = he tried to stab his self in the heart? (I know that this doesn't make much sense, since he knows that vampire cannot committ suicide "the human way", but still!)
LMAO @ crazy vamp! did it taste like sparkles? hahaha
I'm loving mipple gate! and I was all panting and crap after analyzing the pics and then you had to smack me in the face with the Zygote! ;P
I'm going again tonight (by myself this time!!) so I'll have to look really carefully this time.
Can't. Look. Away. From. The. "V"!
thanks for the laughs, ladies! :))
62 comments on rob's mipple! the complete ridonkulousness of this has cured my migraine.
bless you rob, and your wonky mipple
This post cracks me up! I did not notice this the first or second time I saw the movie...I'm going again when my daughter gets in town for Turkey day...I have to look close for research purposes, right? Actually, my eyes keep going waaaaaaay lower than the nipple.. oh it's so much fun to be a perv!
RPL, glad to hear your will get to see the movie a second time. I am going Monday morning for round 2.
crazy vamp, I thought those teeth marks looked familiar. LOL
Wonder if the person putting the makep on his chest got too close? LMFAO
My friends and I said the same thing! It was very distracting. I love that Robsessed dug a little deeper! I really do want to know if that was intentional and what the hell they were thinking.
"ROB!! OH NO.. MY MARK ON YOU IS STILL THERE!" chris- "wtf!!!" rob- grins* ... hehehe thats my theory
heres a pic http://i892.photobucket.com/albums/ac124/robstenation/normal_200.jpg
I noticed the wonky mipple the first time I saw the movie too.
I still don't think that makes any sense. Jasper and Bella's scars from being bitten were created when they were still human, right? I don't think one vampire can cause a scar on another vampire. Also Jasper's scars were barely visible when he showed them in the light or whatever.
Nice excuse to stare at Robwards bare chest though, lol.
Unless, you are telling me that Carlisle bit Edward on his mipple when he transformed him, which in that case, would be kind of hot.
Definitely looks like a hickey some lucky girl put on him.
I'd ask Kristen about it but........she ain't talkin'
I'm sure vampires leave marks on other vampires if they bite them... that's why Jasper has so many. Caused by the newborns he had to fight/destroy/control? Or did I read that completely the wrong way?
You girls amuse me so much! Bless Rob and his mipples! Poor guy would be so embarrassed to stumble across this blog... he might then realise the depth of the Robsession and his power over us (if the stripping fan didn't convince him).
Wonky mipple or non-wonky mipple... I'll still have ya' Rob!
It's obviously a combination of the lighting, makeup, chest hair and whatever tint they did to the film. Someone should have noticed that in post production.
The tear in his shirt was also shown when he was crushing the phone after hearing Charlie was planning a funeral.
The tear in his shirt was also shown when he was crushing the phone after hearing Charlie was planning a funeral.
This post has truly made my night. Thanks for the giggles over Rob's/Edward's left mipple.
I noticed it right away watching the movie. To me... looking at the photo taken during filming(the bottom photo), the lighting is much brighter,there looks like a very light hint of it in that picture. In the film there is more shadowing and darker spots so its more pronouced. He looks better in the bottom photo...more muscle...more filled out...still a mystery to me as to what it could be, since the zygote picture looks fine. So I'm thinking hair and because the film is darker it shows more?? The real question for me is why didn't they touch it up or take it out during post production. .
@Victoria~yeah thats what I was trying to say. You said in a less confusing way:)
Suz: maybe her color, but definitely too small to be her pucker size.
(When it comes to Rob, definitely got to call a spade a spade!)
lol this is so funny cuz i just got home from watching new moon and rob's mipple was part of our discussion. thank you for clearing up that our Rob has perfectly normal nipples. i can rest easy tonight
lol i just got back from seeing new moon and my group was discussing Rob's "mipple." thank you so much for clearing up that infact our Rob does have perfect nipples. I can now rest easy tonight
how in the world did he manage to get into a brawl with a vacuum cleaner attachment?
Too funny! Just saw movie for, ah, 4th time (Gwen admits sheepishly) and had been thinking that the cut on Edward's shirt was some sort of symbolism---as it's right on his heart. I noticed the mipple-wonk as well, but was...distracted.
Glad to know all theories are being thoroughly and scientifically considered here. In the interest of truth, naturally. Dedication to such hard research (ahem) should be rewarded.
Slight aside: How in the hell does Kristen CONCENTRATE enough to work under these conditions? ; ) She deserves a raise, IMO. (naughty smirk)
And @ ghostgirl, trust, movie rocks!
Jeez....I just saw this today and I guess I was so busy taking in the larger-than-life Treasure Trail that I totally missed the wonky mipple.
Guess I'll just have to sacrifice in the name of science and go see it again!
Maybe all will be revealed in the dvd commentary! :) x
Haha, this cracked me up. Great investigation indeed!
Just saw on someones Twitter who's in NYC said TomStu just got an apt. there in "The Village"...maybe this is where Rob will stay when he's in America??
Gozde, great investigation!!! Please somebody has to ask Rob so I can sleep at night!
Ladies you crack me up!
Well, that was a really instructiv morning!
A cup of coffe an Edwards mipple - great - you make may day!
i honestly think he got laid the night before the scene and someone gave him a hickey(: it wasn't me (although i wish it were)
your are so hilarious!!!!
starting the day with a good laugh is just perfect and investigating Robs mippel while laughing in the morning is so super perfect!! Thanks so much for you super perfect site!! I love you and Rob of corse....
best blog ever best post ever - my little sister and I squealed when we saw it for the first time - that wonky mipple has been on my mind ever since
OMG, Mipple Gate!
Love it!
Goz, thank you soooo much for clarifying the really important things in the world :). I very much appreciate all your effort (remembering the stitched up tees, etc.)
Love Robsessed :)!
As some of you said before, I also think it's his chest hair - which I find veeeery sexy, btw :).
If only one of us could interview Rob :(. We finally would get the right questions, interesting stuff!
Unfortunately, we only get the same stupid questions over and over again :(. But its things like mipple gate that really matter! (Like the question about Robs misbuttioned shirts - god bless the girl who asked!)
It's the chest hair and the shadow it causes that makes it look wonky, not the nipple itself (which, if you look closely, you can see is fine). On the other pictures, he has no chest hair so you can see the nipple without anything in the way. THat's the difference.
you guys absolutely crack me up!!! LOL...
i have tears in my eyes from reading all your replies, so so funny.
I got worried for mo that Rob was less than perfect then i read the rest and sighed in relief all the while laughing my arse off!
brilliant, somebody out there should take notice of how briliant u all are :)
love n hugs
Marina (KL)
Godze..ur amazing! Muhuhahahaha!!! My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much!!! (((hugs)))
I agree whith @Janece, i think it's his hair too... But I can't be sure because my eyes always end up on something else ..... LOL
This why I love robsessed!!!! Mipplegate - yummy!!! I noticed it on the big screen but I was really looking at the abs and the v that Ron has so perfectly mastered!!! Thanks for making me laugh when I need it and contributing to my robsession!!
idk how you all even saw that!the happy trail had my full attention throughout the entire scene...along with the V!my best friend broke her heart laughing at me coz i let out the most mortifying involuntary whimper in the cinema and it was so quiet at the time!but it wasnt my fault his pants were soooo low on the V....!oh gawd help us all!actually no dont like perving over rob!hehehehe!
oh and the happy trail is what makes rob better than taylor!he can pump iron till he busts bbut it takes natural manliness to impress me and you dont get more manly than a treasure map directing you straight to the holy grail!
first of all, i dont think i've ever read the word mipple so many times in one minute haha. also i loved this post, cos i noticed it!! but obviously didn't want to sound really wierd and say to my friends, oh whats up with rpattz nipple haha
thanks for clearing this up!!
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering about it since I saw the movie. :-) Great Post!
If you look at the unedited one closely you can see the same pattern of hair around his nipple but it's not as pronounced from lack of processing.
Pretty sure it's just hair that got darkened in the editing room and not some intentional scar.
Yup~Its the hair around the nipple, not the nipple itself. You can see it in the pic taken during filming~its just lighter. Post should have removed it- oh well
This is why I love this site. You girls always make me laugh... nipplegate???
When I saw the movie, I thought it was a chest hair mishap. Then I saw these pics and...it's not a chest hair mishap.
Few notes (cause I'm obnoxiously observant). Edward apparently stopped changing clothes when Bella got attacked at her party...srsly, same shirt and pants in every scene. The tear in his shirt is first seen when they do the cut away to South America. I think their point was that he's worn the same shirt for like 8 months so of course it's going to be torn.
when it comes to filmmaking, things are shot out of sequence. So, it's possible that all the interior scenes were shot before the clocktower scene and he experienced an..."injury"... between filming all those scenes (didn't they shoot italy close to last?).
Ok you guys made me spit out my captain (smirk).
anywho- the mipple drove me crazy all three times i've goone- i can only think it was another vampire- if they hadn't shown carlisle biting edward in twilight, I'd say that is what it is, and yes that's HOT.
makes me want to nibble on it....
Oh my gosh, I just have to say, I read this last night, went into work this morning, and a couple of my Twilight girls actually asked me about this very same issue! "Hey, what's wrong with Edward's nipple when he's in Italy?" I was thrilled (and a bit embarrassed) to be able to have an answer for them immediately.
You guys always come through for me!
OMFE, Left Mipple Gate has got to be one of the most hilarious investigation ever! I love you ladies!
I think it was just the makeup collecting around the hair or getting rubbed weirdly by the ripped shirt. If you look at picture of Rob without his shirt many other times that same day, his nipple is fine (yea!). But putting on the shirt after the makeup was touched up, for the scene to take off the shirt, that rip just rubbed it wrong! ifyouknowwhatimsayingandithinkyoudo
He looks rather nasty on those edited pictures but on the non edited he looks HAWT. I'd wish he would walk around shirtless all the time *drool*
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