Our Youtube Account was Deleted because SOMEHOW, SOMEWHERE Summit Entertainment thought there was copyright infringement.
We worked with Little Ashes, we worked with How To Be. We always refused to post the downloadable leaks that would affect the sales of Robert Pattinson's work. We took a stand for people that leaked and downloaded Robert Pattinson movies for free.
Our foremost concern is for Robert Pattinson's well being and his work. We ONLY work to promote his work. We give away stuff to his movies, the movies Summit is getting the biggest share for.
We are not 14 year old girls lusting over a boy.
I guess the TV Spots Summit PAID FOR are not to be shown to the fans for free...
We support Robert Pattinson and his career. And we WILL BE HERE when he is not contractually bound to Summit anymore.
We hope this was a misunderstanding since we are sure Stephenie Meyer (the Holy) and Robert Pattinson would NOT approve this fuckery...
I am so sorry!
That totally SUX!
You have done nothing but promote Rob and this in turn creates more money for Summit so they essentially just screwed themselves!
Is there a petition we can sign? Or a letter of some sort to Summit?
how stupid is that...summit itself puts teaser after teaser on-line (almost showing ever cool scene there is in this movie) and then they react to your posts like this...
the person that decided that action, doesn't know there work nor the law very well...
hope you get it sorted out soon!!!
the big hollywood studios dont give a fuck about the little people...unfortunately they think Robsessed Blog is chopped liver. fuck 'em...we support you Goz 110% and we will all be with you beyond Sumshit. I care about Rob...not Sumshit's bank account. I hope this gets resolved and if not....karmas a bitch. their movies are done after Twilight and Rob are through.
SO sorry! I would like to say the exact thing "Hannah81" said: ANYthing we can do? I am not a 14 year old and REALLY appreciate your work and your commitment to promote and sustain Rob Pattinson. Summit seems to be in the wrong here. What they get from you is FREE publicity. Why can't they see that?
If there is a petition, count me in...I think you got a raw deal :-( (especially with the Little Ashes and How to Be stuff, that wasn't Summits to touch!) I know this blog has always rejected illegally downloaded content--hear that Summit? Spread some good will to these fan sites, they actually promote your interests & don't profit from it!!
Whoa.. that sucks. I prefer your videos over the thousands of spoiler previews from Summit anyway.. I don't even watch them because I feel like I've seen half of the movie already. It's moronic if you ask me. Go fuck yourself Summit.
Let's start a revolution!
I am so sorry what happened to your YT account! But you guys are right, we will all still be here after Rob (in my case after both Rob and Kristen) is out of Summit bounds. Summit is all business. They should grow a heart.
I support you guys, all the way! More power to ROBsessed.
You guys are doing an excellent job and I know since Rob googles himself, he is very appreciative of all your love and effort!
I'm so sorry about this!! Deleting an account WTF??
The idea of a petition is great.
Gozde you know we're all by your side in this, don't give up!
Goz, Amy Winehouse sang it bes - What kind of fuckeroo are you(Summit)? just tell us whose email address at Summit we should send our disgust to. Stupid stupid move.
Gozde,how did u know that summit was the one who banned ur account?
no offense, im so angry as well, but we have to make sure what exactly happened. were they thinking that robsessed is the fake robsess that take advantage of rob's fame with their vid sales? or what?
this is really suck
i understand your sentiments..i truly know how you love rob much much much more than i do.i hope @twilight or summit sees that.you've been helping them for a free promotion,are they blind?
I really hope it was a mistake or something because that is so horrible if they did it on purpose. Grrrr!!!
This is Kim from Cullen Boys Anonymous btw.
goz i'm really sorry to hear that wtf is up with summit.
i too am not 14 and i love your site and all you do for us fans and the way you run your site you are respectful with a healthy does of sarcasm and also always call out the bullshitters. how dare summit treat you this way it's an outrage.
here's hoping they realise they have been absolute twats and reinstate your account
I got an email from youtube saying our account was permanently suspended by a copyright infringement claim by Summit Entertainment.
Thanks for all your support. Seriously! Do they think I am making money off of their videos? There were NO ADS on the videos.
I put my heart and soul into this and this is what I get.
I need to go sleep on it... Cause I certainly don't approve of this fuckery :(
Gozde Summit at the moment are really pissing me off, they are just on a money making roll and taking advantage of the people that got them there in the first place. Starting with there shonky NM marketing campaign and now this...I could use some pretty interesting language at the moment, but I will save that for FB.
We will be there for Rob but not Summit....
GGGGgggggrrr turns out Summit really IS the devil! Or at least really stupid!
I'm so sorry Gozde. You know we all appreciate all the work you put into this. I love this blog :)
Gozde.. I am really sorry this has happened. It's madness and doesn't make sense..
SCUMMIT! Jess also doesn't aprove of this fuckery! *sulks in a corner*
have you tried emailing them?
coz that's a huge burn right there.
fuck summit.
WTF?????? that officially makes summit 100% megaidiots!!! the ONLY thing they have is the fans, the fans pay their films, their jobs, their existence – and the fans who work hard for free to promote their films should be worshipped! honestly, you alone gozde have probably earned them millions of dollars just by getting more people on the train! I am so angry right now. You must get in contact with them and ask wtf they are doing.
Link to another fan video:
Twilight New Moon fan meeting in Japan 2009
Posted by: pikorita935jp
November 04, 2009
And I feel sorry for Rob because heaven knows what kind of provisions are in his contract, i.e thing that he cannot do, cannot say, not allowed to; or they have do like go there, appearances there, etc. etc. I think his contract with Summit runs out after Twilight Saga. Summit is making tons of money on this . . . lucky for them we just love Rob!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really can't get over this.i hate summit for doing this to you goz...for us fans who are relying on your site for more robert infos.you are right,we love rob dearly and we will support him more and more when he's out of summit.pls rob!!run away from summit now!!!lol!
@GOz: im so sorry to hear that. i think this is really missunderstood.maybe we have to keep tweet to summit about this.
WHAT??? Are these people total idiots? After all you do to promote their films they have your account removed? Is it just this blog, or are they doing this to everyone else too? I wish the Twilight movies were being handled by a real live grownup production company.
Oh.My.GOD! I cannot believe they did that - I HOPE it was some flunky responsible for 'scanning the net' for leaks etc. and when SUMMIT IS MADE AWARE OF THE ERROR they will DO THE RIGHT THING!
Gozde, you are VERY, very appreciated for what you do here.
Please know that.
that was so wrong.. you ve just giving the best promo Rob could have.. this is more than stupid..
As like Hannah 81 said. I sign the pettion too.
GAH I wake up and check the blog first thing (of course) and see this. Like Seriously "WHAT THE FUCK" ??
Summit seem to know nothing about how to promote something, they knock down the people who are helping them promote things.
Arggghhhhhhh they make me SO ANGRY!!!
I need to go for a walk and clam down!!!!!!!!!!
Goz, hope you're getting some rest babes!! xx
Seriously WTF? I'm shocked. You guys are like the biggest Robert blog out there. Always promoting his work & sourcing your articles. How do they think fans stick around waiting for new movies....By BLOODY keeping upto date with everything going on THATS HOW. And you guys do that for us. I hope this is a misunderstanding cos I am fucking PISSed with Summit right now!!!
I'm so sorry Goz, i know that you work hard on this :(
Summit sucks.
I'm sorry too Gozde!!! You're working so hard and you're doing such a wonderful job here. Robert would surely appreciate this:D
Petition would be a good idea I think. Yeah!!! Let's fight!!!
meng!! summit!!
I'm really so sorry about YT account. I want to let you know that I love everything you have done here..all of your heart into this blog. cheer up! we are here for you!
Why?? I mean... Is Summit just idiot? It doesn´t understand anything!!
GODZE, I´m so so sorry about that, if there´s anything to do, whatever, count me in, because...
"About three things I am absolutely positive:
First, Godze (and Dani & Kate), you´re an example of work well done, with honesty and integrity.
Second, I do hope this bullsh** will be resolve quickly, because it has no sense, at all.
And third, I´m unconditionally and irrevocably in love with this site" :)
I'm sorry Gozde!! That sucks! It's a shame!! But we'll be here, and Summuit can go to hell.
Surely there HAS to be some misunderstanding on Summit's part and, as someone commented earlier, they may be getting ROBsessed confused with the group that put out the DVD; otherwise Summit should see that a by-product of ROBsessed quenching our thirst for all-things-Rob, is actually helping to multiply their marketing penetration exponentially!
Gozde, I really feel for you over this injustice and you know that your many loyal followers are 100% in support of you!
Summit should go play in traffic. First they fired Rachelle (my lovely Victoria) and now they like to delete YT accounts. LOSERS!
Oh God! The most horrible thing ... you just put the video itself Summit has already disclosed.
I hope this is resolved soon. I'm beside you the affection and respect to Robert Pattinson.
Summit sucks. That is all.
I knew your account would be deleted after that last clip you posted. I bet a lot of people did. :(
This makes me furious. How dare they? Twats.
Hugs to you!! You are doing an awesome job and we are so grateful.
what is wrong with summit??they should be thankfull for all the promotion work that every fan site makes...I also think that it should be a petition and summit should apologize for this crap
please GOZ don't give up!!!we'r all with u!!!
As others have said, anything we can do let us know! I can't believe Summit have done this!
Screw Summit. The quicker these movies are done the better, and everyone can move on. We will all still be here and still Robsessed way after the Twilight saga is long gone!
DON'T GIVE UP OK? We all need you and support you and love your dedication and work. Summit is sooooo wrong doing things like this...
Sorry Goz!
Boo Summit....as Usual!
Hope it all gets worked out...
I have my pitchfork with me, just tell me where to go!
I'm sorry that sucks!! I hope you that this never happens to you guys again. :(
OH my!!! This is not good! Sounds fishy to me hmmmmm.
WTF?? I'm in for signing a petition if needed! Don't they have better things to do?????
I certainly do not approve of this fuckery!
Wow I just really feel like swearing K-Stew style. What the fuck is wrong with Summit? You put in so much fucking time and effort to support Rob and all you get is this? They're such fucking idiots.
Summit had already lost my respect when they fired Rachelle, but this just takes it to another fucking level. Argghh!!! Once Rob's done with all his contractual obligations with Summit we need to have a celebration. I'm sure he'll finally feel free from such a money-grabbing corporation fo' sho mofo! :D
Support you guys 100%!!! This board is the best out of everything I have seen on internet from the whole Twilight/Rob fandom.
aww man i live in the uk so i dont get to see all the promotional stuff & interviews i rely on being able to see the stuff on the web.
i think it maybe to do with that awful dvd coming out with the same name but whatever the reason summit have got it soo wrong
Fuckery is alive and well this morning..
So sorry Gozde....schummit is so afraid of poising a penny over Rob not understanding that we will all still be here after contract is done...
Little big brotherish & paranoid aren't they?
I support you guys 100%, but I work in litigations and I am wondering if there is any valid ground on their copyright infringement allegation.
You don't necessarily need to make money out of the things you circulate. "Charging for an item is not a requirement for copyright. I can give away something for free and it is still protected by copyright. And if you choose to give away my works for free, you are committing copyright violation unless I specifically gave you permission to do this."
Also about the work you created based on the original materials:
"Copyright law is very explicit about something called derivative works. If you wish to create a new work based on a prior author's "universe", you need to get permission."
So, I've lurked on this site daily for a better part of six months. I am also an attorney. You know, technically, yes, reposting their content is copyright infringement; HOWEVER, it is completely bad business for them to go after you for this. It's a waste of their resources to go after people who do not profit off of their work. Additionally, as far as I know, Summit actually has to fork over cash to TV stations and other distributors to air their shitty trailers. It doesn't make any sense for them to get their panties in a bunch over some free promo. Idiots. This site has done an excellent, honest, job in promoting RPattz's career and Summit's craptastic movies (there I said it, Twilight SUCKED)(NM may be better, but you bet your ass I'll be stealing it from the internets now :) Love you Godze. Keep up the good work.
Maybe there are two things you can do, and either way I support you.
(1) Not circulating anything that Saga footage and in the future Remember Me footage (I see this more of Summit's loss rather than your loss). And honestly I am at a point of going to vomit if I see more NM footage at this point so I don't care.
(2) Maybe we can help you get a petition to let them realize how influential this Blog site is and you get an agreement with Summit.
I have to say Intellectual Property law is not my specialty (I am more familiar with securities /bankruptcy/contract law), and I am not an attorney. This is just what I got using 2 min of google search. If you guys need it, I can do more research on copyright law.
Well, I guess nobody at Summit has ever heard the expression "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." However, horse's asses is pretty appropriate at this time. Summit, wise up!!
I appreciate your site so much. Thanks and continue the good work.
Gozde is there anything we can do to correct this injustice?
Thank you. As qiupang and Jamie stated YES posting the TV Spot is copyright infringement. I'm not saying it's not.
I am just saying they are idiots because they PAY for those TV spots to be broadcast and here we broadcast them for free. Hundreds of thousands of people visit this page everyday and they view those trailers, get excited for the movie (or not).
It's not like we EVER posted parts from the movie. These are legal trailers. Stuff they release to the media. We didn't go into a movie theater to tape the movie and put it on youtube. You know the movie will leak the first day NM is out and we will NEVER post those videos 'cause it would hurt the ticket sales and Rob.
So... I'm just...beat down.
All the videos I made, all the exclusive stuff How To Be and Little Ashes sent us are gone...
Thank you very much Summit...
Aw Godze. I really feel for you. I would be totally devastated too. It's CRAP. They should be happy to ride on your free publicity. Some low level hack probably just yanked it to make himself feel important. I'm so sorry :( BUT, you haven't lost any of us, and I don't know what I would entertain myself with at work if you didn't have your blog. Hang in there!
I am SO sorry Goz
I can't claim to know much about this stuff, but I certainly hope they see the light and reverse their decision...
after all, you should be getting a lot of credit for all the promotion you do for FREE!!!
AH..Wow... Summit... seriously...WTF?
I'm sorry guys, let me know if I can help in anyway... arrange a protest, camp out on Summit's door step.. sleep with Rob after having a serious talk with him about this company he has entangled himself with... ANYTHING you guys need.. I'm there for you!
By the way.. do you happen to have the address we can write to in protest? EMail? car bomb.....
Hey, just a thought, and I'm sure you'd just rather move on and forget this fiasco...but if there's a chance you could get all of your work back somehow, see this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use
I think your blog is a platform for legitimate criticism and discussion, and entertainment news....fair use could apply. Plus, you source all of your material, always giving credit to the original creators.
Feh, I can't give you real legal advice on this because I'm not a copyright lawyer and well, giving it over the internets is pretty dumb.
But, maybe this knowledge will make you feel a little vindicated at least? Hope your day gets better!
This is so infantile of Summit!! You do such a great job here at Robsessed and the mainstream big guys have been giving you grief-first copying your everything to make a buck and now this!! Please don't give up though because YOUR loyal fans of YOUR website will be there supporting you. Do you need donations or anything to help you along. I am there for you!!! Maybe your supporters will pamper you the way you pamper Our Guy!!
I'm so sorry! I love everything you do for Rob. I think you have the best fansite and I always check yours first. If it wasn't for you, I don't think the fans would enjoy this as much seeing as Summit doesn't know what they're doing....ever! Honestly, they should pay you for everything you've done for all the extra promotion.
Gozde, I feel horrible about all the HTB and LA content you've lost.
This is proof positive Summit is unable to discriminate between friends and foes, between abusive use and supportive promotion. Pull your heads out of your asses people!!
Do you know if they made a wide crackdown on several accounts, or specifically targeted you?
I was not fully understanding what was going on here, and I thank Quipang and Jamie for explaining the legal end of this.
I personally shun/run from taking advantage from anything morally, ethically or legally wrong, and although I see the legal side of it via definition now, I am still confused and wary; I did not feel as if I were partaking in theft (as I would if I were taking advantage of photos stolen from a photographer, or even looking at photos by the hunters/paps who I feel steal the privacy and calmness of spirit of those they hunt).
SO, if there is anything I can do as an individual, or we can do as those who appreciate this site and the work you put into it, even if it is merely to point out that Summit BENEFITS from our seeing the videos because it makes us want all the more to see the movie, please let me/us know.
Solas, I agree. I don't really think Gozde or any of the other girls have done anything wrong. Fair use and all. I think You Tube is covering its ass and Summit has its head up its ass. And this blog's ass...is getting screwed. Not fair at all.
As I think about it (I teach religious law, not American law, and I know there are some similarities and some differences)I wonder if the posting of 'caps' here, or photos that are bought to make special edition books and magazines, or even posting of the articles in magazines that paid Summit for the use of the photos, makes those companies complain to Summit that they will not get as much profit if people can see the photos for free. They then would pressure Summit ('why should we pay you for rights if they are online for free') and Summit then has to assert itself in order to keep making profits from the publications that want profits.
Is this a possibility/probability, or am I reading too much into it all?
And Summit did this why?! As they say 'Karma's a bitch', so Summit better watch out.
Solas, I fear beating a dead horse with this discussion, but since you asked: Yes, it is possible that outlets who pay Summit for this content would be pissed because it's driving down the price that they can demand from Summit because theoretically, but probably not, it reduces demand for their products. BUT, Summit should be happy about that, non? Then again, Summit does need to keep the distributors somewhat happy because Summit does obviously benefit from their paid publicity. It's complicated, but I would bet my own money, that sites with contributors who create entertaining and creative content (like Robsessed) are making all of the parties above a lot of money. More than they would make without the grassroots promotion that blogs provide. That is why I think the executives should all stop being so damn greedy and suck it up. In they end, pulling stunts like this will loose them ALL money.
Oh, and apparently, when I'm incensed and I can't spell or use grammar properly anymore. So try and make sense of the above, if you will. :)
Oh lord, more typos in that one too. Gotta get back to my real job now! Hugs to all the ladies at Robsessed.
not only losing all the Twilight stuff, but the HTB and LA stuff as well...sorry, but that is complete bullshit. I feel really bad for you, Gozde. Hang in there, hopefully karma will bite Scummit in the ass one of these days. Can't wait until Rob is done with them, greedy fuckers.
If you've got a petition to sign, count me in!
Jamie,thanks so much; I was able to understand totally (as for typos, I cringe after seeing what I post sometimes; I MUST get into the habit of proofreading!) and I agree totally that blogs like this give grassroots promoting in ways that Summit should appreciate and not limit or ban.
Sorry to hear this happened as I know UTube won’t restore videos. I don’t know what Summit is thinking either. 90% of the time companies will choose to allow released public content to remain as it is simply more free advertising and they understand the benefit. A few don’t, like NBC. The surveillance on Utube is not manual, ie no flunkies, but electronic, and I did hear that Content Identifier has been upgraded in the last few weeks which may be a factor. Still seems very draconian. :(
"fuckery" hahah!!
Behind u 100% Fuck Sumshit! Let's get a PET going peeps!
Geez!!! Somebody is going way overboard with taking down everything that doesn't go through Summit approval.
A, does that mean that even if YouTube restores the account, all the videos are gone? That really sucks.
@Marna: I believe that once an account is closed, for whatever reason, the video content is gone, and Youtube also state they won’t restore content, even if they have the capacity to do it. Yes, indeed, it sucks..
Soo not technology-savvy, I am wondering if the videos that were taken away by UTube were saved by Gozde et al? So that they can be posted some day when this is cleared up? Or is saving them something they were not able to do?
Did anyone ever hear about Summit before Twilight? Last year when they were promoting Twilight I had a very strange feeling they were sucking the life out of the actors, mainly Rob, They knew what they had and worked it.
Goz, you have a brillant site and I look forward to it everyday.
WTF is Summit's problem???? They started out a small company and now because of Twilight they are being assholes. They played hardball with Rachel - that was the first clue they were getting too big for their britches. Now this??? Someone here said what goes around comes around. And I totally agree. I won't spend a dime on Summit films (that Rob isn't in). Too bad Summit cashes in in our support for Rob.
THE FUCK?! Nooo one approves of such fuckery - BEYOND sucktastic!
- Lorabell :(
This is the comment I sent to Scumshit and Youtube: Sumshit can faak themselves...to attack Robsessed and cxl their youtube acct after all they have done to promote and project a positive energy to all the fan's (which is a massive #) as well as bringing the truth and/or truth to all about the shiz that is reported untruthfully over the net and gossip rags...to be singled out w/out a chance to defend...the best fan site on the web was smacked down by Sumshit to no longer allow them to use their YouTube acct....why? And why was this site signaled out? Scummit as well as Youtube, really faaked up this time...BIG TIME! A Petition would hopefully help...but I am not puter savy to get the ball rolling..hard enuff 4 me to just comment! Sorry...but would of if I could. Youtube exec's..maybe you could help with some serious answers...we are a mighty force...and this descision of your's without getting all facts...from both sides..was wrong.
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