It’s official! (Kate: The source for this is the one who said "Breaking Dawn" was going to be made into two movies. So when he says "official!" we take it with a grain of salt.) “THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN” production has been green lit and I now have the latest information. The fourth saga in the Twilight Series is going back to it’s roots and will be filmed back in Portland, OR. Principal photography will not begin until September, 2010
Go here for more details
Is it really OFFICIAL? Did Summit or Stephenie Meyer made an announcement about it?
My question is, why is "Sunswept Entertainment" doing the production. What happened to Summit? I don't think this is legit.
Im leaning out of the window now, quite far.
What if they changed the production company? Robert first only signed for the first 3 books not the forth. Maybe Summit only got in for the first 3 and then Meyer decided to go with someone else.
God that sounds ridiculous doesnt it? *conspiracy conspiracy* XD
For those who have no humor. Im not serious by the way. :D
Yes wooohooo for Dani, rpattzgirl and any other Portland locals on here!
At least we know that the start of filming will be September 10, so should be enough time for Rob to do UC and Bel Ami.
I just thinking RPattzgirl - wherever you are when you hear this news...just sit down, calm yourself. We need to make a few plans my girl. Now how many people can you accommodate at your place because its gonna be Robsessed Central when they start filming BD. Just saying right here and now I had my hand up first!! LOL
Couch, floor, porch whatever, I bags it and I'm there!!
Have you picked yourself up off the floor yet? I always had faith you would get to meet Rob in person. Now he's coming to you! Woo-hoo!!!!!
Ok before I go crazy and quit my job next year so I can hang out by the sets everyday... I will take deep breaths and wait for Real official confirmation.
I live in Portland and I'm never THIS lucky ...
I had heard Portland was in negotiations to try to get breaking dawn, but I will just cross my fingers for now.
But, if this turns out to be true....my family will probably have to have me commited!
Party at my house girls!
Jandr & Georgie!
Seriously!!!! Let's talk sleeping arrangmemts!
My family can go stay in a hotel and we'll turn my house into BD central!!!
Hey RPG - I am already there!!! LOL
Waiting with bated breath! :-~
If you read further down, it says 'Production Companies: Summit Entertainment, in association with Sunswept Entertainment', so they're not changing production company ;)
Thanks RPG, I'll start looking up flights LOL!! But this is a preliminary casting call...your chance to get really up close and personal! What about Irina - I don't think she's appeared in any of the other 3?
Let me see... Sept is still warm in Portland so we cam pitch tents, there's a small playhouse in the bad yard, garage and more rooms downstairs, think we can convince my neighbors to give up some space too!
What about Isle Esme - any suitable scenes nearby, or will they go to Hawaii? I can think of many tropical islands off the coast of Queensland, Australia...
unless they need a short "aged" grandma in bd I'm out of luck! Maybe I could learn Portuguese and play the maid on isle esme!
No nice tropical beaches here they all look like la push!
What about the scene where all the Volturi bring their families out for the confrontation shindig? They'll need lots of extras...
I'll be whatever they need ...start working on getting botox shots and drop 20 lbs. I have a year!
You go girl, whatever it takes LOL!
Hey Georgie - can't believe you are still around?? What time is it in Q?
RPG - you could audition for one of the wives of the Volturi! LOL
@ Rpattz...Woooohooooo!!!!!
Party @ Rpattz's (crosses fingers)
I'm in...I'm in!!!!!!
Today is a good day :)
Morning Ladies
Hi Cindeeloo!!
It's gonna be one hell of a party isn't it?? Can't wait.
superrr cooollll!!!
wow!it's a great relief to know breaking dawn will push through.i love rpatz!
JandR: I'm still in NSW and it's 1.30am - my last night here and I didn't want to waste it by sleeping when I can read FF on the laptop in bed on my own and Robsess.
Hi Cindeeloo!
Oh my iam sooooo excited,this is very good news,iam hoping they make it into one movie instead of two,
either way iam soooo happy because BD is my fav part of the series.......hi @cinde (Hugs) :-)
Hi Jandi......
jst left you a msg on twitter too...haha!!!!
God can't wait either, This has me doing all kinds of happy dances!!!
<3 u rpattz!!!!
Hi Georgie...Hi rtmo....
Big {hugs)!!!!!
Hi cindeeloo!
My family will really hate my ass now! They already think I'm crazy... They have no idea what crazy is!
I wanna come to Portland too!! Oh it would be soooo exciting seeing Rob AND meeting some fellow Robsessors!!! We could really have a great party!!
Come on over! I'll make room!
@rpattzgirl: at least your family will see that you aren't alone in your craziness...that's the worst thing about Robsessing - feeling a bit isolated amongst family and mainstream friends.
@ Rpattz.....
LMAO!!!!! like you said on Twitter...They have a whole year to prepare!!!!
I'll bring the marshmellows (raises hand) @ a bottle of grey goose *winks*
Georgie - my family gave up on me long ago...haha
They know my leaning towards obsession - hell my daughter is just as obsessed as me but with Liverpool Football Team and Fernando Torres! LOL
I so can't wait to meet you guys in just a few short weeks. And if the Portland shoot is a goer - we will have some serious planning to do! :-))
No way. It's a different production company - Summit bought the rights to BD - so it's BULL.
@Georgie. Very true... I am not alone in my obsession!
@cindeeloo i'm in sweetie!
RPG - i hope this is true, start mapping out your plans :) you have to include me in those who plan to stalk with you LOL. you make me laugh with i will make my family move out :))
but i would wait for all the partying til Summit makes the announcement because they are not giving up their gold mine.
georgie - i am alone in my obsession over here too, my daughter likes him but not to my extent. my husband saw my New Moon Movie book yesterday and he said is this what you spend our $$ on and just shook his head. they all think i am crazy too, like seriously crazy :)
It says "Summit Entertainment, in association with Sunswept Entertainment", still n all there's nothing on Summit's website!
All I can say is Thank God we ALL have eachother. If not I would have gone completely mad. You all have saved me a ton of money on therapy.
Robsessors are my life now!!!! LOL
I am going to wait until there is some further,wide reported confirmation.It could very well be bollocks!.
Im from australia,and im back-packing around the u.s and Canada next oct/nov. Portland just got added to the list!!.(if true).
BTW,personally i still hope BD gets made over 2 films.
Er...can SAY without quibbling..my eyes are not entirely open yet...
Amen to that Cindeeloo... My kids actually hate rob because of my obsession... What, because I'm a grandmother I can't love & lust over a young man?
Puh lease! Grow up kids, grannies need love too!
come on over we'll make room!
how exciting that sounds! Have a ball and add Oregon if this pans out!
I'll add my voice to the chorus-woohoo, RPG, hope this is for real! *crosses fingers for your new vamp-hunt* :)
@ rpattz...The other night after I put my daughter to bed, about 10 minutes later she walks in the living room and says " Mommy you can you Robsess in my room tonight if you want?"
I thought they were going to film Breaking Dawn right after Eclipse, although this makes sense since Rob has UC and Bel Ami to do.
Hi, girls! rpptzgirl! Great idea you gave me!
I speak portuguese, I can play the maid in the Island. YEEEEPPPEEEE!!!
Though I might be too tall for that... hmmm...
They "enlarged" Taylor, they can make me look short and with a darker skin... yep, sure they can!
rppatzgirl, may I stay at your house, too? I can help cooking and doing the laundry... ya'know: I will playing a maid...
I did! Sorry isletwilight!
Y'all can come stay with me, except for the haters they know sho they are!
rpattzgirl! got it right now... sorry...
Rpatzgirl! I'm coming to the party !!!! If you didn't mind, and if the set would be in Portland. I have a sleeping sack and a tent.I cross my fingers. (In hungarian: Drukkolok érte!) My children understand my feelings for Rob, but my husband???
Awwwww...so Dazzle can't come (kicks dirt) LOL!!!!
(you know I'm kidding right)
Where the hell is Linda R?????
*you better not be luuurrrking*
You lucky lucky girl! Hope you get to meet him!
My drream is that Rob comes back to the Uk eventually and hones his craft so to speak with the Royal Shakespeare Co. I live 40 mins away from Stratford-upon-Avon...beieve me...if Rob was performing there...I'd be there every night LOL!
Lucky you RPG SO excited for you!
Can you put my name on the playhouse? I'm small I'm sure i'll fit in there!;-) LOL
You're a grandmother? Fantastic! I'm old enough to be Rob's Mum! My daughter thinks I'm deluded...son is more understandable but he's lovely and more on my wavelength (and all his girly friends adore Rob and NOT TayTay!) You go girl!
My hubby is a problem. He hates Rob....stupid man...how can someone who I'll never meet be a threat?.......
Heeyyyyyyyyyyyy im NEW to this blog but RPG can i come 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Xlove....And Welocme!!!!!
@ lizzibee ~
LOL! your family KNOWS about your Robsession! Mine doesn't!
girl, I am ashamed of my Robsession ~ my teen daughter and her friends are Robsessed (and Taysessed... Irrrc!), my son is 16 (he would die if he knew) and my hubby is an intelectual, professor, writer and shit... (he would think he is married to a stupid woman).
That is why I chose that name: I am crazy!
HI cindeeloo {WAVES}
@lizzibee: OT but if you are interested in theatre, "Punk Rock" with Tom S is still playing at the RE in Manchester. Of course, it may not be your cup of tea but thought I'd mention it. :)
OMG, this is great news!
Wonder, why they wait to make this movie until end of next year. I heard that Rob will do both BA and UC by end of 2009 / beginning of 2010. So there are probably other projects afterwards, we do not know about yet? In UC, Rob's part is relatively small, so he might be done filming within few weeks. Can't hardly imagine Rob not working for almost 1/2 year. I'm pretty sure he has plans for those months and Summit is considerate of his schedule. In one of the recent interviews Rob talked about several various roles he signed on.
This is sooo exiting :p.
BTW, even when they split BD into 2 movies, they can film it in once piece (like it was done with the last HP book).
@crazy vamp I totally know where you're coming from. I live in academia too. Absolutely no one knows my Robsession--and must never find out. Seriously, folks would rethink who I really am. I myself am appalled at this strange fangirl behavior of mine.
Can we do something to make Summit engage Chris W. for BD? I would looooove him to do BD!
What if Rob wasn't at Peter Bergs house for Dune but for one of his other future projects (there's an enormous list at imdb)?
pet73 im sooo wiv u on tht 1. would be amazing if chris weitz can direct BD
of course you can come too ... All the Robkats are welcome!
Yep I have 6 grandkids... They get me, but daughters don't
like I said kids need to grow up and realize they're parents aren't dead... Although I was until Rob!
Thanks puddle ~
We are doing a hard job to hide this... but it is worth ~ Rob is worth.
Isn't he adorable?? :)
Have a nice sunday, ya'll!
you can come too! And crazyvamp& lizbee!
OMG Rpattz...I am all kinds of happy if this can truly happen. I can't imagine all of us Robsessors being in one place. Pretty overwhelming for you, I might add. You know I'm here with any kind of help you need.
Did you see my dazzle remark...lol
Yeeepeeee! I'm in the party!
Thanks rpattzgirl!
Portland, here we all go!
Good sunday!!!
Im in Arizona..hmm...if I drive straight through...21 hours...hmmmm can i come too?
@Crazy Vamp
LOL!!!! My dear ...if you knew the lengths I have to go to get my 'Fix'....LOL My son is 15 and gorgeous!!!! He is much more on Mummy's wavelength than darling 19 year old daughter and I think he likes Rob.He loved Twilight anyway....daughter preferred the books but she's more like her father LOL He has a habit of looking at me pityingly evertime he sees me on my lap-top and says he's going to disable our internet. I would leave him if he did that and told him so. needless to say it was a very silent bed-time last night LOL!!!
So ...DO NOT BE ASHAMED! If they don't like it ....tough luck! It's a bit of harmless fun and supporting a genuinley nice chap who deserves his success.
@ A
Thanks for that! Tom Stu is a sweetie isn't he? Wouldn't it be great if they both performed together?
Hold your head up girl! You are not alone! Believe me!
Okay Rob, now that you did a lot for the US girls with your work, you maybe will spend your spare time in Europe? If it's true that you love skiing and snowboarding then come to Austria ! Austria is famous for everything skiing - it's one of the best places in the world for alpine ski sport :p. And Austria is sooooo way behind, you can be sure nobody will haress you :).
This is great news! Hope it's true. Filming will actually be done in Forks, WA, right???
Love reading all about the BD party central planning stuff. I know you're all serious but it's still funny to read.
If this is true it would make me so happy. I only stalk online - but something about Rob and the rest if the Twicast in my town makes me happy! There aren't that many hotels to move them around in Portland to hide from the Fangurls and TwiMoms. I have a spare room. And it's right down the street from Bella's house :)
I am new to commenting but have been following you ladies for a while now - You have provided me with many fun evenings reading your comments. Rpattzgirl I am also a grandmother but my daughter is as obsessed as I am. Grandson is 11 and he thinks I'm funny to be so obsessed with Rob. But I do have to keep it under wraps at work - no one else understands.
I love all your stories of your secret (or not-so-secret) Robsession and the lengths you must go to to appear "normal" to the rest of the world! LOL My closest friends know I am a Twilight/Rob junkie (why is it somehow less pathetic to call it a Twilight obsession when it's really a Robsession?...I don't know, but it's easier to admit to the former than the latter!)
I'm old enough to be Rob's mom also, but I never married or had kids so I have no one to whom I have to explain my strange propensity for someone so young. Still, my co-workers and acquaintances have no idea what I'm doing with my spare time, although they know I can't wait to see "New Moon" and think Rob's hot. They just don't know the extent of how hot, or I think they might be ready to commit me to a home.
We are all in good company here, so thanks for this site, Goz! (Even when everyone gets into ridiculous arguements, like the one I stayed out of last night...*eye roll*) I have made some wonderful friends on this site over the past 6 or 7 months that I've been posting here, and I wouldn't trade them/you for anything in the world. At least we can all come here and support each other!
So Rpattzgirl...are you sorry yet that you invited the entire Robsessed board to come visit you during BD filming? ;D Some of 'em are ready to take you up on it, I think! Dayum...by the time this movie is made, Rob is going to be a freakin' old man. LOL No, but he already doesn't look anything like 17 anymore, so it might be bordering on the ridiculous by the time these movies are all made!
Official???? I'll wait till Summit announces it they have the rights to all four books.
Welcome LP!
A co-worker who has never read the books or seen the movie, was talking about how crazy some people get over Twi and Rob - and I just kind of nodded and said I know Rob is really gorgeous - and she goes "ya, but it's not like you're obsessed or anything." BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA - I just looked at her and said "you have to watch the movie."
Wen- I'm not sure, but didn't Stephenie announce some time ago that she and Summit came to an agreement on BD?
Rob definitely talked about doing BD already months ago (also at the Oscars). I never had the impression that he was questioning it.
you in Portland area too? Yeah there are not as many places to switch and hide here.
This is all probably not going to happen but it sure is a nice dream.
I'm up for the company, he'll yeah! My daughter, son in law would probably have me commited since we all live together... But who cares right? Ya only live once!
rpattzgirl- Do you also welcome guest from overseas :o?
Just joking ....
Sometimes I think it would be nice to be able to just do whatever you want to do in your own time, in your own place without ever having to explain yourself to ANYBODY! I never had that ...having lived with my parents then getting married and moving in with hubby...there are pros and cons believe me! Wondered if you'd moved on because you haven't posted for a while...LOL but you have made me laugh out loud in the past!
Errm and yes....glad I wasn't involved in the debacle last night....crikey....
Thanks TwiHeart - my co-workers don't care about Twilight at all.
My daughter actually pulled me kicking & screaming to see the movie earlier this year.I told her "I don't care about that movie" boy was I wrong. I have had a pretty rough summer and having Rob to obsess over and having this site to go to everyday has been a life saver for me. I finally got the nerve to post.
Suz <--- researching flight to Portland.. (don't judge)
does anybody knows when filming for bel ami starts??
I find myself quite lucky as my whole family and friends no about my ROBsession and although my mum keeps threatening 2 take me 2 the doctors, she is yet 2 do it haha! I love it although im only 20 i feel like 12 again. Although my son is 2 this month and says quite alot of words i dont think hes far off saying rob!! (glad hes nowhere near the age 2 think my ROBsession is Crazy lol!!)
Every1 needs an obsession and this one is worth while especially when u get 2 see gorgeous pics of Rob everyday! And come 2 this great place 2 share it all wiv u great people!:)
maybe i will go to the casting, i can be the new star of the movie...
You are so right about Rob being worth it, crazy vamp. But if anyone ever traces my comments back to me I will deny everything!
@lizzibee thanks--it has helped tremendously to find this community of cool, intelligent, and hilarious women!
Hi Lizzibee! Move on from Rob? OH if only that were possible. LOL! That's like asking the tide to stop reacting to the moon's gravitational pull...the earth to stop orbiting the sun. I mean look at Rob...does the earth not revolve around him??? ;D
It's true I haven't been posting as much, 'cause long ago a bunch of us crazy Robsessors started emailing each other in lieu of the "post-refresh" constraints of blogging; but trust me, we are still here daily checking up on the latest Rob news and throwing in a comment here and there!
loverpattz, glad you started commenting! It's very liberating. You gotta get the Robsession OUT somewhere. Nobody at work needs to know that when your eyes glaze over while doing some paper drudgework, you're actually fantasizing about Rob bending you over the desk. *what, is that just me?*
So...let's get this straight..UC (a small role only for Rob ) should commence filming what...Nov/Dec'09....then Bel Amie in the New Year....then Breaking Dawn in Sep'10...so what's he doing in between?
My mission is: 1- to be the star of the movie. 2- conquer Kristen and marrie with her, have 40 children with her. 3- conquer a irish girl, and have 40 children with her...
hey, wait a minute.... 80 children? non nonono is too muchhhh NOOOOO IS TOO MUCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!
You're gooood TwiHeart! Have you looked into a career in the CIA?
Federico, go for it! I think you would make a fine addition to BD.
Hmmm, one of my best friends from high school lives outside Portland now...she DID say she'd love to see me...*twirls imaginary Snidely Whiplash mustache*
thansk lizzibee..maybe he's promoting eclipse and remember me in between..hm..who knows
Maybe he'll actually have time to go home for a while next year? He says he can't go anywhere now so he just keeps working... But he does need to have some down time at some point...
Knowing him, he's got something else I'm the works that we just haven't heard about yet
@ Leann
Phew!!! So glad to hear that! I often wonder what happened to some of the posters from way back in March/April like 'Crazy'....she really made me laugh out loud at times!
Most of the ladies on here seem like really lovely people. I no longer work and after taking my son to school and having the day stretch in front of me it's so nice to 'talk' to ladies with the same disposition and interest (i.e. Rob) This is a brilliant site and I hope it lasts for ever!
Thank you Leann! i'll see, maybe you will see me in the next movie of twilight, hehe! ...
I am taking what this blog source says with a grain of salt cos this site has been wrong in the past too. It isn't the first time I have heard that the Twilight Saga will go back to Portland cos apparantly the Oregon state has given the production tax incentives according to LaineyGossip, and now this casting blog claims it is official?? No statement from Summit so I will wait until it is confirmed officially.
However if it turns out to be a fact...then happy for the ppl living in the area...lol. Still it will NOT mean that the security on the BD set will be any less than what it's been in Vancouver for Eclipse. Infact I predict it will be even HIGHER. So just cos they may change location again won't mean they ease up on the security.
after reading thru the comments since i left...it sounds like a coming out party for secret robsessors :)
i am with you all who's family thinks they are crazy. my whole family knows of me liking rob but not about my complete obsession. that's why i like to come here because we all relate.
RPG it's been a tough year for him and i just hope everything will be alright..and i know we all can't wait for new moon but don't you think that this is going a little too fast??eclipse is almost done with the filming and i think it's going a little too fast..i want this saga to last forever!!!
my desk @ work is a Rob shrine! They all know & laugh at my obsession... It gets me through the day and keeps me smiling through boring meetings!
federico - good luck on trying to get on BD. i guess we all have our secret fantasies :)
yea it's been tough especially from about June on. It is going fast, but they need to get it done, whether it be one or two parts for bd. I prefer they do 2 movies, but I know most don't.
I am anxious to see what our man does after all this. Very excited for UC & Bel Ami... Can't wait for RM...
oh yeah me too..you can't imagine how anxious i am for remember me and ofc unbound captivies and bel ami..i think he has bright future..no need to worry for our man:))
@Lizzi...no worries, I don't think it's possible to stop Robsessing as long as he is alive and making movies for us to drool over, er, I mean appreciate his fine acting talent. ;) I haven't seen Crazy in forever either, but I know she and KY and some others hooked up on Facebook to IM each other. Don't know for sure what's up with them now, though I IMed KY a few weeks ago and she and her family are doing great...she's still Robsessed though too!
Maryann, ITA, we need to wait for official confirmation, and even then security will be insane. I mean Eclipse must be like Fort Knox for the few photos we've seen from the set.
If nothing else, Federico, maybe some extras will be needed for BD like they were for NM. (I'm not sure how Kristen is going to feel about 40 babies though!)
Crovamp, I hope Rob gets some R&R at home over Christmas and mama Pattz makes him some good home-cooked meals. Remember how "filled out" he was in Tokyo earlier this year, before he got all lean-n-mean again? I'd kinda like to see some meat on the boys bones!
Rpattzgirl, OMG, if I had pics of Rob on my desk at work I'd never get anything done! LOL I'd just be staring at him with those little strings of drool forming at the corners of my mouth...sexeh.
I often wonder if I'm the only one of a few who will be glad when the 'Twilight' stuff is over and we will get to see him acting with different people....that's if he chooses to carry on acting....I'm not convinced he will...hope I'm wrong.
@ Leann
Thanks for that. Its funny ...I don't comment all the time but you get to recognise certain 'characters'...(hang on ..hubby's just banged on the windows of my office and frightened the beejesus out of me looking at me with a pitying look)I HATE it when he does that. Pratt.....Anyway ...I thought perhaps they had moved on....
i hope he will continue acting..and i agree as long he's alive the robsession will not come to an and:)
"This is great news! I have been more and more anal while waiting for confirmation for each of the Twilight Saga movies to be made, especially BD. Also a granny who is still as obsessed as anyone else, maybe more as time goes by. Cannot wait for BD. I live for it. My family thinks I am nuts, but too freakin' bad. Rob just does it for so many. It's nice to be part of the obsession. We just have to tolerate eveyone else's attitudes!!!! Keep up the great posts!!!!!!!
I am with you there my dear...absolutely!
With you too my dear! We have to stand tall! Stuff the lot of them I say! Rob all the way! LOL (My God I hope my daughter doesn't read this...she's a devious, clever little sod!)She's also read my previous posts....oooerr
I'm confused. In the NM Companion, it says they moved to Vancouver because it was so much better for filming. Why would they go back to Portland now? Maybe they're planning on having time to promote Eclipse, & that's why it's not filming until Sept? And maybe Summit needs to share the cost with another production company because between making fake wolves, a fake mutant baby, & a large non battle with a gazillion vampires, costs are going to be through the roof. We still don't know how many movies it will be either. Still too many questions.
Well I read somewhere today...can't remember where...but the decision to move back to Portland is something to do with taxes...i.e money...it's always to do with money....I'll just be glad when it's all done and Rob can move on...hopefully
Lizzi I love your Brit-speak! Pratt...sod...stuff the lot of them...heeheehee! We Americans are so boring. My favorite Brit-borrowed phrase is "can't be arsed" to do something. "Can't be assed" just doesn't have the same clever ring to it. Hubby giving you pitying looks...pity the family instead for not understanding the beauty and charm inherent in Rob. ;D
JC, 'sess on! You are not alone.
Liz and CV, I actually think Rob will keep acting for a bit longer now that he is able to pick and choose projects that interest him. He seems very concerned about "striking while the iron is hot" and not wasting any time getting forgotten or lost in the rubble of teen idols past. He seems so laid back on the surface, but obviously there is a very driven and ambitious part of him that is really ready to make the most of the opportunities this whole Twilight craziness has afforded him. In the past he made comments to the effect that he wasn't sure acting was something he wanted to do longterm, but I would venture to guess that his opinion on that matter has changed. If RM does well at the box office, I think Rob will be interested in keeping the momentum going indefinitely. He really is a workaholic at heart.
OMG Marna..."large non-battle with a gazillion vampires"...LMAO! That is my chief complaint about Breaking Dawn. I really hated the last 3rd of the book. It was all much ado about nothing. Pages devoted to vamps I don't care about, all getting ready for a battle that never effing happens, and for what? So Edward can be relegated to the sidelines in a story that should be his as much as Bella's? Gah. Don't get me started. The whole Rosemary's Baby thing bugged too. My favorite part of the book was the beginning and the end, when Bella finally lets Edward into her thoughts...that made me cry. But the whole middle is a mess.
OMG somebody needs to find this photo BIG! GAH! *dies*
I am very sure that if BD comes here the tight security will be in full force as it is now, there will be no Rob walking around portland by himself and sets will be blocked off.
Im just hoping for a glimpse of him and I'd die a happy girl.
@ Leann
There you go ...making me laugh again! You just get us Brits don't you! LOL We aren't that far apart LOL
My dear...my family will NEVER understand RPattz because they are never going to be as imaginitive as me (don't know if that's the correct spelling) and it grieves me it really does.
Well...Breaking Dawn to me was a bit of a let down....a 'Cast of Thousands' with not much going on....How can they possibly produce two films from this....I don't understand it.....I just want Rob done with it all I really do...
...and what's with this bloody 'imprinting'......in the fourth book.....is this sort of 'scent marking'....urgh....I CANNOT get my head round thid still...what does it ean. Is Steph Meyer mad?
Holy god!!!! That photo needs to be found and untagged-oh my fucking jesus!
Imprinting was the only way SM could keep Jacob in Bella's life. He should have hooked up with Leah, but nooooo, stupid mutant baby had to come along so he could play pedophile & imprint on her. A really stupid idea.
LOL, yes Lizzi, I think Steph M. IS mad. Thank God though or we'd never have Edward Cullen, and Rob would be doing strange b-movies that none of us would ever see, and only a few priveleged would 'get' the beauty that is Rob. (Which would actually be great, but I probably would be one of the masses who had no idea who he is!) BTW I wish SM would finish Midnight Sun, as it is EASILY the most fascinating of the books. Edward is such an Emo Girly-Man...but DAMN if it isn't fascinating being inside his head!
The whole imprinting thing is a bit creepy, consdering that these pervy wolfboys imprint on babies and toddlers and it's supposedly nothing sexual, YET they go on to marry these girls after they're grown. But nothing out-creeps the birth of Renesmee. It still astonishes me that SM couldn't write a beautiful sex scene for Edward and Bella, but she could spew pages of grisly, bloody gore for the birth of Renesmess. Turned my damned stomach.
i always felt the reasoning for a non battle at the end of BD was either because something more will be written later or once bella establishes her powers she will be more powerful than the volturi. But thats just me..both options for another book with both ideas would be great!
OMG I just realized I spelled Renesmee "Renesmess"...heeheehee...that was some accidental but subliminal brilliance right there!
Marna...preach, girl.
Rpattzgirl...I KNOW! I'm just waiting for that pic to turn up big and high-res somewhere. Rob lying down looking at me, er, the camera like THAT...gah! *incoherent drool noises*
You guys are killing me with the mutant baby talk- LMAO!
I hated the whole baby imprint thing too
EXACTLY! Jacob chsnges her diapers & then when she grows up they have sex?????? YEEEECH!
And I couldn't agree more about the no sex but violent birth is OK thing. I mean, Edward chews through Bella's uterus, how can she give all the details of that, but not even give us a little of the sex? I wonder what Rob thinks about acting that scene, I have a feeling it's going to be hard not to laugh.
Suz had the untagged photo!!
@ Marna
I absolutely agree with you! I couldn't get this imprinting thing either...as I said earlier...it's almost like 'scent marking'...like a dog does....ugh....and with young children? Bloody hell the way things are in this country (UK) the Police would be there in yer face like a blooody rash...sorry don't get it.
To me the end of the saga is a big let-down...a 'cast of thousands' with nothing going on....she left it up in the air...but no matter, we can fill in the gaps...
I had to snag this for my avi!!!!
I get that SM did the whole imprint thing to keep Jake "linked" to Bella and the Cullen's, but I didn't like it either.
I am so biased I just wanted it to be about Bella & Edward..the wedding, the honeymoon (gasp, Isle Esme) him turning her, and then their relationship once she becomes a vamp. I think SM threw in the pregnancy too just to give Edward a reason to turn her, without it being just about them wanting to be together forever. Her beliefs had a lot to do with the way that story turned out.
I think SM's beliefs had EVERYTHING to do with how the story turned out. I don't think she could have conceived of a happy life without a child so she had to write one in. Also, since Edward was so adamant about Bella losing her soul if she was turned, the only way he would let it happen is if she was dying. SM got to kill 2 birds with one stone.
OK...since we are on the subject of BD...Does anyone agree that Edward sooo lacked in the bonding with Reness-mess (lol) It was as if Jacob was the father. Uuggghhhh!!!
Absolutely agree with you...it's almost as if Edward was the secondary character. I have to say....if it wasn't for the fact that my daughter was adament that I'd enjoy these books and that BD was the best of all ...I really don't think I'd have carried on reading them. For a Mormon...SM has some very very strange ideas...Renemsmee for one with Jacob? Ugh......
I thought that the way she wrote Edward and the kids relationship was very out of character.
Sorry, but he did not know he could even father a child! The real Edward would not have ever let that child out of his sight.
He would have been over protective, just as he was with Bella.
I sortof agree with that... It was more Jake and Bella with renesme, than Edward .. But I Do
think there was some bonding...for Edward, it was ALWAYS about Bella and just bella...
I think he just stood back but the genuine love for was there full force... I think he loved her more becuase bella loved her so much.
The whole goodbye part when they thought they were going to die killed me.
I wonder if SM actually had time to really think this thing over. There are just so many mistakes.
Was she pressed for time?
Bugger....going to have to go ladies....documentary on Jack The Ripper....fascinated by this piece od criminal history. Will take my mind off Rob.....for a short while...good wishes to you all.....
rpatzzgirl can I come too? When I won't stalk I will cook, do the washing up and babysit. pleasssssse. I still have my scout sleeping bag. I have to start saving like now now. It's only 1000 euros round trip(just checked it)
ADM, as I heard it, YES Steph was pressed for time and had a publisher's deadline looming. That explains some of it, perhaps. But I agree that her Mormon beliefs greatly shaped the storyline.
I, for one, could have done without Renesmess (which I once called "that effing loony baby," which had Diane in stitches to the point where she wanted to copyright it, hee!) But I agree that the way everything went down was the perfect plot point to relieve Edward of any moral confliction in decision to make Bella a vampire. Steph took the choice right out of Edward's hands, since the only alternative was death. I DID, however, enjoyt he fact that while Jacob turned away from dying Bella, Edward was desperately doing everything he could to save her, and refused to give up on her. That effectively showed the difference between Edward and Jacob right there. Jacob would rather see Bella dead than a vampire, while Edward couldn't conceive of a world without her. Jake walked away and Edward stayed. End of freakin' story. (What the heck is this "Team Jacob" stuff anyway? That's like rooting for the Cubs to get into the Series!)
Suz and Rpattzgirl, thank you for the untagged lying-down-staring-at-me pic of Rob. I just need it to be BIGGER. heh. >:)
..."singles", "marrieds", scientists, grandmas, lawyers, stay-at-homes, teachers, unemployed, webbies, accountants, babysitters, enterpreneurs, artists, tattoo-ers, techies, tearchers, interns, nurses, jewelers, transitioners, students, dispatchers, buyers, sellers, academes, "intelectual(s), professor(s), writer(s) and..," etc...
..equal in Rob's hypnotic eyes, surely -- we are all full (and warm) blooded females..
..uh, sorry, I think there are a few males here?
You have all inspired me to finally comment. Been here for months and far too old for it. Today I finally realized I am not alone. Ladies you are amazing.
Thansa, I'm sure there are some male lurkers...only Federico has been brave enough to comment! And there was another guy waaaaay back. I think if dogs and cats could blog, they'd be here too. Rob charms everything with a pulse.
Hi newlife! You are most definitely not alone. There are quite a few of us here who are old enough to know better. We've simply ceased to care.
I think that because we are old enough to know better, we have learned to enjoy the "finer" things in life.
Newlife - glad I'm not alone. I have been following this site since April. I am also too old to be doing this but all these ladies inspire me! Finally decided to join in!
@ ADM - Yeah, I think she was "pressed for time" to crank out another book fast, because the fans were agog waiting, clamoring for more... everyone wanted to strike while the fans were dazed, errm, the iron was hot?
And the result? ..not only were there so many "huh? and wtf" moments in BD, there were so many typographical errors.
Disappointingly not at par with the first three books. I even wondered whether SM had a ghostwriter or two to spin it out fast and just made sure to stamp her voice unto it.
"Imprinting was the only way SM could keep Jacob in Bella's life. He should have hooked up with Leah, but nooooo, stupid mutant baby had to come along so he could play pedophile & imprint on her. A really stupid idea."
LOL That's so right. I hate BD, is my least fav book of the series and I honestly could live happily ever after without a movie....unless we have a completely new and redone honeymoon scene I'm sure I'll change my mind.
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