For Robert Pattinson, maintaining a vampiric six-pack in the "Twilight" movies is harder than it looks. "I think I've probably reached the peak of my conditioning," the British actor says. "I've had to stop going to the gym now."
It's not the ab crunches that are getting him down these days - it's the nonstop fight sequences during the Canadian filming of "Eclipse," the third movie in the series based on Stephenie Meyer's uber-popular book series. But before that comes out next year, Twilighters, twi-hards and everybody in between will be able to see Pattinson, as Edward Cullen, come to undead life on screen in "Twilight: New Moon," in theaters Nov. 20.
Last year's "Twilight" set up the love affair of vampire Edward and his human muse, the shy Bella (Kristen Stewart), while in "New Moon," they become part of a love triangle with the hunky werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner).
Pattinson says he's tried to reinvent Edward, he of the golden eyes and James Dean charisma, each time around. Dracula he's not. For one, Edward has no problem taking a walk during daylight hours - the sunlight actually makes his skin sparkle, a fact that has vampire purists baring their fangs.
Pattinson doesn't see the big deal. "They're fictional creations. They can be pretty much whatever," he explains. "I don't really feel like I'm part of the vampire tradition, really. It almost abandons every convention, especially image-wise. They're a little pale - it's kind of the whole point in the movie where they don't look spectacularly different from everyday humans."
The millions of "Twilight" fans haven't had a problem with it either. Pattinson, 23, has had to roll with massive media attention in the last year and a half, when teenage girls started putting posters of him on their walls and gossip magazine editors began showcasing him on their covers. When he was filming "New Moon" earlier this year, he says, "I was pretty comfortable with everything. And then the level of fame and fervency of the fans, it exponentially increased over the last four months."
Today, Pattinson says there are fans and paparazzi buzzing around the set constantly, and there are tours that take people to restaurants that cast members frequent.
Being on the frontlines has given Pattinson some perspective on the "Twilight" phenomenon. "A lot of people like the fact that it's OK to obsess over something," he figures. "It's like, Oh, you're obsessed with Twilight?! Oh yeah, me too!' From a lot of people I've met who are really really mega-fans, it's kind of like a lifestyle, and I can understand. It's like being part of a club."
As for his own personal obsessions, currently music is at the top of his list. Pattinson had one of his songs appear on the "Twilight" soundtrack, and during his downtime, he's been writing a bunch of tunes he hopes to record - possibly during a month off when he returns to his home in London. "I haven't seen anyone I know for like a year," Pattinson says. "I've got to see what remains of the wreckage of my life." (Gozde: Rob, oh Rob. You get us all HIGH with the news you've been writing music and then end it at such a sad note... Wreckage of your life? :( Hope you are just being an emo 23 year old... )
Source: AZCentral
Thanks to athenslovesrob for the tip :)
I am sooo sure in that pic I get a glimpse of pubic hair, your eyes just follow the muscle line down, down and further down......
Sorry I have been drinking.....cant help it...
please, please, please be a full record of original songs. I would be thrilled!
Sounds like he's missing home and his friends A LOT!
how is it possible that rob is so beautiful and talented ? oh i think god has a favorite :) luv his voice i can't wait to hear his songs.
Poor lad:-(. Hope he can rebuild his life to the way he wants and needs; happy, safe, and well. And music is a good path to do so!
So sad that Rob thinks his old life is now wreckage that needs salvaging... :-(
He has made choices that have led him temporarily away from his home and friends but I have faith that his much needed downtime and home time will let him recover his perspective and catch up with what he has missed in his old life.
He has a new life now and it will never be the same as it was before but there will be new things for him to enjoy and endless opportunities to choose new paths, new directions. Hoping he picks wisely and can live with his choices!
I want him to be smiling when I see his gorgeous face!
Music is a great creative outlet for Rob - with all he has had to drawn on with his recent experiences I am expecting some deep and soulful offerings, can't wait...
I have to say thanks Goz for listening to my plea and bringing back my favourite banner! Hey maybe it is your favourite too but I know you probably couldn't cop (own up) to that publicly!! :-)
(not sure if that is just Aussie slang?)
LOL, why wouldn't I own up to it publicly? :)
I do love that banner and you are welcome :))
Well it sounds to me like someone is deperately in need of a proper break....not the odd day here or there. He needs to re-charge so let's hope his music does it for him!
Im so glad that hes going to get some time off coz boy even he needs a rest at some stage. Wreckage of your life, oh Rob. Just makes me wanna hug him.
Maybe he'll get some privacy when he comes back here to the UK coz it seems that people over here arent into it as much as we hardly hear anything about it all.
Ok.. *sigh* maybe he needs some rest... maybe IF BD filming schedule confirmed to sept 2010(?) he can have a break after unbound captives ... who will knows? anyway... I love Rob and need his smiling face back.*sigh*
If Rob gets a break after filming UC I'm hoping it is in Oz somewhere. We have lots of faraway places he could be anonymous in and soak up the gorgeousness that is the Australian Outback. He'd have to have plenty of sunscreen to protect his vampire whiteness though!! LOL
Our wilderness here would be good for his soul...and maybe even inspire some new songs?
Awwww...I'll comfort you Rob. Seriously, that boy needs to go home and be with his friends and family.
OMG! everytime I look to that pic, God! I just only see his pants falling...because look like falling, lol
"during his downtime, he's been writing a bunch of tunes"...seriously what downtime has Rob had? It's been full on since NM started filming in March. Unless of course the "downtime" has been when he's been holed up in his hotel room to escape the pappz.
Good evening Orion and JandR - I'm back home on Queensland time!
Orion, yes those pants do look like they are loose in that scene, yet they look tight when he's squatting on Bella's bed in the dream sequence...
"I've got to see what remains of the wreckage of my life."
Its such a 'Rob' thing to say really.. and in fairness, it's a natural reaction. He hasnt been home in months. He hasnt seen his family.. It must be daunting to see what the people closest to you still make of you after all that has changed in your life. It inadvertently effects them too, and we all know thats something Rob worries about.
Some downtime at home will do him good.
Hi Georgie and Orion - glad you are safely back at home Georgie even if it means less time for Robsession! I worked out from last nights comments that this is the time to get on here to catch you guys!! Glad it worked!
Hey finished The Sub yesterday - the last few chapters felt really rushed to me - started to turn into a bit of a fairy tale happy ending - but i have now started The Dom - can't wait to be in Edward's head! mmmm
Orion I see you are still dinng out on my favourite Rob RM pic in your and your
"_ _ _ _ _" (okay five letter word starting with b and ending in e and not to be mentioned here word) fantasy!!
Sorry I haven't got to Only Robert yet - too few hours in the day and I find it hard to locate...will have to copy and paste the link somewhere so I can find it!!
Hi Ozpattz! Jandr I can't change that avi, not yet..I like it to know why. Hey you have to go, I posted new pics today, everyday...nice to see you girls, I really miss u all this past weekend
Hey I'm reading a new story on FF...
Georgie I'm going to check that pants, lol
So, you back home...everything was ok in Canberra?
Just reading up on the previous thread...looks like BD could be a goer for Sept 10!
Not long to go until our Sydney "premiere" ladies! Sorry JandR I've been too busy Robsessing but started to look at accomm in Sydney CBD. My issue is trying to find a hotel to accommodate 3 in a room and not to have to take a 2 b/r apartment.
Yes thanks Orion, I brought my mum back with me to Brisbane to stay a couple of weeks. Both she and DH are asleep now (I wore DH out haha....not really).
that's great Georgie. Yeah, not long for our meeting! WoW
Orion - what ff are you reading now??
Georgie - still having to save your Robsessing for when the rest of the household is asleep...sad really that we can't all shout our love for Rob from the rooftops!
Lucky we have this place to do that to our heart's content! LOL
I'm reading: Emancipation Proclamation
JandR I actually prefer to Robsess uninterrupted! Today I bought the 10 year issue of GQ for $7.99 - besides the cover there were only 2 pages of Rob! It is a men's mag so I brought it home and said to DH that I bought it for him LOL!
Girls, I'm reading something really brutal called The Training School - not sure yet if I should recommend it or not but I'm hooked to see what happens.
Hey Orion - people have been raving about EP. I had a quick look but haven't had much chance to do any more - will get to it though.
Georgie - is that The Training that follows on after the Dom?
...not to be confused with TaraSueMe's "The Training".
already I'd read The training it's only 3 chapters
EP looks good, I'm on 11 chapter of 52, so still have a long way...
Georgie did you read what Tempt post on FB?
Thanks for the heads up Georgie!
Hey I think Tempt is either hard at work on some delicious new ff for us or has slumped into oblivion over her keyboard (after reading the first comment on this thread and her reference to drinking...) lol
I am popping and out as I am editing a chapter of a friend's masters thesis... :-~
No haven't been on FB all day but will have a look. I'm popping in and out reading new chap of Edward Wallbanger, a lot less resourceful than yours JandR!
Ready to go watch Vampire Diaries ladies and see the New Moon trailer in the first ad break again. Hope they put it on cos if they don't I'm going to be very disappointed! :-)
I've just been on FB and seen a new FF in the making, fingers crossed!
Gosh! Georgie, we can't stop with FF
The mention of tours that take people to restaurants that the cast members frequent reminds me of being on safari in Botswana and Tanzania. The guides would take tourists to the water holes most recently frequented by animals of interest, radio each other with their "finds" and then zero in. I remember our guide barreling through the bush in the land rover, and taking out small trees to chase down a shy and beautiful leopard. Just so that we could take a bunch of pictures. That gorgeous creature took my breath away, but I felt awful about pestering it so. Exactly the same feeling here.
okay officially disappointed - no NM trailer tonight during VD so far... :-(
...I wanna do bad things with you.....
Oops wrong show!
Georgie, Georgie what's happening with you? lol I'm telling you too much FF for us
I'll go on FB and post the link to what I'm reading at the moment and also canvass with you the reasons why we're into our FF LOL...
ok Georgie
Orion, is OR private?
okay happy now just saw huge Robward on my telly - I can't wait for this movie!!!!
So they had more Robward than Taycob?
You lucky Jandr!!
Thank you for posting this, Goz! The fact that Rob keeps talking about his songs gives me real hope he'll lay down a track or two. And I made my suggestions to RM producers. No crazy pounding on doors...but I want to!!
I'm sure he laughed, if wryly, about 'the wreckage.' I think he has perspective most of the time. :)
What a lovely analogy!
I have a feeling Rob's been feeling the homesick blues in this interview. Who can blame him? He's been living outta hotelroom and suitcases for over a hear, not seen his native country in almost as long and well I am sure he has more friends than just TomStu to hang out with at home. He must be missing his family and dog too (if she still is alive, I read Patty was getting old?).
So I can understand what he mean with the "wreackage of his life" cos he hasn't had the time to actuall BUY his own place (or not as we know of) so he basically have no place to be "rooted" at. To call his home base.
So I really do hope he get to go home to UK and relax a little before he's off filming again. Maybe even find his own place in the mean time so atleast he has someplace to call HIS OWN. Living outta a suitcase and in hotelroom must be getting really old.
As for the music, yep bring it on! I am happy to hear he's been writing songs!
But yep the tone of the interview sounds like he's had a case of the homesickness's hoping he get to stay home long enough to "cure" that.
Wow the fight scenes, already reached his peak with his abs... Hot damn!
It's interesting that he also feels things have really hit full speed in the past 4 months... I said the other day that things have really changed...
Im so glad he's writing, but since there is no real downtime it has to be when's locked in the hotel between shoots and hiding out.
Even though I myself tried to catch a glimpse of him in Vancouver (and will again if he comes back here) taking tours sounds really out there-wow
so it does sound like he's going home for a while... I am so glad to hear that- he needs it. It saddens me if he really thinks his life is in wreckage, that breaks my heart.
oh, shit, if that picture with the fans doesn't say it all: "Leave me the eff alone."
that's kind of sad, he finally got accustomed to his level of fame during NM filming, and then it just grew out of control since then. How can anyone get accustomed to the life he leads now? It's too weird, poor kid. I feel for him and for Kristen with the level of scrutiny they are under right now. It's too much.
I hope he takes a vacation really soon, goes home to his family and stays away from the media and the crazies out there.
You see, it's the things he hints at, these sort of "sour" notes, (when he says that his life is a wreckage, that he spends a lot of time looking down, etc.) that worry me about Rob.
Maybe it's just British dark humour and I'm being dramatic, but I am worried that deep down there might be a drop of truth in it. It's not a good mindframe to put yourself into. For someone who already has a tendency to paranoia, as Rob has admitted himself, and who doesn't seem to let his negative emotions out very much, negative thinking is not a healthy path to walk. It's the door to depression, at best.
This (and the possibility of consequent abuse of prescription drugs) is my only (maybe irrational) worry about Rob, because it's a sneaky, nasty thing that will eventually kill you, if you let it creep up on you unawares, even if you have a good head on your shoulders. Actually, sometimes *because* you do.
Sorry for such a serious outpour, but I lived this kind of thing with my father and it did not end well. I don't want that to happen to Rob.
On a positive note: JandR, I agree with all you say and your hope is my hope. Also, I am really happy to hear Rob is writing music, that is a healthy outlet for his emotions, not to say a pleasure for our ears! :)
*goes back to following the happy trail, now that's a healthy path to walk down!* :D
temptation u'r so funny although I haven't seen that the first time I saw it...I think u'r right is not the drink!
sad rob makes me sad too!I kinda feel guilty but rob needs to take a long vacation...go back to london and see his hobbolicius friends but I guess he's just takin the fame he has right now
You girls are depressing me, stop feeling so sad and feel excited for the guy, he has it together...don't worry your little hearts about the whole fame issue.... it's not the drink, use the old zoom in key to check it out.....
New music and the thought of Rob finally going home.
I'm not sure what makes me smile more.
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