Robert Pattinson Returning to Hotel After Onni Party

As we reported this morning Robert Pattinson was spotted at a private party last night and here he is going back to his hotel :)

And yes those ARE the blue/gray pants that we examined back in August here and here.

Good to know the sewed back pants are still holding on strong :))

Holy jawporn batman!

He is going for the Eminem meets Hobo(Chic) look :))

Thanks to Celebrity Gossip Net.

Photo Credit: INF Daily

The HQs thanks to PopSugar :)


Kate said...

Ooh wet Rob!!!

Rhonda said...

Oh, Rob. I love your hobo style, but those pants are too shabby for even you. Find the nearest trash bin and hurl those babies at it. Love the gray converse, tho.

ssherrill115 said...

This is what I notice - He has on old pants - his crotch has been darned. But new shoes (that are actually tied) and a new jacket. Also I notice that he has on 3 shirts - is he always cold? And he looks thin again to me. He looked thin for a long time, then a little more healthy - I think he might be back to thin. But so beautiful, always beautiful!

jc(britlover) said...

Yea!!! Rob's back. Glad for the pap break, though. It gets too crazy for him--but still want more!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ahh...I love wet Rob too!!

Look at him???


But...are those velveteen pants?? WTF?

Anonymous said...

HHH has come of his hiding!

Anonymous said...

i mean, come out of his hiding :)

Pet73 said...

He looks so good - even under all those layers of whatever.

I'm sooo thankful for the new pics :).

Looove the new Converse!

RPLover said...

and the blue-thread crotch pants have returned...hey Rob, those would look great with a new shirt you might have recieved lately! LMAO

he's looking a little thin but gorgeous as always ::sigh::

Anonymous said...

oh wait.. is this the stitched pants he's wearing? Oh My Goz! it is!!!

Rocio said...

omg the blue crotch pants and OMG wet rob...wayo!

SluttyPattz said...

For the love of all things Holy, his Jaws should be outlawed.


Khou said...

Yep, he does look a little thinner, probably from all the fight training. Still HOT! Is Vancouver really that wet and cold? Seems weird when we have 90-100 degree weather here still. It's good to see Rob. I'm thinking more and more that he and Kristen are getting more and more alike. He's wearing Kristen-like shoes. I think that's cute.

Anonymous said...

i noticed that, too, sherrill. the crotch of those pants have been sewn. and i recognize the button down shirt underneath the jacket from when he filmed RM. love the converse. :)

also, he looks sooooo thin. feel like feeding him!

Pet73 said...

Can anybody help me? Is this plaid shirt new, too? I'm not quite sure.

Lisa said...

for a second, I got excited, thinking he had some new clothes on...then I scrolled down and frowned,..just the return of the darned Harry Potter pants (pun intended LOL)

He looks fine, though...and the jaw...sigh...the jaw... that rain or snow? How cold is it in Vancouver??

Ellie said...

The jawline and sucked-in cheeks alone are gonna kill me...

TheQuietOne said...

Wasn't he wearing gray Chuck Taylor's for the VF photo shoot last year?

Unknown said...

He's wearing his beanie!! Did he try to sew his crotch together? lol

Pet73 said...

iamzulma- Is this the Ralph Lauren Shirt from the first day of RM shoting?

Cupcake Donna said...

God. I REALLY wish he would stay out of the thrift stores!
We've seen the pants and shirt, But not the jacket and kicks. Although they look verrry worn already.
Something he picked up on that shopping trip with Kristen, no doubt.

Unknown said...

Is he wearing the plaid shirt from Remember Me? Those converse are old, he has worn those before. I starting to get worried, he looks like he has lost a lot of weight. Boderline Christen Bale!

Unknown said...

He's wearing his beanie!! Did he try to sew his crotch together? LOL

Anonymous said...

How bad is is that I seriously squeed because he was wearing Chucks? lol

Anonymous said...

His face does look withdrawn but no doubt he's working out for Eclipse and losing weight but gaining muscle!! Or it could just be a minute in time of him sucking in his cheeks. Anyway, personally I don't care if his clothes are stitched or torn, he looks good in whatever he wears and it's just so him to just keep it real and wear whatever he has or can borrow! I'm just happy that he's able to stay out of the papz eye for periods of time. Go Rob!!!

Federico Zarco said...

rain, rain . i dont like the rain.

Treasure_7 said...

I hope that he had a good time at the party, and he looks beautiful as usual.

Federico Zarco said...

cool pics!

Pet73 said...

Poor wolf boys! Must be hard to film halfnaked in the woods under such weather conditions :(.

Leslie C. Franklin said...

Love it! He is hot as always!

AP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RPnKSaddict said...

I just got a bad case of the giggles...I'm having a fangurl moment.

Do you think the black t-shirt under all of the layers is the "Stoli"? I hope so.

Unknown said...

I love to see that smirk! Good to see Rob out ALONE, being himself not running away just strolling along, looking hot and sexy in the rain. Got to love the pants that draw attention to the crotch lol its like he did it on purpose because he knows what he does to us! LOL

Anna said...

His legs are so long... I don't know if I should be jealous, or just drool.

Ok, I know.


Pet73 said...

Maybe he was just whistling?

...wowie! said...

Could I be any more in love with him? His sexy ass is wearing blue chucks. swoon. I AM IN LOVE!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is great! What a way to a start a Saturday of wine and new pics of Rob! Put me in a really good mood after yesterdays shenanigans!
And I don't care what he's wearing ....just so glad to see him! Hooray!
He DOES look thin though but those

Gemgirl65 said...

Rob looks damned good wet! I was right about him out having a good time last night, enjoying drinks with least I hope so! I so don't even care what he's wearing. For some reason I love Rob's tattered wardrobe and hand-stitched clothes...makes it seem like he's determined to not let the fame thing change him, so he clings to the comfortable things that remind him where he came from. That's one theory anyway. ;)

I don't know why this boy can't manage to eat enough to sustain his body weight. I wish I had such problems trying to keep tyhe pounds on my body! :p I can't even fathom such a thing, but it happens over and over to Rob whenever he works out.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

he looks cold ,iam hoping he is ok,he looks thin but Hot as always....Love you Rob

Ripley said...

Thanks for the pics. I'm just staring at him with his four layers of clothes on top and wondering if he has one or two layers on the bottom......I can't believe I just said that. It's just been awhile since we've seen current pics. Why doesn't Summit release more behind the scenes pics?? I'm done rambling.

Khou said...

Or maybe he's looks thinner because he hasn't been able to go out and eat like a normal person because of all the stalkers! What the heck are we doing to this poor man??!!! Hahah...I don't think we need to be overly concerned. The cheeks are just sucked in.

PerfectDate said...

The plaid shirt might be the one from the US Weekly photo shoot?

Love plaid on you Rob, no matter which hobolicious shirt it is.

Again, my guilt with the pap pics; love to see Rob, hate the way it has to happen. Sounds like people were chill at the party? (thankfully.) Thanks for posting.....

Rhonda said...

I think he just looks thin cause those pants are so ill-fitting. He is purposely hollowing out his cheeks (whisteling, maybe?), but I don't think he is dropping weight while currently filming. I think he is probably the same, and I prefer it when he wears pants that fit and you can see the outline of his strong legs.

RPLover said...

Leann! {waves} good to "see" you again :)

I agree, one of the reasons I love him so is his determination to remain true to himself, and that definately includes holding on to his favorite things (and wearing them to death!!) he's obviously got enough money now to wear a different designer outfit everyday if he chose, but he refuses to let it go to his head and continues to be comfortable-I love him for that!!

And I so need a matching pair of Converse, how cool are those chucks? ;)

Ana73 said...

popsugar said that he left the party alone and headed back to the hotel, i wonder why??

anyone know if it was it a cast party that they were all at??

well he does look gorgeous as always, dont care what he wears. he does look thinner but NOT christian bale skinny.

Anonymous said...

New shoes AND new jacket??? Is it Christmas already? Thank God he balanced that out with the old ragged pants or he would have been in a totally new outfit! *shock*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


I think that is the Remember Me plaid-it's very familiar!

And he always whistles when he walks...another one of his adorkable quirks!

Girly parts are screaming right now!

xoRobxo said...

Wow....its that cold up in Vancity??

I have to say the stiched up pants make his thighs look extra YUMMY!

I totally adore this man..

Anonymous said...

I agree that he could be whistling he also seemed to be doing that when he an kristen were spotted recently..but is this causing his face to look that thin? hope he is ok..

Maaike said...

Lolz I love how he just keeps on wearing the same clothes. AND stitches them back together! He's just too aDORKable!

Thanks for keeping this site so up to date and incredibly funny. Been trying to plug your site to all of my friends who also like Rob. Keep on doing the great work!

Victoria said...

Kristin got him to change his shoes:)

RPnKSaddict said...

Leann- I like your theory. He wears things he's comfortable in to remind him of where he came from.
I feel all warm and fuzzy seeing him remain true to himself. I love scruffalicious Rob the best.

Maria L said...

what is he doing walking alone in the rain after a party looking so extremely miserable?! I´m getting a really bad vibe from these pics.

Khou said...

Yeah, he's whistling in the rain. How cool is that huh?

Loisada said...

Looks to me like he kept the plaid shirt from this photo shoot!

weezieh42 said...

Rob looking happy as he whistles a tune in the cold wet rain. Looking sexy in is stitched up pants. Hiding his Remeber Me Shirt he wore on first day of shooting at least it looks like that shirt. Looking fit and trim. This is my favorite relaxed looking Rob and he is wearing his beanie looking good wet Rob

Haystackhair said...

The jawporn alone has killed me.....THUD


OMG!!hello gozde!!how much did I miss everybody on Robsessed ...ur tags...the super funny comments and of course my dily dosis of rob. I swear I had the most horrible 2 weeks of my life..I had an eye cirjury so I could'nt watch reading nothing...aaaa (sorry for the boring long story )
by the way rob's snickers totally love it...i'm myself love converse ...but is it me or did he seem thinner..I don't know his face is thinner but he looks great like a gift to my temporal blindness!!!!!!!!thanks

Anonymous said...

Ladies I will gladly volunteer to undress Rob to find out if the dark gray t-shirt is indeed the Stoli shirt and if the plaid peeping out at the bottom is the shirt from RM or the US Wkly shoot. No seriously, it's no problem at all!! :)~

Why am I finding the way he's walking, long strides, with his hands in his pockets, whistling (if that's what he's doing) and head down so damn sexy!!!!

Krissy said...

I want to be raindrops.

That's right...I don't want to be *A* raindrop. I want to be Many raindrops.

Several. Lots and Lots.

Specifically, I want to be the raindrops which had the incredibly good fortune to land on Robalious' Fun Land...

AKA: The Zone Very Near His Zipper.

In fact, I'd like to be the raindrops which make the zipper on them thar pants rust and fail to function.

Just moments before this photo was snapped.


That would be totally Aces.

Gemgirl65 said...

Yikes ghostgirl! Hope you are feeling better now!

Maria, I wouldn't worry; if Rob looks unhappy it's probably only because these lovely pics were taken by some paps who were right up in his face, walking backwards in front of him trying to get the best shots. *sigh* Like PerfectDate says, it's a quandary, loving to see new Rob pics but hating how they were obtained.

*waves at RPLover and RPaddict* Hey girls! Yeah, the theory about Rob being attached to his old clothes because they keep him grounded seems pretty plausible. But I also think it's partly the Just A Guy Thing theory: he likes to be comfy and he can't be arsed to go shopping, so he wears the same old things, borrow's his friends'clothes or pilfers new stuff from the film wardrobe department.

Gemgirl65 said...

Krissy, I like how your mind works. ;)

Can I be the water droplets that come out of the shower head in Rob's hotel bathroom?

Anonymous said...

@Krissy ~ "Robalious' Fun Land" Indeed!! LOL Love it. That goes up there with "SEX V" and "Happy Trail".

Lizalou said...

The bastard has a high metabolism, Leann. You should volunteer to spank him for being so bad. ;-p

Shani said...

Leann- I said that first missy. That he wasn't thinking about that tweet and out having fun. Tsk Tsk

Anyway,we are going to talk later about you claiming my theories.LOL

Glad to know I WAS RIGHT about him having fun. He is thinner and it's because of him working out and new meal plan according to Jackson. Jackson said that they all were working out 3 to 4 hours a day and had a new meal plan.

Our boy has his old pants on, but they are warmer than his bluejeans.And he has a new/borrowed letterman type jacket
and converse shoes. Interesting.

Shani said...

There's my girl!!! Liza what's up!!!

Jewels64 said...

He looks freaking gorgeous!!!

The Chucks!!! The gray chucks are back!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sigh..............those grey converse make the outfit

Gemgirl65 said...

I know Shani! I agreed with you last night on that other thread about Rob having gone out to have fun, I totally gave you props there girl! :)

As for the clothing theory, we've all been knocking that one around since the Stoli-mending incident...I don't even remember who came up with what!

These trainers simply MUST realize that any Rob Eating Plan has to contain a certain amount of empty, artery-clogging calories or he will waste away to nothing. There should be a daily "cheat" of Hot Pockets or In-n-Out cheesburgers incorporated into his diet. Has anyone introduced him to White Castle yet? I have a feeling the boy would loooove to suck down a dozen of those. And top 'em off with Liza's famous brownies and a good spanking.

Um, how'd that last item get in there? so bad.

Gemgirl65 said...

Hey Jewels! A veteran tellin' us the gray Chucks are OLD...haha! I love it. Good to see you chica!

KinTheFlo said...

I loved "HOLY JAWPORN BATMAN" Genius! haha

RPLover said...

lmao @ Leann about the hotpockets! what was it he said..."I hate that they made vegetarian ones, that's just pandering"

God, he's so lovable :)

Lizalou said...

*Liza whistles innocently like a certain someone with sewn pants does and waves at Shani and Leann*

Suz said...

Yeah Grey Chucks! xxx (oh how I've missed you)

Shani said...

Leann- I was only talking about the fun theory.That was my only theory.LOL

Liza I see you over there in that taxi trying to follow Rob home. LOL

Krissy said...


The little picture and saying you have there should come with a MAJOR warning.

I now have to replace the chair here in my computer room.

And No...I won't say why.

Because I suspect it won't take y'all a Month of Sundays to figure out the WHY.

Mechevpao said...

Lizalou.. OMG!!! good to see you girl!!

*waves at Shani and Leann*

Aaaaaaaaawwwww pics of Rob!!! Good to see them, and he is wearing his old pants, new jacket, sneakers and like three layers of clothes... The world is a better place after seeing that. :)

heather said...

Yeah for new pics! I love everything about him..except ..and I have to say it..those horrible, horrible, butt-fugly pants. Oh those have to go! Where are my button-flys??? :D

Lizalou said...

Mechie!!! The queen of the Rob peen!!! :P

Lizalou said...

heather: those button-flys are currently laying, discarded at the foot of my bed.

*Liza grins evilly*

Gemgirl65 said...

LOL, Heather, we are all about Rob's pants removal around here. We just hope he's UP for a de-pantsing as well.

Oops, too late, Liza has beaten us to the punch! How did he like the home-made brownies? (Or was it cookies?)

Jewels64 said...

Robster wore the grey chucks in the Vanity Fair shoot with the whole Twilight cast....check it out...

bonemama said...

i see that smile coming through, thats good enough for me!

Athena said...

Awww, I was hoping he had completely escaped the papz... but I'm happy to see him in good health, although maybe a little thin in the face? Or maybe he's just whistling while he walks...

I'm surprised (and sort of glad) that there seem to be no bodyguards... and I guess an umbrella would ruin his look! Nice to see him walking about like a normal person, anyway :).

Wonder if that jacket is what he bought at that vintage shop...

Vancouver looks freezing already...

Shani said...

Krissy- Dirty girl. *winks* LOL

Mech- *waves back*

Sarah said...

I think he will wear the STOLI shirt eventually... He's totally just tryin to warm us up to it ;) What with bringin' the beanie back and such. lol.

Anonymous said...

He's so thin lately....:(

Unknown said...

where's kristen ?

Anonymous said...

LOve that he's wearing the Chucks from the Vogue shoot..RP ever the recycler ;)

Unknown said...

I feel like he doesn't look completely happy in these pics... Only the small smile in the last one :s
I feel a bit sad for him :s

xLove2rpatzzx said...


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