Robward Cullenson New Moon Picture from 2010 Calendar


Thanks to [info]ladolcevitablue in [info]pattinsonlife
for the scans ;)

You can order the calendar here !


Aneska said...

Oh my sweet Lord! I LOVE this guy :-*

Gemgirl65 said...

woa...creeptastic! Look at those crazy contact lenses.

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled they corrected the make up and lenses for this movie! I thought Edward was hot before but SWEET JE - SUS, he's stunning in New Moon!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! he is so beautiful i LOVE him...

marya said...

whats up with the eyes? they look too yellow...:S i hope theyre not like that in the movie...

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Absolutely gorgeous! Too bad it's not a calendar just of Edward/Rob!! LOL!!

Pet73 said...

He's getting more and more beatiful. Where shall this end?

I love this "new" Robward. Thank you once again Chris W.

And I'm afraid of the D. Slade Robward. Hope, he doesn't forget that Edward is suposed to look sexy and that he doesn't create a crazy looking zombie!!!

Yvonne said...

I am so glad they let him look like HIM....they didn't airbrush out the little scar on his chin, or the fine lines on his forhead.....he really is amazing...

Haystackhair said...

Holy Hell. GAH. There are no words...Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow this photo is fanstastic, he looks gorgeous. Even better than in Twilight.But I don't like the eyes at all, too yellow! It's too much imo.

RPnKSaddict said...

Beautiful .... I really love the artwork so far.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

When I get mine, it will be September 2010 everyday in my house..

God, is it even legal to look like this?

FansClub: Life Twilight said...

is so beatiful!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT. however, i really wanna see the April one in HQ


ok maybe it's the flu that i have but i don't like it that much as u said it's CREEPTASTIC!!jaja to much contrast with the yellow eyes and the red lips...i prefer the other 1 but anyways rob always looks great no matter what

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