Just Jared reports that Rob and his "Eclipse" castmates had dinner and drinks last night (Friday 14th Aug) at a sushi bar in Vancouver. They are making it sound like Rob and Kristen had a "date night" with the heading they've given it but em...... it's kinda hard to have a proper date with that many people around and we know from "Twilight" and "New Moon" that the cast like to hang out with each other. SO this is what I'm saying..... the cast went out for some food and drinks. Draw your on conclusions. And there's only one pic of Rob (see below). For more pics of the rest of the cast who were there go to the

Thanks to the fabulous Mel for the tip!
More pics from last night.

Kate ur tag is so funny...ha6.ok now they can say edward date his mom..ha6.
Anyway im glad to see him.eventhough just 1 new pict,thats ok, i take everything i can get :-P
mya..that's not possible... rob likes older women..remember???..:). im team robsten..im 100% sure but now down to 0%. i think rob & kristen just friend..
Hey gals, Have you gals notices that Rob is wearing the same red shirt he was wearing when he was licking and kissing on Anna Kendric's face ( who playing student )
It is very funny Rob who is Rob
OK, this is probably the first really "unfortunate" picture of Rob I've seen! But I'm just glad he's having fun! :)
Oh my... I see chest hair! Ohhhh... *faints*
There's one tag missing: VAMPIRE EYES.
Is that blue chewing gum in his mouth? Shame on you Rob, you're not supposed to chew gum with you mouth open, it's not proper manners!!! So bring that gum over to me and I'll chew it for you (as long as your mouth remains open and I'll kep it busy) LOL
Is that disgusting? I don't know, I'd keep his chewed up gum, wouldn't you? I'm getting tired and silly, gotta get some sleep.
I thought the shirt was new! Darn But yea I think its the chick lickin shirt. Its been awhile since he's pulled that one out of the suitecase.
mmmm new pics of rob looking yummy
YAY. Happy Robbie pics. New Robbie pics. I'm happy!!
I see Edward & Esme have been hunting humans again. :)
You guys are really observant on his clothes and stuff, geez.
@Sidd-o ~ these papz have cameras that can take a shot a second so if he's caught with his mouth opened its probably because he was in mid chew or laugh or whatever. Leave the poor guy alone. He didn't know his pic was being taken.
LindaRose, it's not the first time he was seen chewing a gum with his mouth open. Oh, and I'm just joking around. Don't take me seriously :D
I'm happy to see him enjoying himself out with the cast again.
Check out my avi to see if that's the same shirt or not. But I think it is too.
he is shaven mmm
elizabeth IS his co-star and rob does like older women. there's a possibility that we're all being sidetracked with all the KS-Rob rumor going on
he looks fucking amazing in that red shirt.......HOT
its a decoy its not elizibeth,i do love her
i really wish he were with eliza though...id be the happiest fan on earth
@miserymee: i was joking around. but we dont know if rob can fallen for older woman right?? who knows? ha3
@stella,lindarose and all: lets start new topic.we can collect all Rob's pict in different outfit, then we can know how many clothes he has, which one his favourite then we will know if he wear something new :)
wow- did rob go shopping! haa new shirt alert!
wow- did rob go shopping! haa new shirt alert!
Good morning! Thank you Kate!!
He's resurfaced, finally-sp glad to see him out & about...missed him like crazy...
Love the vamp eyes-hee-hee!
Yeah, their really having a hot date. Right? Just friends.
yeah right......just friends WITH BENEFITS lol
The behavior and pictures last week reflected badly on the franchise. The studio doesn't want their precious virginal E/B seen doing walks of shame from the debaucherous Chateau Marmont, especially with KS being only 19 and seen in over 21 places all weekend. Lainey mentioned that they were on the same flight with other castmates, but then the plans changed for them to not be on the same flight(they don't book or change their flights, the studio takes care of that). I'm guessing pictures will also include them not being seen datey or even side by side either.
And this will work-people who don't want to believe, can say, "see? I think they are just friends afterall." This is basic damage control, and in some ways the studio has to do this-Robert and Kristen's actions last week were a bit loose cannon like.
so do Rob's bodyguards have dinner with the cast?? lol
happy to see him happy and enjoying his time
Is that whisker Burn on Lizzy's face, neck and chin?
ok next week's headlines on life & Style...
rob stepping out on kristen with elizabeth reaser a.k.a. mama cullen LOL
glad to see everyone out having fun :)
have a great weekend everyone !!!
The guy behind Elizabeth is scary! :o
...and the one next to her is hot ;)
Not going to say anything about Robsten, but looking at the pic of Kristine from Sushi bar it looks like she is going to wear a wig for Eclipse. Her hair is still jet-black. Isn’t filming suppose to start on 8/17/09? If they were going to dye they hair use hair extensions, I would think they would have had to do it already.
How cold is it in Vancouver already that Rob's tossed aside the summer Yankee cap in favor of that ghastly knit toque??
Not sure what the attraction to those things is unless you're outside in a snowstorm trying to dig your car out of being plowed in LOL
FINALLY he resurfaces. I was having Rob withdrawals. Yup, that's the same shirt as the licking picture with the other cast mate. I've had that TONGUE LICKING picture of him blown up and FRAMED for quite some time now. LOL (joke)....but I'd like to. hahaha
I see the body guard has made the trip to Canada too.
Love, debbo
So ... Summit ALLOWS them to be caught all over LA for three or 4 days straight, and THEN steps into do damage control? If they were worried about it, they would have stepped in after the first supposed "walk of shame."
I bet that was real romantic with Marcus staying with Rob.
I'm wondering if she will have to wear a wig too. I'm thinking that might be the case, because they might have to cut it more to make extensions work. Wig might be easiest solution.
Rob looks good, from what I can see. Rolling my eyes at the media's disrespect of the cast by ignoring them and calling it a Rob and Kris date night. I'm sure that's why he came with Elizabeth and she appears to have left with Taylor.
Suz, I'm LMAOing at your comment about whisker burn on Elizabeth. Hey, she did visit when he first got to NYC ... ;)
God ...roll on when he's finished with Twilight...this constant speculation is ridiculous and distracting...who cares who he is with...IF SHE MAKES HIM HAPPY G R E A T!!!!! I just find it very sad that a 23 year old can't have fun with his 'lady of the moment' for fear of upsetting a) the Studio a.k.a Summit or b)those with the cash...the fans. It's an unatural situation and I feel sorry for the poor lad.
Just my opnion...no offense intended. :)
Ugh, I was hoping the beanie was gone forever, I much prefer the baseball cap. Isn't it summer in Vancover too? My does he need any hat? Why is Kristen wearing one too? These people can be very strange.
Ahhh, I feel better know having got my daily does of Mr. Spunk Ransom ;)
Me likee his shoes!
Yeah Lucerne, I was wondering that too, unless she grows and inch a night, her hair will be nowhere Bella-like by the date of filming. I'd say they'll do extensions.
I nearly died when my brother told me Robert Pattinson was seen about a week ago in my native city of Galway. OF COURSE, I knew I couldn't be that lucky, but It wouldn't be right if i didn't Google "Robert Pattinson Galway" for over an hour.
I am now not talking to my brother, for planting false hopes in my poor obsessed mind.
Joke, I am, but I warned him,
"Tell me lies like that about Robert again, and face the consequences."
And that my friends is no joke.
marcus WAS NOT SHARING A ROOM WITH ROB,rob was booked into the room alone,marcus just visited but did not stay with rob in his room,kristen did not have a room in the hotel she was there each time to visit rob,i hate when people ignore the facts
Dude, he looks about 10 years old in the first picture. That makes me feel like a dirty ol' biridie, whenever he looks sorta jailbaity like that. Not dirty ol' birdie enough to stop staring, but you get my drift...
Oh, so you were there? You know FOR A FACT that Marcus wasn't sharing a room with Rob?
Is that why he told fans on Monday that he didn't know where he was going to stay Tuesday because Rob was leaving town?
Is that why there were MORE sightings of Marcus in the hotel then K? Is that why Marcus was with them every time.
I would love to know how you claim its a fact, since none of us were there. I'm sure it was Rob who was booked in the SUITE, but that doesn't mean Marcus wasn't staying with him.
You can make all the assumptions you want, but unless you were THERE, you don't know what is fact or fiction, period.
i hate th at i live for this stuff im so bad need help and a life
Look at the cab going home pix again on popsugar. On the other side of Kristen is Rob, balled over with his black hoodie pulled over him.
So sad that it has to be like this . . .
yeah it's terrible. Why are they hiding..be proud!
Well at least he has resurficed which is a good thing. Glad to know hes not being held up hostage and being able to go out.
That's it. If Rob likes sushi, there's no coming back: I am forever utterly, undeniably and irrevocably devoted to him! :D
Liking the new pictures, especially the profile one :D...
LOL @ phsophorus "vampire eyes"!
Hmmm, I am side-tracked by that golden hair young boy in several pics. What a dish.
Ya know...It's not THAT cold in Vancouver at this time of the year, why is Rob dressed like that? Are these really new photos? Just askin'..and..er..there are programs out there that correct red-eye..are people that lazy? I even correct my cat's red-eye.
And another thing..does Rob chew Nicorettes when he's in places he can't smoke..just wondering, that's blue gum..hehehe
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