Don't have a heart attack!!!! In case you haven't already seen these they are really good manips have been floating around and I think people just need to be aware that they are MANIPS!!
They are REALLY, REALLY good ones (in my opinion). In fact so good that a certain gossip columnist who we love to hate actually thought the second one was real and tweeted about it LOL. But they are not real and just in case you have ANY doubt here's the proof!
Here are the original photos that were used to create the pictures above!
Pic 1:

But why would Jenny Garth, wife of Peter F say this about Rob and an co-star?
Oh my... people just have too much free time on their hands...
OMG you made me tear up! Dont worry i didnt actually cry, by the time i was almost crying i saw the real photo! :O the second one looks amazingly real :| glad theyre not though! :D x
Yeah, I want someone to tweet Peter and ask him if it happened. I doubt she did but more and more sites are requoting it now I'm not so sure.
Was talking about the Jenny Garth comment.
I can't believe ANYONE thought that pic number 2 was real! that one totally screams PHOTOSHOP, the first one on the other hand could actually pass as real... at least they got the shadowing under control
I knew they weren't real... but pray tell, who was the gossip columnist that thought they were REAL? What a buffoon! haha!
FYI, People.com has a different spin on what she said, and an actual quote.
wow. those are really good manipulations. someone has talent but it is kinda scary.
@ tnan - I did! Well, I tweeted the link to the "article" - perhaps we'll get a response? Maybe someone should tweet Jenny?!
Jenny said a "co-star" - she didn't name names...Personally, I think it's Nikki... ;)
I really want them to be together. ):
Or well no, I want Rob to have someone and be happy in that kind of way.
OMG those pics nearly made me fall out of my chair. Very talented manipulators indeed.
@ Theresa
LOL! Well, that would be a twist...
totally too much time. Very talented I admit...but why stir shit up?
i don't believe jennie said that- why would she talk about THAT to anyone if it were true and suppose to be all secret? Besides- on New york Daily News the article says she said this AT an charity and not TO the new york daily news.
Theresa, I would laugh SO HARD if that turned out to be the case.
My deal with the Jenni thing is this: if she said this a week ago, why is it just now surfacing? If she really confirmed that he's dating someone, why sit on it?
And from the quote from People, she could be talking about ANYONE, including some random chick no one's heard of, lol.
Here is the original People article and what Jennie said. Nothing like they are twisting it. She's been around long enough to know how to keep the intrigue. For all we know, she knows that he is not dating ANY of the cast members.
Does everyone remember when Emma Watson gave an interview & "confirmed" Rob & Kristen were dating? That turned out to be a big fake, so unless there is video of her saying this, I'm not going to believe she said this.
Jennie Garth is not an idiot, she's been in the business a while. She knows better than to say it's "either Kristen or Nikki", that would be really stupid of her & cause her husband problems. She may have said something about knowing if Rob is dating anyone, but I can't believe she would narrow it down in any way.
"Speaking to reporters at the Save the Children's Back to School Program last week (...)"
So she allegedly said this last week ... Hmmm.
How often gets this NY Daily column Gatecrasher that reported it first updated? Not every day, I suppose.
off topic, but how ORANGE does nikki look in that photo?! probably cuz she's next to kristen, who is really pale, but everytime I see this the oompa-loompa song runs through my head! lol
btw, I like nikki fine, not trying to slam her, just her tan ;)
lol she didn't have to narrow down anything,Jennie I mean, everyone knows it's a matter between KStew and Nikki,and it is pretty much obvious who it is ( besides Nikki's with Ebola's leftovers now).
Wow, fooled me at first. It must be the plaid that makes the second one convincing. That's totally an outfit Rob would wear.
Ebola's leftovers...I laughed ;)
Omg i completely agree with the orangeness!I didnt notice it when i watched teen choice but then when yo see that picc...frikkinn hell! But personally i think kreisten needs to go get some sun, she looks ill man!
Sophie x
lmao @Sophiie :)
I am sure poor Jennie's casual comment got twisted, exaggerated or taken out of context by the tabloids. Their usual practice.
OMG, just about had a heart attack! Holy crap those are good manips...
I can't believe they seriously asked Jennie at some charity event if her husband's co-star is dating someone... Feels like this situation gets a little bit out of hand :S
You guys...
This insanity is going to go on until they confirm they're together OR until they introduce to the world the people they really are sleeping with. One or the other. Why? Because all of THIS generates interest. It's very simple really.
And were gonna get quotes and manipulated photos and on and on. If IF they are in fact together, there will be no announcement of such goings on until AFTER the Twilight Saga has wrapped.
Consider this...they come out. They're together for a year or so and have a spectacular break up. But they've still got to sell Breaking Dawn to the world, the most romantic part of the story. How do they continue to sell us Edward and Bella as lovers if IF the real life counterparts are over as lovers and maybe even loathing one another? How? With this insane, psychotic fan base for some of whom the lines are so blurred between fantasy and fiction that they don't even exist anymore.
If IF Rob and Kristen truly are a couple, they are trapped. And therefore...DOOMED.
They haven't got a chance in hell.
One last thought...
Interesting that one of the first things he ever gave her was a copy of Virgil's 'Doomed Love.'
Wouldn't it be ironic? And very, very sad.
@ Nikola I totally agree!
Furthermore.. They are so young. I mean She's still a freakin' teenager! :D
Robsten or no Robsten, but these manipulated picture are just disgusting. Do people who mix them really think for a second that they are going to fool people??
keriw08 just posted the link to Peter Facinelli's tweet. He denied that his wife said anything about Rob's love life.
"...this insane, psychotic fan base for some of whom the lines are so blurred between fantasy and fiction that they don't even exist anymore."
Nik - You make so many good points and that is the perfect description of many, many Twi fans. Sad, but true. I saw an engagement picture the other day where the guy is pretending to bite his fiancé's neck. Okaaay...maybe they should act out their Edward fantasies in private and not mail them out to 200 of their family and friends.
Oh and speaking of Nikki being too orange... This small photo is just misleading. In all normal/HQ quality TCA photos she looks nicely tanned.
That what i thought because i saw her on TV at teen choice and she looked fine there, good tan and all. And then I see THAT pic and she looks like an umpa lumpa :/
Sophie x
@Nik- Thank you for your reality check!!! Your voice rises above the fray of our panicked reactions. Phew.
Wow they really are real good manips!
Nikola, I totally agree!
They are trapped.
Even if they're together that might soon change because of the pressure.
I can't see them surviving (hope I'm wrong).
That's why Rob said he doesn't want celebrity girlfriend.
I need Robfix I removed my previous comment accidentally *sigh*
@ Emily: Really? Makes one wonder how long this marriage will last then.
As for those manips: Some Robsten shippers must be pretty desperate. How sick is that?
She looked very happy and very intimate with MA just a few months ago. That screams "LOVE" to me.
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