US Weekly Scans

Thanks to Twilight Poison for the scans :)


And I did some cuts:


Treasure_7 said...

Those eyes, and body and hair.......etc!!

Macabre Kitty (Sara) said...

Leather Jacket Rob will be the death of me.

*fans self*

Cougar71 said...

Looking at him is like looking at porn...whether his clothes are on or not. Robert Pattinson is so gorgeous!

Haystackhair said...

that f*ckhawt happy trail will be the death of me, then add the bulge. I AM DIED! Multiple Robgasms....poof~THUD

Mrs. Robinsane said...

As Bella would say: holy crow!!

Will I find this issue in the Adult Magazine section?

Because I'm willing to publicly debase myself, to purchase these images.

*WET ROB!!!!*

Gemgirl65 said...

There is nothing left at this computer desk but a bucket of drool.

I have no idea how the drool is typing at this point.

This mag won't be here in Podunk until next Monday. Kill me now.

Oh wait, never mind, have already died about 6 times today.

showme said...

these make me want to cry. seriously cry they are so goshdarn gorgeous...

omg. i. he. i. um. oh.

i am a ghost. i am a typing ghost.

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi Mrs. R! "Publicly debase myself"...hell yes! Is that even an issue at this point? *picture Rob waving his hand dismissively and saying, "Who cares???"*

I have no pride or dignity left. I have no solid mass left, it's all liquid.

showme said...

i know, leann. i went today. none. i'm going everyday til i find one. and i'm buying like 3 at least.

sobs at the sheer beauty of Rob Fucking Pattinson

oh, the comment about him needing to 'be shot at the right angle or he looks deformed' oh rob. honey. honey honey honey. please.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Good god! The close up of the man package in the tight ass jeans...

He's trying to kill us...

Seriously though, he HAS to know that doing these types of photos shoots, in tight ass pants, wife beaters, wet tee-shirts, smoking HOT eyes...he has to know the affect that it will have on us!!!


Gemgirl65 said...

Three copies, Show? Well, that makes sense.

One to cut up and paste on the wall or ceiling of your bedroom, depending how deranged one is feeling at that particular moment.

One to ogle up close, smudge up with fingerprints, drool upon and God-know-what-else upon.

And one to place inside a plastic cover so that it is kept holy and pristine for time immemorial.

Rob, honey, send whatever deformity you have my way. I'm pretty sure I can ignore/deal with/worship any defect you might have.

LovetheLips said...

...looking at Rob, ESPECIALLY THESE INCREDIBLY F**CKHAWT PICS, is definitely like looking at porn...same effect...

The pic of him soaking wet with soaking wet hair with that easy, natural smile makes me soaking did just say that early in the evening on a public blog....oh well, I'm not the only one I'm sure!

showme said...

i want to rub his round little belly, and lick it and lightly graze my fingertips over the bulge in his jeans

i'm telling u. these pics have made me go a little crazy today. crazier than normal. which is saying a lot.

i fucking lust after this man like i've never lusted before LOL

Anonymous said...

rpatzzgirl you took the words right out from my drooling mouth..damn it, I've said it time and again, Robert friggin Pattinson has to be illegal. He is very hazardous. To have the photo on a public viewable magazine is unthinkable, imagine the deaths that it will cause the hysteria OMFG!

showme said...

I just went a step further Love, my love. LOL

omg. he is the epitome of male sexiness. i mean, the very top.

he owns me completely.

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...



dude i am not a stalkerazi, but that could definitely change!!!!!!!


ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...



Anonymous said...

how can he look innocent and like a sex god all at the same time. at times I just wanna pat his head and set him on his way or tuck him to bed...other times which is becoming more frequent I wanna do him ahahahaha

LovetheLips said...

Just when I thought I had control over my robsession....damn these photogs for holding onto photos for months and then unleasing them on us this way!!

I'm in so deep...the surface is nowhere in sight...who would have thought drowning could be such a pleasant way to go?

Damn you Rob for being so fucking sexy! just isn't fair....

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hey, ladies!

Leann! showme! LovetheLips! All at the same time! :)

I need a while to catch up on today's posts! And to think, I spent the last 2 hours sewing some hilarious little clothes for my edward (for future photo shoots...but none to rival RP's!), when I could have been dumbfounded by these spectacular photos....

Shani said...

This is my HOT BITCH right here. Hello somebody.*shakes head,licks lips, and passes the fuck out* LOL

Marj said...

you are a wiz at these pics

Dani said...

Holy blasted HOTNESS...wowza!

Good gravy the kid is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOD!!!!!

maha said...

so so so sexy

thanks for the pictures

Spidermonkey said...

Two words describe this man:

God's Orgasm

rpgirl27 said...

well fuck me....they threw a bucket of water on him!!!
I'm pretty certain I didn't breathe the entire time this page was loading and this page always takes forever to load
I never buy these mags but I will so be 'debasing' myself for this one
shit shit shit that is so hot I think I'm crying...I never cry

RPnKSaddict said...

Can't breathe...can't speak...just staring at him and all his gloriousness.

nextstopsf said...

OMG! Everytime I comment, I think that will be my last...cuz I am way too old for did I get here...anyway apparently here I am again and OMFG - here he is again- more of a man (thank god) with every pic...there are not words...seriously! F#%@ me! SERIOUSLY! ;)

jc(britlover) said...

Holy Crap--the gift that just keeps on giving. May it never end!

Anonymous said...

Oh MAMA!!I can't stand it. I have to search the stands tomorrow, DH told me he look at a US Weekly in Ontario on Monday and it had Michael Jackson and he scanned it and no maybe this one isn't up here yet..I gotta have it!!

domisgone said...

My god.

I've been giggling for the last ten minutes over these pictures.

I got a cock-eyed glare from my hubby.... all he said was 'Rob?' and it set me off in giggles again.

That one picture, with his treasure trail... I said 'HOT DAMN' out loud!

lostinphilly said...

My good God, between the tight jeans, the happy trail, and crooked grin, the leather jacket and the water, I AM GOING INSANE WITH LUST!!!!!!!!This is definitely RobPorn (the best kind of porn).And I was just saying yesterday that someone should throw a bucket of water on that man, AND THEY DID!!!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

Showme, you said it lady! I have been reading this blog and ya'lls comments religiously since December (I know, I know..I am a terrible lurker) I almost commented when the Clock Tower pictures came out, but I was able to restrain myself. The jacket, happy trail, tight ass jeans and wet t-shirt have finally done me in. I fear I have reached a whole new level of robsession here.

showme said...

elizabeth, honey, welcome

glad u decided not to lurk anymore

welcome to the madness. right now i think i need an intervention from staring at his treasure trail

Gemgirl65 said...

yay!!! another one caves! it's madness to resist Elizabeth!

lostinphilly, it's like God heard our prayers. Wet Rob at last...wet Rob at last. Thank God almight, WET ROB AT LAST!

Gemgirl65 said...

that was supposed to be "almighty" but the jizztyping wouldn't let me finish. heh!

Show, forget an intervention, we need shock therapy or something. I don't even think that would work. There is no cure for the Robsession. No reprieve from the madness. He is Don Corleone...just when you think you're out, he pulls you back in.

*bows to kiss Rob's ring...or something*

Elizabeth said...

Showme and Leann: I know, right? I just can't sit here on my couch enjoying these in a vacuum. I love how short the sleeves on that wet tshirt are and add to that the chest hair, scruff and half smile and I am on system overload.

Obava said...

Is the necklace he's wearing in these pics a black phallus??

DD said...

Elizabeth: There is no escape. Every time I think my Robsession is waning, there are pics like the ones today - always hotter - always sexier. There is no escape. Resistance is futile.

Sam said...

lol- i thought the necklace looked like a black dick and two silver balls too!!

JJ said...

After seeing todays pics I met my BF at the door this afternoon and made him leave his baseball cap on for some down and dirty sexing...I swear I was thinking of my BF the WHOLE TIME *wink*

Sam said...

hey does anyone know what kind of undies he wears? boxers? Briefs? boxer briefs?

Gemgirl65 said...

well Sam, as Rob once said, "Briefly in boxers."

Let the mind wander where it will!

bbonin said...

Holey crow....I ought buy that magazine!! He looks soo....gosh he has left me speechless. Yep, the pictures of him are speechless!!

bbonin said...

briefy in boxers? gosh i'm waiting for the day rob decides to go commando and there'd be pics of him. *giggles*

Anonymous said...

I'm another lurker that has come out of the woodwork for Rob. I come home from my gigs and spend TWO FREAKING HOURS looking at new Rob picks or information. It's SICK, I tell you, it's SICK. If this is sickness....I don't want to be healed.


Get the defibrillator out....warm up the paddles....we're losing her.....the treasure trail/bulge/beautiful smile/mothering instinct/but still a manly man look IS TOO MUCH FOR HER.....


CLEAR!!!!!!!!! WHAMMMMMMMMM! It's not working captain....I can't hold her anymore...I'm giving her all I've got. Stand back Scotty.....up the power.......
He's added the impregnating stare to the wife beater and the treasure trail....IT'S TOO MUCH FOR HER...... FULL POWER SCOTTY!!!!!!!

beat......beat....b b b b b b beat.......rob rob rob rob rob.......ah my Rob heart is beating again.

I can't understand how he can NOT GET how amazing he is. It's not Edward either. It's ROB PATTINSON....the man, with the great personality, the charm, the laugh....the amazing intelligence and charisma. I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE!!!!!!!
(insert Sanford and son voice here-->) I'm COMIN' ELIZABETH....I'm COMIN!!!!!! Debbo grasps heart.
Rob you are killing us. I'm too old for this. I am lost and what will we do when Remember Me filming ends? He's my addiction. I'm OATMEAL.
droool........... sigh......I giggle with delight at his amazingness. If I keep writing, I'll be here all night.
somebody stop me. melting.....>"I'M MELTING!!!!"
Hot4Rob4Debbo back to our regularly scheduled program......

Anonymous said...

Did I mention the pigeon toed feet? SO DAMNED CUTE! His goofiness mixed with manly man sexiness is just SO AMAZING!! I just want to take him home, iron his clothes, get him some cheeseburgers and heineken and a good book and ME IN NOTHING BUT A SMILE!!!!!!!! In all my life, I have NEVER found a man this attractive. Attractive isn't even the word for it. MIND FUCKING BLOWINGLY SEXUAL is the phrase that comes to mind. HOW DOES HE DO THAT? He knows he's killing us. WHY DOES HE DO THIS and then wonder why women are running screaming after him!!!
It's because WE LUST FOR YOU, LOVE FOR YOU, HORNY FOR YOU, BLOWN AWAY by your talents and charm and boyisn/manish looks. The best of BOTH WORLDS. Oh the horror....oh the horror of not being able to touch the treasure trail. THE HORROR...>THE HORROR.

pant pant pant pant.....DOWN WOMAN DOWN!
poor wonder he is scared to death. Multiply me by the thousands.....JEEZ.....not enough Rob to go around. Poor man.....poor sweet, sexy, talented....erotic...OH SHUT UP .....

you're right....this is worse than porn. I feel like a perv. HEAL WOMAN, HEAL!!!!!!!!
Remember the scene in Blue Velvet where he uses the oxygen mask? YEAH THAT BAD!!! hahahaha

hummana hummana hummana.....

Anonymous said...

And then there are the romantic thoughts.....candles and music and Rob reading to me.....can you imagine Rob reading to you?

Oh dear God.....I feel half a perv/half a GIRLY GIRL!

Anonymous said...


it all comes down to: ROB MAKES ME HAPPY!
Just seeing pictures of him.....

It's wonderful. We love you Rob!
Thank you for what you give to us. YOU!
The girly girl just took over.
it's Dr. Jeckle/Mrs Hyde. :)

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hot hot hot!
The second one is a must in Robgasms/porn/dreams... all wet, with that look in the eyes, with that smile...
And then there is the happy trail one, and the tight jeans...

"Maaaaannnn, those jeans ARE TIGHT! I will need my scissors to take them out... carefully ~ very carefully, 'cause I don't wanna cut anything IMPORTANT out..."

well, well...

Marna said...

I've drooled all over my copy of the magazine, I'll have to get another one so I can have a non soggy edition LOL. Those jeans with that bulge are killing me, I can't stop looking at them. Can you imagine if he ever looked at our comments & saw all these women obsessing over his crotch? That thought is probably the 1 thing that keeps from getting too explicit because there is something I keep wondering about, but I just don't have the guts to post it. Not that anyone would know. Unless you've seen him naked. In which case there are not enough words in the world to explain my level of jealousy :-).

Anonymous said...

Did I mention Rob has gotten me into reading the poetry of BAUDELAIRE???? YES! Passionate stuff.

Did you see him give the book GREEK MYTHS to that little girl he's filming with? I think it was a prop HE brought for her.....when he gave it to her he was surrounded by the film crew. It had to be a gift.

How sweet is that?
Ok, shutting up now. A man who reads....besides being amazingly handsome and charming. It's all too much.....I am beyond hope. Rob you've brought us so much JOY!!!! Just to see you smile.
Hell, just to see you glare....just to see you PERIOD.
I really would love for him to read to us.....sigh.
Are they doing an audio recording of Twilight? I vote for ROB to read it. CAN YOU IMAGINE???

showme said...


Now that shit was funny.

Girl, i hear ya. i hear ya loud and clear. He is a sex god. no doubt. the most goshdang gorgeous amazing man on the planet.

welcome to robsessed
you are kindred LOL

showme said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gemgirl65 said...

Hot4Rob...clearly you should have posted before because you needed to get that shiz OUT there! LOL

Welcome to the world of Robsession. There is no explanation for it. It just is. The Happy Trail makes my mouth wather and I am NOT the only one. I have accepted my addiction and have learned to manage it, for the most part, until high-def pics of Rob's pubic hair are put on public display. Then all bets are off and I'm a RobCrackAddict once again.

Welcome! Post often. It somehow makes it easier to get it off your chest, so to speak, amongst your brethren addicted.

Gemgirl65 said...

that was supposed to be WATER...makes my mouth water...and clearly also makes my fingers turn to jell-o.

A man who reads is sexier than any happy trail evah. The trail is just icing on the cake.

Pet73 said...

Good morning! And it is indeed a good morning, when you can wake up to such pics :p. I will just keep gazing at Rob in all his glory for the rest of the day!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...



Grace said...

I love this guy!!

peeling a fig said...

I am speechless...weak at the knees. These photos just might bring me out of the closet.

Georgie said...

I've come home from work, couldn't help but salivate at these pics, read and agreed with all your comments but am dumbfounded at Rob's self-deprecation where he says:
"I literally have to be filmed from the right angle or I look deformed"...WHAT THE??!! HE HAS ABSOLUTELY NO BAD ANGLES, HE IS PERFECTION, HE NEVER TAKES A BAD PHOTO!!!

Anna said...

Georgie - agreed!

On the other hand, if Rob saw what we saw, and said, 'it's easy for me to look that good, because I just cannot take a bad photo'...

--> let's all be thankful for his warped sense of the self!

(or for his English sense of self-deprecation. Whichever.)

margot said...

@ Hot4Rob :)))))))))))

Welcome to our madness in our own sandbox, feel free to play !
Who would better understand what you feel than us ?

Actually, writing posts helps a lot, more than one could expect, I know 'cuz I've gone past that stage
There is hope, however, obsession calming down ! Yep !

I'm not obsessed anymore and I understood that 2 days before shirtless Rob so it has been tested immediately and I'm not
I think now I'm a follower but can live without pics, vids or checking news every 10 mins - I'm more of myself again (after 5 months)

however, lots of ppl find obsession a disturbingly nice thing

Anna said...

margot - what, are you saying there's light at the end of the tunnel?!!!

but, do I want there to be light?.. I don't know... I think not... methinks I'll stay here in the dark with Rob for now :p

Georgie said...

Yeah LB I'm definitely in the dark too...over to the darkside of my Robsession which is currently uncontrollable because it's being fed so well by Goz on this blog that I can't keep away from! Plus I love empathising with fellow Robsessors and also those not so Robsessed, Margot.

meryma said...

Well helloo...

This is a very good morning, hell it's great!

There is no adjectives, expletives... no words at all that I can use to describe how good he looks, so sexy, so fuckable...

I think I'm gonna need whole day to pull myself together...there is no water hose or any other cooling device that can help! And I'm not even sure that I want it :)

Anna said...

lol, I think you hit the nail on the head here with 'fuckable', enthusiast :)

margot said...

hahaha LB and / at enthusisiast !
fuckable ? it's sooooo enthusiastic :))))))

and, yes there is the light (but, as you said, do you want to quit the white water rafting ?? ) but all in all nothing depends on what you want to be : obsessed or not, it all rules its own mysterious ways

and I know what cured me - it were series of disgusting papz/fans attacs and stalkings - Italy-airport-USA .... it made me sick and I felt guilty somehow, and that' was the trigger

margot said...

on the second thoughts, I'm afraid I've cured my Robsession with another though - I'm reading lots of FF ....

Unknown said...

OH my.... Shirtless... tight pants... wet.... *dies*

Honey_for_the_Bears said...

And there was I thinking all I had to look forward to today was filing in a mound of research ethics paperwork! Ah Rob...thank you for keeping me going. I'm currently on a 15 mins work/5 mins besotted gazing schedule...

Haystackhair said...

Welcome to the newly "delurked" Robsessors. You have come to the right place, and you have LOTS of company. I don't want to be cured if it means I have to look away from that hapy trail. I just...can't. I've tried, but I just can't....

Anonymous said...

....happy trails to me...!!!

I think I've joined Godze in the pregnancy line...!

Rob's eyes are so sultry! I, I .... I just can't imaging what it would be like to look up and see this magnificent creature hovered above me looking at me with those smoldering eyes...

**douses self w/bucket of ice water**

lostinphilly said...

Hot4Rob4Debbo: Hi and welcome to the Sin Bin of Robsession. I just LOVED your rant about Rob, you've said it all, girl!!!Exactly how we all feel.
Every day Goz keeps giving us pics of Rob that are hotter and sexier than the day before!!!We have all died, come back, died again.......

tracyvanhorne said...

I can't resist a man who rocks a Ramones shirt... like ever... sigh...

Shani said...

Hot4Rob4Debbo- I'm late in welcoming you to the crazy. Enjoy and we will always be here for you. Robsessed 4 Life.;P

Anonymous said...

so at least we know he wears HANES...maybe this one:

the waistband looks similar

Dahlia said...

I don't have words left anymore. His beauty/sexyness/cuteness has fried my brain... there is nothing left of me, nothing left but my love and lust for this man.

Diane said...

Shani where you been girl? Would I want to be cured of my Robsession? No, definitely not. No more than I'd want to be cured from being in love! It makes me ridiculously - and harmlessly - happy! And while my discomRobulated state might not do HIM any good, I like to think I help in tiny ways - by encouraging people to see his other work (usually with me), letting them know he's not just a pretty face, introducing them to his music. I might just have to show up in TN for some charitable work. So, no, you'll have to pry my Robsession out of my cold, dead heart.

Diane said...

Lunch & I read some more posts. Mrs. R - so pleased to hear about your new hobby. Have you considered retail? My own dear PE seems overly fond of his little customized peacoat. He won't even take it off when we reenact Italy scenes. Perhaps something in a wet t-shirt would get his attention.

Marna - yes, of course we know what you're thinking & we're guessing no - the European influence.

Welcome Debbo-who-thinks-our-thoughts,
Yes, I have thought about Rob reading to me, but unfortunatel, it's usually a restraining order.

Diane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christy P said...

Hello, dear sisters in Rob - I am freaking speechless. Been waiting for a tight jeans shot and it was well worth the wait. I'm going back for another look - save me.

Christy P said...

I'm completely stunned. I couldn't get away from my computer right now if my life depended on it.

Christy P said...

Funny thing, I saw this mag while in line at Walmart 1/2 hour ago and decided not to pick it up. Thank God I didn't. I would've made a moaning fool of myself.

Aleigh said...

Everything about him screams perfect man for me. im just waiting for him to see the same thing in me! ;) shouldnt take too long.

i love this man.

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