Here are 3 pictures from Remember Me.
These pictures are enough to get me excited for the movie.
It has potential, definite potential...
Thanks to RPattz/Robert Pattinson and our affiliate Spunk-Ransom for the pics and videos ;)
These pictures are enough to get me excited for the movie.
It has potential, definite potential...
Thanks to RPattz/Robert Pattinson and our affiliate Spunk-Ransom for the pics and videos ;)

Thanks to showme for the tips :)
haha so sweet so gorgeous so funny seeing that pic of him :D that girl is she pointing at him or what?
haha that chick is hilarious. yet i have to admire her wit. i mean it is a pretty unique way to get his attention. and boy did she accomplish that.
she got him to look at her. and you can tell she doesn't mean it by her face.
A girl giving RP the finger? Really?
I thought Remember Me was supposed to be a grim drama—I didn't realize it had been rewritten as a farce.
no she's giving him the bird. haha what a brave soul.
,them pics of the girl and Rob.they're filming a scene there right? looks like it
she part of the movie? maybe she "had" to flip him off! lol.
i guess we will know when the movie comes out. pretty funny tho.
Ha ha I'd love to do that! (in the film of course)
oh that was for the movie? my bad i didn't read the whole post. i was just like what a funny way to get rob's attention. darn i'm disapointed. don't get me wrong i love robert. and i've always thought of things i'd do to get his attention.
way 1:
i'm at some pub that rob just so happens to be at. i go to the smoking section and bust out my bubble gum smokes(because i'm no smoker) and pretend to smoke. he comes out and i'm still pulling my facade when i finally unwrap the bubble gum ciggie and eat the gum. i thought it'd be a hilarious way to get his attention.
BWAHAHAHAAAA that chic is flipping him off! i love it!!
and see that smirk she's got? she's like: "i get to flip off Robert God-like Pattinson!"
that's priceless! i love it!
Noe~Pretty creative!
I will be so curious to see Rob in a modern-day role as a regular person. I wonder what it will do to the little Rob fantasy world spinning around in my head. Will it burst my bubble?
Lol can't wait to see the movie.. lol I wonder what he said to
good plan
I'm glad to see your comp works Godze! shoooo. that's scary time right there.
Love the tags, btw....
Esp, Rob Pattinson loves to be able to smoke...
WinWin said she thought it was a fake ciggie though, weirdly
I can't keep up with all these posts! I'm on Rob overload!
This definitely seems like a scene in the movie. LOVE the look on his face in the top and middle images....just so stinkin' cute.
Agreeing with's very possible that look on the girl's face is "Ha! I get to flip OME off!". ;-)
The 'info' I'd read on it was "meh" to me. But I'm liking what I'm seeing of the scenes they're shooting so far. I might actually go see it for the film, and not just for RP.
Chicago girl now in LA-
hey thanks!
and i always wonder that too. how am i gonna be able to cope with him being normal on film? i guess we can think of it as him descending to normalcy and we'll have a better chance at seeing him as being a regular person. nah who am i kidding the guy's a god.
Oh God, what a way to get his attention! That's one way you'll win him over. Haha!
If u don't want him, he'll want you.
This chick is hillarious! You can tell Rob's amused as well. ^_~
That smile alone gets me all warm and fuzzy. I sooo can't wait to see this movie. I'm looking for something "real" to watch.
haha yeah thanks. my second plan to get his attention. it would be to ask him for a picture.
me- *walk into a pub*
rob- *sexily hanging around*
me- *play coy* sorry to be a bother but may i take a pic with you?
rob- *smiles*sure...*he being the gentleman simply obliges by getting ready to stand next to me*.
me-oh is it okay to get a picture of our hands?
rob-*confused* what?
me- *smiles and delivers next line perfectly*"i see your face all the time and i want another part of you.
dundundun... haha i would never have the balls to do that though. and i'm a firm believer in respecting the man's space.
I love the expression on his face, especially the top one. And you know he just loves that he gets to smoke...sorry, has to smoke for the role. It is so odd to see him filming and looking like Rob!
I can't wait for this movie.
I was worried we wouldn't get to much of Rob until Eclipse startd filming. I'm pleasantly suprised.
LOL at the bird...
thats freakin hilarious. I think it might be in the film BUT if it isnt. thats pure gold.
Id flip him off...why does that sound dirty?
Love his expression on the first pic. So glad to see lots of film of Rob. Don't like the thought of having a dry spell before NM.
Why, oh why am I not a 20-ish actress? First Kristen gets paid to leap on Rob repeatedly (in a good way, not fanstalkery way) this chick gets paid to flip him off while he smirks arrogantly. Can't wait to hear the line he delivers that solicited that response!
Want a set report ladies?
Had to be in the neighborhood with my kid after school, so we walked by the set on our way home. I'm happy to report things were very calm. There were big groups of people standing at either end of the part of the street that was blocked off for filming. They were letting people walk through on the opposite sidewalk from where they were filming, but just as we got to that part of the sidewalk, a very nice PA stopped us and asked us to wait a moment, because one of the actors was coming through. The door of the trailer next to us opened and Rob stepped out. It all happened very fast and I was taken by surprise. I really hadn't expected to see him; we were on our way to catch the bus home and wouldn't have stopped at all if the PA hadn't asked us to do so. His security guy had the umbrella up so quickly I didn't see his face (but his hair looks great!). He strolled away from us down the block - I didn't see whether he crossed to the set, I believe he went into the next trailer. Not a single fan misbehaved, everyone was just standing there, quietly watching him. He was wearing the dark blue shirt, but I think with jeans, not the dark pants in the earlier photos. Honestly I can't remember because it just happened too fast.
The guy who had stopped us let us walk through as soon as Rob disappeared. I've seen a LOT of film sets, PAs can be pretty tough on pedestrians trying to get around town, but this guy was as nice a PA as I've ever encountered. As we walked toward the crowd watching from the other end of the sidewalk, I thought to tell my kid that the actor we'd just seen was Cedric Diggory. He yelled, "Maybe they're filming the next Harry Potter!" (what do you want, he's only 8!), which gave the fans a laugh.
What happened yesterday really sucked, so I was very happy to see that the production has security under control. I would guess the umbrella is to provide Rob with a tiny bit of privacy as he walks around, and to keep fans from going bananas. Maybe that's why everyone was so calm - maybe Rob's face has an effect similar to Medusa's, but instead of killing people, he makes girls lose their heads?! Shame I couldn't see his face, but keeping the set calm and relaxed is more important.
Nice report Greer!
He is so effing sexy in that top pick. Honestly, he's sexy in all, but that top pick....rawr.
It's great to hear that, Greer. I think they were using the umbrella to hide the "beat up" make-up they had all over him more than anything else. Hopefully things will calm down as the shoot goes on (and obviously more indoor scenes will be shot.) Summit should have known the first day Rob showed up for an outdoor shoot, there would be craziness...lesson learned, hopefully!
Hi Greer:
Thanks for that eyewitness report—and thanks to you and your son for keeping it classy! :)
I love your Medusa theory—as evidenced by yesterday's debacle, Rob's flawless visage may, in fact, make GIRLS lose their heads, but he makes women lose their hearts.
*oh, all right—we lose our undergarments, too*
Well,I dunno how legit it is but apparently those crazy ass bitches who molested Rob yesterday attend NYU and they got suspended.
I SOO HOPE THAT'S TRUE. But it makes me worried for NYU's admission process
Show, are you talking about me? Oh the cig. Sure he was smoking real ones on break, but the one he was filming with lasted 10 minutes and never seemed to get shorter. As a smoker I know that's impossible.
Greer, I was there today too to check out the additional security. Was glad to see it more orderly. Didn't see him though.
monika, I', utterly ashamed if they are from NYU. Amazing, all it took was 3 crazies to ruin it for everyone.
I love thes pic. Part of the scene I guess. Him with a backback is sooo cute.
Waves at Mrs. R.
I'm having trouble with Robsessed page. It keeps aborting. ANyone else having problems?
Hello ladies, just popping in to say hi and to see what's new...
yvonne, I'm here. I'm exhausted. I'm mentally drained by all ths craziness around Rob. How are you?
The girl giving Rob the finger....too funny :)I'm really looking forward to seeing Rob in this movie.
It looks like no more news of crazy people today, mobbing him?
Good for NYU. I am glad the university has some class to suspend those girls. Summit is probably paying for the privilege of using the school.
I hope Vancouver classes up as well. Van is my home city. I can not for the life of me understand why there is some in the city that actually helps fans find him WTF.
Anywsy went to University here in Canada. I went to school with Football players. If I own a team or still had those friends I would asked them to go and protect Rob.
crazylife, Rob does need some football linebackers to protect him. I know how you feel. I'm a NYer and I'm embarassed taht this happened here.
Yvonne, I don't think there were any crazies today.
I hope something was done to the 3 crazies, otherwise it could be open season on Rob. Hey, Win, thanks for doing your duty again today. be able to raise a dirty finger on rob, i wonder how that feels.
ya'll follow this blog
they are doing a 'Respect RP campaign"
Hmmm so cute, he looks adorable this film is going send women into swooning trances.
Heaven & hell help us when he's a hotdamn wildman in the Captive film.
And those pics with Emilie below - OMG she's teeny weeny I thought it was a child!
Me too! I thought it was just a little girl asking him for an autograph or something but I realized the shirt was what Emilie was wearing. Omg lol lol.
Maybe that girl wasn't flipping him off? Maybe she was asking him? Pfft. In deaf culture, there are two signs for f*ck off and f*ck you. It's kinda stupid. So I always say f*ck off, not f*ck you. ha ha.
MY idea of surprising Rob-
At a bar (of course!)
I'd be sitting with my best friend outside in the deck smoking. (yup I'm a smoker and I agree with win win, a cig won't last 10 minutes!)
We would be chain-smoking and drinking while Rob comes outside to smoke. He notices us and comes over, asks for a lighter when his lighter was out of fluid. (hee hee)
So I lit his cigarette and he would try to talk but I wouldn't understand him (i'm deaf) so my best friend would interpret for me. He would say, oh I never met a deaf person before. And asks for our names and asks if he can sit with us. HA HA. (riiiight, i'm dreaming too much)
So on, let your imagination fly! :D
What happen with that girl?
I would imagine they have to use fake cigarettes in films for continuity. You can't have the cigarette almost done in one scene & just lit in the next.
I don't know why, but I think this pic of Rob blowing out smoke is really hot. If I keep looking at these pics, I'm going to start smoking again. Maybe then I'll lose the 2000 pounds I gained since I quit )-:
Goodmorning girls. You are killing me shoftly. Rob doesn't need security or protaction he's got us the army of the devoted fairies. The only problem is he knows nothing about it. Is there a way we could make him see how powerfull we are? We have to find a way to show him we are there by his side ready any time he needs us. Any ideas? Maby flap our wings ever so fast until he gets the buzz?
People who visited the set yesterday are saying it's 'like the Pentagon now' with the beefed up security and stuff.
Is he wearing his own clothes in this movie???
Morning all :)
Love the pictures... I want to see this movie so bad now! No offence, but it looks so much better than New Moon!
joy - no, he's not. Just regular undergrad uniform.
Good (late) morning LB and ladies!
I sooo want to see this movie as well, normal Rob looks much more attractive than Robward to me (always has). and I think this director looks like he knows what he wants and how to get it. I look forward to this story a lot more too.
Well, I want Bel ami too... but it's not going to be shot before next year ^^;;;
Ooh, anna, please don't get me started on Bel Ami, I need to get some work done ;)
I really have a good feeling about RM... Allen Coulter's last movie (Hollywoodland) was great, and it did wonders for Ben Affleck's image as an actor. Hopefully it augurs well for our Rob.
well, I'm glad to hear that about Ben Affleck and Alan Coulter, he was a heartthrob too (sort of still his LOL).
I hope that it's the same for Rob !
you should try and find Hollywoodland, it really is a good movie! Changed my views on Ben Affleck, too :p
I think it didn't do particularly well in the box-office, but it got really good reviews. Exactly what poor over-exposed Rob would need after New Moon...
this scene looks really funny..I'm looking forward to see this movie..I think I'll go to Paris next year for the Bel Ami shooting..just an hour flight..I cant miss it :))
I'm really looking forward to watching his movie, Rob looks more natural b/c of the clothes (are we sure he isn't wearing his own clothes? lol) and the smoking. oh, the smoking...
OMG you can see his security detail looking around like the freaking secret service....too funny and waay pathetic that Rob needs that kind of protection.
Awesome pictures!!
can't wait for the movie...really. Want to see Rob playing a "normal" guy. and now I'm intrigued with the scars, I didn't read the script and WLL NOT, but there are stories coming to my mind and it's funny.
Hello everybody. It's raining in England! qui l'eût cru?
I'm sorry but he probably deserves it. Also, he's an actor not a god. So what if he plays edward? He's just human and stars let fame go to their heads... He's not really uberhot either!
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