Russian Magazine I Love You has an interview with Emma Watson and HarryPotterspage.com has the translation. It sounds NOTHING like Emma and as polished as she is I call WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP on this "interview" :) It actually sounds like the interviewer had a dream and typed it up. Read the whole thing and you'll see what I mean :) and to remind you just how polished Emma is there is a video from Access Hollywood from December 2009.
Q: Well, but what about Rob Pattinson, who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
A: OH GOD! Yes, he is absolutely hot! He’s driving me crazy…But we’re just friends and can just be talking on the phone for hours, because I know, that there’s something’s going on between him and Kristen Stewart. And I’m really happy that Rob became so popular on Twilight. He’s so gorgeous, that I wasn’t even surprised by that!
Thanks to Melissa for the link :))
i can only think of her as hermoine.. yeah, how about every leave rob and kristen thing alone.
Who is the (supressed cough)"press"
trying to convince that Rob and Kristen are a couple? Doesn't the Twilight world know that they are NOT a couple? I mean seriously, I'm getting so sick and tired of this "story". How many times are they going to kick a dead horse?
I've heard this was a poor translation of an interview. And in my opinion, the way she says things doesn't sound like Emma at all. I think someone messed up while translating the interview
LMAO! what a load of crap!
I don't know what they should do to convince people they're not together. One of them should quit Twisaga I suppouse... But where the hell is Nikki?
Hal - of course accidentally
Oh god, can't breathe...
The things mags expect us to believe.
So, true to tabloid journalistic form, they "embellished" a little...Imagine that...
Either it's a prob of translation, or the magazine made that up (we don't know if it's another life and style).
Or she really said that, but I don't believe she's like that.
Oh, love her btw ;)
Thanks, Goz. I was running low on my daily load of crap. This and US weekly should tide me over for a while. :)
Ugh, who even buys this stuff? Not even worth the paper it's printed on.
R/K romance aside, this sounds nothing like Emma. I thought that when I first saw it. Somebody did a bad translation/embellishment here. Emma has been in the media game for a LONG time. She would never say "OH GOD! Yes, he is absolutely hot! He’s driving me crazy." Emma has always been well-spoken and poised and handles interviews extremely well. She is a highly-intelligent young woman who is being made out to be a hormonal little girl. Plus, if she is still close friends with Rob and Rob wants to keep his relationship with K on the DL, he would have probably told Emma that; therefore, she wouldn't be blurting it out. Sheesh. Leave R/K alone. Whatever is or is not going on between them is their business until they decide the rest of the world should know differently.
Emily! It's been ages!
First of all
SMASHING Photo of her on cover
Secondly.. total bullshit
The great Suz has spoken..
Uhh I stated this in other thread where the link to the interview was posted.. I´m not commenting on the speculation (too tired of it) but what really shocked me was "OH GOD! Yes, he is absolutely hot! He’s driving me crazy." after saying no crush on Daniel or Rupert really codly.. As KK pointed Emma in an smart well spoken girl she wouldn´t say something like this, not to mention the rest.. we can see in the video how she talks about Rob, and it isn´t nothing like this
Suz - That's all the proof I need. Seriously :)
Whoa, that was 14 seconds I will never get back for reading that.
At least I got to exercise today. Rolling my eyes, that is.
Eh, who cares.
Honey - Hahaha...awesome comment :)
lol why load of crap? you're in the know or smth? it's not a given they're a couple but it is also not a given they aren't. things are adding up,specially with the latest incriminating pics. the truth will come out eventually,and we're not in a position to tell what the truth is,cause we simply don't know.
Oh, the interview in russian is sooo bad written, Emma there looks like absolutely brainless girl (I know she isn't).
(sorry for my bad english)
Russian can be extremely difficult to translate. Someone get me a copy of this interview in Russian, and I can see what's what.
KK-I have to release my sarcasm somewhere b/c I feel bad bout doing it at the happiest place on earth.
Lets just say, I love/miss New York lol.
Though, after my session this afternoon ole Florida may just be the place for me to buy my 1st home.
I'm wayyyy OT today. Sorry everyone. I'll kick myself off and go hang with the alligators or something. Nah, I'll just go to the pool.
Peace :)
What can I say... It's a Robsten week. When Kristen and Rob aren't seen together, things will calm down. ;)
It's interesting that your site didn't post the x17 pics or video of Rob and Kristen at the Charlie hotel. Is all the Robsten evidence getting to much for you to handle?
KK, there are scans on the source site http://www.harrypotterspage.com/images/photogallery/displayimage.php?album=43&pos=298
are you really questioning the people who run this site???
What the Fugg is UP with peeps today?
Is there a fuggin full moon...
Don't bite the hand that rocks the cradle or feeds
It's not really interesting Jane. This is a blog, we post the things we like :) And I did post the X17 pictures while you were creating conspiracy scenarios in your head.
Well, from my translation, it seems pretty accurate. The only difference I found is that she says he is hot, not "absolutely hot." I still believe there was some embellishment. Their gossip mags are the same as ours in this way.
hi Gozde :))))))
Suz - I am in total agreement with your last comment, btw.
"why load of crap? you're in the know or smth?"
Ummm of course no body of us knows exactly what is going on between Kristen and Rob. Howevere:
a) one should be sensible enough to call a bullshit "bullshit"=====>what is called loads of crap here is the fact that these statements are attributed to Emma Watson who surely would never say something like that. It sounds like a teenager telling a secret to a teenager.
b)No one should forget the fact that Rob denied all these rumours on ET while filming New Moon and I think they posted on their website a written version of the interview when Rob said something like: "I don't know where it (rumours) came from, Kristen has a boyfriend"
This is why I'm not jumping on the robsten ship yet cause I don't see why Rob would mention Kristen having a boyfriend if he (as some people are claiming) started to get "very closer" to kristen in the middle on New Moon shooting.
Plus, I just wanna add something: I noticed that many comments were mentioning Nikki: I'm wondering about her too, but I don't understand some people's theory. It seems like some really believe that she wanted/had a thing for/did something with Rob. I never believed that AT ALL, and I was surprised that some talked about that.Am I living in denial?
as to the Russian article - I think somebody had a short talk (or even not), then googled Emma, then wrot whatever wanted or created to satisfy readers interest and simply didn't authorize the finished article
Riddle - You are not living in denial. You are simply reserving judgment. If people believe in Robsten, fine. If people don't, fine. All points of view should be respected here. Enough said from me. Now I'm going home.
Riddle - Oh...that comment wasn't mean to sound harsh...I was supporting that you posted your own point of view and should feel comfortable doing so at any time.:))))))))) Bye!!
margot, I'm sure that's what they've done. I'm russian, and I know that it's kind of cheap teen magazine.
Really, I don't think Emma would say something like this at all. Perhaps it was just a bad translation??? Meh...
hi Vera :))) Russian girl
I'm Polish so close, very close and easy to understand reality
cześć margot ;) i actually live near Poland, in Kaliningrad, and work as polish/russian translator :)
Wiera - jak miło i blisko !
Robsessed women are really in every existing time zone around the world !
Well this is good to know.Squash my other comment then from the other thread.
Yeah, this is just how the scholarly Emma Watson speaks in interviews! *face palm* She'd be the last person who would out Robert in any relationship!
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