Here are the scans of Australian Famous Magazine
I do love me some Rob but I'm not sure if he is the next Brad Pitt.
I do love me some Rob but I'm not sure if he is the next Brad Pitt.
Not yet
Thanks to Khrissa (kd) for the scans. Even though she keeps killing puppies by buying these crappy magazines we heart her :)
:( I swear on my life I mean no harm when I purchase such trash mags.
The pretty pictures screamed at me "buy me! I'm worth the $3.50!"
Even the dude at the supermarket was tempted to buy it! I saw him eyeballing the bag!
I will try my hardest not to purchase these mags anymore (I'll get mum to instead!)
PS. Good evening from down under!!!
I know babe :) It's hard to resist that beautiful picture on the cover :))
they knew their stuff when they chose those pictures *_*
and the 3 first pages, though rehashing stuff we knew + tailor made for Rob's fans, are pretty good!
*moving to the trashy last pages now*
So glad you post these here Gozde so I don't purchase. BTW just add my pic to among all the women with crushes on Rob and my face to face experience with him. (yeah right!)
I never thought Brad Pitt was that hot... it's the whole 'alpha male' thing that doesn't do it for me.
So yeah, as far as I'm concerned, Rob is definitely hotter :)))
Now will he ever be that big of a star, who knows, but my money is on him running away before that happens anyway!
LittleBear - I agree, I was never really into Brad Pitt. But Rob is definitely going to be much bigger than Mr Pitt.
Team RPattz all the way here!
Rob COULD be the next Brad Pitt with some really good roles and maturity. Rob has the consideration for his fans that Brad has as well as grace under pressure so it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility.
He's got those timeless good looks!
Cut jawline, rock hard body, sexy could happen ladies!!
well, chase Crawford topped the hottest bachelor list of people, and Rob is a #10 (interestingly, Kellan and another guy from the bev Hills TV show are at #5).
the list is very weird for non-americans because some of them are practically unknown out of the USA.,,20283823_20285374,00.html
I wonder if it has to do with the fact that nobody knows if he's single or not? Anyway, we don't want Rob's sexyness to satyrate the market LOL
I'm with you, Goz, I am not sure that Rob is going to surpass Brad Pitt just yet. But my gut feeling is that he will, in acting, in fanage, etc. But let's hope he does not come even close to Brad's weirdness! I hope my Robbie Boy is more normal than that, more grounded. But I definitely think Rob is HOTTER already!
anna - I'm glad Rob didn't top that list! The boy needs a rest from all the attention!
I think it just shows that while Rob is all over the media right now, he's not quite mainstream yet. Hard to believe for is Robsessors, but true, I think. If you take a random poll, more people will probably have heard of Chace Crawford. Who by the way, has nothing, and I mean NOTHING, on Rob.
that was "for us Robsessors"... we need a damn 'edit' button!
I was never into Brad Pitt either, I did have a big thing for Orlando Bloom when he came out.
Now I have a big thing for Rob, must support my fellow englishmen.
I completely agree LB!
I am already quite torn that he topped the most handsome man VF poll.
He needs more good movies in his resume, not #1 spots on lists.
but don't you agree that some names here on this list don't ring a bell to non-americans?
@ Skitzy: Yep, in my eyes Brad Pitt's looks are overrated. So are Angelina Jolie's.
Anna F - I think most non americans know who they are cause american films & tv programs dominate the world. I'm english but live in Sweden & I know of everyone on that list except Adam Lambert, but I'm not an Idol fan.
what a crap-trap!!!
*sigh* makes me wonder at the amount of money that is made off of one persons career and face.
I wouldnt usually care~BUT~this is Sir Pattz after all.
so the way I see it, read it here~find out its crap~dont give money to these media types.
Ace :)
cheers Goz
Ha ha. I couldn't help it when I buy mags with Rob's face on the cover. I just like to ogle at the pictures. ;)
Phosphorus - Yeah not a huge fan of either of them, my bf thinks Angelina is ugly too =)
are those really A-list ladies?? I wouldn't call some of them 'ladies' lol
as usual Babs I agree with u!!
se vuoi metterti in contatto visto che siamo italiane tutte e 2, fammelo sapere...
Who would you date Taycob or Robward (what kind of question is it??),,20283823_20284523,00.html
Pattinson's 30 hottest stares ... phew...,,20283823_20285422,00.html
crap ? yep... but funny anyway
anna - I hadn't even looked at who else was on the list (because who cares!), but now you say it, yeah, I only know about half of them.
then again, right now People's readers are probably wondering who the heck that "Patterson" dude is!
lol, the 30 hottest stares thing is hysterical!
(just for fun: try following just the hair... it will make you dizzy in about 10 secs ;)
@ Skitzy: Like anna, I haven't heard of some of the blokes on that list. But then again, I don't watch that much telly, I don't even own a tv set.
And your boyfriend shows he's got good taste in women.
I thought the video was abit creepy.
Anna - I watch alot of tv & Sweden is like a mini america, so even if your not interested in that stuff, you find out anyway.
Hehe I was quite happy when he said he didn't like Angelina, we were discussing the freebie list at the time. =)
well, I'm sure that a list in Voici (or any french gossip mag) would also look weird to foreigners...
Maybe I expect things from the US mag that I shouldn't.
After the april GQ issue, I tried to see if they had other interesting articles... turns out once more I don't know most of the guys on the cover LOL
Too bad because I like that 'interviewer' from GQ, I read the Effron article, and it was quite insightfull too.
@ Little Bear: Didn't we already suspect that his hair's got a life of its own?
hello everyone again :)
LittleBear said:
" never thought Brad Pitt was that hot... it's the whole 'alpha male' thing that doesn't do it for me.
So yeah, as far as I'm concerned, Rob is definitely hotter :)))
Now will he ever be that big of a star, who knows, but my money is on him running away before that happens anyway!"
oh and there's a new post
is there a way to contact people by clicking on their name?? otherwise I'll need your email address
"killing puppies"... that was funny. I don´t buy them either. But sometimes I take a look at them in my dentist´s office. Yes, he buys a lot of trash...
Rob already passed Brad Pitt back in Cannes. Extra did a poll and Rob won hands down. It wasn't even a competition.Pffftt
Im so tired of all these comparision all the time... Rob is his own person, he doesn't need to be the next Brad or anyone else. Magazines really love writing these kinds of things.
I think Brad and Rob is totally different btw, don't see the similarities at all...
OMG...I think Rob is way better looking than Brad Pitt ever was...even at that age...sheesh...give me a break. I NEVER obsessed over Brad Pitt..Johnny Depp may have been a better analogy..
I think Rob is way bigger than Brad right now...everywhere you look its like BAM, Robert Pattinson.
The only reason Brad is still getting media attention is because of his crazy break up with Jen and the fact that he's with that slut Angelina. I didn't want to watch "Benjamin Button" at all, the story sounded so crap.
Anyways Brad's kinda cool but he doesn't make me swoon, I MUCH prefer me some Johnny Depp. He's amazing.
People need to get over Brad Pitt, he's so 1990's, so over!
Johnny Depp has much more lasting power and hopefully Rob will too.
OMG KATHY thats hilarious, you mentioned Johnny Depp too, i didn't even read your comment before I posted. I totally agree!
Sorry my last comment of the night
I just wanted to point out that Rob and Johnny Depp are very similar. I think the reason we love them is because:
Firstly, they're both mysterious
They both have amazing varied acting experiences, they both choose roles that are a bit odd and that stand out.
They both love and play music.
They both REALLY get into their roles and totally change into the character and convince me they are completely different people in each of their roles.
Hotter than Brad Pitt???
Absolutely! :D
I like Pitt as an actor but I don't lust over him, he has a weird piggy nose and he's too American jock type for me.
But I will allways remember him saying something quite insightful about his days of girls squeeling at him - he said he felt real empathy for women, that he felt objectified and understands that's how a lot of the world treats females, mentioned somethig about wolf whistles and construction sites stuff.
Have either never seen or heard of most of the people on the hot bachelor list.
And - I'm getting that mag finally an Oz mag with heaps of Rob, even if they have a load of crap to accompany the pics, mm some are even Sex Drive pics.
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