And the Bromance Continues in NYC

Summer lovin' in New York...

Oh so sweet.

Are they holding hands? :))

Raise your hand if you think Rob "searching for something in his pockets" is a nervous habit?
He seems to search for things when the papz are around :))

Thanks to our awesome affiliate Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the pictures. Check them out for the whole set :)

Note for the humor challenged: No Rob is not gay and no TomStu is not his gay lover. (I think :))

Note2: For the newbies here is where mystery brunette comes from :))


Anna said...

Awww that first pic :) The matching outfits, the almost hand-holding... they're just too cute !!!

wanabRPsmom said...

Hi Gozde!
Thank you for a RobP morning fix. :)
I don't think Rob is gay...who knows about Tom Stu though;)

Anyway,,, I'm thinking..maybe Tom is playing his best friend in RM?..and they are rehearsing?

Read somewhere in Sam Bradleys interview. The 4 of them Marcus, Sam, Tom and Rob made a promise to help each other whoever gets successful at first. Giving a hand to scale the ladder in the music and movie business.

IMO..Tom Stu needs to gain some weight!

showme said...

LOL...about the holding hands thing

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish that TomStu would be his gay lover....they are so sweet together.....aawwwwwwwww!

showme said...

RobStu the mystery Brunette Strikes in NYC

what does that mean? LOL...i might be slow

bc some of the sites said 'a friend' instead of identifying him? LOL

showme said...

MAJA! bite your tongue ! LOL

showme said...

did anyone see that charlie bewley video on twilexicon? it looks like the famous grey shirt from SexDriveRob...


prob isn't but just saying...adds to human garage sale theory

Unknown said...

i hate his shirt :/

fragile human said...

Oh I love that first pic with the almost hand holding. I saw these up on Rob's IMDB board last night, was so happy that his pal/BFF/lover ;) , was in town to hang out with him. There is a lot of hope that TomStu will play Rob's BF in the movie. I'm not sure how I feel about that- TomStu looks sooooo young ( and yes too skinny) to play someone Rob's age. But then- in the movie is Rob's character younger?

I think it is cute- TomStu is being gallant and carrying the script in that first pic for Rob. lol.

Kathy#1 said...

Hahaha Goz, I thought the same thing when I saw that first pic - holding hands! I could've cringed today when I heard on our radio station the gossip that Camilla was cheating on Joe with Rob. Do they ever stop with this stuff? I wanted to call up the station and tell them to quit spreading crap around. Rob isn't even in LA!!

Love the pics of those two together!

Kathy#1 said...

Hey, don't they look like they are holding scrpts? I know I said this on the other site but those def look like movie scripts...hmm...interesting.

showme said...

rob's char is young in the movie. tomstu is actually a yr older than rob in real life LOL

monika said...

such delicate matter as someone's sexuality should not be taken lightly or joked about or anything,some people have humour bypass and might get the wrong idea,it might get out of hand and then bye bye rep.

showme said...

yeah monika...some people DEF missed the humor boat

monika said...

wonder what his girl KBitch doing now,they're gonna spend fortune on phone bill. hopefully they'll see each other this summer,either in LA or NYC

Anonymous said...

hello all :) just peeking my head in for a minute...

i gotta tell ya... seeing these two together makes me happy in all kinds of ways.

is rob sporting new shoes btw...?

Gozde said...

Yes Monika it's not good to spread rumors right? You should know it better than anyone:))

showme said...

this girl's italy acct is really good and different than the rest

i love what she says about Kris

"*note: I didn't see reports like this anywhere else, so listen well because it's really an exclusive on what happened on the italian set of New Moon*

I was AMAZED by her concentration and determination while she was getting ready for the ACTION of the assistant director: she was jumping, grunting, springing up preparing for the run, gasping for breath, her hands in her hair. She was really BELLA desperate for saving the love of her life. All the extras were 1300 people, but just small groups had the chance to see the actors {almost just Kristen} very close, depending on the scene. I can't believe I found myself in a situation like that. By the way, I find enough voice to tell her "Don't be nervous!", looking like a fool because she WASN'T nervous, she was just getting ready for the scene, but Kris looked at me and smiled. I was pretty much dying then. We did 5-6 ciaks and in the breaks different things happened: 2 fans from a window of the near building yelled: "You're beautiful!" and Kristen was kind enough to answer: "You're beautiful too". Another time she asked the italian assistant guy what was the assistant director saying as a translation of ROLL PLEASE: in italian is MOTORE {engine}, but she misheard something like VOLTORE and was pretty much confused about the meaning. It was funny! Make-up artists were always nearby, ready to fix hair and stuff, but she looked gorgeous anyways."

She talks a lot ab rob too

go here--

albaville said...

SO CUTE READING ABOUT HOLDING THEIR HANDS IN THE FIRST PIC AHH AHH..MAKES ME LAUGH SO BADLY..and yes now some idiots will start rumors about Rob being gay and Tom being his boring,so ridiculous, so stupid...
leave the guy alone and let him live...

monika said...

gozde,if anything I'm not spreading that kind of rumours though,that could hit his rep and career you know. this is no joking matter

margot said...

check out ladies .... nice bicep :)))

hello :))))

Lizalou said...

I still say he should wear the cap backwards.

Or do the nerdy slickback with some khakis. ;p

Kate said...

Aah they make such a cute couple! :-p LOL
Seriously great to see Tom Stu again!

showme said...

wow, if u read down far enuf, the fans were REALLY mad at rob..the booing and stuff.

i wonder why he didn't just smile and wave. i find this really really weird, and very out of charcter for him.

Anonymous said...

whoa, whoa, whoa monika...slow your roll. it's all in good fun and anyone that comes here with any frequency knows this. lighten up a little, eh?

goz: fucking brilliant as ever!

showme said...

wow, nice one margot. was that taken in spring? he has short hair or no?

showme said...




margot said...

have no idea, wasn't bothering preoccupied wiith the nice view

Gozde said...

Thank you :) Monika is just sad that TomStu maybe the next Kristen :))

Just kidding Monika. I do applaud you for your trust in Robsten.

Almost everything we post is tongue in cheek and I even made a note in the end just in case. My humor is not funny to everyone, I get that:)

showme said...

btw, did anyone hear Peter F on Ryan Seacrest...interview on several blogs

Dude, Ryan Seacrest can kiss my motherfuckin' ass. excuse my language.

He basically disses rob again for not jumping for joy that he's being hounded by papz

albaville said...

I read all of this italian girl and about Rob I dont agree at all..

Tenneil said...

Hey TS... i noticed that also about the shoes.. hee hee

Godze~ you go girl!! thanks for the updates.. Hope all is doing okay on your end with the family...{{{HUGS}}}

Gozde said...

I'm putting the interview on youtube as we speak, it should be up on the blog in 10 minutes :) Ryan Seacrest is an idiot and he WANTS Rob :)

showme said...

LOL Godze

I thought it was funny, and it's not like it's not out there anyway!

it's best to make fun of the stupid rumors than not confront them....

Anonymous said...

ok... so does anyone know where this dorky cute hunk is staying???

Loisada said...

Naughty naughty Gozde, lovingly stoking the sexuality rumors! We know it's tongue in cheek (or some lovely other place), but unfortunately I think many will react like Monika, hence the danger.

Now Rob, on the other hand, would probably guffaw in that squeaky voice: Now listen guys, come on, let's all be simple about this!

RPnKSaddict said...

Sho- some are fixated on Robsten so there's no room for RobTom.LOL

Gozde love your sense of humor that's why the majority of us come here.

Isn't it funny how the absurd can also surface because of his gloriousness.

He's a gift that keeps on giving.
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought they looked like they were hand holding.

Hi everyone have a great Rob day!

RPnKSaddict said...

Alba- I had the same tirade yesterday about the same fan.(stands up and claps.)
You go girl.

showme said...


yeah, what is up his ass (besides Adam Lambert's dick) when it comes to Rob??? back the fuck off ryan


I'm glad to hear that Alba! I'm pretty sure my lips would fall off and die i booed at rob...profane!

Gozde said...

I can't believe people would believe Rob is gay :P He dresses like shit! No gay man dresses like that. He is not gay, he is just European :))

showme said...

He is not gay, he is just European :))

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha

CullenGal09 said...

Hellooooo ladies! How are we today?!? I've missed everyone-was gone to visit hubby's family all weekend from Fri. to last night. I'm in Robsessed withdrawel! :0 HA HI GOZDE!!!!!! Don't let it get you down, girl. I get your sense of humor-you provide a wonderful thing here, so don't even worry about it baby girl. And of course Rob is not gay!!! What's goin' on here?!? Holy hell.

showme said...

oh godze...ty for clarifying the 'mystery brunette'...

dude, that post was freakin' hysterical! ROFLMAO

CullenGal09 said...

GOZ-he's just European-good one! ;) Love it. So true.

Let's all play nice girls. We're hear to feel the love, and express joy and amazement over the wonder and quirky beauty that is Rob. Wouldn't want him any other way.

RPnKSaddict said...

Gozde- "just European", LOL.

I don't want to go to work. I want to stay and chat with all of you wonderful Robsessed woman, and stare at Rob pics.
But alas real life prevails. Hopefully catch you all later.

Crap I'm going to be late.Bye.

monika said...

back in high school,my friend fucking killed himself cause of such rumours,which were totally unfounded and not true,it all started with innocent jokes like that,the rumours spreaded,his rep was ruined,he was given a hard time by many immature idiots,and just couldn't deal with it anymore so...excuse me when I'm oversensitive about it.

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-what's up baby!

CullenGal09 said...

Bye RP! I can't be on long either-real life screams, "it's monday, beeeyyyaatch!" ;)

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-how's your weekend-you still there, dear?

Gozde said...

:)))Thanks guys :)

Everything is going good on this end. I am going to dinner now.

Huge hugs to all of you. And sorry I can't spend more time on the comments. I SO want to chat with you all :((

Maybe sometime in the next weeks.


CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-what you said about Ryan Seacrest-so true. He's so after Rob apparently, or acts like it-bahaha.

CullenGal09 said...

Bye Goz! ((waves)) Enjoy your dinner, sweet pea!

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-you still around?!? Helllooo?!?

CullenGal09 said...

Anyone still there? Did everyone leave for now?

CullenGal09 said...

ShoMe-yoo hoo?!? You still on? Did you have to go too?!?

CullenGal09 said...

Ok-one last chance-anyone?!? ShoMe?!? You there?

CullenGal09 said...

Well-i'll try to pop in late maybe. Sorry i got in on things a bit late today-as usual! ;) Bye all.

margot said...

Gozde I am European, too (and you) ... just looked at myself and even if I'm not :
- a man
- twentysomething
- beautiful
- famous
- whatever

... I am still wearing today pretty simillar set of clothes ... :D

wanabRPsmom said...

European?...LOL!. Goz.

bet, Ryan Seacrest would love to have one!//he he..

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Gozde- killing it again with the hilarious tags!

averagegirl56 said...

how can people boo rob?! that girl who booed said that the whole square booed and that was like 1200 people wasn't it? was it really that bad cuz it can't be THAT bad can it?

wanabRPsmom said...


i hear you. sorry about your friend:(
gossips can really hurt at times..

hope we are just having fun here. i don't think we are saying RP is 'happy'. ;)

take care..

margot said...

jolila lol

I almost fell on the floor ekhhhh

Anonymous said...

averagegirl- I read an account that it was only a few crew members who were opposed to the film being shot there. If fans were booing him for not coming over to them to give them attention while he was working... then they're not really fans, are they?

averagegirl56 said...

that is so true. i remeber reading this other account where there was an eglish speaking extra close to where it happened, but no one knew she understood italian. she said something like: Rob had a half hour break and they made him choose between having lunch or signing autographs so of course he chose lunch. then the italian crew members told the crowd he refused to sign autographs and to boo him when he came back!

jealousy is such an ugly thing and Ryan Seacreat proves that point enough.

Anonymous said...

yeah Averagegirl - i read about that too.

IMO Rob owes them NOTHING..they should be happy just to have SEEN him...leave him the fk alone! he doesn't have or need to fulfill a damn thing and fk the ones who booed.

my opinion only...!!!!

Dazzle said...

I wouldn't doubt they hold hands in private ;)

margot said...

how can ppl boo Rob ?
they do not appreciate or even see Rob (or other celebs) as real people, like themselves - they think they owe Rob, he's their puppet , not a person

xoRobxo said...

About the "Booing" :I read a account-can't remember where that Rob had 30 minutes to eat lunch OR go see the fans. He really wanted to say hi to the fans, but also had to eat. And some Italian assistant (or something like that) told the fans to boo him cause he didn't want to come out~which was not true. Who knows how true any of the accounts are but that is what I read. That is total Bull Shit (the booing)~Rob gives so much of himself, how dare they do that!!

averagegirl56 said...

did antone see that news thing where *big shock* he takes a dig at Rob. he says "eats a meal there vampire".... but isn't that douche skinnier than rob? And then he points out his "painted on abs" (we all know he has them for real) and that they were drawn on with a sharpie?

oh ryan.... all the sharpies in the world couldn't make you any taller

THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

I listened to that Seacrest interview earlier. Does he hate Rob bc he's tall, gorgeous, not gay or bc he's not a media whore like him?

xoRobxo said...

Hah~Averagegirl- I guess I was typing, while you were posting:)
Glad someone read the same account

Stacy said...

LMAO, that first pic is hilarious. Bromance indeed.

The third from the last makes me feel kinda guilty, cause Rob has clearly spotted the camera and is pissed.

I haven't heard about Tom playing the bf in Remember Me, but it's a possibility. Even if it's not, I think it's great that he's in NYC to support Rob.

Yeah, Tom Stu looks like a skinny minny next to Rob - you can really tell how much Rob has buffed up when they stand next to each other.

averagegirl56 said...

thats true too jolibrat.

i bet if he stopped and then didn't work to his full potential everyone would be complaining then about the film coming out crappy!

besides, i bet his poor heartbeat was pounding that day, him being so nervous about being half naked infront of all those people. i'm surprised he kept it together as well as he did.

Lizalou said...

Rob, I love you.

Lizalou said...

Rob, I love you.

averagegirl56 said...

lol xoRobxo,
yeah, i don't know why but i have an uncontrolable urge to set the record straight when it comes to Rob.

Lizalou said...

Oh damn, double post! really putting myself out there ;p

Stacy said...

RE: Rob smiling and waving on the set. Okay, I think it's great that KS was nice, but you know, they're not required to be or acknowledge the extras. He was working, in character, and I'm sure very embarrassed/stressed about the shirtless thing. I just think that since he has to deal with stalker fans and paps off set, he should get some peace on set. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt on that.

RE: His age in Remember Me ... I'm not sure, but I was thinking it was 25ish?

margot said...

"I'm not going to read this Seacrest crap and it makes me happy, sane and calm, and so I wish everybody else, 'cuz gossip crap feeds readers but also feeds ON readers and when unread - it is like it doesn't exist"

my mantra

showme said...

Liza, your love is BIG today LOL

yeah, girls, ryan can step off bitch!

CullenGal--sorry i missed u, i stepped out for lunch

Mechevpao said...

Ryan Seacrest is an idiot! what can you expect from a guy which his mentality is to whore for fame, that guy did everything to get attention, in his mind he doesn´t get that an actor would care just to work, not to get people on his butt all day.. Peter tried to explain how difficult it is for Rob, but Ryan in his big ego can´t get that...

And that extra´s account is just, revolting... how dare she boo him because he didn´t wave at them.. of course if you are a celebrity, you are a puppet that do what is told, and you should be kissing feet of the fans that ou you there, because that is how much power a fan has.. so Rob.. wave at the stalking crazy fans, those that are screaming at you during a scene, those that wait for you to pass by like you are the lion in the circus act, but please wave at the fans that are sneaking into the hotel you are staying.. always no matter what... (sarcastic too much?)

Oh and Gozde, I thought the same thing about Ron and Tom, that they were holding hands, so it was funny what you said..

People should take it lightly, Rob himself in an interview laughed about it saying that even when he is hanging out with a guy like his manager, they would call him "his mystery man" =P

showme said...

poor Rob...and that Italian assistant can go to hell and die


(I am flagrant in my anger ag those who deride or make rob's life any harder)

Lizalou said...


I'm sure you're right there with me ;-p

Anonymous said...

rob: what'cha got on that little slip of paper? ...the number for your new favorite chinese takeout joint?

xoRobxo said...

OK~ I'm lovin that creepy chef statue in the background of some of the photos. Giving the "thumbs up" above Robs head~even a inatimate object know a good thing!!

OT~The Rob Pattinson Apreciation Awards.. I mean ahum.. The MTV Movie Awards are playing again right now and they just did best kiss (which by the way how bad is it I want to loop it~not at all)anyways I love how excited Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock get and they are like "OMG Rob Pattinson, Rob Pattinson" and then meekly throw in Kristins name at the end- I cracks me up every time

wanabRPsmom said...

Rob knows he can't be pleasing everyone. So one story says they booed him in Italy...that's it..move along..:)

showme said...

LOL Liza

oh i'm outted in my love affair with our boy ;)

Anonymous said...

thirty - that little slip of paper has my address on it...
he's coming over later!!


Melissa said...

Pouty Rob is so adorable! :P

WinWin said...

Oh poor baby, they look kinda lost in some of these.

Thanks Gozde and Dani for the updates.

Hi everyone! What's going on? How's our mission going?

showme said...

Ok, i obv don't know when rob is sexy bc i almost ALWAYS get these Popsugar picture face-offs wrong!

showme said...

hey win...well, we're all hatin' on ryan and booing italian fans, but we're good!

Lizalou said...

Sho: check ur email

WinWin said...

I read the italian fan comment on spunk ransom last night and was truly disgusted. He's working for god sakes, bad enough people are always stalking him and pazs are always in his face. Wonder if these photos were taken by a fan and not papz and then sold them.

Liza, what's the 411 for today?

Lizalou said...

Winwin: check ur email

Hansom Ransom said...

On another note, TomStu has a pretty cute rear end ;P Oh my, does he have his hand slightly down his pants? Rob, lover, if you want TomStu with you when I come see you in New York, that would be perfectly fine.

showme said...

Hansom LOL love your Avi

that's funny

and liza, diggin your new one lOL

showme said...

liza, u've got mail

Anonymous said...

I do love his gait. He's got his own style of walking. That's an unfamiliar shirt...

Pet73 said...

I'm very sad about the fact that the Italian extras booed our loved Rob. To be honest, I really find it horrible. I don't think this should be done to ANY ACTOR (also not to the ones I don't like - as Kristen) except maybe for a very poor performance on stage.

But I have to admit that I'm really not neutral. I'm so robsessed that Rob can do nothing wrong. I always would find an excuse for everything he does.

Albaville- I'm sure he had to concentrate on the scene, especially as he certainly was very unconforatable with the whole situation (hundreds of girls starring at his bare chest).

And even if it wasn't so, I always would come to his defence :).

showme said...

Moving up threads ladies....

Anonymous said...

.....I wonder if he'd let me search his front pockets.......

Photo # 2 appears to be single digit salute to the paps although cunningly disguised by flashing it towards his right leg....atta boy!

WinWin said...

Just listened to Peter/Ryan interview and I can't stand Ryan. What a douche!

At least he got to hang with Peter in NY.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Awww! I love how even the fat pasta man behind him knows he's hot!! **THUMBS UP!**


Lisa said...

Awww! I love how even the fat pasta man behind him knows he's hot!! **THUMBS UP!**


Lisa said...

Awww! I love how even the fat pasta man behind him knows he's hot!! **THUMBS UP!**


Babs said...

He looks a bit pissed in some pics and that makes him look even hotter to me, is it weird? LOL
It makes me sad to read about the booing, especially because it happened here in Italy. Rob, your TRUE Italian fans are much better than that.

Yvonne said...

lisa...ha ha, I thought the same thing about the thumbs up guy!

Unknown said...

He's so adorable in a b-ball cap. He does wear a hat a lot in when not attending a function. Is it because of girls (& others) grabbing his hair? Just asking......

Gee__Pea said...

I love his hair. But I am loving him in the baseball cap! He looks like a regular guy, and he is looking good!! Please, Rob. Dress like this more often. We like it!

ivy_seer said...

I almost thought they were holding hands..
Seriously, Rob has been called a manwhore, gay, bi, gf stealer. Oh please!!!

Annie said...

Robby and buds. <3

Marj said...

new sneaks ROBERT. i cannot stand that r.seacrest he always makes remarksabout RTP,hes jealous, a couple of months ago,he said RTP had no personality,hes the jerk with no talent,he needs to go off idol.

Ms. Bonderson said...

I don't know what Rob searches for in his pockets... I don't care - I'm just happy said searching shows off those hands of his... God, I love his hands...

kitty said...

can wayfarers look any sexier?! And I am pleased to see he is extending his wardrobe!!

Corinna Spencer said...

aaawww sweet-ness,. they have been best mates for years. Nice to see that they have some time together.

Sorry Sir Pattz for the intrusion by them there paps....but COME ON!!!


Sarah said...

WHAT IS ROB THINKIN?! Carryin the script around like that underneath his armpit........someone can just walk by and snatch it right up! Haha. Don't say I didn't warn you, man. Better hold on tight if you must.

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