Shirtless Rob Sans the Dots

Thanks to Thao (our resident banner maker) for the first three pictures :))

Thanks to Mafo for the following pitures :))


SandraSandra said...

Oh sweet jesus. I died.

MADEinPARIS said...

Sepia color is great!

lena said...

All look at his abs. But... He is greatest actor. In this scene he comes to death penalty and... I believe him.

Divinesally said...


Divinesally said...

***ambulance sirens***

Jala said...

Looking at them a few days later - they're still just as stunning!

Rob really has a fantastic body there.

Mrs. Robinsane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. Robinsane said...

Thanks for these—the sepia tint lends these photos such a gorgeous, painterly quality.

Yesterday, after watching the 5-minute clandestine video of the filming of the scene in the square, I felt a surge of sadness (and a bit of guilt) for RP, seeing the way he quickly pulled on the white button-down shirt (like a "little hoodie woobie"/"Little Black Hiding Hood" surrogate), after each shirtless take.

After all, aren't men sanctioned by society to abandon their shirts in public? Shouldn't he have felt comfortable remaining exposed, despite the throngs of panting female fans at the periphery (and, by extension, all of us, trembling at our computers)?

I know that RP is a reasonable adult, and that he has chosen his path with eyes wide open. And I know that my compassion (combined, confusingly, with my carnal admiration) changes nothing for him. And while at times he might feel overwhelmed, and feel that, with the extraordinarily intense attention, he is in over his head a bit, I am sure that he is intellectually and emotionally equipped to handle whatever may occur.

But the swift donning of the little white shirt just got to me.

Marj said...

these pics are fab,love them thanks to all

Jaime said...

wow I thought I liked the pics the first time around, but with the sepia...oh my god. I think my heart stopped.

Yvonne said...

What a fantastic job! I love the sepia, they are stunning! Click and save, click and save.....

Mrs. R, I felt that as well. It seemed pointless to put the shirt back on, only to have to take it back off a minute later. I wonder if that was his he that self conscious, insecure or what ever?

And while "peeking through the hole in the fence" was really exciting, it felt a little wrong. I said it yesterday, that it seems like the security isn't quite up to snuff...Videos like this shouldn't be able to be taken...I'm grateful to have seen it, but I think it might be better to wait and see the finished product in the theater.

annycullen said...

the color makes his abs look so sexyyy! ugh i think i just died.

Gemgirl65 said...

God bless photoshop, the people who photoshop, Rob Pattinson, Rob's trainer, Rob's parents, and Goz. Amen.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Jeez! The pubic hair still kills me!

OK, stupid Sophia, the "moles" were "dots"... who cares? The pubic hair is still the pubic hair, right?

I can't stay here all day looking at those... well, well...

Sophia Z.86 said...

He smells SOOOOO GOOD from here...

Unknown said...

I don't get tired of looking at this pics. Love 'em.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Tired? Who said anything about getting "tired"? I GET HOT!!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Jaralag! I wish Rob had a fantastic body HERE!! NOW!

Gemgirl65 said...

You know Mrs. R and Yvonne, that moment kind of bothered me too, yet didn't surprise me about Rob. He's uncharacteristically modest for a guy; but then, he's uncharacteristically a LOT of things for a guy. Obviously white shirt WAS hoodiewoobie for the day; certainly he wasn't putting it on because he was cold!

That sort of unfounded self-consciousness is one of the things I love about Rob, even as it's sort of painful to watch. It makes me wish that he could see all the beautiful things we see when we admire him, and I'm not talking about his abs or his shoulders. But then again, if he could, he wouldn't be the Rob (we think) we know and love. (As much as we can actually 'know' him.)

Yvonne said...

sophia....LOL :)))

"he smells soooo good from here"....

Yvonne said...

Leann! We are finally here at the same time...

one thing..."outer rim"....HAHAHAH

I never did get a chance to chat w/ you but I read all of the posts...toooo funny :)

Yvonne said...

Leann....looks like I missed you again :((( Maybe later...

Nora said... I died. Absolutely.
Please, get Rob to speak at my funeral. Shirtless, if possible.
PS: my screen NEEDS a wallpaper made with these photos, lol.

Gemgirl65 said...

*high fives Yvonne* My sister perve! Not really...just...never mind. You know what I mean! ;D

Sorry I missed you, I was floating around to different threads and then went out for a little sun. My back yard is in shade by 1 p.m. though, dang it! And being as modest as Rob is, I'm not likely to sunbathe in the front yard on my busy corner with half the town driving by, honking and waving. :p

albaville said...


Crazy Lady said...

LMAO, again with yours tags, Gozde!! They're hysterical..."nobody puts dots on Rob"..."Robward is a God" YES, he is!!
Lovely pics, ladies!! Thank you for them, they will be added to my collection! = D

Nikola Six said...

I didn't see the video of him "hiding" in his shirt only because I avoid unauthorized videos
(ie; crap videos STOLEN by fans with camera phones) because I see that as an intrusion and a theft of an actor's working process. I will watch "official" ones as they have now become marketing tools. But not the ones that are stolen and make no mistake, ANYTHING unoffical is stolen.

He's trying to create something for us in the way a writer writes a book or a painter paints a picture or a songwriter creates music and were not suppose to be privy to these things until the artist is ready to present them to us. I'm a real stickler about this sort of thing. I understand the temptation to peek. I really do. But I can't. Maybe it's the artist in me. I'd fall to pieces if something I'd written got out to the public before it was ready. Don't mean to make anyone feel bad for looking. I guess it just human nature and with the internet, EVERYTHING has changed, especially as far as film making goes. Scripts, videos, photos leaked (My God. The entire Wolverine film was leaked a month before it premiered and most likely cost it millions of dollars at the box office. UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE) It didn't used to be this way. Film artists could go off and make their films and then present them to the public when the films were READY to be seen. The internet has ruined all of that and in the process, ruined the film going experience in the 21st century. Okay. Enough lecture. Sorry.

I'm glad I didn't see him hiding in his shirt though. I know it would have made me feel bad for him.

Really. Sorry for the lecture. I'm a purist and a bit of an artistic snob and sometimes I need to climb down off of my high horse and get my nose out of the air.

If nothing else, I am very self aware.


P.S. The sepia tone pics are to die for. He really does look like a God in them as that is how I think of Edward. Not so much the traditional vampire, but a God like being. I think that's what Meyer was going for. The one where he's pulling off his shirt and him arms are hidden behind him, doesn't he look like a statue?

Goddamn fucking beautiful man!!!

Crazy Lady said...

Mrs. Robinsane, I felt that, too...I felt so ashamed looking at those pics when he is there putting that shirt on after each shirtless take(hiding his chest from the on-lookers). He is a shy guy, I am assuming. BUT damn he looks good without that shirt! That 'in-n-out burger belly' sure went away! I am so impressed with him!
He should be proud of himself for the discipline he did to shape his body to look so spectacular.
I hope that sincere shyness never goes away from him, but that quote he said once about feel dirty very dirty(not exact quote) always comes to he is giving me permission to ogle him! LOL It's probably not the case but in my mind I formed it that way! LOL
Rob should be proud of that bod of his...just too bad more than ever more crazies will probably be stalking his fine ass after seeing these pics/vid of him! LOL

MandyW said...

I don't know I think maybe it might be time to change my avatar, but how will I ever choose a favorite.

Anonymous said...

Just WOW! I never get tired seeing those pictures, So Gorgeous!! The colors in these ones are great! In my eyes, this is Perfection:)

Lynn said...

Thank Christmas Baby Jesus for Rob's furry nipples....oh sweetness, these pics are scorching hot!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi Nikola:

If, by chance, you come back to this thread (or if anyone else reading this can supply the answer):

Do you believe that these "shirtless RobGod" photos (including the sepia-tinted ones you admire) should also be considered unsanctioned, "stolen" images? If I'm not mistaken, they were derived from the same filming session as the clandestine "white shirt" video.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. :)

Loisada said...

Thanks Mapo for the beautiful sepia shots. Of course you had a lovely canvas to work from, but what an eye you have for angles and shading!! If Chris Weiz does work anything near this nice, the world is going to start turning on a hole nex axis for many a woman come November ;-)

PS: Think you're right Mrs. R, these are flittering instants of stolen beauty. Oh so wrong, but so good, because it's wrong!

Loisada said...

Pffff: that was "whole new axis".... Darn these US keyboard layouts!

Marcela Vasconcellos said...


I love this man, he's soooooooo hot!

I'm waiting for NM...

As meninas do Brasil amam Rob Pattz!

Anonymous said...

i need a heart transplant or something.
there are no words to describe how delicious he looks.

Nikola Six said...

Yeah, after a busy Saturday I've finally wandered back to this thread to see how many people I may have offended with my comments. I know I came off as wagging my finger and it's really not what I meant. Everyone has to decide for themselves where their comfort level is when it comes to this sort of thing. Sometimes I speak before I think. I apologize. Really I do. Let me see if I can clarify...

Do I look at paparazzi shots of Rob? Yes, I certainly do. Do I like them? Yeah, in varying degrees. Do they ALWAYS make me uncomfortable? Yes, they do. Why, because this young man's privacy and anonimity (oh you spell) have been taken from him and everytime I look at a photo that he hasn't authorized, then I am part of the problem and yes, that makes me a hypocrite of the first order.

Were these exquisite shirtless photos taken by the paps. I'm guessing so. But I also have an inkling that Summit okayed the release of these. These photos are just too damn good to have been taken from the bushes. They want these images of Rob out there. Why? 'Cause sex sells. Plain and simple.

What I was referring to specifically are those videos that fans take from the bushes WHILE HE IS WORKING. These videos are in no way authorized. These I avoid like the plague. I was under the assumption that the video in question was just such a video. Maybe not. I didn't look.

You might ask, what's the difference between an unauthorized video or a photo? It's a good question and I'm not sure I can answer it without coming off as a total hypocrite (oh wait. we already established that I am). To me -just to me- there is a difference in a photo and a film. A photo is flat, can be lifeless even, as it just lies there whereas a film is...I dunno...there's something organic in a film as it moves, it lives and breaths somehow. Yes, I do believe it is more intrusive especially during the creative process. It gives more away and when were looking at a moving image as oppose to a photo, we all know were seeing MORE.

I have a question. If somehow, someone, someway were able to get electronic video and recording equipment into one of Rob's hotel rooms (which I very seriously doubt would ever happen as I suspect ANY room he occupies is "swept" before he enters) and they were able to capture him in bed with someone and the next day post it all over the internet, how many of us would look at it? How many of us would violate his privacy to such a degree that it would be akin to rape? Where do we draw the line?

You must forgive me (actually, no you don't), but I hate where this technology is taking us. We are on a runaway train with this thing. The laws have yet to be written to protect people. It was said with the advent of the internet in the mid 90's that the greatest social issue we would face in the 21st century would be...rights to privacy. A true statement if ever there was one.

I'm new here and I like it here. You guys are great. I don't want to blow it and be run off. But I do have opinions and I will express them. But please know that my intentions are not to make anyone feel bad about themselves. I know that everyone here adores him and that we all have moments of heartsickness at what's happened to his life.

It is a conundrum, isn't it? Please accept my anyone I offended.


Chicago girl now in LA said...

Hey Nik~

You don't offend me in the least. In fact, as an old-school trained journalist, I welcome the debate as well as the warning siren.

My concern is not only art but the importance of maintaining investigative newspapers, ie. the "free press" which the United States democracy is based upon. Without free press to act as a "check and balance," government can and will go haywire. US newspapers are in trouble financially. People aren't reading them enough because of the internet and they must be saved.

The other journalistic problem with the internet is the free flow of "writers" with no knowledge of how to report accurately and no sense of morality. I can tell you that while in college I joined the Society for Professional Journalists and took an oath similar to the one doctors take. I'm serious about this and have not broken it. There is a crisis in outlets not reporting the facts or backing them up with actual sources (hello, Fox "News").

Reporters aren't paid what they are worth (a living wage) just as so many artists is so depressing and complicated.

I just hope there is some fair resolution for journalists and artists.

One bright omen is that there were worries when videos came out about movie theaters being doomed. It turns out there is no substitute for the "big screen" viewing experience, thank god. However, movie projectionists were replaced by automatic machines to run the films. When computers came out there were ideas that we would end up with a paperless society and instead, we just got more paper/information. They also thought books were finished and it turns out people still love reading them.

I still worry that large cities (such as the Los Angeles Times) have only one major newspaper and you need at least two for a competitive environment in newsgathering. Thank god, Chicago (Tribune & Sun-Times), New York and Washington D.C. still have at least two. Competition and differing points of view are a must in a Democratic society.

But, the internet is having negative as well as positive challenges for those artists and journalists who own their creations.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

About these pics and this scene: no matter how much people admire Rob's body and appearance, it won't change how HE feels about himself and what he sees in the mirror.

Nikola Six said...

Thank you. I've been feeling like crap all day. You made me feel just a little bit better.

I really love this place. You guys are great and he's a lucky guy to have such a devoted group in his corner.

And everything else you said...absolutely spot on. What I wonder about is, were only in the infancy of internet communication and intrusion. What's it going to be in 20 years? I shudder at the thought.

Thanks again.


Celtibera said...

I always laugh at the sight of those labels at the end of each post... "nobody puts dots on rob" and "Shirtless Robward will be the death of me" ? Hilarious! :)

Sex and the Islands said...


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