Film.com's Laremy Legel compared Daniel Radcliffe and Robert Pattinson's possible career routes and he is spot on. We WANT to see Rob in different roles, we want him to surprise us. He is so young! By the time Twilight is finished he will be only 25 years old. I am so excited to see where he'll go. Here is the article from film.com:
Deep Thought of the Day
Back in 2001 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone eked out a respectable billion dollars. Daniel Radcliffe and the gang appeared on magazine covers and seemed set to take over the world. And obviously they still could, as Emma Watson and Rupert Grint have come along nicely as actors, and Radcliffe himself occasionally makes the news for things that aren't particularly Potter-related.
However, right now you'd have to say that Robert Pattinson has capitalized the most off of his portrayal of Cedric Diggory, and he's not tied up in Potterland until 2011 like the rest of the gang (spoiler!). Of course, he will be tied up with Twilight until 2011, but he'll only have spent three years in the "Edward" shell as opposed to the Potter Gang's decade. Additionally, he's now considered a sex symbol, whereas Radcliffe is considered an icon. The difference? Audiences allow their sex symbols to try new things (Brad Pitt, Justin Timberlake, Johnny Depp) while icons are trapped into the character they originally became known for (Macaulay Culkin, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Soleil Moon Frye).
I think the reason is psychological. We expect those considered "sexy" to push boundaries, to try new things, to challenge us. From our icons we want safety, comfort, and the knowledge that they are always exactly what we thought they were. Which means Radcliffe will likely never escape the glasses-and-wand look in our heads. All of this adds up to Robert Pattinson being uniquely positioned to dominate the next decade of film. He'll be set up to take whatever parts he likes. It may not work out, as occasionally sex symbols burn out (see: Rourke, Mickey) but you'd love to be his agent right now. And with that meandering third person omniscient reference I'll digress.
Thanks to Barnical the Black Sheep(lol) for the article link and kd for the picture link.
He's bringing sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act
I think it's special what's behind his back
So turn around and i'll pick up the slack.
Dirty babe
You see these shackles
Baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way...."
Forever and ever, amen and
I think Robert would have good carrer because he is so talented OR he will quit his career because of these creepy (not all) fans... But I wish him good luck in acting and singing! He could and should amaze us in his futher career.
Ahhhh! Years and years of Rob...
Why do they have to compare careers? HP was a very good opportunity for both boys. The only thing was that Rob's character was supposed to die in it too soon. Apparently, it was good; he could go on and try different roles. But, still, he will always be Cedric. And, now, Edward. It is also good that Summit is pushing the movies out really fast. He will be "free from Edward" in 2011, hopefully.
Time will tell. I only hope he can get nice new roles, after Twilight. He is talented enough. And he knows it is "the right time" to negotiate this and settle a long term career...
hey Tina! Rob, and his potential, exciting enough fo ya?
I am a firm believer in as long as he finds a good script then I do think he'll have a great career ahead of him. Sure not all movies he makes will be box office smashes, but as long as he does a diversity of characters then I am sure his talent will be more noticed than the characters he got famous for. Also it doesn't hurt that his musical talents are coming out there too.
Note to Rob: it is NOT chashing in on your success now to make more music, THAT talent has to come out too..pretty please?! lol
I think Rob has the potential for a very long career if he wants it (which I hope that he does). I think every female of every age with a hormone left in her body is drooling over him. I think he'll only get better with age.
Trufax: It just really comes down to Rob looking like a man and being more talented...THE END...
Crazy~you talk about Rob's potential and I get hot flashes...that's a lot of potential...
I dont like this article at all. Im as much a fan of Daniel as I am of Robert and Daniel did some great things.
With the part of Alan Strang in Equus he DID push boundries and set a path to his life after Harry. He also did 2 other different roles to HP and managed to convince there as well.
I wish them both, Robert AND Daniel, the best of luck with their careers and as much as Daniel is trapped as Harry, its the same for Robert at the moment. Hes Edward. Both have to break out of their characters and I hope and am sure that with the right decission both of them can do it.
*steps down from soap box*
Lynnes~ me too! i'm flashing all over the place.
I like Daniel as well, haven't seen him in any other roles so I can't judge. He is Harry for me :)
Gozde, then I recomend you watch My Boy Jack and December Boys. He did a good job in both of them :)
But I understand how to the majority of people Dan is only Harry but imagine this from the outer perspective of the non Twilight/Edward/Robert fan. For them hes known as that guy in that Twilight flick.
For me they are both in similar situations at the moment. :)
Why do reporters have always the necessity to compare Robert to other actor, weather if it is about his present or what they expect from him in the future.
I don´t know any of Daniel´s work aside from HP, but I do know that when a character is so popular, it is all the majority of the people know about that actor, examples: Johnny Depp – Jack Sparrow, Leo DiCaprio - Jack Dawson, Viggo Mortensen – Aragorn, Tobby Mcguire – spider man … and the list of iconic characters can go on, just as Daniel plays HP who is an icon, Robert plays Edward Cullen who is an icon right now, so no matter what other films they will do, they will always be remembered by those characters, the importance is to add more iconic performance of different characters, and that is what I hope and wish for Robert, that he will choose interesting roles to play as he has done so far playing Art and Salvador Dali, I don´t expect them to be all box office success, that is not that much important compared to being recognized by critics and coworkers for a career full of integrity in the performances developed, the box office success comes and goes depending on the commerciality of the film.
I also expect more of his music, I want to by an album of his music, he is a really talented musician.
Well, we all love him, but we seem to have a different perspective about his career. Personally, I would like to see him in at least one really good film besides Twilight by next year, a real good one. He's gonna be so one dimensional if he's only going to be Edward only for three years (2009, 2010,2011). That thought is really horrible, boring, really. He should not live only for Twilight fans.
Anon, sadly he is not up for other film, so far and they only had 2 months off in between NM and Eclipse, that I guess he will work on the promotion of NM in those weeks, so sadly until the trilogy is done I don´t think there will be more than Edward; too bad that he had to retire his participation from Parts per Billions, but with independence films you never know when they get green light to shoot.
Rob's advantage is that he made some movies before Twilight. Little Ashes,The Haunted Airman,etc.They're all very different roles from Edward.
It just goes to show that Rob has versatility, and talent.
I cant' wait to see him do differnt things.I was disappointed he had to pull out of Parts Per Billion.
Must have patience.
I would like to see Dan's other movies. I love his eyes.Just a random thought.lol.
Orlando Bloom. Jude Law.
Used to be swooned over and got large female-fan base, but became boring, as the movies that got them famous were over.
We at ROBsessed maybe in denial, but it could happen to Robert. If he does not get a blockbuster after Twilight, he will fade into indie films. And those who used to adore him will say " . . . yeah, he WAS so hot in Twilight". But I guess, we all just have to wait and see." But then again, he's the type who can be happy all his life doing just indie films and his music. But if right now, he is not getting any offers for any other movies for next year, it does not look good at all. There are a lot of good-looking actors out there with very strong personalities....it is a very competitive business. It maybe that he just got lucky in Twilight.
Even though I feel kind of sorry for him with all the invasive attention (ok, very sorry for him), it will translate into the opportunity to do things his way. Whether it's acting or producing quality, non-formulaic films (I'd love to see him take that on), he has so many open doors now thanks to the Edward role. Most celebrities don't use the power of their fame to do anything truly visionary. I have the feeling Rob will be different in that respect. And the more buzz (ok fine, hysteria), the better his chances of taking big professional risks and going against the industry grain. His estrogen army will help him fight the good fight.
And if I'm wrong about all that, hey, he'll still be hot. ;)
Anon, I think that Robert is more driven than we think he is, he could be happy doing just indie films, but I don´t think he took on the roles of HP or Twilight just because the roles were so good, for the character roles he had Art or Dali, but to get some commercial exposure he HP , I agree with many thing you said so we will have to wait and see, but I think he could surprise people, he probable learned something about the roles he should choose after what happened with HP. That is the difference with Orlando Bloom and Jude Law, they were hyped to fast, weren´t aloud to make mistake, while Robert already kind of did after HP.
"Challange" should be spelled challenge.
ITA Lizzy.
Thanks, I fixed it :)
Allison comment:
"Most celebrities don't use the power of their fame to do anything truly visionary."
That is what I am trying to pinpoint -- I hope he does use the power of his fame . . . then he can be truly legendary.
...the last anon
.....2nd to the last anon
I guess opinions are like a-holes, everybody has one. lol
I have been around for a while and never seen an actor like Rob. He is like a chameleon when it comes to the roles he plays. Somehow he made the numerous cheesy sayings in Twilight believeable. I have watched it a million times. What other actor that we know of could have pulled that off?
Being multi-talented and charismatic is a plus. Us loving him is a bonus. Looking forward to years and years of Rob Pattinson! I think he is here to stay, if he likes!
Rob=versatile and interesting mofo
That equation makes for a long healthy career. I hate to do the compare and contrast thing, but just look @ Johnny Depp. Hot, funny, talented, versatile and interesting. He's made great choices. Not that Rob should emulate his career or anything, because we all know Rob is in a league all his own.
Div~he is in a league of his own.
I hate when I misspell a word:
Rob talks about how he squandered his chances after HP.
He had no idea Twilight(the movie) was going to be so popular. Hell who knew?
He had no reason to believe that he would become so popular considering 70,000 (was that how many?)people objected to him having the role of Edward.
It may be a bit of luck and happenstance that can make you a household name to begin with but
if you don't have talent it cannot last.
Rob is a multi-talented young man and he should have so many new opportunities to look forward to.
A lot of what happens next will depend on whether his management are looking out for him properly. Don't forget he is young and cannot possibly know how to work the Hollywood machine yet.
Every actor he has been compared with has gone through this as well and have probably made some unwise choices along the way.
Making blockbusters doesn't equate to longevity in this industry. There are plenty of instances that prove that.
So I hope, for his sake, that he can just enjoy the ride, make bucket loads of money and be able to afford to sit back and only choose to do things that he feels comfortable with.
Oh and Rob, if that does not include music, then you will be squandering a wonderful gift.
I LOVE THIS ARTICLE...complete adn utter WIN!
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