Before he set foot on the Twilight set, Robert Pattinson threw himself into the film How to Be so fully that one especially debaucherous evening will forever be recorded in cinematic history. In the coming of age story Pattinson plays a twenty-something musician in the midst of a quarter-life crisis and in real life, he went through a normal growing pain when the actress playing his girlfriend was insistent in turning a blind eye to his now-famous brooding good looks.
Director Oliver Irving tells Radaronline.com about that special night when he took the crew to film a scene in a pub: “That was method acting, that was perfect method acting. I got them all hopelessly drunk. I would tell them what would have to happen in the scene and tell them what they should be doing but they just got completely drunk. A lot of time when you see them laughing in that scene they’re having a hoot, and when they’re laughing it’s because someone would say something and they would all crack up and I would just keep rolling the film and knew that it would be fine. Usually when people laugh in films it looks phony and I wanted them to laugh. You go to a pub, you get drunk and laugh. I wanted them to lift the mood a little bit. All that was for real, that’s Rob cracking up. When he’s drinking beer and smoking that’s for real. When he’s getting slapped across the face that’s for real and when he’s standing in the cold selling all his stuff that’s for real. He’s standing there getting very, very cold and he looks miserable and he is.”
Irving was a big fan of Rob’s from the minute he walked into the audition. “We were looking for someone who would be able to take responsibility for playing this big part in a way. Rob just got it a lot more. He was actually very un-pretentious,” Irving remembered. “He would laugh at himself and I remember when Rob came in he asked questions about the script and I realized that he actually read the script and got it. We’d start playing with the scene and I’d call him in to work with other actors and we just knew straight away that it would work.”
Pattinson’s character has a love interest in the film but she dumps him right away -- something pretty similar to what happened when the cameras weren’t rolling! Irving fondly recalls how the actress Alisah Amah was less than enthusiastic about her hunky co-star. “At the time they actually didn’t get on very well. I don’t know, Rob must have done something, I don’t know, funny, but I remember she was not happy,” he said. “I think that came through in the film actually, we had wanted to it be warmer but she was very unhappy, she really got wound up by him. It must be very funny for her now.”
New Moon won’t be released until the end of the year but if you want to get your Pattinson big screen fix, How to Be is playing around the country. And who knows, Pattinson did show up for a screening in Austin so maybe he’ll take a break between Canadian filming and show up at one of these dates. Check out the trailer and the dates for the movie’s screenings. (Photo: WENN)
Say What???
Stooopid doesn't quite cover it...Mad? at Robby...ok, she was definetely smokin the wacky tabacky or somethin!!!
LMAO, I love this article though, and what on earth did Rob "do" to the girl if she didn't get along with him? Maybe she had no sense of humor?
Also where is that pic from? LOL Rob DOES look wasted there..and STILL manage to look hot? SO NOT FAIR! lol
haha If you've seen the movie you can totally tell that Rob & Co are drunk in the Pub scene and that the whole scene is improv. The way he laughs in the scene is very Rob and out of character for Art!
Not seen it yet Cat, I have it on preorder though so come shortly after May 4th I should be able to see it! Can't wait!
Well, I always say that there`s this itty bitty thing called KARMA. She must be feeling it about now. *LMAO*
Her name is Alisa Arnah btw.
I recently saw "How to Be" in LA and I have to agree that Alisa Arnah didn't seem to like Rob at all. In fact, I had the impression that her character just never liked Art. They just seemed to bicker. I think this worked in the context of the film, though, so no worries.
I agree Cat about that scene. In that sense, this film is quite uneven.
This reminds me of "Easy Rider" when I read that Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda and crew were actually stoned when they filmed the "getting stoned" scene. I don't think this girl is stupid, though. You either like someone or you don't. Some personalities don't get along. For all I know, if I met Rob, our personalities wouldn't mesh at all.
Still can't wait to see this film though. Those of you who have are so lucky lucky lucky. It's playing in my city on Monday night, but I would've had to cancel my college class and my students really need every class in the session.
*waving* to KK~
How's MN? I'm getting ready for the trek to see Bobby Long tonight...very excited. DH says the area is too difficult to park in so we'll be taking convoluted public transport.
Sorry, that you'll miss the screening but your students need you. You'll get it on DVD eventually. :)))
Just 8 more day, bb! Can't wait to see that scene.
I don't get why that makes her stupid?? Maybe he did do something that made her mad. Not everyone is going to get his sense of humor - and sometimes he does just sound mean. (remember when he told Kristen her cat didn't have much longer to live?)
Chicago - Where is he playing?
MN is great...66 gorgeous degrees (we wait all winter for days like these!!!). Work week is also almost done. By the way, just wanted you to know (per your comment I think yesterday) that I'm not into Robsten either. There are a few of us out there. (not trying to start something here people :)
Have fun at the show!!!
New interview of Robs costar who said Rob smells like roses and smells fantastic
Lilly - agree with your point (though I don't think he is really mean; I think his humor can have a bit of a bite). If we start thinking that it would be impossible to not like Rob...we put him up on a pedestal. I think he definitely doesn't want to be there. Imperfections are awesome and not everyone has to like them. (I know I've got plenty!!!!)
Ha ha, is that TomStu? He looks sooo illegal in that picture, especially next to scruffy sexy Rob! But I still love them both :)
KK- Again, I agree with you. There's going to be times when certain people just don't like you for what ever reason. You can't be friends with everyone. So that girl was just not impressed by his charm. And some girls aren't going to fall for the BS. Because I know I'm one of them. I can see right through shitty tactics. And once you show me your true colors I am over you like that. Pfft...Begone...
I get mad at times too. So I can totally relate to her. It's just being human. We see the dazzle now, but back then she saw drizzle...K...LOL
KK, totally agree! I'm not about to blindly think everything he does is perfect and wonderful, even though I think he's awesome. I can believe he's capable of making someone mad for good reason. He's HUMAN. If he wasn't he'd be really boring.
I think Rob is purposely making a "bad boy" image (i.e. always with a ciggy). It might be a unconscious wish not be to stereotyped as perfect.
But, I wish he would not. Too much photos with cigarette might backfire on him.
Well, actually if he wasn't human, he'd be something...not human. :) And that would just be freaky.
Yeah, I'm stupid. I think everything he does is perfect and he is going to get along with everybody.
Who cares what he did! Stupid, stupid girl. He's beautiful and she shoulda just let it go. My god, she must just be the most sorry girl on the planet boo hoo. Didn't know what she had till he was gone and the entire world fell for him. I'd be lookin for a time machine if I was her.
That bitch is CRAZY! LOL
I don't think he's trying to create a bad boy image. Lots of people smoke. Lots of Brits smoke. I smoke, and I didn't start because I wanted to look like a tough, cool girl. I started to piss off an ex-boyfriend. Obviously, the joke was on me! If people aren't going to like him because he smokes....I just don't get that. It's one teeny, tiny part of his life.
His every movement, action, photo, word is under such a microscope. I know part of that comes from being in the public eye, but even I'm a little flabbergasted at the "cult of personality" surrounding Rob. God, I hope it dies down at some point.
to each their own. although i don't see how she could not like him. mind boggling
KK ~ so glad i'm not the only one that isn't in to robsten.
Kelli - I think we're just not as vocal about it.
Agree with KK.
Also: this particular pic was taken when he was not famous. I don't think he needed to cultivate a bad boy image when he was doing HTB, because nobody cared.
Oh, and the only explanation I can come up with for the girl's behaviour, is that she put the moves on him and was rejected. Girls are petty like that :)
Sorry, I meant, "girs CAN be petty like that'. Wouldn't want to generalise :))
not everyone gets along...maybe he was a jerk, or she could have just been a total BIATCH! :)
Smoking really is in my top 5 things to hate. Yet why is it, he is the sexiest thing alive in all the ciggy photos? Its wrong to be that HOT!
haha rob must really know how to keep girls at a distance...maybe he enjoys being single and hanging out with his boys at his leisure... who knows?
awh chicago... have FUN tonight! blow bobby somes kisses from me :x being a mockingbird is my absolute favorite song of his!
Who's the blonde girl in the bottom picture? She looks familiar...
KK and Kelli, I'm not into Robsten either.
We've all had our stupid moments--I know I've had more than my share, but if had turned Rob down, I think I'd just start banging my head against the wall.
Lilly - That's Rob's ex-girlfriend.
And we are starting to come out of the woodwork now (non-Robsteners)...
I think the boys look really sexy. Even with the long scraggley hair.
Does anyone besides me see the rack just hanging out there? lol.I bet the boys are feeling pretty fine.
KK and Thirty~Bobby Long will be at the HotelCafe in LA tonight.
KK~Glad to hear it is so warm...we're going up to 90 degrees this weekend.
And glad to hear there are many of us who don't get the Robsten movement. And yes, I'm not interested in starting anything, either.
Off to get ready for Bobby. Thirty, I'll blow him a kiss for you! BTW, go to youtube for many good videos of his NYC performance a few days ago...
Also, there's a pretty good youtube of Rob with Stephenie and Kristen where you can see he's getting a bit annoying.
Chicago- I saw that one with Steph, Kris, and him too. He mad a comment about the cat...he was so turning into an ass. And I totally understood why Kristen might not want to be with him. That's when I started being on the fence about those two. There were other times too...a comment here...and a comment there...UmmHmm.
KK, thank you! So that's why she looked familiar!
Don't forget how he himself said that he adopts that "don't like me" attitude sometimes around women (part of his "I'm a dick. Don't like me...I'll ruin you" diatribe - the first thing I ever heard from his mouth and INSTANTLY dug him big time). I'm betting he can be a SERIOUS SHIT if he wants to be:) He's got that mischievous glint in his eye at times.
Shani, hi! I saw that one, but he did not annoy anyone in there; he was charming, making his "sexy face" ~ and he is right: cats die! She said that she cannot "live without her cat" and he said that "cats die". They do, thank God, 'cause my neighbour has 18 cats... and THEY annoy me and my dog...
KK- That's from the Variety.com interview that I was talking about awhile ago. He mentioned those things because Stephenie just said in that EW.com interview that he wouldn't be a good boyfriend. And the interviewer from Variety asked him to compare himself to Edward. He just started talking and coming to the realization of how he was acting towards girls just like Edward. Pushing them away...but then he was about to really start running his mouth revealing shit. And that stupid lady cut him off and asked him another question. I was like damn...
Shani - I have to agree with you. I've seen Kristen with that "God I'm annoyed with you, Rob" look more than a few times.
Shani - I love the Variety interview.
Stupid interview lady...
Sophia- Hey girl, but Kristen did not look to happy with that comment but annoyed and seemed a little bit shocked. Because she really loves her cat. And for Rob to kind of harshly say "they die". It was a little bit hurtful. I mean she looked at Stephenie like, what the hell and tried to play it off by just laughing a little.
KK- Hell, not just in interviews. That photo shoot with him in the gray. He puts his arm around her and leans over putting all his weight on her. That face she made was priceless...that's her BITCH FACE...
That everyone talks about...she really should market that shit... Put that face on t-shirts and mugs...ROTFLMAO. Lord Jesus, it is just too funny.
Shani, as I can see, she seems annoyed with him very often. Maybe she is annoyed with the whole situation (papzz, fans, interviews). She rarely looks happy. She looks bored too often.
Well, maybe he was a bit hard that time with the "cats die" comment, ok. But, so cute for me... anyway.
Shani and Elena, hello!
I agree. She often looks annoyed and not happy. Still, the way he said "cats die" was not mean... Elena, yes, was cute. Maybe Rob is cute even when trying to be mean...
Elena- Yeah he's cute and funny, but sometimes you just need to shut the fuck up. One stupid comment can turn somebody off. Then that chance you could of had is now gone.
Sophia- Hey, really Kristen is to damn serious a lot of the times. I know she has grown up in the business and is always surrounded by adults. So that does make you more mature but none of child stars act like her. I think it's just genes...
And that's one of the reasons why people want to see her happy and smile a little. Rob made her laugh alot...oh and I just thought of the VF behind the scenes video. At one point she looked annoyed in that one as well.
Shani, you crack me up. :D
"...she really should market that shit... Put that face on t-shirts and mugs.."
"Yeah he's cute and funny, but sometimes you just need to shut the fuck up."
Hi girls,
no Rob is not perfect, and we'll never know why that girl did not get along with him... She might regret it now, or not!
Maybe even the feeling was mutual, some people are not meant to get along. And the girls usually get all annoyed if they have to be in the same room as someone they dislike, it's hard to hide it, while guys can be more laid back and not express their dislike so openly, just wait for time to move on.
Considering the high number of interviews given by Rob (alone or in group) during the very long and intensive promotion for twilight, being able to pinpoint only a couple of moments where he acted like a d*ck is a good sign. It's impossible to be this gracious all the time.
About the cats die thing, I was surprised too... I think that he was trying to be funny, but it did not work so well. But you never know what's really happening behind the scene...
It was that interview with S Meyer, and I also remember Kristen going on about this famous new project (jett joan) that she was sooo exited about but could not talk about... very akward moment there when she did not know when to stop talking.
Weird vibes during this interview.
It might be S Meyer being there... the woman annoys me anyway during interviews, I don't know why.
I thought that interview was great! I guess I have a dry sense of humor like them :P Kristen wasn't annoyed when he said Cats die. I'll recycle the video tomorrow. Oh and SM was comfortable too.
I dunno, I am just disagreeing a lot today :(
Uh, yeah, he looks smokin' hot fine, dirty, scruffy sexy in this pic.
The blonde behind him (ex-gf) got to go home with him that night.
Can we please talk about the fact that Tom looks like he's 14?! :)
Might have to cut the boobs out and make this a background shot... ;)
Btw, my 2 cents on the Rob being an asshole thing - i'm sure he is sometimes. We all are.
If he wasn't an asshole sometimes, i'd wonder WTF was wrong with him.
IMO, that was Edward's biggest flaw in Twilight, he was just too perfect (possessive, overbearing at times, yes - but he needed to snap once or twice. The self-control thing got a bit tired for me).
Can we say Stupid Bitch here? If we can... I bet the stupid bitch is kicking herself right now. I'm watching the movie tonight, can't wait to see Rob in all his drunk glory.
Well, Gozde, to agree with you somewhat about other parts of this interview being good:
I loved certain parts like the "can you do your sexy face" too, so funny! I remember thinking that they seemed to go along so well (I don't imply any love thing there).
But the interview felt a little bit bumpier than other interviews with Kristen and Rob alone. Got some weird vibes (actually, the cat thing and the jett joan monologue), like the flow went wrong sometimes.
But I don't believe that this would have any consequence on their relationship in general...
It could also be explained by the setting: no interviewer, them asking one another questions... So nobody to guide the interview.
Lilly- Yeah I know I'm on a roll today. It's just thinking back to those old interviews and photo shoots you kind of see them more clearer now. It's like looking back at an old relationship. You start finally seeing the red flags that you missed.
Anna- Yeah I was like shocked too by Kristen talking so openly about the Joan Jett audition. She was so excited and I was thinking oh boy that's kind of wrong. You don't get that excited in front of the people your promoting your then movie with. I mean she was almost glowing and was so giddy... indeed awkward...
Oh and for all you who was saying before that Rob can have chemistry with anyone. Well y'all just got proven wrong...just saying...
Anna- Girl, I just remembered something major. At the end when Kris was asked to say two things about Rob. She said "good person" and "good actor". Then started explaining that they had went through something major and knew only one side of him but felt she DIDN'T know him. He was like, "what was I doing just acting then" and started giggling. And everybody including the crew laughed at that comment. But what she said woke me up a little out of my fantasy of them getting together. DID NOT KNOW HIM after what 8 or 9 months of seeing each other. I was like damn they really aren't as close as I thought. I saw the video back in December. They did the video back in November.
The stinky gossip about Rob is back. Just saw this on that twat Casablancas column - saying Rob's hair is messy, he's too skinny and he bites his nails.
HELLO!? Wakeup Hollywood! He's not tryin' to be a sex symbol.
Go find some botox and spray tan and fixate on Brad Pitt or Zac Efron, Casablancas...
That cat bit actually seemed pretty revealing. She's a bright girl who usually likes the deeper questions and doesn't spew mushy stuff like that. It probably surprised the heck out of him. When I watched it I thought he was telling her: Hey, you can't invest your deepest love and energy in a cat! Get real, wake up!
But Shani: Saying he seems to be able pour on the juice with anybody doesn't mean that the other person is always gonna be feeling the chemistry and givin it back!
Loisada- Oh yeah that's totally what he was saying. I got the meaning behind it. But his tone was just bitchassness...LOL
I mean I laughed because it was funny but then I saw how Kristen reacted.
Shani, I don't particularily think that something is brewing between Kristen and Rob... Even if Kristen left her boyfriend during the shooting of these movies, it might be because it's time to part ways, not because of Rob LOL.
I mean, we'll see! I just consider those stories to be unfounded gossip for now.
Well, goodnight girls!
If we ever needed more proof that Rob is a Boob man...here it is.
Loisada- Oh I understand that's what I was saying. Other people before were trying to imply that he could always have chemistry with any co-star. That the chemistry he has with Kris is just a fluke or something.
Night Anna!! I agree there is nothing going on between Kris and Rob.
Tina- Girl, look at this video on You Tube: Rob says "your beautiful" to a lucky girl.
Feel the boob love...
You're right Shani... it was totally bitchass! I get the feeling he can be pretty sardonic, even when he's in his "oh shucks I'm just good ole Rob" mode. (Don't shoot darts anybody, I say that with love!)
Would be great to have somebody put together a highlights reel of all RP's "bitchass" moments!
WHo's got the skills?
My take on the cat comment was it was the kind of teasing thing a brother would say to his sister, knowing damned well it would get her cat..er..goat.
It is the same kind of humor Rob expressed in the Twilight commentary when he berated girls for crying. He knew it would get a rise out of the women he was with. It has the pulling girls pigtails in the playground feel to it. Immature but not mean, IMO.
GT- Yeah, but you know sometimes boys can hurt our feelings. Were sensitive girls...and we adore our kitties and puppies.
OMG I love that pic! Thank you!
Well, I smoke and that doesn´t make me bad, it makes it bad for my health … is a bad habit most people has, other wise it wouldn´t be such a powerful busyness.. anyway, just adding to the question what could he have done to bother her??... He seems like a good guy, but lets admit as it was mentioned by Kristen and Catherin them self in one EW interview and then confirmed in other interviews when mentioned what they said there, apparently Rob has a temper, they put it in the light as it is his perfectionist side, to nail the character.
It all resumes that “not every body will like you”
But I do like him =P
Maybe it was method - getting ready for his role, irritating her to get the right mood.
Maybe she's just a boring cow who didn't get his quirky sense of humour.
Who gives a crap, she's disappeared into nowhere - not even a single google entry under that name, not even as connected to this film.
I'm dying to see this film.
The cat comments were hilarious, that whole interview he came across as the only sane one.
kristin rambleed incoherently, Stepanie wanked, and Robert joked about and looked damn cute - and his underlyien message seemed to be oh for goodness sakes you 2 stop taking yourselves so seriously.
Well I'd call the actress completely unprofessional. An actress doesn't have to like her co-star. She just has to "act" like she does. There are lots of instances in famous movies where the leads hated each other. But they never let it show on screen. I guess luckily her distain for Rob worked in the movie. However she's not going to get alot of work if she can't leave her feelings at the door. I also recall another interview with Oliver Irving where he said they wanted Art's girlfriend to be more sympathetic towards Art. He said the actress he hired couldn't play it that way and he had to change the character. So,basically she's just a bad actress.
hi all,
my take on those interviews with Steph and Kirsten is that he is just taking the piss. It's totally British humour (I'm British), which is dry, often sarcastic but not generally meant to be cruel. Sometimes when I watch the two of them, she honestly just doesn't get it. K seems slow off the mark and then Rob gets embarrassed and drops in something stupid to kill the tension.
you got to be fast to keep up with brit humour and give as good as you get. K just comes over as one humourless cow sometimes and at times I feel sorry for Rob that everyone seems to analyze what he is on about and not get the joke.
I still think he is absolutely hilarious and remember he is only 22, sometimes shit comes out faster than your brain can compute.
Yep MM, I think a lot of people are charmed & intrigued by his quirky Brit humour but they do often miss the point, should be nice for him having so many more Brits around the cast in New Moon.
His humour is loved here in Australia and I'm sure he would love our sarcastic laid back ways - oh please come here to film a movie
hi kespax, totally agree :)
I love it that Michael sheen is in NM, more drinking mates.
yeh the the brits and the aussies are equally as bad as each other in taking the piss :D
I'd love for rob to come to Malaysia (am now living here), i think he soooo deserves a nice tropical break dontcha think ) :P
Oh yeah Sheen is excellent & he has Caius, a fellow Brit too.
Who knows where the rest come from, some are Canadians like Cameron Bright/Alec.
Acutally thought the Moviefone interview was very funny. When Rob said that about the cat, it just cracked up, I don't think Kristen was offended. She just didn't know what to say, but I think she was amused.
I mean she doesn't seem to me like someone who doesn't know how to take a joke. And from what I've seen so far they get along very well.
Of course you can't get along with everyone, and maybe Rob and Alisah just didn't click...and maybe he went all Art on her, because of method acting haha. Anyway when you think about their relationship in the movie it is even funnier now haha.
Hey Kespax, I totally agree with your 11:59 comment :) I remember this ComicCon interview where someone asked the cast what inspired them to play their characters and most of them answered quite seriously (like Taylor, saying that the fans inspired him yadayada - nothing against him!) and then when it was Rob's turn, he just said he wanted to play the sexiest vampire. haha It showed that Rob is no puppet to the machine. He can be serious when he wants to and he can be an ass if he wants, too. He is not perfect (I mean who is really?!?) but if there's one thing I admire about the guy is that he still seems to be pretty normal to me. I'm just glad that he has close friends before this big-showbiz thing exploded. And like most of us, he's also curious about this phenomenon. Notice how he always asks his fans why they like him/Edward? Even Kristen mentioned that Rob always seem to notice the small stuff and that he really listens. So yeah, he's pretty neat for a 22 year old (not to mention he introduced me to some cool music, movies and books!)
oh ok, the youtube link was Kristen's comment on adam brody not rob. :p my mistake!
Well, is she a professional actress? I thought director Oliver Irving mentioned in one of the interviews posted here that the others aren't professional actors but worked on the story together for quite some time. And that was why it took so long to find someone to play Art.
And I agree with marina mia and kespax that people don't always get his British humour.
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