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Don't you just love HQ? Rob is really into it :) Best face ever!

Here is the backstory on the picture , thanks to Wil :)
"This photoshoot was done in May 2008 for a special Vanity Fair edition supposed to be titled "Movies Rock", the edition didn't happen so the pictures were shelved. Now that the West Side Story revival is coming to Broadway, VF decided to use the pictures.
Camilla Belle and Ben Barnes are the headliners because last year (when the shoot was supposed to come out) had big movies, Camilla had 10,000 BC and Ben had Narnia.
Robert Pattinson was not famous at the time so he's in the background. Had the photoshoot been more recent. RP would have been front and center."
LMFAO!!!! I love this.
Again, shut the fuck up! I am totally loving these pics!
"When you’re a Jet,
You’re a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette
To your last dyin’ day."
LOL, Lynn...damnit do I love me some West Side Story!!
Rob's face is pure WIN! He is really in to it...LOVE IT!!!
And, Chris Evans is all kinds of Hot but why in the hell is his arm blocking Rob's face?? Shame on you, Chris Evans! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...LOL
Oh, the sweater thing under his jacket. LOLZ. It's so awesome!
I seriously can't stop laughing. I wonder what the hell he thinks of these pics.
And I wanna know what he thinks of JLo!!! LOL
Okay, I can now see Rob in a remake of Absolute Beginners....this is too much to handle!
I have to ask....what fucking photographer put Sweets in the back?
Filiz-I am stealing your term of endearment!
Goz you are GOOD girl.. Rob and Cam in same close up!
That was an inpired idea for them to do West Side Story with the hottest new stars!
Thanks again for a great post!
Goz ~ I love your comments! " in the back" LOL!
Rob looks funny in the first pic~
Okay, is just me or is it a little intimidating to be in same shot as J.Lo's love bags ( pun intended)?
Camilla makes for a very beautiful Maria! And, Rob's hair has a life of it's own (as we all know!).
that final line reminds me of Dirty dancing xDDD
Love the pic :)
Thanks Goz - much better now that you can see him - love your comment. "Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner"
Lynn- that's the first thing I noticed was when I opened it! JLo's boobies hogging the show. They are all getting into it, huh? It's all kinds a great. Camilla takes a good picture.
WOnder if there's any outtakes from this.
I love the hair!
And Camilla look great!
Thanks For the HQ's Goz ;-)
Rob looks like somebody just showed up with a keg - woo hoo!!
how could they use a picture where rob's face is hidden?! so stupid -_-
how could they use a picture where rob's face is hidden?! so stupid -_-
Not to be the nasty-minded one, but did anyone catch the bulge in Rob's pants in the jumping picture? Or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part? LOL
Laura--well hung bits noted! LOL
Let's just call it a bulge. More fun that way. :)
Thanks, GOZ, you're 'da best!
I've been thinking about it and I believe the deal with Camilla is that she looks like Elizabeth Taylor when she was young. Check out your Hollywood History and see if you agree... Although here, she'd be Natalie Wood.
If they put Rob in front, he'd outshine everyone!
re: last pic~ the guys are all rejoicing 'cause somebody brought cheeseburgers to have with the beer~
ok guys...only got a couple of hours here tonight....working on 4 hours of sleep!
OMG! I was soooo waiting for a HQ version. You rock!!!
Every one still at the bars??
That's fabu-freakin'-lous!!
this photoshoot seriously freaks me out....Robward as a JET!!
This is just plain odd. Amazing marketing, but odd. Love the pics though. Rob looks so into it.... and quite athletic with that jump!!! Now I know how string cheese jumps...
Laura - yes, bulge noted.
Thanks for the bigger pics. I'm sad Rob was so far in the back. WOnder when these were shot. Hope VF has outtakes and video footage. I hope he will grace their cover soon.
BTW, Borders got their shipment of GQ magazines. Just picked mine up today and read the article on the way home. Had to control my drolling on the train though.
Thank you for the HQ vesions! Rob is rockin' a serious bouffant. LOVE it. Hahaha However, how could they put Rob in the back and cover his face in the second photo??? Pfffffttt.
Ah, Suz. That's hilarious!! Good one. ;}
This has to be a while ago; he looks a little pudgy in the middle. Don't throw things at me.
Some people at other boards have found the backstory for this photoshoot:
"This photoshoot was done in May 2008 for a special Vanity Fair edition supposed to be titled "Movies Rock", the edition didn't happen so the pictures were shelved. Now that the West Side Story revival is coming to Broadway, VF decided to use the pictures.
Camilla Belle and Ben Barnes are the headliners because last year (when the shoot was supposed to come out) had big movies, Camilla had 10,000 BC and Ben had Narnia.
Robert Pattinson was not famous at the time so he's in the background. Had the photoshoot been more recent. RP would have been front and center."
Well that makes more sense!
Winwin: I got so excited to read that you got your GQ... So, I called my local Borders and they DON'T HAVE IT YET... ugh!!!
The whole idea is just fun... I love it. Everyone looks great. (thanks for the back story wil)
Damn! Rob got some air with that jump... the man is full of moves!
Seeing this West Side Story pic, I could totally see Rob in a Rebel Without a Cause remake! Who else could rock the red jacket better than James Dean? Rob, that's who!
My dumbass Borders doesn't have it yet either!!!! grrrrrrr.
Hi BI! wassup?
OMG guys!!!!!!!!!!!Check what Goz just put up!!!!!
Oh, and Camilla Belle can NOT be Natalie Wood in Rebel...NO WAY. That would ruin it for me. I love Natalie Wood--that role is sacred! Maybe Natalie Portman could do it!
Wil, thanks for the update on the photoshoot.
Bootstrap Intern, I picked it up at the Borders by Penn Station in NY. It wasn't ther yesterday. They must have just put them out. I went to check out Catherine's notebook and saw it. But I wished there were more pics. The article was great. Hope it's there best selling issue. Maybe Deatils can put him on their cover soon.
Why am I totally confused? Is this going to be a movie or was it just a photoshoot?
I can't help an endearing laughter, I love him more because of this. He's so total!
It's just a photoshoot...Tied in with the broadway revival that none of the stars in the pic are participating in.
Great photoshoot! All I can say is why the heck is his face being covered in them? that's blasphemy.
He fills his jeans well in that jumping pic. **blushes**
oh thanks! im the anon that was confused. maybe i should get an account on
Hahah I love his hair! And the best part is that the girl he's "dancing" with seems to have the most fun...that pic is hilarious.
It's still shame about the jumpin one. But I'm so glad he didn't do Bens pose hahaha
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