So my friends and I were walking on Robson Street in Downtown Vancouver for my birthday dinner. My friends were walking ahead of me and I trailed behind in pain from walking in heels. As I look up and see my friends walking in front, I see a face of a man I’m all too familiar with. All I could think about was “No way, you’ve GOT to be kidding me!”. You see, my friends and I knew Robert was in town and at the beginning of the week we were joking around saying it’d be hilarious if we saw him downtown.
My friends were just staring star-struck as he passed them. As soon as he reached me I whipped out my camera and immediately asked Robert if I could take a picture with him. He was SO friendly and said “Sure of course!”. I mentioned it was my birthday and he greeted me. We had a little discussion about how I met him before in Kalama. He was surprised and asked around what time that was. I said it was in March during their last days of filming there, but I don’t think he remembered, hehe. It’s okay. The whole time we were talking I looked to his left and realize Taylor Lautner was standing there! I freaked and said hi to him. He was all smiles, of course So I got my picture with them and then my friends and I just started socializing with them for a bit. And then I asked Taylor for a group picture and he gladly said yes. But their bodyguard said they had a meeting, but I refused to not have a group picture (haha yes, I was quite demanding). Then we said our goodbyes & I asked Taylor for a hug. Ladies … he gives the best hugs EVER! And let’s just say … his 6 months of working out felt REAL nice

About a year ago, Lexiconer Mae traveled down to Oregon to visit the Twilight filming locations. Like a lot of fans who traveled to the set, she stood in outside the roped off area in the hopes that cast members might drop by. Well, she did get lucky and Rob dropped by making her day. You can see the coverage of that here and here.
So the thing is Mae actually lives in Vancouver, Canada. She and her friends were out last night and who should she meet? (Mae is the deliriously happy person in between Rob and Taylor.)
Thanks to Ana for the tip :)
Damn. Some girls just have all the luck. I mean, srsly...twice she has met him...and on supposed "random" occasions?? Hmpf. I smell a stalker. LOL
Anyhooo. I love these pics of Rob and Taylor...and yes, Rob's brows do seem to have been scaped. LOL
That's amazing - I can't think of a better birthday present! Ok...maybe I can...but still this is pretty close!
Some girls have all the luck. (Rod Stewart?)
Eh, back to looking 17 again. Why am I a little sad that I won't be seeing the scruff for a while?
He's beautiful either way. I just love the effin stubble to no end. (Would love it all over my end, causing my end lol.)
Seriously.. what a very lucky girl and what a fantastic thing to happen on your birthday...
(he doesn't look THAT nice, now does he? he just walks away as soon as he takes the photos!)
THIS is a lucky fan encounter
Is that just about the best fucking b-day present ever!!
Thanks for the Vid link GDF -- best thing about it, you can totally see his package!!
I seriously cannot believe you met him so random. WHAT A BIRTHDAY SURPRISE!!
I tried to convince my husband to take me to Vancouver, and he said no!! :( -SOBS-
Yummy, cuddly hug on the second video. Wow, I could use some of that, for sure...
GDF - he looks like he's going somewhere. Kim - What?? I would never have thought to look at his crotch!! That's so WRONG! Excuse me for a few minutes. . .
Thanks Kim ;) The second time around i was keeping a "look out" haha!
yess, Ellie, his hugs look ahhhmmmaaaaaiiiiinnnnnngggg
C'mon Twi, I know you're a dirty girl!
Hmmm - me? Did you say something to me? can't read through the lick marks on my screen. I heart those jeans.
Alie, you're a funny, sick girl... we have so much in common! lol
OK, not sure how this happened, but I'm now getting emails on my gmail account everytime someone posts here! Not complaining ... just wondering how?
Passes Ellie a tissue and a drool bucket...
Night everyone! must go and get ready for another fun-filled week!
Nothing but luv for ya!
Did you select the email follow-up comments box under the text box on the blog? Is it only be fore this thread? Cuz there is one on the main page for all posts too.
Why can't I type? Oh yes, too busy watching the kissing in slo mo. Night Kim!
Just curious. I cannot see the video the link does not work. How are you all seeing it?
Luck devil, that girl. Bump with Robert twice? On her birthday. Oh, wait, MY birthday is close enough... Maybe, I could do my wish now... But, of course, with a good one night stand with him (and, again, WHY just one night?). And one of you, guys, could handle Taylor... What about that? Excellent birthday present!
And all for little me...
*"They spark" said...
wow how sweet and just awesome,jealous i am ,lucky ladies,ROB amazing as usual
OMG!! You are the luckiest girl EVER!!!
I'm sooooo jealous of you! Thats like the best birthday anyone could possibly have!!!
great prezent for birthday.
thats got to be the best bday pressie every how fab!
wow....stalk much?
Aah that's such a great birthday present! And the pics look great!
Anonymous said...
wow....stalk much?
Excuse me? Yeah this is mae. I don't stalk and I don't take kindly to that. The story is posted up there. I suggest you read it before judging.
Go get 'em Mae!!
I'm sooo jealous of you now!!
BTW, that was an awfully nice package he had in those jeans the first time you met him. Was it just as good the second time?
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