Fan girls everywhere went nuts! Who was this mystery brunette?
Exclusive to ROBsessed we reveal the identity of the mystery brunette!
They met when they were little boys. Took acting and dancing classes together...

They experimented.........with drinking and smoking :)

They shared their clothes when times were tough...

The moved to L.A. together and their adventures ensued...

Rob became famous and mystery brunette was always there supporting (or lurking, whatever :)

Rob got more famous. They partied...

Their love is a love that will last through the ages, talked about by many.
Their Bromance will be a threat to many women in their lives.
Historians will call them RobStu and they will always dance...
Pictures of RobStu dancing and Tom lurking in the background of Rob/Kris in car are photoshopped :)) The real mirror article says "to powder HER nose". Ya know I thought I'd put a disclaimer just in case :)
Thanks to our lovely Stella-D for the dancing manip. And I have no idea where the rest of them came from :)
Bahahaha I love it...Hopefully soon Tomstu and bromance will be made public...eat your heart out girls!
February 2, 2009 10:57 AM
THAT is fabulous:) This is why I love this blog..you ladies are so witty! Keep up the great work!
love it love it love it Gozde..youre a goddess
Good morning, lovelies!
Gozde---I burst out laughing over the breaking news of the mystery brunette! You know Rob and Tom's bromance will always perservere in our eyes.
AWWWW, poor Rob can't catch a break even in the motherland....c'est la vie!
I just spotted CO Rob in a Posh papparrazzi pic...it looks like he's holding the door open for her and her boys!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA This is fabulous!!!! Gozde ur comments almost killed me!!!!!
And just out of curiosity, how long did Rob date Nina Schubert for? He said in interviews that he had this *great* love for 3 years and I wonder if that's her....... Lucky woman whoever that is.....
I'm glad you like it :)) I saw the mystery brunette thing all over the place and found it so funny :)
robsessed2themax: I think the possibility that it is Nina is big. If you look at the pictures of them together they obviously "grew up" during their relationship.
Lucky girl :)
Oh and just another curiosity, was Rob really there with a *striking* brunette?
I swear I'm not planning anything evil for her.
Lynn, what is CO Rob? And where is that picture? :))
Thanks Gozde... She is definitely really lucky. Gawd, what would I give to have that rocking body & an even more rocking boyfriend.... Lol, jk.
OMG thanks for this! I really needed a laugh this Monday morning *groans*
LMAO. That was wonderiffic. : 3
Love it, I needed a good chuckle this morning.
LMAOTF, Goz you are gorgeous! My belly hurts so much from laughing right now. And finally someone disclosed the secret of the brunette and saved thousand of teenagers from suicide ;-)
Oh Goz I think I'm gonna die laughing here :-)
Brilliant !!!!
LOL Goz, as always, on top of the Robnews!!!
No newspapers, magazines, paps, shows, no one can out sleuth Robsessed!!!
Let the Bromance live on!!!!
Goz---CO (Cut Out as in Trixie's CO) Rob looks like a Where's Waldo image along with the Beckhams....only Rob/Twi fans would even notice!
lmao Lynn!! and good morning!
Good morning, Mona!
LMAO! It does look like he is holding the door for them :))
Rob the doorman... Hmmm I'd move into an apartment for THAT!... and my house is paid off already.. hahahah
I just realize, that I´ve seen the first pic several times but never noted that it was TomStu Rob was holding LOL
Tom looks so tiny compared to Rob, what a cute couple ;-)
Mona---too many naughty images there! LMAO!
That's a manip Keely :)
LOL, that explains it:-) I was really wondering about not realizing that!
Oh my manners, good evening everyone!
lmao around you girls, Lynn, NEVER too many naughty images.. hahahha
All I can say is...lucky girl - whoever she may be. :) Loved the Bromance "walk down memory lane"...
Goz I LOVE YOU! What a nice thing to wake up to....
Have I said you are the best site partner in the world yet today? Because you are...hands down!
Teehee :)) Love you too babes! I couldn't resist the temptation :)
BWAHAHAHAA.. this is fabulous, long life to the BROmance!
Hey Dani it's good to see you!!!
HAAAAAAHAHA! This is genius, Goz!! The dick in the box part killed me! LOL!!
I totally got busted reading this post in class this morning!! 2 of my students came up behind me and saw! But it's ok, they love Rob, too.
TomStu and Oregano could both win Oscars for "lurking"
ewwwwww oregano is the worst at it!!!
Absolutely, Mona! At least Tomstu is hot while lurking. Oregano is disgustingly creepy. I have to say, I didn't notice him stalking Kstew at Sundance! Maybe he's given up his lurking ways. We can only hope...
That was seriously too cute!
Thanks for the laugh
Katie xxx
Goz this rocks!! Bravo ;)
Oh Goz, this made my day, I swear.
Laura, Oregano didn't go to Sundance with KStew. He was supposed to go, but apparently she took Papa Stew.
LOVES IT!!!!!!!! I love the dick in the box as well...YUM
I was wondering when you'd show up Stella :))
I will admit...I was "the mystery brunette"...hehehehehe LOL
Funny Funny!!!
That gave me a great laugh. They need to be given a name like Brangelina.
Oh Goz, I never wake up before 12:30 PM, that is why I hadn't come seen it, lol.
Oh yeah, I'm Stella.. lol. I logged on with my other mail ;)
Hey I´m reading this blog since few weeks and today I created a new account to be not anonymous anymore. Really like it here, so nice to join you here!
Welcome Nikki.. you will love this place and all the gals in it :D
Goz - you're a gem. No wait, Gem is a gem. You're a peach then ... and a very juicy one at that.
Love ya babe. Our fearless leader!
Goz, this is brilliant!!! Dick in a box is fucking hilarious! Which one taught the other the dance moves??? lol
Welcome, Nikki! We're a fun bunch!
Laura, you got busted in the classroom watching??/ That's it! Naughty room...NOW!
OH MY GOZDE!! That was hysterical!! I was laughing through the whole post!! You made my day, girl. You guys rock this blog!! Love it! = D
Hi Nikki, welcome to the madhouse!!
Laura I'm LMAO that you got caught in class!!
That was brilliant!
Made my day :)
you guys are too much! hilarious!
i do really want to know who this chica is though...gotta get to know the competition, ya know?
Hilarious Goz - Hi Ladies. Welcome Nikki!
I usually just love to pop in for a look, but this is too hilarious not to leave a comment. Thanks! ;-)
Ellie and Kate--I was SO busted!!! The girls were laughing and there was NO way to play it off! haha.
Stella--why did Oregano not go to Sundance? (Not that I'm complaining..) Trouble in paradise for him and Kstew? *fingers crossed*
Hilarious! I'm still laughing.
side Note- We've seen the Ryan Seacrest looking dude on the right of Rob in some other Pap photo's remember? I think it was in December. He and Rob were coming out of a French Restaurant.
MĂ©nage Ă trois? LOL
I was screaming with laughter at work today when I pulled this up on my phone!
Brilliant! Absolute Genius!
And, I still think I'm woman enough to take on the Bromance!
Oh, this is freaking FANTASTIC! Thank you for all the laughs, Gozde!
And the Dick in the Box gif?? PRICELESS!! I cannot stop laughing every time I see it... Thank you Stella for making that!
Laura, I have no idea why he didn't go. I think I read somewhere that they might be on a break.
Lyla, I just made the dancing manip with Tom in the red dress. I didn't make the dick in a box gif.
Sadly for all of you, I still can't make gifs :(
LAWL! Love it Gozde!!!
Fab work right there ladies!
Hopefully we see more of Tomstu!
And of course our gorgeous Robert!
Ohhh sorry, I thought you did the gif, Stella. Well the RobStu dancing picture is also hysterical, so I give you major props regardless!
SO FUNNY. This should definitely go down in the Hall of Fame for Funniest Robsessed Posts.
New/Old photos released from wonderland shoot.
My new fav.................<3
You can't tell from my little a avatar but I love the little wisps of smoke in it.
Really nice avatar, Lisa!
Gozde, Gozde
brilliant, Excellent
you're overburdened with brain,
i this amazing amusing and i thank you for posting this and making my day that much better!
I always thought that rob was gay and tom is his lover that is why he is in everypic with him and when you see them with the same clothes on is when hey sleep together and wake up beside each other they just grab what ever is on the floor to put on that is why they always have the same clothes on just differnet days
hahahaha Okkk If I get fired it would be your fault!! hahaha This is great!!! You have a lot of creativity!!! I love this blog!
you're the best..I swear!!! lol
I can't stop laughing!! that's so hilarious!!! GOZDE you really, really made my day!!!
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