He is not a happy camper in these pictures but witness reports say he was having fun at the Bobby Long concert :) He is just pissed at the papz which is very understandable :)

That's a pretty big bag to be partying with Rob :)

I didn't add these 2 pics in the first round 'cause he seems so annoyed but since y'all are salivating over the, umm, "snugly" jeans here ya go :)

AND Rob at Bobby Long Concert with a fan:

Source: http://www.robertpattinsonsource.org/
Thanks to the lovely Coral for the tip :)
I know those paparazzi are a pain the butt for celebs, but I'm happy to see new pics this morning. :) And even though this may be a little bit of "grumpy" Rob (which is understandable), there's something about that second picture that I LOVE. He looks so good... Happy Valentine's Day... :)
okk...now what is this about a mystery brunette, i apologize for being blond and lost, but are we talking about tomstu here?? or a female?! i can never figure out if their really is a female mystery brunette, or if we are just joking saying it is tomstu, to disguise our broken hearts! (lol)
Lacey: There was 1 (one) report with him at a party with a mystery brunette and there were no pictures to prove it. So I am just making fun of that and saying TomStu is the mystery brunette :)
All right ladies I'm off to watch a football (soccer) match. Be back later!
ohhh okk! thanks goz! blond moment there : )
no pictures = no truth!
He looks so unkept and dirty..
just they way I like him.. he makes me have naughty thoughts... I'll share later>>hee hee
Another flannel.. I have plans for that one too!!
Thanks Goz..
Maybe TomStu is in the bag?......
Tenneil - I agree - unkempt and dirty - definitely leads to naughty thoughts. These pics will be on my mind all day. What a burden... ;)
LOL - Jewels :)
Okay I have to be honest here...
he is several day of scuff... and is it safe to say that he doesnt have any vday plans... with a girl?? okay I know I am stretching here but please let me believe that!!
Okay he has no plans with a girl today!!! yeah
i'm with you tenneil...i hope he doesn't have any plans with a girl....
actually, he is probably on robsessed, reading all of our comments and swooning over us...yes.. i think that is how he will spend his valentine's day. : )
Oh goodie, he packed his bag to come play/stay
i wonder...how "does* he get the swing to fold so neatly?
ladies, take a #...queue's forming
a girl after my own heart.. he is dreaming over us... okay so I should be playing it smooth.. right... okay here goes!!!
I FREAKIN LOVE YOU MAN!!! please just me a moment ... well a few moments to prove my undying love..
think that will work ladies??
overnight bag... HMMMMM YUMMY. not like he will be wearing anything..
oooh. he does not look happy.
that bag is probably for his sleepover at the "mystery brunette's" house.
mystery brunette? You´re talking about TomStu,
aren´t you? But he was leaving alone in the cap,
wasn´t he?
I know hes been staying at Toms flat during his time back at home, and also at someone else's who I dont know.
So i assume this overnight bag just covers him for that, so he can go out in the middle of london and not have to pay to get back home.
Did y'all notice BELLA in the background in the last pic?? The sign behind him has BELLA ITALIA written on it! Awww. Rob, go back to your Bella (Kstew!) for V-Day! She can be your mystery brunette!
yeah Bella Italia it´s nice Restaurant. I had dinner there few times when I was in London.
I´m just wondering, seams there is a lot of stuff in his back. I just bring my toothbrush and than decide during the party night in which friends place I will sleep.
Happy Valentines Robsessors...
Jules, you're right... TomStu's in the bag! Bless his little cottons!
Rob must've seen us talking about CO Rob with that shirt on!
I love me some Robbie in tight jeans.. *swoon*
Hey girls, I love you all :)
Gah, can't take my eyes off of this pics.. the way he wears his plaid, almost unbuttoned, and those tight jeans, plus the beanie and the stubble.. *melts into a puddle*
Don't ever change Rob.. <3
Added 2 more pictures just for you MiCh :) Refresh the first page...
omg...my heart seriously just skipped a beat on the last two...OMGGGG olive juice goz, olive juice! : )
hehehe the last one with the fan makes me giggle : )
I just found another pic
Gah, thank you Goz :) now go clubbing and have a blast!
I'm the biggest fan of his drunk photos, he looks completely adorable with pinky cheeks :)
Check out his legs in that 2nd to last picture. They go on forever! I'm confused though. Is he on a bus or subway or something? Did someone follow him on there and snap pictures? No wonder he looks irritated.
But yeah, Rob in the snuggly jeans is so sexy. Let's hope we see plenty of those in the future.
Hes in a taxi
i gotta admit...for as much as i absolutely hate, hate, hate creepy paparazzi pics, his legs in those jeans are fvcking FANTASTIC!! ;-)
Poor thing. I'd carry an UZI around if I were him. Okay, I wouldn't. Still, you have to feel sorry for him for being stalked by paps.
But I'm bad. Really bad. And I enjoy the pics.
*imagines herself on that lap*
I think he has the megaphone in his bag to protect himself from Paris Hilton.
She'll be after his man-bits now that she's in London.
Aah glad he got to go to the concert!
He does look annoyed at the paps and who can blame him they look like they got into the cab with him !!!
But it was so good to see new pics, thanks for posting!
I'm just thrilled he's wearing his SHITEOUS Nike Air Trainers again!!
Oh.. he looks seriously annoyed.. Avoiding all contact, thinking to himself in the cab..."why the hell did I leave the house?" then pats bag and *whispers* We'll be home soon Tom!
He really has his 'angry eyes' on in some of these! But my God, he's so darn hot however he looks!!!!
And those legs in those jeans-yum!
*fanning self vigorously*
more pics of this night
sorry, what is BBJ ?
Ok, I'm not usually a fan of men legs, but Rob's legs in those tight jeans make me... swoon :)
Ahh... so hot
Hah... did anyone notice his right hand in cab pics?? Looks like his pinky finger is chopped off and moved to the side or something... some type of illustion I guess
I love seeing the pictures, but feel really bad for him, not able to go out without cameras and fans in his face. Celebrity is such a double edged sword
Sorry to say, but even annoyed he look soo hot!
I must be a very bad fan for thinking i dont mind being between those legs ..on my knees....someplace private...
He wont be annoyed any longer~
Couldnt agree with you more Anon lol. They're just so open and inviting ;)
And Mai, everything about him makes me swoon. The eyes, lips, legs, lips, fingers. Just plain sexy. Okay, must go take shower now. LOL
The way he is sitting in that limo looks like those pants are WAYYYY too tight and slightly uncomfortable. Like they need to come off right this very minute.
Hell I adore Rob and what not but the price of fame is a lack of privacy and he is paying that price right now.
So no pooooor Rob from me. This is his life from now on, he is just getting used to it. Its only been a year like this. He will be fine, just give it time.
Dani---YESSS, mommy...those jeans are so tight because said lovely boy has actually gained some weight. Holy schnikes Batman, do you think that Rob has even bothered to wash them at all....cue the curious grease stains. Me needs some of his boyish stench....ugh, I know I am gross!
can't help but wonder where he was going after, seeing as he is traveling with something big enough to be a body bag
I agree Lynn, this hottie has put on some weight. He's gotta get crackin to get back to Edward weight, or some producers will not be too happy. I also noticed the stained pants. What a dirty boy! Still hot though.
he is hot. despite his dirty clothes, come' on he is young man, let him have his own life, it's once in a lifetime...
Well I guess now that pictures of him have surfaced in LA on Tues, perhaps his solemn expression in the cab is that he knew he was leaving home soon! :(
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