That is some hair they drew on Edward's head there :)
Entertainment Weekly Scans
Thanks to Cali Twilighter on for the scans :)

That is some hair they drew on Edward's head there :)

That is some hair they drew on Edward's head there :)
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 758 Newer› Newest»I remember reading in the Twilight Movie Companion that they gave Rob extensions and all I could picture was the mullet he had in "Ring in the Nibelungs."
Even if his Edward hair is a little bouffant-ish, he totally pulls is off. Very sexy. It would be even better if they'd just leave his hair how it is. Picture Edward with Rob's Sex Drive premiere hair. Mmmmm....
Rob with hair extensions?? pfft...NEVER!! :)
Oh, Rob as Edward with the sex hair. *sigh
I'm done for.
And yes, Rob looks good in anything he wears...or doesn't wear.
Ellie Melissa and Emily...hello
rob and sex hair ... ohhh lala
love to try that one for myself!!
Ellie! Whooo!
Life IS beautiful.
glad you found us!!!
Hi, Tenneil and Honey!
Tenneil, what would you like to try??
And didn't you love, love, LOVE chapter 30 today???
Giving rob sex hair.. what else...
and loved it... I knew that dom edward.. he couldnt hold out for that long... pucker up buttercup!!
I'm just wondering when and where he fell in love with her.
Oh no, I haven't read the latest chapter still.
I need to jet off.
Check ya in a bit.
I'd be willing to try whatever but would't mind just being good buds. We'd chillax to no end...
love at first sight!! he knew from the first meeting she was different thats why he gave her a try.. remember she didnt have an prior experience??
Hey Ellie, Tenneil, and Honey!
(But I am questioning why I wouldn't jump on it if given the opp lol)
thanks for not making me feel so bad... I sounded like a freak.. I would love to met him and spend time... yada yada yada.. ya know
Oh sugar snaps. Hi Laura!
I was gonna go read the latest & greatest.
These girls are teasing me with the L-O-V-E talk.
I'll be back (Arnold-esque)
Hey Laura!!!
Talking about the Submissive again, I see? *sigh* I can't seem to get enough Dom Edward.
Hi, Laura! Hope the kiddies behaved themselves today.
Oh, and I had two absent today...yippee!
Honey, sorry I spilled some chapter info.
ya did you read the newest chapter??
Laura, he just made me fall in love with him even more, today. Showing his softer side (okay, I mean emotion-wise. lol).
Ellie, they were NUTS today! (Yep, I said nuts, lol) But, on the upside, one of my students who drives me insane and talks to himself all the time is moving tomorrow! Whoooo hooo!
How were your little angels?
Tenneil dear, you're no freak.
You just have blood flowing through your veins.
It's hard for any of us blood-flowin' chicks to NOT find him desirable. (anyone willing to argue my convincing logic?) (dare ya lol)
Oh, I know Ellie! I reread that chapter 4 times! It was so amazing. I hope she posts another chapter tomorrow! Maybe a Valentine's day one? squeee!!
love ya girl!!!
rereading already girls... wow
Ellie..have you gotten much further into Frenemies? I'm already getting sick of it. The teacher in me wants to fuss at them and tell them to just fucking get along!! They sound like idiots half the time. Plus, it totally pales in comparison after reading the Submissive...
Laura have you read the arrangement??
Oh hell yeah, Tenneil! I finished it the other night, and I'm clawing at the walls for updates!
Mine were okay. The real crazy was one of the absentees. he gets everyone going. It was fairly quiet throughout. We were actually aboe to get through a group lesson without any major hassles.
And we had a dance H.S. dance company come in and perform and do a workshop with the kids. It was fun.My guys trying hip-hop! what a riot!
I literally let out a squeak. &, dummy girl that I am, I teared up a little.
This Edward I can
I am reading it now... few more chapters to go... its oooohhh so good... wow no words really
The Arrangement?
Man. I'm so behind on all things cool.
Girls, should I suspend Frenemies and start The Arrangement???Input, here!
haha, input. I am so not mature...
LOL, Ellie!!! Did you get up there and do some hip-hop with them??!
Honey your back.. wasnt it sweet!!
lip kiss hot and heavy!!
Yes, yes, yes, fuck yes, Ellie!!!! The Arrangement is HOT!
Laura, you bet your little ass I did! lol
ARRSNGEMENT can you say threesome???
We're gonna need some youtube video of that, Ellie.
Thanks for asking for me Ellie.
Arrangement it is.
Dude, I love hip-hop. Ask Tenneil lol.
For some McLovin ideas on songs check out the last post for ideas. Makin the McLovin lol
Ellie you shaking it!!! you go girl!!
Tenneil, they have that??
Can you say Edward and Bella in the shower?
Can you say on the kitchen table licking syrup off of each other? W O W
Can you say syrup and pancakes
Oh, shower scenes are hot! me likey!
Now I want to leave...
and read the Arrangement.
Or eat something,
princess leia..luke ..han solo
I'm curious now. Showers make you wet :)
Its steamy hot ... but dont leave us hanging here
the end of the link is just the word "arrangement".
all flustered from the teasing tenneil & laura are doing
OH shit, Tenneil, I forgot about Leia and Han and the sofa!!!!!!!
laura the two at once??? WTF
No, I'll stay with my girlfriends...
and read before bed.
and wake up the hubby AGAIN.
Now I'm about to have to leave to reread it again!
the piano and how it started it all
WHAT?! I used to love Luke.
ellie its about time someone else experience the roll over:)
Oh yes, yet another hot piano scene for me to fantasize about all day long....
trust us like get his action too
Hubby must heart ole fan fiction porn LMAO
boxer and a wife beater will never look the same in my eyes!!
i think I need a cold shower
coming edward!!!!;)
lmfao. Tenneil! "coming edward!!!!;)"
yes, he is! lol
LOL, Tenneil!!! Edward can come in my shower any day!! haha
I feel like I'm strapped to the bed & being teased with man hands.
You guys are killing me with all these references. I can't read fast enough....why eyes why...
Honey, the hubby knows nothing of the fanfic...but is reaping the benefits! hummina, hummina
Honey you need to read it.. you wont be the same ...EVER
Ellie, Talk about a stroke of luck. (Go ahead & bust that out on him)
Honey, I just thought of Domward while reading your comment avout the man hands... *fans self
My hubby either, Ellie. He would tease me mercilessly. He's always trying to read it over my shoulder, though.
Ellie LOL
seriously he doesnt know... your good... damn good!! he thinks that these are all your "talents"??
hahaha, "stroke of luck", indeed!
(at first, I typed "stroke of lick"!)
Freudian slip, Ellie!!! lol
Mine doesnt read it but he knows about it?? cats out of the bag .. should of let him believe it was all me...
Husbands across american want to elect him to office.
(I'm watching The Office)
You go girls!!
And you Tenneil? Your S.O. (Significant other) reaping?
stroke of lick works.
In fact, it's deliciouso
It's weird, I'm wondering if he's wondering where all this is COMING from. and the sucking in of the lower lip?? I thank Dark Edward for that one...
He does!!! party like a rock star!!
PUN INtented Ellie???
no recent sexy times for me but that next man better pop the blue pill
Sorry Honey... dont read arrangement before then!!!
Yep, definitely intended.
Hey, Tenneil and Honey, have you both read Wide Awake, I Love LA and Utter darkness??
Wide awake and utter darkness yes... not I love LA... do you recommend??
do you have a link??
Read all 3, love all 3.
Utter Darkness is my fave I think. I like the way the story is carried on.
Wide Awake made me cry in the beginning. I need to re-read cuz I feel distanced from it now.
I Love L.A. is great cuz it's a Rob one. Nuff said. Any others like that? Bout Rob not Edward?
"After tonight"
its a Rob one and good I like it!!
Tenneil, let me go get the link for you...brb!
That's my girl Tenneil. Thanks for hookin a sister up.
I hope it works love. You'll likey
And you girls need to read Lost, too, if you haven't already. Amazing story!
Good evening, lovelies!
Well, Rob and Kristen (she wore a partial fall for most scenes) had a lot of hair issues in Twilight...Edward with long hair...yum!
Honey---have you read Cascade and Cyanide and You Get Me Closer To God? Both are my favorites right now!
Here you go, Tenneil.
I Love LA:
Lynn! Hi, how are you?
Lymmmmm! How are you, my Sweet???
Missing you lately!
Ok, no Lost for me. Need to be directed.
LYNN!! Hi Hi Hi. No haven't read either of those. I have Cyanide bookmarked but not the "God" one.
Oh schizzle I need to pop some pills lol (WA Edward)
Hook a girl up here with some links!!!\
cascade?? the others too
Hey, Laura! I have been really busy...we are having our long February weekend this weekend (4 days...yay!). So, it was the day of Valentine parties...lots of sugar and craziness.
I also went to a concert in West Hollywood on Tuesday night and got home at 3:00 am. UGH, I was a zombie yesterday!
Hey Lynn!!!
Honey popping pills now ... you need to get out of that room???
Sounds like fun, Lynn!
Hello, Ellie!
BTW, americnxidiot is a good writer...but she is young so the writing is young. But, she has killer taste in music, so, be prepared for a ton of music references and lots of Rob images!
Kidding bout pills. Don't fret.
Concert? Who? I love music & concerts.
Laura---LOL I was a hot mess, but, it was a lot of fun. I made the mistake of eating a lot of hot Indian food and chasing it with two really strong cocktails. I am a LIGHT WEIGHT...I almost tossed my cookies in front of a roomful of people.
But, the Gutter Twins are amazing, it was like watching MTV unplugged.
thanks Lynn...
The Gutter Twins are Mark Lanegan (formely of the Screaming Trees) and Greg Dulli (The Afghan Whigs and The Twilight Singers).
LOL, Lynn! No way! Don't worry, I'm a total lightweight, too!
Ooh I'm so loaded up on FF.
I'm gonna need to re-visit my laser eye surgeon for a touch-up :)
Ellie i hope its not to early but could Rob and I have some time in the naughty room... I have an itch that needs to be scratched..I this WA and Lost and arrangement talk.. need some help here
Ah drinks....
I am fantasizing bout a martini as we speak. *wets lips*
The Midori Sour went down like gold, but, I drank a vodka gimlet and it cooked my Indian food. I was seeing stars until my friend pulled me in to the lobby.
I felt like I was 18 and in a Tijuana bar again!
Well, I have to make some dinner, so, I am off like dirty shirt.
I (like dear Dani) am still crossing fingers for Rob to something randomly cool while at home like going streaking in Leicester Square. C'mon, us something fun!
I'm buying tix to Bonnaroo when I get back home.
Love to be stuck on 700 acre farm for 5 days w nothin but bud (like the smell, i don't inhale) & alcohol wafting around me in the hot Tennessee sun.
Dang I need a drink lol.
Bye, Lynn! :) Olive juice!
Lynn .... missing Rob too!!!
but I dont think I can handle any more skank pictures damn those girls.. its burned in my brain
Bye Lynn!!!
I'd be down for some Rob actin afool
Honey... where are you... you okay... I am enjoying the random thoughts though.. or am I just not keeping up???
Oh, catch you on the flip side Lynn!
Queen of Random Thoughts here.
I half watched my favorite show, 30 Rock, while conversing. Proud Mary!
Wow i got me a lot of material to catch up on. So anxious (A Ginuwine song too)
My kind of girl!!!
SOngs on the end of everything!!
You still there ELLIE and Laura???
I know, I recall the most random things at the most random times.
Queen and all...
So what are you going to read first? We should read together cuz I'm such a nerd like that.
that would be cool cuz we could talk about it and know what was going on!!! whatever I will finish arrangment tonight and then I can move on!!!
Ok. I'm going to read for a bit.
Wait, I need to make sure you have that one: The closer to god one.
Do you know how to search on FF?
I'll post it again soon anyway. I relish our robfriendship *big smiles*
Hey, I'm here, but I'm leaving to go take a bath! Hope I see you girls later! Olive juice!
Hello ladies...!! :)
These need to be connected, i believe.
Oh this site is simply the best. Can I get a what what
Sorry, I was chatting on FB with Laura...
Tenneil, Rob's waiting for you. He requested that you bring along a beanie and can you get his golden zip pants back from TomStuu???
cya laura! Thanks for playing. Enjoy that arranged "shower"
Hi Melissa. 1st time for me & you. I was going to leave cuz I've been directed to some amazing sounding stories. Awww, what to do...
Not really ... thats why I ask for links... lazy to I guess I want to know which one are good before I waste my time...
Okay I'll see you in a bit... not too late though I was up way to late last night... I am going to finish Arrangement... see you in like 30 mins does that work for you???
Hey, Melissa!
Have you recovered yet from chapter 30??
Talk to you later, Tenneil! enjoy!
that settles it, I need to start the Arrangement pronto.
Sorry girls.
I should try FB I am kind of new to all this stuff ...
Thanks for the Rob time Mistress Ellie... Will you let him know to bring that flannel shirt we all love so much I have plans for that shirt
HMMMMMM what are you thinking???
Hi, Kat! How was/is your day???
Just having a "your gorgeous" moment while watching Cilla's video again.
Oh... and call me Kat, ForeverEB is so long... :-)
Hello Ellie, Kat, Honey, Tenneil...Laura if you're still there...
Oh, and Ellie, I feel like I read chapter 30 thirty times!! Sheesh! :)
Ellie... I had the best girlie date with the wee-one. Daddy was out so we treat ourselves to dinner and a movie... it was bliss. I love that little snickerdoodle!
How was your day?
Kat did you finish the sub?
My day went well. I had two absent and it made a world of difference in the classroom.
Melissa, I read it a lot, too. Just not quite 30 times,
Kat, are you up t date with Submissive??
and how cool is that, the girl's nigh out! I love those, even more so, now!
I did finish it and I likey mucho!
Ok, Ellie...LOL maybe it wasn't quite 30 times...but it was a lot. I'm kind of re-reading some of the whole story...
The story is really good. Put aside all the smut, the plot is great. So much mystery..."who is Edward Cullen"???
Domward is such a multifacted character.
And Bella's reaching all the layers.
is anyone else disappointed with the last chapter of I Love LA?? I know they will probably break up, since it;'s a "real life" story, but...
Disappointed, as in, I know where they're headed. I still love them together and I love the writng .
Ellie... is there a new one from I Love LA?
She is slowly discovering who he is. Hopefully the next chapter provides more insight.
Honsetly, I could never get in to "I love LA". I read maybe 20 or so chapters and stopped. For some reason it creeped me out. I'm not sure why, it just did.
Oops, sorry, Tenneil!
Kat, no new chapter. Just from last week, I think.
Good evening loves!
Melissa really? I LOVE "I Love LA"?
Ellie... no, I wasn't dissapointed with it. I don't think she'll make them split up though. I dunno.
I can't really explain it without sounding stupid. It's just this thing in my mind that is very apparent when I read it...??
Really hope not, Kat.
Sabrizzzz! How's classes and you?
I saw the other day that a motorcross driver ( are they driver?) passed away after an accident. were a fan of his? I was sorry to hear about him. Tragic.
Wait, maybe it's "rider"?
Hi Ellie! Classes were good today, and I don't have any tomorrow. :)
It's motocross rider, not driver. I saw that Jeremey Lusk died, he was a freestyle guy so I didn't really know much about him but it's still really sad.
Ellie, I didn't see the first post an wondered who you were "riding"... hehehehe....
LOL Kat!
Kat~~You betcha', baby! lol
Hi Sabrina! :)
Hi Melissa!
okay I am back..... finished Arranement.... naughty room here I come.... pun intended
Hi Sabrizzzzzz BTW :-)
Hi Kat!
Hi everyone... miss me???
Hi Tenniel! And hi to anyone else I missed!
Hey all. Is this where the party is?
Now you're here Stacy... yes!
We are all so fucking polite here, aren't we?
Hi Stacy!
P A R T bet..
Ellie LOL:)
Stacy, hello!
I have to say, I just love reading your comments. You are honest, witty, and make me laugh my ass off. kisses to you...
Ahh I just love you girls. I love a good welcome. Hey Sabriz how was your night Sat? I was across the street from you jealous that I wasn't there.
Hi Stacy!!
What is Bella going to do??? the arrangement... wow that was intense... loved it... needing more
Ellie, we we're polite until you threw in a "fucking"...
Ahh Ellie hun your making me blush! Kisses to you to. (I'll keep my tongue to myself..this time)
Kat, I have one word for you, and it's a big one:
What time zone are you in girls???
Shit Ellie. You fucking can't say fucking and be fucking polite. Unless you are me.
That depends. It's a big one if it belongs to MR. RP.
Stacy, I'm wagging my tongue just for you.
Oh, wait, Rob, you get it next...
Ellie....LMFAO.... seriously did you just go there... naughty room for you girl!!!
"big one" and "cock" always belong in the same comment... thank you for that.
Oh shit...
Are we going to talk about
That sucks. I had a great night. I spent it across the street at the after hours care waiting on my mom. The strobes almost blinded me driving on the freeway.
Stacy, it's his.
Kat, whenever referring to a
it had better be a
I'm so happy when my favourite word comes out to play.
And this one too....
WHF Have I missed something???
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