XPOSE interview with Robert Pattinson is below. The thickness of his British accent in this interview is marvelous! Thanks to Rusharthi and Kate for the link :)
And Scoop.com of New Zealand has an interview with giggly Rob (Gozde's note: Dude, never ever change!)
Thanks to moviegirl for sending this one in :-)
Okay Kristen haterz, see how excited and sweet she is in the first interview :-)
Goz--thanks for posting these two videos.
I am hopelessly obsessed and getting worse! What is it about this man that makes him have such a hold over me?
I know I'm posting while everybody's in bed....but hi to you all.
Rob pouring on the accent think and giggling, simply delectable. I love that picture, too. I would RSVP immediately if he invited me to his den of sin. Ok, I really need to go to bed now.
oops, I meant thick, not think. Vampah hours are really starting to take their toll.
Hi there! I have been following this blog for quite some time now, but never really had the courage to make my presence known.
But I just can't help it anymore. Who else can keep quiet after hearing that remark about playing his own trumpet that Rob made? :D
Welcome lame sis!
I followed this blog for a while too before I had the courage to post a comment.
A fellow Melbournian...
Hi Lame sis. I've only just started posting too after lurking a while, but everyones friendly arund here, so lets all share the Rob Love!
Ummm...the second interview...tantra; blowing his own trumpet; the disgusting bedroom...whats not to love about all that :)
Giggly happy Rob is soo adorable, i want to hug him and Kristen's much more lovable when she smiles.
Katie xxx
I can't belive I missed Xpose on Friday, I watch it everyday and was patiently waiting for "Twilight" to come on because they always cover the premiere's in London.
Kristen couldn't help but be sweet with LIisa coz Lisa's lovely. I'm thinking they may have done another interview with them to be shown nearer the release of the film because Lisa said to Kristen about the designer of her dress and said that had she decided etc and said to Rob nice to see you again so I think there could be a longer nterview coming up ;-)
Thanks for posting, I wouldn't have seen it until tomorrow on the repeat ;-)
Hi Lame sis Welcome!
Morning Girls!
Just popped in to say have a great day. I'm off to take the munchkins to see Santa and hope for a better experience and pic than last year. TTYL
Good luck Dana!
Been with you ladies since day one here. (BTW you guys are ADORABLE.) The giggly video is what finally brought me out of lurkdom. That man absolutely slays me.
Hi Moviegirl,
Glad you finally came out of lurkdom!!
Thans for sending the link that vid is hilarious!!
these videos are robilicious...god do i love his giggle..:)
Here I sit, trying to watch the videos (Thanks Goz!) and my husband keeps yakking at me...
Seriously...do you NOT see what I am doing? It's Rob, dear...hush.
Get back to me in a minute.
Hello Darling Ladies! I've missed you!
Hey Welcome LameSis. Glad to have you here. I just watched that interview and my breakfast about came out my nose when he said "yeah sometimes I play my own trumpet to keep up sexual tension" BWAHAHAHAHA! Rob!!!!!! We all know men do that but to go ahead and bring it to attention in an interview....hilarious!
No one hate on K Stew she is a gem regardless of when she lets out her inner K Bitch....but she was really nice in this vid, excited and sweet.
Love the avatar, Dani! You look lovely!
I personally like Kristen...she's not used to so much attention, but at least she is staying true to herself. She'll get it...eventually.
Thanks Rose...took that last night.
I agree on the K Stew front, she is getting better at this all the time. She said it perfectly in one of the UK premiere vids when she mentioned that she makes movies no one sees. So she is surprised by all the attention. For the most part she is an indie actress, and continues to take smaller budget roles. Its her jam, I forgive the occasional weird comment. So much is taken out of context in interviews.
Agreed. I just think a lot of people hate on her because of jealousy (and it is hard not to be a wee bit jealous of her...yes?)
I also think that it would help her tremendously if she smiled more. She can keep gazing lovingly at Rob...and smile. Not hard to do.
She does have a wonderful smile.
Oh BTW Twilight has grossed 151million so far with the foreign releases. Awesome times if I do say so myself. For a 37million budget its kicking serious butt.
WooHoo!Twilight fans rule!
I'm hoping that Summit will give "New Moon" a bigger budget to work with so that they can get some GOOD special effects this time around.
I still can't figure out how they are gonna make Taylor...well...grow up.
I cant remember where i read it but summit said that they werent thinking of changing much for new moon, budget wise, because a lot of people liked it. I hope that isnt true but if it is i'd still go see it
Good morning! 151Million is amazing. I've contributed a bit to that figure, I'm happy to say. Took my daughter and her friends again last night. I like the repeat trips because now I just focus completely on Rob. :-)
The Rob videos are awesome and LMAO at him saying he plays his own trumpet to keep the sexual tension going!! Rob is priceless, just so out there and carefree.
It's a blustery day in Michigan but perfect for cutting down a Christmas tree. Hope everyone has a great day!
Alright gotta run but big welcome to the first time posters Goz and I are super happy to have you here!
Kari~ I have seen "Twilight" 3 times so far...I think I am going again, tomorrow. I do tend to just stare at Rob the whole time...
it's just natural, isnt' it?
Ok, I really do need to break away from Rob for a while.
I truly hope to see some of you beautiful ladies...later!
Bye for now!
Countdown begins here another 12 more days before it's released.
I'm hoping to go and see it on the 20th but my Aunt is coming up for CHristmas so it will depend on when she's coming, gonna try and persuade her to come on the 21st, if not then I may have to wait till after christmas to go and see it :-(
Dani your new pic is gorgeous. I love your glasses!
Hello to any newcomers and of course hello to all the regulars too!!!
i visit this blog every single day and it's my first time to post because, like lame sis, i just can't let his 'playing with his trumpet' comment pass! i do think that's the most hilarious thing rob has ever said :)
Welcome to the blog heymiks!
Hi girls. I'm back from an a waste of a trip to see santa. The mall we go to for it is 25 minutes away and we got there at 9:30 and they told us then next available time to see him wasn't until 2:40pm. It's crazy at this place. So my hubby is gonna go up there next sat. early and reserve us a spot. But hey, at least I get to chat with you guys this afternoon instead of sitting at the mall.
Good morning, lovelies!
Welcome, Lame Sis!
I loved the interviews and I could listen to Rob say "tantra" any day.
The negative publicity about KStew really blows me away, because, I think that she is a sensational actress and deserves so much more credit. Well, she has proven herself with her new role as Joan Jett!
Dana---that sucks when parents are at the mercy of the mall with Santa Claus! I hope that your day gets better.
Hey, girlies! How are you all today???
Dana--Hope you get some good Santa smiles this afternoon.
Welcome, lame sis, heymiks, and moviegirl!The more the merrier!
And Pattzlover, welcome back!
did I forget anyone who's on? Kate and Rose and Kaye, andKari? HI!
and Dani, if you're still here, lovely, Glad you had fun last night. I'm really lovin' your new avatar!
Lynn, babes!
Hi Lynn and bye Lynn. I've been up since 6:45 and am so tired now. I gotta go take a nap with the kids.
Talk to you later.
And yes Kstew gets a bad rap. I think it's hard really judge her because most people probably compare how she acts in interviews to how Rob acts.
I agree with you. Lynn, KStew is a great actress. she just seems SO overwhelmed with all this media hype. She's young.
Dana---have a tremendous nap!
Ellie---I was just reading comments on other celebrity gossip boards and the slander on Kristen is just horrendous...blah, blah, blah...how she ruined Bella and how wicked she is. I don't think that these folks have seen her other work...I just watched In The Land Of Women yesterday and I'm amazed at her depth at such a young age. I swear so-called fans can be so vexing and cititical!
Lynn--Again, I agree with you. Kristen is a very good actess. I saw her in In the Land of Women, as well. Her emotions spoke volumes. Everyone identifies with Bella and has their own personal idea of what she's like. They just don't understand that Kristen's interpretation of the part is just one that doesn't happen to jive with theirs.
Plus they're jealous!! :)
(of her realationship with "Edward")
BAHAHAHAHA.. "Sometimes I play my own trumpet to keep up sexual tension" This man is hilarious, no wonder I'm soooooo in love with him!
Morning babes! Hope you have a terrific Sunday!
Dani--you look gorgeous in your new avatar!
Good Morning, Mich, dah'ling!!!
How's sunny Mexico??? It's 20 degrees here, and windy, with slight flurries...
And I need some Rob-lovin' to keep me roasty-toasty warm.
I guess that's the underlying thing is that Kristen will never appease the die hard, Twilighters...ah, well!
Ellie---remember how I told you that it was sunny and in the mid-70's yesterday? Now, it's in the low-60's and about to rain...dammit!
I need some Rob lovin' to keep warm, too!
Whoops, I just saw your local forecast....urgh, I withdraw my weather complaints!
I do need to down some Airborne and suck it up!
Lynn--I thought it never rains in S. CA! hahaha (I heard the thick smog holds up the rain.... lol)
Airborne's great.
I'm going on Wed. with a few Twilight virgins. Ladies from work. I told them to get past the chesse whiz and then they'll love it (All are in various stages of reading the books..twilight is done). Wow, I feel like I'm turning them, like Carlysle.
*cheese...damn typos.
Hi Ellie! Hi Lynn!
It's a clear and sunny day here in Monterrey (where I live), 68°F I think.. but I never turn down a hug from Rob even at 110°F, hahaha!
In Mexico City, where Stella lives, it's sunny today but a little bit colder, like 59°F :S poor girl
Ellie---well, it almost never rains, but, the frigid Pacific Ocean always provides the most interesting weather....think La Push beach! We get this incredible that would put London to shame.
Oh, I'm sorry, Mich, I thought you lived there, too.
I meant incredible fog...Rob probably enjoys it!
Ellie---Mich lives in Monterrey, Mexico.
Hi Girls!!
Any word on Paris pictures yet??
Okay, my geography sucks...
Hi, Amy!
No problem Ellie ;)
Lynn--what kind on enchiladas do you like? With green sauce, red sauce or with mole? Gaaaaah, I miss mom's green mole! :'(
Hi Ladies,
How are you all??
It was pretty chilly here today didn't get about 6C /42F.
It was really frosty and foggy this morning, it really froze last night!
Good morning ladies (it is morning here in Melbourne...)! I have a long drive ahead of me today, at the end of which I am sitting a 3-hour end of year exam. And guess what has made my day that much brighter? My little brother, who is quite aware of my little Robsession, woke me up just when Robert was being interviewed by Today Australia. I dont really watch that much tv but I guess it;s the equivalent of GMTV?
Poor thing looked really tired, and he wasnt asked anything new.
Thanks for the very warm reception everyone! You guys really are the bomb as Charlie would say it.
Hi, Kate and lame sis!
Yes, after only a few days home, rob was back on the media circuit (or is that circus?) again. He's probably really needing that holiday break to just hang with his family and friends. A coulple days weren't enough, I'm sure...
Ooh I'd say that did brighten your day alright Lame Sis. I'm confused is Rob in Australia today and Paris tomorrow or is the interview recorded. (sorry blonde moment)
Good luck on the exams. Everything crossed for ya!!
And lame sis, what a nice little brother! :)
Hi Ellie!
What's shakin', babe?
Kate---I think that Rob was interviewed for Australian and New Zealand television and is currently in Paris for their premiere. I still get confused with the time difference....I am literally at the end of the line!
Mich---I will eat all sauces...love red, tomatillo, mole, etc. I make my enchiladas with red sauce....otherwise the family freaks out! Mole es delicioso!
Hi Ellie, definitely a nice little brother. And he's only 10! Lol
I think it's a pre-recorded interview. I so wish he was in Australia though. I am going to a Twilight pre-screening tonight with Edi, Taylor and Nikki. When we got our tickets, they were advertising that Kellan, Ashley and a mysterious third guest are attending. I jumped the gun, hoping that it was Rob... but it wasnt meant to be.
But oh well. From what I heard, these 3 are a hoot so it should be fun. Plus I get to see Rob's gorgeous face up there on the screen, so that's a good consolation price too...
Lame Sis---the Aussie screening sounds like a blast...I am always down for Edi and Nikki!
lame sis--Oh, have fun tonight!
No, Rob's face is the GRAND PRIZE!! :)
Everything else is just gravy...
Don't let bay-bay Taylor's shiny white teeth blind you! LOL
Ooh Lame sis have fun!
Report back if they say anything interesting. I love hearing the other casts opinions of Rob.
*Shakes head* I truly, truly am obsessed
Katie xxx
LOL@Ellie! Bay-bay's teeth remind me of watching Dr. Phil and his wife, Robin...their chompers are so blinding that I cannot watch the show.
Bay-bay's got a lot growing up to do to draw my fancy---too young and illegal for my tastes!!
Ooh you lucky thing Lame sis.
I was wondering, I know Rob gets around but germany yesterday, Auntralia today and paris tomorrow that would be too much even for him!!
Does anyone know where he's off to after Paris?
Hopefully somewhere for a good long rest, But i don't know how much more promotion there is for twilight still?
Katie xxx
I could be completely wrong (if I am somebody correct me) but I don't think anything is planned after Paris, I'm not sure though:-? coz Kristen did say about driving to Russia from Italy, I think !
Amy posted a list of the European stops...I don't recall anything after Paris. I hope that it's just a London calling after 12/08.
Now, I am inspired to go listen to that song!
Lynn--oh yeah, el mole es delicioso! My mom is quite the cook, she makes an extremely delicious green mole!
While growing up, mom always made green mole for my birthday. Since I've lived in other city for 10 years, my only opportunity to taste her green mole and her other wonderful dishes are Holidays!
No wonder I retrieve all the weight lost over the year in just 15 days!
Ok Thanks :)
I guess its time off for the holiday then.
Katie xxx
That's what I was thinking Lynn but wasn't sure ;-) Maybe Kristen and Oregano are going to Italy :-?
Mich---you are a lucky girl! Mole is not as popular around here with all the Baja influence. I think that I need to brush up on my Mexican cooking...I love all the different flavors and spices.
Mija, you are making me hungry!
Hi Mich!
How's the ankle doing? I saw your team won, congrats!!
Just Paris on the 8th. And then I'm guessing he will head back to London to begin his holidays and time off :)
Unless there are other cities listed? Again, I don't think there are at this point. I think after Paris it's all done for now.
Ya Katie I hope he gets the rest he deserves before all the crazy starts again next year!
Kate---KStew does owe him some birthday time! I was just reading how Amsterdam is starting to eliminate the smoking cafes, hash dens and brothels in order to curtail the crime rate. LOL I was just thinking that's where K and Oregano would head to!
Amy---you were honing in to the Robkat mind...were your ears burning? LOL
How are you!?
Ha ha Ya lyn that would be perfect for them.
I have to pop off for a while , need to wash my hair. I know Rob says you don't need to but I HAVE to. I can't carry off dirty hair like he can!! LOL
I'll be back later! ;-)
Lynn-How do you think he got the nickname "Oregano"?? hahahaha
Not just from his last name...
Hi Kate! My ankle is fine, doctor said it was a good and fast recovery! I can walk without pain, even drive, but I'm going to play basketball 'till next year.
And yeah, my team won, tnxs for the congrats! It was hard to be only on the bench cheering my teammates, but hey, it's what a good captain should do!
I'm great Lynn!! *waves*
How are you?
OT - It's f$%^ing freezing here right now! Like bitter cold. I should get used to it I guess b/c it is sticking around for a few months *rolls eyes*. Ugh. And I am going to be traveling in the early new year all over the place with LA being one of those stops for work (thank goodness!) so I do have some sunshine to look forward too :) Ahhhhhh sun and warmness :$ I miss it.
And yes my ears are burning...haha Well I mean if the touring is done for them after Paris, where the hell else would he be?! He's said he will be in London with the fam for Christmas, so I'm just taking his word for it. May as well get as much of a break as he can.
Every time I read "Oregano" I think in mexican pozole, BAHAHA.. is a soup made with pork, chile, garbanzo beans and other seasonings and garnish, such as lettuce, OREGANO, radish, cilantro, avocado, lime juice, etc. Ohhhhhh, I'm hungry right now!
Amy--I'm loving your avatar...
Incredible stare...
With all this talk of food, I think we're going Mexican tonight!
Oh thanks Ellie. I <3 it as well.
Your pic is just also yummy!! Hahaha I LOVE that picture of him. I mean he just looks so 'bad boyish' in it ;)
Amy---ahh, a stop off in California is always nice to get away from the cold.....and LA is quite a difference from Toronto.
Dh and I almost moved back to Cleveland a while back...honestly, I don't know what I would do in cold weather.
Mich---yum, posole sounds good right about now!
Thanks, as well, amy...It's the right eyebrow and the sex hair that gives him that aura!
*fanning face
Good Afternoon Ladies...it's a beautiful day here in Houston today!
Hey, Kate! OT, but do the Irish eat geese like the Brits at Christmas? Christmas goose always reminds me of a Christmas Carol...I couldn't imagine ingesting one---BLEH!
Ellie--nothing like a warm Mexican soup to endure the cold winter!
Girls, I have to pop off for a while, need to exercise my dog, do the laundry, make supermarket shopping, yada yada yada..
Cya later! I'm already missing you!
Hola, Jules!
It really is ;)
The way his arms are crossed - makes his whole upper body look a bit more built as well. And the hand on the chin...oh now I have to *fans self*
Hahaha just describing it gives someone all sorts of naughty thoughts - geez now I need a drink!
Hi Lynn...Ellie...Amy...Kate...
Bye MiCh!
Bye, Mich!
I have to shove off as well...I have to take the laundry out...blasted washer machine is permanently out of service!
I loved looking at all the pix they posted on People.com of Rob...that was yummy.
Bye Lynn...nice to see ya!
Hi Jewels *waves*
Oh and People used a SEX DRIVE picture as the starting one!! I was like 'THANK YOU PEOPLE' when I opened up the page.
Serioulsy Amy...I adore that picture. Freaking gorgeous!
Jules---I was admiring the first People pic of Rob in London showing off his vampah...he looks almost possessed in a very schmexy way!
Shmexy indeed! I just keep looking at all the photo I've saved on my 'puter of Rob. It's getting ridiculous!
Bye Lynn and Mich...
Hello, gorgeous Jules!
Edit...his vampah teeth...my children keep interrupting me!
Hey Ellie! How is your day going...
I had to come chill out here for a bit. Just put the last decoration on the Christmas tree and the lights fizzled out!
Jules---LOL is the file called, "Jules' Rob Spanktravision"....totally joking, lovely!
Good, Jules!
I finished the eval checklists and now working on the narratives (5 out of 7 done, but not yet typed).
WooHoo! abd you???
Amy--They put my FAVORITE Sex Drive photo (actually all-time fav) on the front cover last week (top right)
The Vampah stare and sucked in cheeks and luscious jawline, and yummy lips and wild sex hair, and and and and and .............................
okay, I'm back .
Oh Lynn you naughty minx! Now I'm having bondage fantasies of Rob running riot in my head...LOL!
Okay...is it me? The Twi promo photos on the last thread are mesmerizing me. I keep focusing on the hair on his forearms. It's delicious the way it wraps around that Cullen cuff. Very shmexy....
Ellie---Rob also was strutting (chest puffed out)around like a peacock in heat...I think that he must have been coached that night. He looked incredible!
Personally, Rob was a little out of his element, but, it did make for some wonderful eye candy!
I still love him sedate, laid back and scrubby!
Jules---Rob in bondage gear....yowzah, are you kidding me?
Lynn- Agreed, Rob was channeling his inner Mick Jagger!
And yes, he must have been coached. And I love Rob any which way he is...strutting his stuff, laid back and sloppy, debonair in D&G, hell, I'd even put up with him in the nude!!! hahahahaha!!!
*raises eyebrows and winks
LOL In the Twi promo pic, he's got a slight bruise on his left THUMB...do you think he was trying to measure???
Hey Kiddos! Checking in whats happening?
No Lynn...no gear. Just strap him to the bed with those damn suspenders...
Hey, Dani!
I'm loving your new pic. How was the party last night??
Afternoon girls. I'm back from my nap and slightly refreshed.
Welcome back, girl!
How did the pictures go?
Ellie-they didn't. We got to the mall which is 25 min away at 9:30 and they told us the next available time to see santa was 2:40. The stores in the mall didn't open til 11am so we just left. My husband is gonna go up there next sat. at about 7:00 to reserve us a spot in line.So we just ended up going out to breakfast today instead.
I'm back, I swear I can see Robs point about washing hair, he just doesn't have the time to doit or at least he wouldn't if he had my hair !!!LOL The drying and straightening takes the longest, time for a cut I think!!
Lyn you can get goose here but generally it's turkey and ham here at Christmas and if I'm not mistaken it's mostly turkey in England too.
Not sure what's gonna happen this year with the ham though there was a big contamiation scare on all Irish pork products yesterday !!:-0
Dana--That's right, I did see you previous thread. I thought your hubby was staying on line today...
Hopefully, Santa's a good one, unlike the on in The Christmas Story! :)
Kate--do you do Boxing Day in Ireland?
Good afternoon ladies! Kate I'm totally with you on not being able to pull off unwashed hair. Even if I take a shower at night I have to wash mine in the morning or else I can't get to behave.
Yeap Ellie but we call it St Stephen's day !
Girls I have the curse of hard to control hair as well. Mine is naturally curly and not in a good way. If I don't put tones of mousse or jel in it and dry right away it's huge frizzy afro. Then if I want to straighten it it's an hour to dry and flat iron.
Mines like that Dana it used to be really curly when I was young but from all the straightening now it's just wavy but not a nice wavy so I have to straaighten it and ATM it takes nearly an hour to do it if I get it cut shorter I can cut the time down to 35 mins but I find that if I wash/dry it at night it's better when I get up the following morning don't know why:-? so I nearly always wash it in the evenings.
Be back later, ladies...gotta pick up my daughter (tour guide at Victorian christmans at Ringwood manor...Google it!) :)
Dang, Dana! Thankfully I don't have to put in that much effort to style my hair. I just have to let it air dry a little after I wash it, put in a little mousse, blow dry it, and use some hair wax.
TTFN Ellie!
Sorry...Ellie the party was pretty good thanks. I am scouring for updates one is up now so if ya'll wanna move up to the next post you are welcome.
Kate- I had my hair short about 4.5 years ago-above my shoulders but now its about to the middle of my back. I love it long but it just takes so damn long to style.
Dani- completely random I know but i have to tell you that you have the most beautiful eye color.
Hey there's a new post and another yummy picture anyone gonna join me??
Are they really dark blue or are they lighter? They look dark in your picture.
Only just saw Dani's post !! LOL
Rose - ha ha! That is me - hubby keeps bothering me while I Robsurf. Jeez louise, mister, leave me to enjoy my adorkable cyber crush in peace!
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