More kissing scenes in DVD

Another amazing interview from with Catherine Hardwicke

What do you think is the secret of Rob Pattinson's appeal. Not as Edward, but as Rob.

Catherine: Well, you know, he is a very fascinating person. Have you guys met him yet?


Catherine: He's read a very eclectic, strange group of novels and stories and books, and the music he likes and the films he seeks out. He's quite a unique person. (laughs) And you know, he has a gift, where he can just sit down and start playing guitar or playing piano, and something comes out of him that doesn't come out of anybody else in the world and he's just really unique. Things you'll probably see later if he's still alive by the time he gets here. He's special. (laughs)

The Entertainment Weekly story made it seem like he was obsessing almost too much about the role. Is any of that true?

Catherine: Yeah, you know sometimes that was probably true. I think it quotes me as saying sometimes, and this is true, I have to say, Rob we have to go through the whole thing once, when we'd rehearse. Don't stop on the first sentence or on the first word. Sometimes you have to just try something and see if it works instead of second-guessing yourself. So that was one thing I tried. to get him to just try it and then look at the big picture.

it was reported on the internet that the author, maybe, had you pull back on the kissing scene.

Catherine: Yeah, she thought that the way we filmed the kissing scene was a little too steamy. Because I had a wide shot in the cut, so I ended up filming with the B camera and using more intimate shots. Which, actually, I think it still feels pretty steamy. But it's just a little more intimate.

So how did you shepherd your actors through that fragile ego period of like, everyone on the internet hates me? They don't see me as the character.

Catherine: Yeah, I had spoken to other people that had been involved in Spiderman, like Thomas Hayden Chuch. He was cast in Spidey 3 or whatever and he told me people just freaked out. How can that fat dude be, blah, blah blah. He said, look, you've just got to go for it. And then once they see what you're doing they're just going to be...I was telling everybody these stories and I said, don't watch anything, don't read anything, and Robert said, but my Mom sends it to me...thanks Mom. But he actually said it made him want to work harder and do better. I mean, maybe that's how you deal with something. I don't know.

Can you talk about what made you trust your gut about the leads? What made you say, I know this is going to be the one.

Catherine: Oh, okay, well, first of all, I had looked at everybody else. Even people that the fans suggested. You know we'd try to contact them. Are they the right age for it? Are they interested? Are they available? When that was done, do they look good in person or do they just look good in the photo? Abercrombie & Fitch model or whatever. But we tried to check out everybody that the fans suggested, but those suggestions were really bad, actually. They might have been originally or whatever. Brad Pitt's a bit too old to be still in high school(laughs)...I felt confident that I'd looked at everybody they had seen and farther, and then I looked at millions of other people too, and so I knew what the choices were out there. And after I saw Rob and Kristin I didn't even just say yes right there in the room. I had to look at my video and step back a day or two later and have a little bit of distance. How does this feel on the screen, not just in the room? And I felt really good about it.

What specifically did you see when you reflected on Kristin and Rob?

Catherine: Well, when I saw Kristin, I loved her in Into the Wild. Just that image of her sitting on that bed, in the trailer and that yearning. So palpable and her emotions were so strong and she could convey that. I thought that was great. So I was pretty much sold on Kristin even before I went to Pittsburgh and spent a day working with her. I felt like she was going to be pretty great. And then it's finding chemistry and then he worked with her. And when Rob and Kristin work together, you know, you could feel it in the room. (laughs) It was kind of scary. Kind of cool You know?

Collider: I'm curious, I know you just got back recently and I'm sure you're not thinking about yet, but what can we look forward to on the DVD/Blu-ray?

Catherine: Actually, I have been working on the DVD already. So we put together all the deleted scenes and extended scenes, there's quite a few, like 12 or something like that. And then I made some montages of some other crazy elements, like more vampire kiss, biting. And more human hijinks. And I made a pretty wild music video, like a remix of Bella's Lullaby and I did some pretty trippy things that you may like.
You can read the rest HERE


Dani said...

Yay! Catherine is going to sex up the DVD! Take that SM you prude! I'm way excited. More shenanegans and more kissing! You know because its Catherine that the DVD will be packed with goodies. I love her she just made my night.

Dani said...

We got any Brazilian fans? How to Be has been added to screen at the Indie Film Festival in sao paulo Brazil this Tuesday! Everyone gets the how to be love but me!

Amy said...

Cheers to Catherine :) She knows what's up & knows what people want to see. The DVD will probably be amazing.

I'm still thinking the kissing scenes in the movie will be fine though - I'm trying not to get mad about that comment that was made until I see the film for myself. There is only so much SM can tamper with. It'll be good, i'm going with that...haha

Dani said...

Amy I'm really trying super hard not to let SM comment bother me but it just upset me. Put a damper on the thing for me. It was a downer. But I don't think she knows as much as she thinks she does. It also pisses me off that she us even being interviewed about the film still. Her part is done she wrote the damn book and we are happy for that. But now she can get the hell out of the movie and go count her earnings.

I respect writers but you give them too much power in these movies they tend to say the wrong things and ruin the damn movies. Just back off.

Gozde said...

I disagree. Some of the things I saw in the trailers bug me. I read Twilight 4 times, it has a very special place in my heart and so does SM for sharing her "universe" with us. I think she should have a lot of say in the movie, after all it is her mind, her work they are putting on screen.

Jewels64 said...

Thanks CH for bringing YOUR passion to this project. I think you are so fully responsible for helping to direct Rob into a performance that is going be a classic for years to come. At least until New Moon comes out.

CH is a rocking gal from McAllen, Texas. Ya'll were all wondering why Texas got so much Rob love? Now you know!

Can't wait to see the DVD. We Robsessors will not be disappointed!

Dani said...

I love Twilight don't get me wrong. But this is the movie and I can appreciate her vision but she isn't a film maker and some of her ideas limit the movie. I just see it being a problem in the future. I like her alright she is a bit of a prude but she did write an amazing series. I'm just really worried about future movies an her input.

But if they buy the rights I don't see how they have to consult her. Catherine said that the first script was crap but it went way off of the book with Bella all athletic and what not.

Either way agree to disagree I can get passionate. Not meaning to offend anyone at all.

Gozde said...

I ended up posting most of the interview, it's a really good one :-)

I think Twilight series has a special place for a lot of people. I for one am seriously devoted to the books :-) and I can say again that I love Stephenie Meyer a lot. (Host was fantastic too). And there are millions of people that are like me. When you look at Harry Potter, the books and the movie is hand in hand. Changing too much will take away from the book. I have to admit, sometimes Rob's description of Edward bugs me too. I mean it's Edward friggin' Cullen :-) He chuckles, don't make him so tortured :-)

But yeah we agree to disagree :-)) It's discussion, why would anyone get offended by that? :-))

Anyhoo babes. I know you are working tomorrow but I hope you can keep things up 'cause I have to practice my talk all day tomorrow and the blog might become a deadzone if we are both gone.

Nite nite! Love ya!

Dani said...

I should have known better Goz I know you adore Stephanie I just can get passionate and wouldnt want to offend you. Believe me I love SM for writing these books I have read like 10 times each. I read em aloud to the babe. I hope they stick closer to the book than not but I crave that love and passion between Edward and Bella and simply so she wrote some passionate kisses in the book. I just want their undying connection to translate on screen. They don't need to get vulgar. And I thought the wide shot kiss was wonderful. Although in the bed was a little wierd cause that's the first night he stays with her. After that kiss how could you sit still?

Emily said...

I've always gotten the impression that Catherine appreciated SM's input in the movie but I also don't think Stephenie was as heavily involved as we may think. She didn't decide any of the cast and it's not like she was on-set everyday.
Rob said it best I think in an interview after ComicCon. When the lady asked him about all the pressure that comes with portraying this book he said that you have to remember that "you're doing the film. You're not sort of reading the book outloud." So I take that to mean that, yes, it's going to have differences from the book because you can't follow it exactly. I think as long as people are prepared for that going into the movie, they'll be fine. If people are expecting their favorite quotes to be included word for word and Edward to be always dressed in the exact outfit that was described in the book, they'll be disappointed. I'm excited to see the new things that got added and tweaked a bit.
SM has said that the essence of Bella and Edward's relationship is as strong and intense in the movie as it is in the book. She loved the script and Catherine seems totally pumped about the finished film so I think it's all good. It's all about finding a balance between the two things.
I figure, a true portrayl of Bella and Edward's relationship is the most important thing. If that was missing, the movie would be meaningless. But I'm not worried about that at all. Rob and Kristen seem to be channeling Bella and Edward perfectly.
Wow, that ended up being really long. I'm so excited to see this movie and I'm sure I'll be seeing it over and over again.
Thanks for the awesome work you do, Dani and Goz!

Amy said...

New article from Reelz...

"ReelzChannel was the envy of young girls across the nation this weekend spending an entire Saturday with the cast of Twilight.

Summit Entertainment, which made Twilight, is thrilled with the early hype around the November 21st release, but they are being cautious not to count their chickens before they hatch. Most industry insiders already consider an adaptation of the second book, New Moon, a foregone conclusion, but thus far Summit has only admitted to preproduction work on the script.

During the course of the marathon junket, we had the chance to confirm that each and every character from the book series is signed on to three Twilight movies.

What about Breaking Dawn? Since the book wasn't out when the contracts were drawn up, it was not part of the deal. Translation? If this series gets all the way to part four, Summit is either recasting or Stewart, Pattinson, Lautner, and crew can look forward to a nice fat raise."

Amy said...

I love that last part..."look forward to a nice fat raise"

Damn right! If the movies do well, they will be doing just fine in that dept.

Amy said...

Catherine's interview!! = Amazing.

Check it out :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Goz, SM it's her baby. She is the author, without her this story wouldn't exist. I admdire her a lot. It think personally she is brillant. A genius to creat this story. Do you know the odds she beat? A stay at home mom first time author and she is like a rock star author.
She has a vivid imagination and as a writer I respect her. And when Midnight Sun was leaked and I read about that I cried for her.

Anonymous said...

I hope Rob leaves his heart in San Francisco and with me.
Big wish.

Anonymous said...

Sorry got out of my bath and had to add that.

Dani said...

Thank you Amy. I will look into those when I get on my computer in a half hour.

Em babe you are a voice of reason. I love your rant it made me smile.

Amy I love that big fat raise comment and yes I think by the time this is all done with and the movies are made the cast will most def be seeing dollar signs.

Amy I miss your beautiful mug by the way!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know the artist to the song, I can't remember the title but the lyrics are
"I'm not in love, and dont' forget it, this is just a silly phase I'm going through." I think it's a 70's song.

Anonymous said...

Also, like we've said Rob is special. The books, music and movies he seeks out. He's unique, and for me what really made we take notice was his voice, especially his singing voice. And what he chooses to sing. I think it tells a lot about him. And that at 22 he chooses songs like that, it's fascinating.
He's so interesting. The books, music that he likes. Those two thing alone he would be interesting but then his other skills...
Not even adding the package that it is delivered in.
Great CH interview.

Anonymous said...

Just my humble opinion.

Dani said...

No one is bashing SM here that's for sure. But I don't think she should be given too much control in the movies. She is an amazing writer and has done something very special for all of us. Why we wouldnt be connecting the way we are without her books. It is a neat thing when books and movies can bring people together.

However I want Catherine's vision to come to life uninhibited by worries of too much "steam" im sure the movie will be amazing and perhaps if I were SM I would want some control too over what is made of my work. But it is Twilight the movie not Twilight the book the movie do there will be changes. I just like to hear the news out of the film makers mouth not the writer of the book that the film is being made from.

Either way the movie will rock and no doubt steam will be included. Rob is a unique individual and he and K Stew's chemistry is what will carry thus film along with Catherines fine direction.

Lynn said...

I loved the CH interview and I am really excited to see her vision of Twilight. I think that by choosing such method actors that CH saw the potential in Kristen and Rob and their portrayls of Bella and Edward.

With that, SM's consulting should have been more subjective then objective and let CH work her creativity in to the world of Twilight.

Dani said...

Hey Lynn if you're going to be online for a few jump onto facebook in about 15 min. I will finally get ahold of my computer!

Lynn said...

I am on FB right now.

Lynn said...

I guess it helps if I read our comment correctly.

Aussierobfan said...

Jovie the song is by 10cc "I'm not in love"..
One of my faves.

I'll be with you in spirit tomorrow.

Amy said...

E ONLINE interview with Rob :)

Another good one!

Amy said...

From that article:

Pattinson and his co-stars take off this week for a six-city promotional tour around the U.S. Then it’s off to Australia. "I haven't really had time to reflect on it," Pattinson said. "It's pretty nuts. It doesn't seem very real at all. I just go to these different cities and people start screaming."

With Twilight being the first in Meyer’s four-part series, a sequel is likely. However, an official decision won’t be made until studio execs see box office numbers. But Pattinson is confident they’ll be back for more. “I have ideas already about the second one,” he said. “I’m looking forward to doing a saga.”

Yaaaaaaa, I'm so happy he wants to do all of them :) Oh Rob ILU, haha :)

Dani said...

Damn! Amy I just posted that and here you are posting the link...thanks babe!

Aussierobfan said...

Thanks Amy as always...

I nearly choked on my biscuit when I saw he's coming to Australia..I'm so excited!

Tess said...

Great article.. Gosh! there's just so much coming out over the next few weeks.

guy guys guys... what are we going to do after Nov 21st?

Goz. I finished reading the Host a about 10 days ago. I like it more now that I have time to reflect about it.

I can Identify with both views about SM. Twilight is her creation, and as much as WE would love to see a more intimate portrayal of Bella and Edwards relationship on screen (soft porn preferably) It just didn't happen in the book people.

That's why we love to books so much. Our imagination took the relationship much farther than was written..


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